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Everything posted by retiredat44

  1. I am trying to go on file as disabled veteran with the county tax assessor for the tax benefits of being a disabled veteran. And, the county assessor called me back and told me I must send them a Veterans disability certificate. I sent them my papers from the va showing I am service connected and at what percent. They insist I get a certificate of disability. I never heard of a certificate. Neither from the VA nor Social Security. I have been officially VA disabled since 1997. The DMV accepts my usual award papers. is Oregon different? Also, I called the VA here in Oregon, and left 2 messages and they didn't call me back. I then sent a form on their website asking about the certificate. Thanx
  2. My new Service Officer (new one here in Oregon) says I need to file for TDIU, even though I am stuck at 60% until the appeals go through, meanwhile she says I need to file, and I told here I tried to get my last Service Office (American Legion) San Diego, refused saying I didn't qualify at 60%. I told the original Service officer that although the books say 60% to file TDIU, that is only a guideline. The new Service Officer wrote up the Papers immediately. I was pissed and still pissed when the last S.O. refused and I lost all the time. But at least it's being filed. When she said do it, I said yes, please send it in! I know no one can possibly now any outcome in advance but I have way more than enough to wins more claims anyways. But, no one can see the future of what will happen. She still has to get the C-File, even though I told her I have copies of everything she is ordering here own copies. My case is huge amount of documents and medical issues, but hope she will be able to grasp everything, since it's so screwed up. I can tell you when I go to office here, there are not many people in line. Another thing, is the medical is to crowded here in Oregon. Also, having to go to Portland sucks, they just don't have many places to get the specialized treatments and tests. There are long waits to get a doctor close to me, my primary care is at least one hour away. I do use the DAV for rides, when I can. Travel was confusing, even though I have had direct deposit from the VA for many years, the travel office sent me a check when I turned in mileage. I sent a new authorization in even though I am already on Direct Deposit for my VA disability checks. We have had the same national bank for 20 years. Maybe when you move they make you go through reauthorization? I have only turned in form, the waits for the Portland travel office are crazy long with people in very long lines. I just can't sit in lines for hours. For something so simple. First time was primary care, second time was emergency x-rays for a bad fall.
  3. B.S. B.S. B.S. liars... like me, how many of you have had their claim in there for 4 years waiting for appeal... sorry, but I came back to read a bit to see what's new, and I see that the V.A. is lying on their backlogs... It only hurts when I read what's new. I am not blaming the messenger, as the only news the V.A. has is that they polished the TURD to make it shiny. Everyone that sees the headline says, what?? they halved the backlog??? they they say,, that's strange,, my claim must not have been included for some reason. Someone cooked the books. Like when there is a survey,,, you always say,,, no one ever asks me.... Does anyone acutally know someone that has actually won the Publishers Clearinghouse scam? Same B.S.
  4. this kinda irks me, I spent years soaked in chemicals dying form diseases form chemicals, and the VA fights me,, yet some people say they drank water while tdy there... I wil die and blow a gasket if people who sniffed fumes get prioroty and more belief and results in claims than thos eof us that were soaked in chmicals daily with solid written records of daily exposure on the job, while they deny deny until we die and then give out awards to people whole touched the water a few times.. I would really really be pissed! I know some of you wil be pissed at me, but put yourself in my shoes and al of us that weere soaked in chemicals and being denied while we die.. a horrible death.... The rotten dirty scum at the VA vetter take the people who worked witht he chemicals as serioui as they are witht he people who say they drank water that may have been contaminated... the peoppe that worked with chmicals were soaked in the chmicals,, not just a brief encounter saoked every day for years and years... in the course of your job and duties,,, and reporting the illnessses on active duty from those chemicals, yet we go through years of hell being treated like scum...... we better not be pushed to the back of soime line full of people who had lite contact, at best.. there will be hell to pay by the VA if that B.S. crap happens! if some people truly got sick fromm casyual contact, I feel for you, but you have no frakkin clue what it's like to actually be soaked and be dying from the dieases associted with those chemicals I had to get this off my chest,, I see some type of lobby foriming pushing another agenda to the front of the line... please, I don't mean disrespect but see something that is pissing me off.. I don't have the time and luxury of waiting around to be pushed back in line... pleaase don't hate me for speaking my mind.. thanx..
