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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Just another update!  I received another call from QTC and this time from the Chief Executive Officer (BTW he is a Veteran as well) Grant, and he was appalled at the situation.  My incident was escalated to his office after I spoke to Shawn yesterday.  I told him I appreciated his call and the fact that they were really taking the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen to another Veteran.  He told me that their actions were uncalled for and that they will be held accountable.
    This just confirmed to me that they are really taking care of the entire situation!
  2. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Don't get me wrong, I am ALL about providing information to other Veteran's.  I have been provided a lot of valuable information to include emails, phone numbers, names, etc on here.  I agree that the ones that have "gladly" provided their information is very helpful.  However, the QTC director's number is not something I am going to put out there.  She didn't freely say "give my number out to other Veteran's" like the Under Secretary did, like the head VA rep, Carolyn did.  They have freely stated to provide their information publicly.  The lady I spoke to, did not say, "please feel free to give my number out", and to me that is something I am not just going to publicly post, but what I am going to do is call her tomorrow and see if she would not mind me sharing her number.  I am not sure if the number she called from is an office number or her cell phone and I certainly don't want to violate her privacy.  I am sure you can understand that right????
    I will take the step to ADVOCATE for other Veteran's and see if I can pass her phone number on to other Veteran's.  I certainly want to try and help other Veteran's.  
    Another route, is to do what I did, file the incident report with QTC b/c I got a call within days of my incident report from this lady.
    I appreciate your responses and I certainly appreciate your view on this.  We are on the same page.....
  3. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from rwskitch in Reply from VA   
    I think you are taking what I'm saying wrong. Glad you got it was an easy fix!
    BTW I'm a female. 
  4. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Reply from VA   
    I think you are taking what I'm saying wrong. Glad you got it was an easy fix!
    BTW I'm a female. 
  5. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ArNG11 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Just another update!  I received another call from QTC and this time from the Chief Executive Officer (BTW he is a Veteran as well) Grant, and he was appalled at the situation.  My incident was escalated to his office after I spoke to Shawn yesterday.  I told him I appreciated his call and the fact that they were really taking the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen to another Veteran.  He told me that their actions were uncalled for and that they will be held accountable.
    This just confirmed to me that they are really taking care of the entire situation!
  6. Like
    Navy4life reacted to TALON II FE in Claim under Review?   
    I was as guilty of watching ebennies as anyone, probably much more than most.  But, early on, I received essentially the same advice I gave above and really, really wish I would have taken it!  It is sort of like many other VA processes; broken.
      The fact that they made an 8 step process on ebennies to poorly reflect a VA process which does not even have that many 'real' steps to it is a prime example of their dysfunction. Most likely, some lobbyists 'cousin's' company was grossly overpaid to construct ebennies and it was out-of-date a couple years before it was functional. SOP for the Feds and DOD, lol.
  7. Like
    Navy4life reacted to jetdoc3037 in Reply from VA   
    Perhaps, emotions and things can get lost when typing words on a screen. You can still be a bud if you're a lady, lol....I do appreciate your help and i am not being a smarty pants or anything.
  8. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from rwskitch in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Don't get me wrong, I am ALL about providing information to other Veteran's.  I have been provided a lot of valuable information to include emails, phone numbers, names, etc on here.  I agree that the ones that have "gladly" provided their information is very helpful.  However, the QTC director's number is not something I am going to put out there.  She didn't freely say "give my number out to other Veteran's" like the Under Secretary did, like the head VA rep, Carolyn did.  They have freely stated to provide their information publicly.  The lady I spoke to, did not say, "please feel free to give my number out", and to me that is something I am not just going to publicly post, but what I am going to do is call her tomorrow and see if she would not mind me sharing her number.  I am not sure if the number she called from is an office number or her cell phone and I certainly don't want to violate her privacy.  I am sure you can understand that right????
