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First Class Petty Officer
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    ShuMan reacted to Slick in Independent Medical Opinion Options   
    If you're thinking about hiring them ask for success rates that equate to disabilities similar to what you're claiming.  everyone is different, but would show some degree of success or not.
    as far as references, I'd ask them to provide contact info for clients that they've assisted-  ask for both success and denials.  If they're unwilling or claim privacy I'd personally stay away from them.
    If I used them and they were either successful or not I'd be willing to share my comments- granted if they were unsuccessful it may not be due to their actions/knowledge.
    I used Dr. Bash and the agreement was he would handle any appeals at no additional charge- that was about 2012.
    I did use him a second time for a different claim and there was a reduced rate-  mention that only because folks that provide IMO/E's have different rates/processes.  as with anything else do your due diligence.
    use the BVA website as a reference source- lots of info on cases that went that far
  2. Like
    ShuMan reacted to kevin4998 in Brian W. Case, Md, Ms, Cime Opinions   
    I am thinking about hiring for IME for SSD and VA benefits. I do not and could not find out much information on the internet. His web site states he has done 2000 IME's. And, he stated cost would be about 700 too 900. He also stated that I would get a refund if I was denied my claim for VA. Thats pretty much it as far as our phone conversation goes. I am claiming low back pain(lumbar spinal stenosis), IBS/GERD, and various mental issues (PTSD/Depression/Anxiety) for VA and with Diabetes for SSD. I know some of those will be grouped togather.

    I am asking him to put togather my case (this is assuming he agrees with my claims), that puts all issues togather for an end result for my claim for SSD to be handed off to my lawer.

    For VA, after he reviews my documentation and examination if he feels that my Spinal Stenosis is from the military, ie: low back pain that I was scene and documented for while in service and had increasing amount of pain and now on Morphine after two surgeries. (same area for low back pain and spinal stenosis L4-L5)
    Plus Nexus letters for low back pain towards Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
    IBS/GERD evaluations, documented in service prior to Gulf War and have been on otc and now on scripts for the Gerd.
    Mental evaluation that has very little documentation but have been going to VA pretty much for past year and have talked pretty much in detail of the issues that I believe was caused during my military carreer. They(VA) have me on a few meds for this as well. And, yes I do have an event associated with the claim for PTSD.

    Anyway, I have plenty of documentation to say that I do have these issues, but little in way of my capabilities nor "friend" letters from the military.

    Anyway, I am a little leary of his claim to 2000 IME's and the fact he is actually not that much talked about (if at all) on the internet.

    His email is gmail account.
    His phone number is gmail.
    When called, no secretary, he answered both times.

    Here is his website.