  5. Neurologist is sending me to movement disorder specialist.. . As some of you know, from a while back, I have claims in from chemicals on active duty and several diseases. My neuroligst has decided to send me to a movement disorder specialist, he can't decide whether I have one or more disease, parkinsons, dystonia,, I have already filed many claims for neuoroligical disorders, and am in appeals, my care is ongoing. I take lots of meds for uncontrollable body movements, weakness, tremors, and much more... That is only one of the many updates. My necrotizing pancreas disease is still killing me slowly... and I get regular shots in my spine. The diabetes symptoms contiinue, but they keep telling me my blood tests look good,, the eye diseases continue, but no significant changes. btw, after I got 10% more for my left knee, I finally got rid of our old Toyota Corolla that had 400,000 miles on it and we got another used car. The appeal wil come through someday,, until then,, cya later..
  6. New attorney (so far, they are are intrested and researching, very knowledgable, and my wife likes them too...) attorney was working Late last night to help me.. dedication! I need to get him some copies of some forms from the VA... (the Form 9 forms that were officially turned in. He wants me to get new x-rays for my knee with ' Chondromalacia patella ' When I got very sick with the pancreas disease, I stopped treament on many other diseases... so he needs new x-rays... for my evidence. There is no cure, these parts wear out and they do not fix themelves, so I still have the disease, but much work that whenit was diagnosed 30 years ago on active duty. While jumping in and out of trucks, my left knee went bad. Yet, they denied that too... so a new x-ray is needed to show it to them again. He liked my IMO (actually at first he said it was to complicated, but after he studied it he liked it). The only problem is the want's $350 an hour to do any additional work on her report, if the attornies want more. They can also send me for more IMO's at their request, on their dime. The attorney see they left out extremely important evidence and is working on a plan to get the VA to stop ignoring all evidence. He said they ignore evidence all the time, they just will not ackowledge it. Once something is written and submitted, no amount of evidence will they consider that is added. They just stay on the original claim wording. So, whoever writes up the first claim, if they do not do it with everything needed the first time, you maybe screwed, and it may either take a long time to fix, or never. My first VSO didn't put all the evidence in, so now it is causing me all this grief. They just thought they were so good at their job, and it turns out they thought they were good, when in reality they screwed up. I told them my story (gave documents), and when they wrote it down, I was naive and signed it thinking they knew what they were doing, because a bunch of other people praised that VSO. At the BVA level they dig in deeper and fix problems that were from the local level. And often send it back to be fixed. (yes, I know I read about that stuff in these forums). The attorney has worked as a DRO, so that is very good news and help for me. I can only hope they do choose to represent me. btw, I went by my VSO's office, because I was close by, and now they have a sign up saying they are only open between 7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. I hate that office. When the day comes I never ever have to go there again, will be one of the greatest days ever. Now I have to drive an hour each way to go back. Myabe that office is swamped and can't handle the workload? Which I thought a long time ago. They can't handle the workload, and all the poor sob's who walk in are screwed. The attorney explained to my wife what happens with my claims if I die. I needed her to know who talk to and what to do if/when the pancreas disease get's gone making me miserable. I would gladly pay anything to win and never have to suffer though this horrific process again. I am hoping so bad they take my case..... I can't deal with having amateurs holding my life in their hands. My advice is if you think your case has any chance of being denied get professional help. Don't try to save money. Don't trust anyone that isn't a professional. Maybe 30 and more years ago, the VA was fair, now it's all out war against all claimants. A fight to the death. IMHO
  7. Stopping by, update, appointment with new attorney for claim appeal in a few days. If I find out he accepts my case, and I dump my current VSO, I will update... Not sure how long it will take after the appoinment for his decision. My health deteriorates... slowly... very difficult to walk more than down the street and back... cannot get around the block without getting sick.. skin showing more signs of internal disease... more skin problems (history of skin issues).. GI doctors wanted to go back with special x-ray scope like endoscopy, to check for cancer in pancreas.. (typically people with my condition usually get cancer within a few short years.., the doctors told me that jaundice does not always appear when cancer of th pancreas does.. so, looking for jaundice signs does not help much...). I must rely on blood tests... Still eating and drinking food... not many fevers, just one every couple of weeks and only last a few hours... Biggest hope, that I get a new claim attorney to take over my case... I am very worried my vso hasn't straighten out some problems that were created by the first VSO who initiated my claims... the new attorney told me, he is familiar with my disease, and knows how to repair claims that were not initated properly...
