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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Welcome aboard and sorry for how you feel, but I have to agree with guys above. You just don't know until the claim is complete. I have filed 4 FDCs in the last 2 years with over 30 C&Ps. Only a handful of exams felt like they went well, yet 90% of what I filed for was not only granted but at high %s. I always say that Evidence is Evidence is Evidence. If it is there for someone to read, then you should be fine in the end. Good luck and God Bless

  2. Congrats on the 100% Schedular, that is way better than IU. The VA will leave you alone now, and not ask yearly whether you are working or not. Also if God Forbid you pass away, that Schedular is better than IU, as my 65 yr old Widow of a Vet just found out the hard way.

  3. Bronco is right on the money completely and to me just too Many Fish to Fry out there, then to worry about the Small stuff. I guarantee if we all went thru are C Files and Records we would find plenty of wrong info. Even my military STRs have a ton of wrong or bad info, as just too many folks have put their hands on our records over the years. I am very OCD, but even I don't expect the VA or ROs to be perfect.

  4. This is not un common at all bud. I just had my Scars and Tongue Damage Reviewed by a Heart Surgeon, so what does that tell you. I have had over 30 C&Ps in the last 2 years and 90% were not by specialist. I too had Testicular Surgery and it along with my Crohns Disease was granted SC by a General Doc, not specialist. To me Evidence is Evidence is Evidence regardless of Doc, PA or Nurse, as the VA has the Questions and DBQs listed on the screen with the Check Boxes for the Exam Docs to complete. Good luck

  5. When I was medically retired in 2013, I was given a SC of 30% for TBI/Migraines. I opened up an FDC in Nov 14 for other conditions, since I was already 100% I think the VA thought that I was rocking the boat. So I get a call that I have a bunch of C&Ps in Feb 15 and all of my current High %s including my PTSD and TBI were being Reviewed, even though TBI was not up for Review until Feb 2016. No issues there, just when in to the Re Evals, and in fact it back fired on the VA's face, not only were most of my conditions continued at high %, but the RO increased my TBI from 30 to 50%. As long as your evidence and records are there, you have nothing to worry about. Good luck

  6. Congrats on the good news, and that pay as stated above is based on 80% VA, and not permanent. Remember that once you are granted SC, you can always submit for an increase if a condition gets worse, or IU if you feel that the Disabilities keep you from working. Remember that if you have been working more then a few hours here In there, it will be harder to get IU. Also you can apply for SSDI anytime. Good luck and God Bless

  7. What I stated above came out a little harsh, and by no means did I mean for that. We all know that the VA will twist everything we say and do. I know that you don't want to get the money to get rich, but instead make sure your husband is not stressed or lose everything, I get that, but the VA does not, as there are too many Vets that are starving and Homeless just hoping to get some SC and a few bucks to get out of the street. I feel for you and your family, and I truly mean that my friend. I am so so sorry of what you are going thru. Please sit down with your family and decide what is best for you guys. Take care of your Mental Health needs and the rest will follow thru. Just don't think of causing harm to your self, it did not help me, and it would be a shame to lose another good Vet. God bless

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