    I will take the step to ADVOCATE for other Veteran's and see if I can pass her phone number on to other Veteran's.  I certainly want to try and help other Veteran's.  
    Another route, is to do what I did, file the incident report with QTC b/c I got a call within days of my incident report from this lady.
    I appreciate your responses and I certainly appreciate your view on this.  We are on the same page.....
  9. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Got the call at 11 am and we went through the entire situation.  Apparently the two that I reported tried to say that they were engaged in a conversation regarding Bill Crosby BUT that was a lie!  When I told my side of the story explaining the conversation to her and that they were discussing someone's case and I told her the lady's response about "well the VA just believes them" she stopped me right there and told me that they tried to lie!  I am so glad she believed me.  She indicated that she was processing this higher up and that they would be reprimanded.  She also told me that she was very grateful for reporting it and she only wished that other Vet's would report situations.  I told her I was not going to let this go.  That I would always speak up and not fear retaliation.  She told me that NO Veteran would be treated like that.  She also told me that while it was not a HIPPA violation b/c no actual names were disclosed, it was an uncalled for situation and it would not be tolerated.
    She also said the VA has been involved and she told me that she thanked me for mentioning that the doctor's were commended by me as being good and respectful.  
    Since I had her on the phone I asked her the process about the C&P exams and she told me that both my C&P's were completed and were with the compliance officer for final review BEFORE going to the VA.  She told as I already knew that I have to request a copy from the VA.  She indicated that the reports would be with the VA next week.
    So my message to ALL VETERAN's who feel they have been treated unfairly by the contractor's that are hired by the VA, to please voice your concerns!
  10. Like
    Navy4life reacted to jetdoc3037 in Reply from VA   
    Thanks for the advise fella's...I know its a slow process and that is not a problem.....Navy4life, again I posted on this forum the same time as the other, for various opinions from various posters....so yes you are correct that I posted on yuku. I did call Peggy and he gave me a fax number to send some things to. He said, while reviewing my claim, that I did check box 7a, and if I did not mean to do that then to fax a letter to the number he gave me explaining what happened and they can remove it, he can't.
    He also said about the drinking water, yes as far as he understands, New River is covered in the LeJeune situation.....I found some more supporting docs stating such, so he said to fax that in as well, and explain it again.
  11. Like
    Navy4life reacted to GuaymasJim in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Navy4life, it is certainly your call whether or not to share the information. I was only suggesting that you do so. Personally, I have never had any dealings with them, so I don’t had a dog in the fight. However, if I had that information I would certainly post it.
    Many of us on hadit choose to post names and numbers in order to provide fellow veterans with direct channels to the people who can actually make a difference rather than having to talk with Peggy, etc.  The only way we are going to get the “system” to improve is by putting heat on high level players. Sec. McDonald gave out his cell phone # and email address on national television. Dr. Clancy’s telephone number is right on the email she sent to you (and me).
    Although QTC is a public company, it does have a contract with the VA worth hundreds of millions of dollars; so they are most assuredly part of the “system” which so desperately needs improving.  You can bet the QTC person you spoke with is being highly compensated; so she should be not only willing but very prepared to field calls from any veteran dissatisfied with his/her QTC experience(s). QTC has a very checkered past with MANY complaints lodged and sustained against them for inadequate and/or faulty C&P exams.  Many veterans have been forced to spend enormous amounts of scarce dollars on IMOs; and then wait for years appealing these defective QTC exams. 
    Social media is the most powerful instrument of change, for better or worse, in existence today.  While I’m not sure that I would classify hadit as “social” media, hadit and its members have been a powerful force in improving many veterans’ lives including mine.
    Again, Navy4life, I am very pleased this worked out as it did for you.
    Buck, I reread your posts; and I see clearly that I was mistaken.
  12. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Gastone in PTSD rating difference combat/non combat   
    A Vet in receipt of a CIB or CAR is presumed to have experienced his listed Combat Stressors when applying for a PTSD rating. No need for exact dates or Buddy Statements. A BS w/V or any other Combat Award would have the same affect.