  8. the 1151 was for the surgery and pancreas disease,, I didn't have necrotizing pancreatitis until after the pancreas surgery.. up until that time I only had a cyst (5 inches). Immediately I developed too many complications of pancreas disease to list.. I was told I should file 1151 for it, and I did.. oh well,, the vso said it was ok, then I turned it in... I am so tired, so sick,,, I am going to rest,,, Thanx for the help,,, I appreciate it,, if something is wrong oh well,, I just have to wait until I get a lawyer,, and if the lawyers take months to look at files to give a yes or no,, I guess I am just going to be waiting a long time anyways.. I am just going to disappear... this is all to depressing and everything I try to fix or get done is either wrong, or something... or the scum at the va doesn't read it.. just problems and more problems..
  9. sorry,, it' done, at least I ran it through my vso, and got her opinion before I turned it in... I told them exactly all of the health issues from my time in service, the treatments, and the treatments and surgeries up until now... I listed the surgeries that went from years of complaints of pain to having diseases, some that are often fatal with no cure... from asking for help, and years passing while cysts grew up to 5 inches, while the VA stood by and refused to investigate with the proper tools, only to find out that I wasn't making up stories, I actually had things growing inside me.. failed surgeries.... and new diseases with failed surgeries... I reminded them about my command going against doctors orders and forcing me to work with chemicals, and ignoring the evidence again and again.. my VSO also helped write some new support documents asking why they contune to ignore evidence that has been presented... she asked who wrote my first claim, and I told her, my first vso didn't list all the evidence, and every time I write a claim paper I ask why my evidence as presented at the hearing is not listed in the decisions and ignored, again, and again..... she looked and finally figured out the evidence was ignored.. it took her long enough.. my vso liked my IMO, all, except the last bit on the summary page, she was unhappy with the toxicolgist, and the way the IMO was worded... I am unable to do a damned thing about my IMO.... if I had money I would go get more.. One of my big problems is I try to explain my jobs I held and explain all the chemicals, and people just don't get it.... the decisions only list Jet Fuel.. they ignore and never show the leaded gasoline, diesel fuel, and trichloroethylene ,, everyone thinks the last chmical was part of the list of fuels, it is not, it is a cleaning solvent.. the VSO is totally confused and doesn't understand these are all carcinigens.. I just happen to be one of those people who when they come in contact with any of these my body swells up and turns red.. my vso told me she has one other case where some GI has a claim with Jet Fuel.. but she didn't say much excpet it is on appeal too,, the big difference is,, my daily contact was with 4 chemicals.. often all in the same day... where as when most people get sick and claim jet fuel got them sick, that was the only chemical and they were exposed from the engines on aircraft,, my exposure was from transfer, and pumping it through hand help pumps, while splashing on me and soaking me.. other wise, these people I have helping me have no clue,,, and the VA claims people are being totally dishonest and not reading the eidence, my VSO finally cuaght on and sees it being ignored,, which got her writing some new evidence papers asking the claims people to explain why they ignred most of the evidence... after several years of me complaining they ignored evidence the vso finally understood... why it tioook so frakkin long I have no clue I bitterly complained about the evidence not listed int he decisions... I wish someone would bust that office wide open for being liars and crooks while ignoring evidence that was given under oath... Anyone out there that actually cares about sick GI's and crooks at the VA ???