    If anyone has used him, or suggestions please let me know.
  3. Like
    ShuMan reacted to broncovet in When to get an IMO Vs. an IME   
    Order your cfile first, and see if you already have the applicable evidence in your file, and maybe VA just did not read it.  It happens quite frequently, and it happened to me.  
  4. Like
    ShuMan reacted to Gastone in When to get an IMO Vs. an IME   
    11th Hour IMOs or IMEs are problematic and usually costly. If you need it that quick, probably not a good idea to go on the cheap.
    If your going to pay the big $$, I would think you would want to be looking for a Board Certified Specialist, not a GP.  An actual Medical Expert's opinion will trump a GP or Non Board Certified Specialist's IMO or IME. Very often, the VA C & P examiner, VA Dr or Contract Dr: is not a Board Certified Specialist.
    Time permitting, seeing a non VA Dr and getting a referral to a non VA, Board Certified Specialist, would and was my choice. My original Board Cert Neurologist, non VA, Sleep Dr's clinician notes, got my SA SC Award without any additional expenses incurred.
    Semper Fi
  5. Like
    ShuMan reacted to broncovet in When to get an IMO Vs. an IME   
         I think we are on the same page, that, if you can find a specialist doc in your town, best is to contact him/her, and see if they will do a IME.  (Exam).  Its not likely we know docs in your area, we dont even know where you live.  
         If you want a IMO, then the doc need not live in your town.  He could live in San Francisco, and you could be in NY 2000 miles away.  
        Some Vets have had good luck with Dr. Bash, who does IMO's nationwide, or Dr. Analise, who is a lawyer and a doctor and does IMO's.  
        Also, if you hire an attorney who represents Vets, your law firm may just know where to go for an IMO/IME.  
  6. Like
    ShuMan reacted to broncovet in When to get an IMO Vs. an IME   
    Agreed.  If you can find a local doc who will examine you that can prepare a "VA ready" IME, then by all means do so. 
    If you can not locate a local doc who has the experience/expertise/willingness to do a VA ready IME, then you can hire one of the national experts at writing an IMO, such as Dr. Bash, and you wont have to travel to his office.  When ever possible, tho, do the IME vs the IMO.  The IMO is based entirely on other docs who examined you.  
    I think an IME can be "new" evidnece, where an IMO may not be since the requirements of new and material evidence is that it be "new" and NOT redundant.   Im not an expert on this but it would seem that an IMO would offer nothing "new", just a differing interpretation of older exams.  However, if a doc examines you, his findings would be "new", especially if he performs tests, such as xrays, that were not made in the past.  
  7. Like
    ShuMan reacted to Buck52 in When to get an IMO Vs. an IME   
    I agree with Ms berta & broncovet  Great Advise
    All I may add is its always better to get a ''specialist'' in the field of medicine that your  seeking an IMO for.
    The VA seems to go with those Dr's More often than not.
  8. Like
    ShuMan reacted to Berta in When to get an IMO Vs. an IME   
    An IME is an independent medical exam, face to face....
    in other words if you are questioning ROM measurements or scar lengths, skin disease decisions,  and a multitude of other types of  disabilities , an in-person IME can often turn the tide for a claim.
    IMOs can be done on many claims simply by mail and phone contact, as long as the IMO doctor has all military records ( if an inservice nexus has to be established),and  all VA and private medical records, as well as any SOC denials etc etc.
    IMOs are not accepted for initial PTSD diagnoses. They can help however with an upgrade request.
    Surviving spouses, of course, cant get IMEs but can get IMOs to support a DIC claim.
    Whether IME or IMO they need to follow the IMO criteria here at hadit.
  9. Like
    ShuMan reacted to Slick in Independent Medical Opinion Options   
    spoke to her husband yesterday as I had some questions on their business. sent a question via link on their website and got a call back-  happened to say "unknown caller" which I don't usually answer, but did pick up
    She is a PA, with a number of certifications. I would think if the disability claimed falls under something she's qualified to comment on then it's OK.
    They are a company and dependent on whether new claim, appeal, how many disabilities, etc. there are different costs.  either by the hour or lump sum.  I did ask about if claim denied then what?- answer was- any follow on then an additional fee is discussed.  They are not high on lawyers- just adding that as it came out in the conversation.
    What I didn't ask, as I'm not looking for an IMO assist was references.  That would be something to think about.
  10. Like
    ShuMan reacted to Navy4life in Received email from congressman's office with help for NOD!   
    How was your DRO hearing outcome?  Did you go informal or formal?
    I agree about the DAV rep being there.  He can be there and talk to me but I am going to make sure my voice is heard!
  11. Like
    ShuMan reacted to flores97 in Received email from congressman's office with help for NOD!   
    Navy4life, that's great news!! It worked for me when I kept requesting my cfile and received no response. It sounds like you have an excellent congressional aide to work with, i am sure he will be able to get some movement on your cfile for you. IF, somehow you still dont receive the needed records before your DRO hearing, print out the emails between you and the congress office to show you are doing everything you possibly can. I think you will receive the tecords on time, though, Good Luck, Navy!!
  12. Like
    ShuMan reacted to flores97 in Trying to get C-File   
    I agree with Navy, Shuman, contacting your congressman is definitely your best chance, it worked for me as well. Good Luck!!
  13. Like
    ShuMan got a reaction from Navy4life in Trying to get C-File   
    Great Idea Navy4Life, I never thought of that. I'm going to run with that ASAP.
    Good luck with your hearing!
  14. Like
    ShuMan reacted to Navy4life in Trying to get C-File   
    Email your local congressman, that is what I did and I got in touch with my local military and veteran affairs liaison who is currently helping me.  I have my DRO review hearing at the end of the month and I am missing two years worth of medical records that I need for the hearing...
  15. Like
    ShuMan got a reaction from Vync in Thoughts on this headache/Migraine C&P exam.   
    From what I've seen the difference between 30% and 50% is just this one question:
    b. Does the Veteran have very prostrating and prolonged attacks of
    migraines/non-migraine pain productive of severe economic inadaptability?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    If you have a "No" right there then there's pretty much a solid chance that its going to the 30%
    I would get the DBQ and have your PCM complete the exam on you as well and see if that could help your case or you could use that an ammo in a NOD. 
    -Never Give Up-
  16. Like
    ShuMan got a reaction from pumibel in Thoughts on this headache/Migraine C&P exam.   
    From what I've seen the difference between 30% and 50% is just this one question:
    b. Does the Veteran have very prostrating and prolonged attacks of
    migraines/non-migraine pain productive of severe economic inadaptability?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    If you have a "No" right there then there's pretty much a solid chance that its going to the 30%
    I would get the DBQ and have your PCM complete the exam on you as well and see if that could help your case or you could use that an ammo in a NOD. 
    -Never Give Up-
  17. Like
    ShuMan got a reaction from pumibel in Thoughts on this headache/Migraine C&P exam.   
    Ended up with 30% for this one
  18. Like
    ShuMan got a reaction from leadbelly1981 in Shoulder impingement syndrome C&P thoughts?   
    Ended up with 20% for this one.
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    ShuMan got a reaction from flores97 in Thoughts on this headache/Migraine C&P exam.   
    Ended up with 30% for this one
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    ShuMan got a reaction from USAF-Vet in Thoughts on this headache/Migraine C&P exam.   
    Ended up with 30% for this one
  21. Like
    ShuMan got a reaction from Vync in C&P--If ROM is outside of normal range??   
    Ended up with 20% for this one.
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    ShuMan got a reaction from Vync in Shoulder impingement syndrome C&P thoughts?   
    Ended up with 20% for this one.
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    ShuMan got a reaction from Vync in Thoughts on this headache/Migraine C&P exam.   
    Ended up with 30% for this one
  24. Like
    ShuMan reacted to Vync in Shoulder impingement syndrome C&P thoughts?   
    Good luck!
    Remember, there are three components to direct SC claims:
    1. Proof of an injury/diagnosis in service
    2. Proof you have it now
    3. Doctor's IMO/nexus "least as likely as not" or "50%/50%" (or higher) caused by in service
  25. Like
    ShuMan reacted to broncovet in Shoulder impingement syndrome C&P thoughts?   
    Apparently this is an application for increase, since I did not see a nexus so it must have been elsewhere.  The 20% sounds reasonable considering the loss of ROM.  
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