    Am I right to assume that in MSA PTSD claims, Timely Reports and Medical Evidence (Civilian or Military) help greatly in getting the MH issue SC'd.
    Semper Fi
  13. Like
    Navy4life reacted to broncovet in PTSD rating difference combat/non combat   
    The differences between "non combat" and "combat" PTSD are mostly that the "stressor" is easier to verify in combat Vets.  Since you are already rated for PTSD, it makes no difference.  
  14. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I don't think I need it? (HER NUMBER?)
      My say in this is very limited, Navy4life  and I had our C&P at this same address/Location not sure if we had the same Dr's or not?
    but the young man with cowboy boots and long stringy dirty looking hair at the QTC office was not friendly and he told me the wrong thing to do with my travel pay form he stamped it and said that's all here, just take it back to your VA Hospital and turn it in, he did this before my C&P was conducted.
    he was alone  no one else was with him in the office I did not see a female or another male in the office  although this was on  a Sat at 10:00am on 23rd Jan 2016
    However my C&P Examiner Dr (physiatrist ) seem very friendly and helpful.
  15. Like
    Navy4life reacted to GuaymasJim in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I am very pleased with these developments!  Dr. Clancy has been extremely helpful to a number of veterans including me.
    This is a perfect example of using the right tool for the job.  A calm accurate explanation of the facts, as opposed to personal opinions and emotional rants, in any given situation will always be much more productive.
    If your caller ID captured the QTC director’s telephone number and you have the person’s name, please post it or at the very least share the information with Buck.
    For the sake of clarity and accuracy, HIPAA is the correct acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that was passed by Congress in 1996 (and amended several times thereafter).  Unfortunately, while HIPAA protects the health information of individuals, it does not create a private cause of action for those aggrieved. Individual State laws, however, may provide other theories of liability.
  16. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Andyman73 in IRIS Response   
    I sent a complaint via IRIS about being treated unfairly by not getting the decision letter to me in a timely manner.  And being lied to by the VARO as well.  Did that this morning.  So...more waiting.
  17. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ArNG11 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Got the call at 11 am and we went through the entire situation.  Apparently the two that I reported tried to say that they were engaged in a conversation regarding Bill Crosby BUT that was a lie!  When I told my side of the story explaining the conversation to her and that they were discussing someone's case and I told her the lady's response about "well the VA just believes them" she stopped me right there and told me that they tried to lie!  I am so glad she believed me.  She indicated that she was processing this higher up and that they would be reprimanded.  She also told me that she was very grateful for reporting it and she only wished that other Vet's would report situations.  I told her I was not going to let this go.  That I would always speak up and not fear retaliation.  She told me that NO Veteran would be treated like that.  She also told me that while it was not a HIPPA violation b/c no actual names were disclosed, it was an uncalled for situation and it would not be tolerated.
    She also said the VA has been involved and she told me that she thanked me for mentioning that the doctor's were commended by me as being good and respectful.  
    Since I had her on the phone I asked her the process about the C&P exams and she told me that both my C&P's were completed and were with the compliance officer for final review BEFORE going to the VA.  She told as I already knew that I have to request a copy from the VA.  She indicated that the reports would be with the VA next week.
    So my message to ALL VETERAN's who feel they have been treated unfairly by the contractor's that are hired by the VA, to please voice your concerns!
  18. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Got the call at 11 am and we went through the entire situation.  Apparently the two that I reported tried to say that they were engaged in a conversation regarding Bill Crosby BUT that was a lie!  When I told my side of the story explaining the conversation to her and that they were discussing someone's case and I told her the lady's response about "well the VA just believes them" she stopped me right there and told me that they tried to lie!  I am so glad she believed me.  She indicated that she was processing this higher up and that they would be reprimanded.  She also told me that she was very grateful for reporting it and she only wished that other Vet's would report situations.  I told her I was not going to let this go.  That I would always speak up and not fear retaliation.  She told me that NO Veteran would be treated like that.  She also told me that while it was not a HIPPA violation b/c no actual names were disclosed, it was an uncalled for situation and it would not be tolerated.