  10. last month I sent a request to B&M, and sent them a copy of my SOC, never heard a word back yet... I also sent my soc to another lawyer for Vets close to me in San Diego... This morning I filed an 1151... and gave a copy to my VSO, my VSO is also filing some papers, asking why they ignored evidence... my VSO got wind of a request for my C-File, I told her that I had someone looking into helping me.... but didn't say who... that was one of the lawyers I contacted for Vets... and also, I never told her that you guys her , from this website help me with ideas such as the 1151. I just said I know some people who have ideas and experience on filing claims and it was suggested I do an 1151. She said ok..... I am happy to file the 1151... as with all the surgeries and illlnesses I have had, I have plenty of ammo to work with to win...
  11. I am really watiing to see if my supposedly new lawyer has a new idea and a take on what to do... Hopefully, I will hear from them soon... and then I wil ask them about everything... hopefully, they are getting close to telling me what they are thinking...
  12. they never told me how long it will take to look. I was just wondering how long does it take.. weeks, months, for them to get copies, review (I have a lot of papers..).. what is normal for them to get, and look at, and decide.. i think I asked before.. but never really got a clear answer,,,,,, so maybe it can take a couple months for a lawyer to look and decide to take a case? meanwhile, The American Legion remains my VSO.. I and my wife, had decided I would feel much better with a full lawyer, the Americna Legion office, at least mine, has 3 people, and 15,000 cases.. not enough resources and not as much incentive to win cases.. The lawyer fights for money...
  13. I have had psyciatric help, for being sick, off and on for 20 years... the VA has sent me for help, because being sick they often get worried I cannot cope with the continuing illness. Theya re right I have breakdowns often, and in private,. Though, while an in patient, for surgery, I had some breakdowns with cying, and the nurses would ask if I was ok... I am not sure if they saw the crying and put the epissodes in my notes. They make extensive notes on me.. 20 years ago, the doctors sent me for mental exams, because they thought i was emtnally ill, not knowing I had pancreatic disease... they blamed my being sick and in pain on mental illness.. I got very very tired and sick of going ot the doctor every few days for so many years.. and now with claims and appeals pending,, should I start going back again for mental help? I stopped going about 2 years ago.. I goet fed up with spending so much time in the hospital... it didn't seem to help my claims for depression... in my DRO hrearing i excplained how being sick on active duty was very depressing and I was idfigured form illness while sick on a ctive duty which made people avoid getting to close and touiching me,, I told them about all these problems during my DRO appeal hearing... I told them I have been sent for meantl health for 20 years. But, they still denied me.. they know I have not been abe to work for 20 years and can never work again... Bottom line, should I statt making mental health appointments again... I will not take meds for depression, they make me feel worse,, they make me feel like I am sickers, in a fog..... I just lay around sick, I don't go places,, I have no desire to go places sick... I wish I could go pances.. I wish I could do things, but I just am sick, feel sick feel depressed, but going to mental health doctors, feels liek awaste, but do I need to for my claim... do the VA claims people view my going to mental health doctors as a ruse to get my claim approved? This whole situation really realy sucks bad, it seems no matter what,,, nothing gets better.. my health is bad, and will get worse... the appeals process is horrific... family life sucks, family life sucks... and trying to figure out what to do about these health issues is hard to figure out... start going again,,??? I do go for treatments and tests at least every few weeks for different problems..
  14. still not sure if my lawyer got a copy of my c-file,, it's been three weeks since I gave them a signed release form... it will be 4 weeks this coming week.. I just need them to say they accept being my lawyer, which would mean they believe in my claim being a winner..
