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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by Navy04

  1. Sorry for your hard feelings bud, but I don't see where the issues are with the Exam. Where you treated while active? Did you serve in War? Do you have a Nexus or Buddy Statements? Why was the Exam Doc not able to see VA MH Records? Do you currently seek treatment at VA Mental Health Clinic? Evidence is Evidence is Evidence!!!!

  2. Sorry to hear of your issues bud. I was 30% for migraines/tbi and recently was reviewed by the VA, and it back fired in fact they increased to 50%. I get injections in head every 3 months by Neuro at VA, and take 2 different migraine Meds, and have had Alpha Stem treatment at VA which I was discharged from due to failure. What I am trying to say is that you need a lot of well documented treatment at VA. Good luck and God Bless

  3. Killemall, you are doing a great job, my 16 year old sister just married a 25 yr old, and she is a junior. My father was upset, but at the end of the day we can only do so much for our children. I have two small daughters and I worry about them, but just have to see the game of life, and wait for the results. You are a great father for excepting her mistake and loving that grand baby. Good luck and God bless

  4. Congrats on the partial win, and sorry to hear of the other issues. I know how you feel a few years ago my VA Psych Doc asked how my Alcoholism Recover was coming. I informed the Doc that I have never drank or smoke, well after a recent claim, there was records in my file that stated I was a 42 yr old white female Alcoholic, and In fact I am a 33 yr old Hispanic Male, WTH!!! It took me months to get that out of my records. Just call the RO and state your issues, and fax or scan the wrong info. Good luck and God Bless

  5. Sorry bud, remember that you can not sue the VA for mis treatment of a Genetic Condition, caused by Genes not exposure to Military. I have to remember that the VA did not know what to look for. For example I was diagnosed with Crohns after 5 years of active service, so even though I was bleeding and in abdominal discomfort a few years prior, I can not go back, and ask them why I was not treated earlier, they didn't know. Good luck and God Bless

  6. Great news bud, glad to see you made it thru the appt. I had the same Trauma doc at VA for over year, and then she retired so a few weeks ago I had to meet a new Doc. She was nice, but it was very stressful for me, cause it seems like we have to keep living this crap, and repeat when the VA decides to Fire, Hire someone, or a Doc Retires or Quits. Just so hard for us to start over bud. We are here for you and keep it going bud. God Bless

  7. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your issues, as I have had multiple knee surgeries. It looks like there is nothing there bud. It sounds like your knee issued was documented as before you entered service and I think that you did not complete the time needed to serve for benefits. I really don't know what you are asking, as you stated in your own words that the injury was prior to service. Good luck and God bless

  8. Welcome aboard and sorry to hear of your issues bud. I was Medically Retired from the Navy at 30, now only 33, so it is definitely hard to have such health issues at a young age. My personal opinion is that you don't need a VSO, DAV or Lawyer. I had all of the above and they all sucked. I left the Navy at 30%, and VA 80%. Within the next year I got to 100% VA, SSDI in less than 10 weeks, and VA pays my wife to be my caregiver. I personally think that you should file for SSDI which you can file online, and I can help you with that. As far as VA goes, just submit an FDC on Ebenefits and upload all of your evidence. If it is there then the VA will have to grant those conditions. Now keep in mind that you don't want to apply for 50 conditions, if in fact they can be lumped into a few. For example all of your mental conditions are going to be grouped into MDD or PTSD, as I have quite a few too and they are all under PTSD 70%. All of your stomach conditions need to be grouped as IBS, I have Crohns Disease which consists of 3 or 4 conditions, but granted under Crohns 30%. I don't think this will be as overwhelming or confusing as you think bud. Just submit the claim, upload evidence, go to the C&P exams. Go in there be honest and don't think you should have any issues. What are you currently SC for? Where you in War or do you have Stressor Letters, or medals? Good luck, we are here for you, and God Bless

  9. Sorry to hear of your issues bud, but I don't know exactly what you are asking? I know a lot of Vets that say they have "Severe this, Chronic this" but if the Medical Evidence or Service Records don't say otherwise, then it is not a CUE for a rater to rate a condition low. For example in my case, I was just Medically Retired 2 years ago from Navy. I spent 3 months in a Civilian Mental Hospital while Active, and yet when I was Retired the VA only rated me 30% for PTSD and I had been placed on 10 different Psych meds at that time, to include while I was in OIF/OEF. So I submitted for an Increase Immediately for PTSD, and when I went to that C&P exam, the Psych Doc stated that I met the 70% guidelines for PTSD when I was retired, yet there was no CUE there either. Only you can decide what is best for you, I just don't see where you are going with this. I think sometimes, that as frustrated Vets we can at times want to Challenge every little thing, or think that we were entitled to more than what is there. I always say that Evidence is Evidence is Evidence, and as long as it is there, we will ultimately win in the end. Good luck and God Bless!!!

  10. I just went thru this bud. The VA Reviewed most of my conditions a few months ago including my PTSD. It backfired in the VAs face as most was continued and my Migraines was increased from 30 to 50%. The VA just reviewed my last two conditions Scars and Tongue damage due to surgeries. I went to the Doc for the review a month ago and it is still in the Gathering evidence phase. My claim also says increase in Ebenefits. I think that is how the RO worlds it in Ebenefits. My other reviews were complete in less than 2 months after the exams. Good luck and keep us posted bud.

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