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Holllie Greene

Chief Petty Officers
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    Holllie Greene got a reaction from Vync in No medicine for bladder   
    Hi Vync,
    I can't thank you enough for your help.  The time, effort, explanations, and research is very much appreciated.  Thank you.
    After studying the letter three times, I found the rater(s) have in the letter that my neurogenic bladder shows improvement.  Really?  Stop the presses...alert the world that MS related hypotonic bladder can improve.  This is untrue.
    I also found the frequency and changing of absorbent materials  information (the frequency and changing part) to be incorrect on VA's part.  VA also got it wrong with the voiding dysfunction...my bladder is of the urgency type not the stress incontinence type.
    Mega shout out to my husband who buys the pads at the commissary each week.
    Vync, you have been a terrific help, I am very grateful to you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I know what I have to do now.
    Happy Friday and have a good weekend.

  2. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from Vync in No medicine for bladder   
    Hi Vync,
    Thanks for responding to my question.  Here is the background:  approx. 2.5 years ago I had a C&P done by a neurologist (I was at 40% for neurogenic bladder), the decision came back with a 60% bladder.  Please note I have been 100% P & T for more than 10 years and MS is static...will only get worse.
    Last May I had a major exacerbation (still lingers and I am still using a walker), my husband quit his job to take care of me and all the household duties,  and I put in for an increase.  At the C & P I saw a neurologist (D.O.) and a psychologist.  The results were/are the 60% was reduced to 40% (say what...major shocker) and the adjustment disorder was increased to 50% from 30%.
    To my lay person's mind it looks like they played with the numbers to keep me at 100%.  But I could be wrong...
    Meanwhile, my bladder controls my life.  The VA urologist seems ok and he told me and wrote on a piece of paper I have a hypotonic, flaccid bladder.  He prescribed a mild bladder drug (Trospium) but made the point this is not the drug for me, there are no drugs for my bladder.  Per him, I am only to use the Trospium if I have to leave the house for appt.s.
    Thanks for reading this Vync.
  3. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from Tbird in  Helped by HadIt.com? Add your testimonial - Read others   
    This is by far THE BEST website for Veterans.  The folks are top-notch and sincere, empathetic, and truly knowledegable in their desire to help others.  I do not know what I would have done if I had not found this website.
    Holli G.
  4. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from broncovet in Uterine Fibroids?   
    Hi Buck,
    Came across the link about eliminating the 7 condtions, very concerned to say the least.  Why did the VA build 2 Multiple Sclerosis centers of excellence---one on the West Coast in Seattle and one in Baltimore, MD. if the govt going to eliminate MS from it's wheelhouse.
    My husband says do not borrow trouble.
    Stay strong fellow vets.
  5. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from 63Charlie in Questeion and Statement about VA Medical records databses   
    Hi, I agree the system needs to be ripped apart then fixed.
    What I have noticed is non-VA records, when taken to a C & P exam, do not mean squat to the examiner.  Even though it says on their appt. card to bring any medical records, in my case (maybe yours too), the D.O. just flips thru the papers not reading anything.  WTF?  Why did I spend my money to get copies and the VA does not take the medical papers?  What is up with that?  Then the case goes to THE RATERS who pencil-whip the file and deny the claim.  I for one am sick of this.
    It seems that the only records that count are the ones in all the VA databases.
    Great post Retiredat44.
  6. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from Andyman73 in L or L1   
    Hi All,  long time away from the board because of too many things to go into.  I did receive either an L (per the Cal Dept of Veterans Affairs rep that I spoke to on the phone) BUT the ebennies has me rated as L 1.  Confused and frustrated best describe me.  Surely, there is an answer out there somewhere.  This does not surprise me though as it seems it is SNAFU.  Any commments would be appreciated.  I hope you all are hanging in and hanging tough.  Take Good care,  Holllie  P.S. I received a 60% rating (up from 20% I think) for my MS bladder issues.  Thank you.
  7. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from Vync in PLEASE READ AND BEWARE   
    That is an inappropriate comment if I've heard one.  My heavens, what a judgemental doctor.  What an insulting thing to say to a Veteran.
    Hang in there but change doctors.  This one is way out of line.
