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Second Class Petty Officers
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About lcplcookba1

  • Birthday 12/07/1965

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  • Service Connected Disability
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    RC Heli

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  1. Just an update. I finally received a fully favorable decision. As of Aug .1, 2015. Of course my next question is when will I see some money? My case was expedited for what thats worth. Thanks for all the support on this matter, Staying positive is hard but my fellow Veterans came thru for me. Semper Fi
  2. Thanks Navy04, My last date of work was Dec 6, 2012. I was let go because I was caught taking extra breaks due to pain. Of course as a Union sheet metal worker, They frown on paying $55p/hr to someone who needs to sit down from time to time. So I was let go so they said due to lack of work so with out income I needed to collect unemployment which ran out in April 2014. So my first denial was in June 2015, I got my congressman and Senator involved and begged my VA PCP to fill out the disability questionnaire and he did in Aug 2015 which is my new onset date. The ALJ made the offer and I just took it even thou my disabilities were acting up long before. So add 5 months to that and I will only get paid from Jan 2016. But I am so grateful as are my 3 young kids. Thanks again
  3. I just got a letter from the ODAR office to my senator saying they are pleased to inform him tha a favorable decision has been made in my case. From the day I got my senator involed things seemed to have moved at light speed. So fast infact I am still waiting for SSA to send ME the decision. I gave up 28 months of back pay so as for a big check, not so much. But I am grateful and blessed. Now how long till I get some loot????
  4. Well 5 years would be the end of 2017 so I guess I have time. Another thing I forgot to mention is I just turned 50 in December. I have Binded and Binder. so I guess I'll let it ride and see where it goes. He gave very little weight to my VA Rating and medical record and great weight to a doctor that never saw me. The game is certainly rigged against Vets
  5. OK hold on to your hat quick review. Haven't worked since DEC 2012. Filed SSDI claim JAN2013 Was awarded TDIU Jan2015. I'm 80% combined rated at 100% Scheduler. Went in front of ALJ June 2015. The fat A$$ judge called me obese, a liar and denied my claim. Appealed on several issues the best one was new material evidence. I was able to get a Residual function test done by OT. And after reading the mission statement I was able to get my PCP to fill out a 6 page questionnaire done by Binder and Binder (NOT happy with them btw) Any how my DOC was thorough and definite as to my disability and inability to work any job. So that's where I am at today. They owe me around 70K but I am approaching the date that I will not be able to file a new clain if this goes bad. How does the new evidence help and what should I do? they have me by the B**&'s Thanks for advice support and your service Semper fi
  6. OK first should I file with the IRS? And thats about it, Thanks and happy New Year to All
  7. Does this apply to Marine Corp Vets who where medically discharged in 1988 and finally received 100% in 2015 TPIU Schedular "Children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen attached to a Marine unit who were permanently retired from the Marine Corps or Navy as a result of their service related injury"
  8. I am hoping some Vets can direct me to some websites for scholarships above and beyond Chapter 35 benefits. Thank You Much in advance. Also I wasn't sure where to pst this so if a mod wants to move be my guest. Semper Fi
  9. I went to get my daughter a prescription and there was a $30 co pay Something didn't sound right, What gives...Anybody?
  10. Well an update. I went in and spoke with the Social worker at the VA. She did a nice job for me and actually got my pain Mgmt Dr to order a Functional Capacity Exam to be performed by the resident occupational therapist. I thought for sure it would never happen. Some great advice guys and gals thank you
  11. I am not sure of your conditions but you can try to see a VA social worker either at the VA hospital or one of their local clinics and ask for their assistance. So Hey Pete992, I took your advice and Had a discussion with her (social worker. About a week later, O got a call back. Somehow she got my pain management Dr to send a consult to physical therapy, more specifically Occupational Therapy to preform a residual function test on my injuries. I was shocked to get the call. I'm sure this will help, but the ALJ gave little weight to my VA Records in the first part. Any Ideas on this Should I just wait until I turn 50 and take the new consult along with everything else and file a new claim and dump binder and binder. I thought He did a $hit job anyhow. Also because I was found not disabled by SSA I am going to have to stop paying the creditors that helped keep me alive while I was waiting. I thought I remembered a bank that many used to insure there money was direct deposited and had little or no chance of bei g garnished or attempted to garnish from. Anyhow has anyone had those test has it helped with SSA Thanks
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