    She also said the VA has been involved and she told me that she thanked me for mentioning that the doctor's were commended by me as being good and respectful.  
    Since I had her on the phone I asked her the process about the C&P exams and she told me that both my C&P's were completed and were with the compliance officer for final review BEFORE going to the VA.  She told as I already knew that I have to request a copy from the VA.  She indicated that the reports would be with the VA next week.
    So my message to ALL VETERAN's who feel they have been treated unfairly by the contractor's that are hired by the VA, to please voice your concerns!
  19. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in Claim under Review?   
    The only thing is
    In ebenny's the're always saying  ''your VSO will send you a letter''  and they say this a lot  your VSO will let you know what to send in if any other evidence is needed.ect,,ect,,,.....well I don't believe that because  my DAV- VSO has not contacted me since he filed my claim...period.
    This is probably why I check ebenny's a lot. and information  you can get for B-4 hand is good  I'd think.
  20. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in Claim under Review?   
    Yes I agree I should stay off ebenny's  its just  a ''bad''habit''   I guess. always interested in what they're doing.
    I never had ebenefits  with my first claim  did everything by Mail &return receipts 
    The one thing I look forward to is getting that ''thick packet' in the mail...if its not thick  that can only mean one thing''denied''
    but I keep my hopes up, I sure hope I don't have file a NOD.
  21. Like
    Navy4life reacted to green in Claim under Review?   
    Buck, I'm at 202 days now waiting for my FDC to be processed.  I've seen the status ping-pong all over the place in eBenefits.  I am probably more guilty than anyone for watching the status (often daily) hoping to see the coveted "notification sent" status but can see that it has been a waste of time.  I hope that your claim will be resolved quickly but from my own experience I'd suggest you hope for the best but don't necessarily expect it.
  22. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Andyman73 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I am at a loss for words...I pray for strength for your husband, to be strong for you and support you 1000%.  I wish I could say more but reading this is messing with my mind right now.  As always, I continue to pray for you, and all others here in Hadit land.
    Semper Fi.
  23. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Berta in BVA denies EVERYTHING   
    I helped a local vet get  almost 1/4 a Million from his BVA decision and we had at least one vet here who  I and others here helped, who also got a 6 figure retro.
    My BVA case ( DMII death) got a 5 figure retro refund (FTCA offset had to be paid) but the additional ancillary benefits brought that award results close to100,000,because of Chap 35 refund and also REPS benefit, and Vike ,former member here, got this vet 108,000
  24. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from OSC in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Got this in my email this morning!
      Clancy, Carolyn <Carolyn.Clancy@va.gov>  

    I am appalled by your experience , but most appreciative that you let us know.

    Please know that we are investigating this urgently.

    Thank you for your service.


    Carolyn M. Clancy, MD
    Deputy Under Secretary for Health,
    Organizational Excellence
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    810 Vermont Ave, NW
    Washington, DC 20420
  25. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Thank you all for your responses!
    I emailed my complaint to my MH doctor this morning.  I emailed my Congressman's office last night.  I filed a complaint with QTC.  I plan to do as you indicated Guaymas and email the above people as well.  I am a strong woman and yesterday tore me up and I mean really bad.  I was at a very low point but with all your guys/gal support and my therapist talking to me and my boyfriend who might I say is a prior Marine, talking to me helped a lot.  He wanted to choke the SOB out!
    Buck, I agree maybe you should do the same and file a complaint.  It sounds like they just don't give a shit there.  At least the front office doesn't.  The doctor's on the other hand were WONDERFUL!
    I don't drink but last night I had one to take the edge off.  I also have my wonderful ESA doggie to comfort me!  
    You all rock!
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