  8. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from rwskitch in PLEASE READ AND BEWARE   
    That is an inappropriate comment if I've heard one.  My heavens, what a judgemental doctor.  What an insulting thing to say to a Veteran.
    Hang in there but change doctors.  This one is way out of line.
  9. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from flores97 in PLEASE READ AND BEWARE   
    That is an inappropriate comment if I've heard one.  My heavens, what a judgemental doctor.  What an insulting thing to say to a Veteran.
    Hang in there but change doctors.  This one is way out of line.
  10. Like
    Holllie Greene reacted to vet2010 in PLEASE READ AND BEWARE   
    Hello to All,
    I had to post this! I had a routine VA (one year check-up) today and I did not know my VA doctor that was treating me for the last 3 years retired. I walked in with my Kane and the new doctor checked me over for my ailments and asked the routine questions. I kindly answered all questions and then she dropped the bomb, hammer or an unusual question. My VA doctor stated, "I see you have a Kane and you have back problems. Mr.****, you have nice shoes on today, are they basketball shoes. My answer, yes! she then stated, well sir, how can you wear basketball shoes if you cannot play due to your back and many ailments?" I kindly said, excuse me, smiled and exited the building. Is it me or is the VA getting out of control?
  11. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from rwskitch in Tenacity is key   
    Hi All,
    Happy February 2016.
    After much jumping thru hoops, and an exam by a VA ophthalmologist at a clinic  I was approved for cataract removal surgery by a local ophthalmologist.  There seemed to be confusion at the local doctor's office but I provided them with copies of the approval letter and the choice card.  If I have to be the "test subject" for this process, so be it.
    Tenacity, perseverance, and calling the several numbers on the documents and choice card is key.  Sure it ate up my morning and bled into early afternoon but better safe than stuck with a bill I am not responsible for.
    Also, don't forget about the "surgery center" when dealing with this...that is covered as well.
    Have a good day.
  12. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from ArNG11 in "I am from the gov't..."   
    Hi Broncovet,
    I agree with the late Ronald Regan...those words are terrifying.  Plus, there is nothing free, not even a lunch.
    Yes, I earned my "free rent" in the Army, I did not ask to have the two story fall, asthma , or to acquire MS.  And don't get me on a rant about the VSO's (he is back from training now but when I went to the courthouse yesterday I was told he can see me on Wednesday, such Brava Sierra.  The VSO's cause me to have suspicion about them.
    Thank you for your response!
  13. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from HorizontalMike in "I am from the gov't..."   
    Hi there Horizontal Mike,
    I totally see your point.  Well of course those alphabet agencies would never ever look at documents, conversations, med appts, and PT. Yeah right and I have a bridge to sell you.  LOL!!!!! Total BRAVO SIERRA.  Thank you for your thoughts.
    Thank you for joining in this conversation. :) 
  14. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from rwskitch in "I am from the gov't..."   
    Hi there Horizontal Mike,
    I totally see your point.  Well of course those alphabet agencies would never ever look at documents, conversations, med appts, and PT. Yeah right and I have a bridge to sell you.  LOL!!!!! Total BRAVO SIERRA.  Thank you for your thoughts.
    Thank you for joining in this conversation. :) 
  15. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from flores97 in VNA INFO SOUNDS ODD   
    Hi Broncovet,
    Thank you for your reply (now I will be able to sleep tonight) and thank you for the link.  Very, very, very interesting.
    Despite my MS, asthma, and lower back issues I am a motivated, determined, and inquisitive person.
    Thank you again, I appreciate it very much.
    The Howell v Nicholson case validates my opinion that the "VA powers that be" arbitrarily pull dates out of the air (or other places) to serve their own purposes.
    Stay safe and warm.
    HG  :)
  16. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from flores97 in VNA INFO SOUNDS ODD   
    Hi Vync,
    I saw on the news that Alabama was getting snow.  Hopefully it won't be too bad.
    Yes, I believe they folks have good intentions.
    I am a "scooter vet" too---people have said (if I have chosen to tell them I have MS) "but you look so good"  meaning I don't look sick.  Which is so not the case.  I totally understand your sports injury retort!  One time (a few years ago,  I was out shopping (I always have my cane for stability) and some random person asked how I hurt myself and I told her I had a skiing accident in Gstaad Switzerland!!!  Those words just flew out!!!