  15. It has been about 3 weeks since the new lawyers recieved my authorization to get copies of my C-File (in appeal at Regional VA), I have not heard yet a reply that they will take my case, so I can fire my VSO... I suppose they need about a month to read my C-file to decide to take a case or not... thoughts anyone? Is it about a month, more less? My case is pretty big, lots of papers.. thanx..
  16. the problem is there is no oversight, at least at the local level,, the people who run the claims system at the local level and do whatevert ehy want... and there is no one to answer to... if they rubbeer stamp denied, you can only try to get it to the BVA, and hope that they reverse the lies and bogus decsions... I just don't see honesty and integrity at the local level... I can only hope there is justice at the BVA... Until then, nothing can be done... the inmates run the asylum.. It is very surpising there are not more suicides from disabled vets who lost hope in the system... corrupt bastards..
  17. I have also had a VSO and have asked an attorney to take my case, and fire my VSO, after my dro hearing was denied.. I feel I have a solid case, and that a lawyer is now my best option,, appeanrly, you also have gotten the denails and feel it's time to get bigger guns, better representation? btw, my Lawyweer was suppose to get a copy of my Claims file, on the last couple of week,s and stil don't know if they finally got a copy and what they are thinking at this stage, I expect int he next week or two thew attorney will let me know how to proceeed and if they will take over representing me... I feel like I can get my win... I just need the prper representation to do it better.. good luck on your case! Steven
  18. first hospitalization for intestinal disease was on active duty at an airforce base when I was on active duty in about 1978-1979
  19. a couple of items.. re: my claim and appeal: I only pasted in a couple pages in this forum, the main few pages out of my IMO, when I did, it is thousands and thousands of pages, and I could not scan and paste them all way back then , when I did, just the part that said, the IMO was in my favor, I posted.. My surgery at the VA was to remove a 5 inch cyst on my pancreas, which in turn I ended up with necrotizing pancreas disease.. Splenic Vein thrombosis, (I also had Portal Vein thrombosis). (I also had some lung procedures to remove water from my lung cavities..)... back in 1993, Kaiser removed my gallbladder because of pain from intestinal disease.., but that didn't help.. I was still sick... I then had to leave kaiser after several surgeries, including degenerative disc disease, and intestinal disease surgeries at Kaiser from 1988 - 1995. I have been a VA patient under their care from 1997 until present. I am under their care for neurology ( neurlogical diseases), Eye diseases, Intestinal disease, Degerenative disc disease, and under phsyciatric care for depression. I have had permant disability on SSDI for depression since 1995. I have not worked since 1995. note: the IMO is in my claim and the lawyer will see my C-File.... The VA Hospital has all my medical records from all hsopitals... the VA has had my records since 1997. note: the lawyer I spoke to asked if I had some type of doctors note saying I can't work. (I said no doctor ever gave me a nopte saying that, they just know I am to sick to care for myself or work. Whenever they released me to go home it was int he care of my wife. Am I going to have to go to my primary care (or my Gastro doctor, or my head shrink, or my neuro doctor???..etc..etc...) and get some note for my lawyer? I guess my lawyer will tell me.. If the lawyer does become my lawyer.. I am awaiting word from the lawyer who is looking at my C-File.. ===========
  20. I didn't notice I mis-wrote my question, and forgot to put the word 'long' in my question,, so I meant to ask, 'how long' did it take.. etc.. than you to RonP for pointing out that I screwed up asking the question properly..
  21. I am only asking about the agreement to represent (by a lawyer),,,,timeframe.. not about anything else... and btw, my dro review response took 1.5 years... so 400 days sounds about right... (for a large city VA office..) sorry,,I guess I shouldn't have asked,,, I think it confuses people... I will findout,,,one way or the other, what the timeframe is for either an agreement or refusal..