    Take care and stay warm at Ft. Living Room and thank you for our kind words. :)
  17. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from HorizontalMike in VNA INFO SOUNDS ODD   
    Hi Broncovet,
    Thank you for your reply (now I will be able to sleep tonight) and thank you for the link.  Very, very, very interesting.
    Despite my MS, asthma, and lower back issues I am a motivated, determined, and inquisitive person.
    Thank you again, I appreciate it very much.
    The Howell v Nicholson case validates my opinion that the "VA powers that be" arbitrarily pull dates out of the air (or other places) to serve their own purposes.
    Stay safe and warm.
    HG  :)
  18. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from rwskitch in VNA INFO SOUNDS ODD   
    Hi Vync,
    I saw on the news that Alabama was getting snow.  Hopefully it won't be too bad.
    Yes, I believe they folks have good intentions.
    I am a "scooter vet" too---people have said (if I have chosen to tell them I have MS) "but you look so good"  meaning I don't look sick.  Which is so not the case.  I totally understand your sports injury retort!  One time (a few years ago,  I was out shopping (I always have my cane for stability) and some random person asked how I hurt myself and I told her I had a skiing accident in Gstaad Switzerland!!!  Those words just flew out!!!
    Take care and stay warm at Ft. Living Room and thank you for our kind words. :)
  19. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from Vync in VNA INFO SOUNDS ODD   
    Hi Broncovet,
    Thank you for your reply (now I will be able to sleep tonight) and thank you for the link.  Very, very, very interesting.
    Despite my MS, asthma, and lower back issues I am a motivated, determined, and inquisitive person.
    Thank you again, I appreciate it very much.
    The Howell v Nicholson case validates my opinion that the "VA powers that be" arbitrarily pull dates out of the air (or other places) to serve their own purposes.
    Stay safe and warm.
    HG  :)
  20. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from Vync in VNA INFO SOUNDS ODD   
    Hi Vync,
    I saw on the news that Alabama was getting snow.  Hopefully it won't be too bad.
    Yes, I believe they folks have good intentions.
    I am a "scooter vet" too---people have said (if I have chosen to tell them I have MS) "but you look so good"  meaning I don't look sick.  Which is so not the case.  I totally understand your sports injury retort!  One time (a few years ago,  I was out shopping (I always have my cane for stability) and some random person asked how I hurt myself and I told her I had a skiing accident in Gstaad Switzerland!!!  Those words just flew out!!!
    Take care and stay warm at Ft. Living Room and thank you for our kind words. :)
  21. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from green in VNA INFO SOUNDS ODD   
    Hi Broncovet,
    Thank you for your reply (now I will be able to sleep tonight) and thank you for the link.  Very, very, very interesting.
    Despite my MS, asthma, and lower back issues I am a motivated, determined, and inquisitive person.
    Thank you again, I appreciate it very much.
    The Howell v Nicholson case validates my opinion that the "VA powers that be" arbitrarily pull dates out of the air (or other places) to serve their own purposes.
    Stay safe and warm.
    HG  :)
  22. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from flores97 in VNA   
    Hi,  Nope, no tidly winks.
  23. Like
    Holllie Greene got a reaction from flores97 in VNA   
    Hi jefmil50,  thank you for the information.  The MS is truly the pits and more.  However I will keep it positive.  The scooter and lift would be wonderful to have...just to get out of the house for a little while, you know?  I wonder if it will ever be discovered what causes this &$%*@) disease?  All these injectable so called medicines to "slow down the progression" but wouldn't it make sense to know what causes it in the first flipping place?  I have basically interrogated my VA neurologist about all the shots (especially the ones I was given for my one year tour in South Korea) but he said it is not that. 
    What, if anything, do you take to help with your MS?  Did you develop cataracts from prednisone?  There is a good natured joke at my ophthalmologist office (civilian doc) about how I am his youngest cataract patient.
    It would be best for my hubby to be my caretaker (he laughs at all my dumb jokes).
    From a female perspective that neurogenic bladder issue is a real Witch.  If a friend wants to go to lunch I have to take one, then spend the next day flooding my system with fluid to make sure my kidneys work.
    Hand in there.  Thanks again.
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