  22. my new lawyer (not yet my lawyer) is close by me,, and we are one hour from the regional VA office. I so far have only given them written permission ot access my C-file, so they can look to decide on me... I expect it might take another week before they say yes or no to represent me... That is the only thing I wondered and had questions about.. I suspect they will look at my C-file during this week.. and then they have to read a very big file, make sense of it, and decide... I would rather go in person,, so I can do my talking in person,, I don't want any misunderstanding... now that I know what has happened in the past I can avoid any misunderstanding the next go-round..
  23. I guess I wasn't clear enough,, I mean after you ask the Lawyer you seek out, to represent you, they look at your C-file, and then if they decide they can get your claim approved, and win (I hate using the word win..), they will ask you to sign a new POV to assign them as your representative... I am asking how long do they take to go look and decide whether or not to take your case and represent you? i am not asking for speed (of course that would be nice..) but I would just like to know other people's experiences,, so I can lay out some type of time-table... (example, was it in 2 weeks, 1 month, etc .. ???) Chain of events- )sick, disabled, want to go from 50% to 100% )Got VSO )Filed Vet D isability claims )Denied )Appeals and NOD's )appeals denied )DRO hearing )Denied )next steps after the last NOD was filed for the DRO hearing decsion denial, was another Form 9... (my VSO has been filing Form 9's for my case since 2009). My next step: )Fire VSO and get new lawyer (I must win at all cost !) Question, how long does the Lawyer take to say yes, I will be your lawyer ?? , and represent you for your BVA..... (if they look at your C-File and say 'yes, we will represent you').
  24. WOW! I am hoping that I can once again voice my concerns, even if I have to go to another hearing, I need to make sure that the ignoring evidence problems is blown open so everyone can see what they have been getting away with.. i think that is my biggest gripe,, gripe isn't the right word, outrage is mild... explsive is probably a better word for how I feel about the ignoring evidence.. and getting away with it... the 2nd problem is time frames for moving claims along.. They need to add another step,, they need an instake process when you submit any paperwork it goes through a contact point that makes sure the Vet's paperwork is understood when they receive it, and it should be added to the c-file with a statement signed by the VA under penatly of jail and fine that the person working hte claim must read and acknowledge all evidence, and if they do not understand any documents they must Immediately (within 3 working days) contact the claimant and get clarification.. those are steps that need to be added to make sure the VA does not screw Vets..
  25. Those that asked a lawyer to represent them, how Long did it take for them to agree to represent you? First of all most people know my story. I wil try to make this short and simple, if possible. I am rated at 50% from 1997. I am sick and am trying ot get the full 100%. I had a VSO for about 3 years, but decided to get a lawyer. (please no discussion on why.. that is in other threads..). I Contacted a well know Disabled Veteran Lawyer Firm, and the first step is that they get approval, from the Vet to get a copy of your Claims file, to see if they want to represent you, for your case. They then will exam your case to see at what stage your appeal is in. ANd, or course, see if it is winable, and they can make money. Back to my question, which is: How long does it take for them to order copies of your C-File, and determine if they are willing ot represent your VA Disability Claim. (I know thy can go look at the file, before ordering copies, just to get a quick look before they order copies). I just wanted to know if anyone knows about how long it takes for them to say yes/no.... after they look at your file and determine to represent you. Note: I did not ask them that question. I suspect it might depend on how complicated your case is to determine if they will. I have thoughts about it, but so far I have only had a VSO a couple times in 10 years. I have never hired a lawyer for my Vet claims yet. This will be my first time to get a lawyer. I won SSDI with no lawyer, and also won one issue out of three disabled veteran issues without a real lawyer, during the last 18 years. (I currently am meeting deadlines for appeal isssues while these changes are in process). That is why I ask this question. I just wanted to know if anyone that has used a lawyer has an answer to my one question. If you have not used a lawyer for getting Veterans Disability than you will not know the answer. BTW, only one week has passed since my intial contact and approval for the lawyer for access to my files. I know that parts of the process can take very long periods of time,,, I am just wondering about other Vet's experience with this issue. Thank you.
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