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Dav Comments On Expedited Claim

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I went to talk to the local DAV rep yesterday as I wanted to know how best to address the award date errors in the VA electronic systems. I explained to him that after calling the DAV 5 times and never receiving a call back I decided to pursue an expedited claim myself and submit it through Ebenefits. This guy told me a few things I wanted to run past the community to find out if they are true or BS.

  • First he told me that I shouldn't have used Ebenefits but should have rather brought the claim to him so that he could put it in a DAV envelope and sent it to the Regional Office via courier.
  • He said that anything the DAV submits is considered an expedited claim and will go through the system as fast as a veteran using Ebenefits.
  • He said that as the DAV is checked as my service organization the first thing the Regional Office will do is send my claim file to the DAV for review which they will do and then send it back to the Regional Office (he said this will take extra time and slow down the process and that had I brought my file to them first the time delay would not be an issue).

Is any of this true?

Thank you,



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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

Regardless of what the DAV does, or does not do, you are ultimately responsible for your claim. I have had both really great and really awful results from the DAV. A lot about the DAV has to do with the quality of the rep.

The DAV will help any veteran, even if you are not a paying DAV member. What I ended up doing was researching my claims on my own and with the help of the great team here at Hadit. When I had everything ready to go, I took it by the DAV, they reviewed it, and we discussed it. I heeded their advice, but submitted my claims on my own.

There are some benefits of having the DAV as your POA. The reps at the VARO have more access to the inner workings than I did. Sometimes they were able to find out what was going on with my claims. I have since switched my POA to my state VA representatives and have received very good service. I considered switching to an attorney, but like you mentioned, they told me not to until after the VBA.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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A simple letter revoking the POA that you gave to this service organization is all that is required. The VA accepted this from me in 2012. The statements this rep made to you are BS in my humble opinion, in desire to keep you as client. I would revoke this VSO immediately, but this is just my opinion. You are your own best advocate, and use Hadit for questions AND help!

Vern 2

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Thanks to Hadit and other great Vets on here, that is why we love and enjoy helping each other, as the VSOs, DAVs and Other Vet Programs, either don't know what they are doing or saying, or over worked and under manned. Good luck and we are always here for you

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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Good luck 'firing' a VSO- I sent numerous notarized letters and saw the copies in my records but their computer STILL shows the VSO I fired years ago.

I also contacted the VSO directly in writing and they said they'd take care of it.

Maybe the only way for it to 'take' is to select a different POA.

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Unless things have changed, you have to submit a form to change the representation. Which one, I'm not sure.

The form I used that over rode the earlier VSO appointment was the one used to appoint an attorney.

A quick look using VA's forms search pulled up the various appointment forms, but not a de-appointment one.

Actually, The VA did not properly and completely change everything until I complained via the "call Peggy"


i just went through this and had to sign a form. but, sorry, i don't remember the number.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hey folks here is a point I am going to make about firing a VSO and they ignore it. Officially file the form to file the VSO. An attorney will help if you hire one to represent you.

Now after you have fired them, If They continue on getting your files and information. Guess what???

If you have proof that has happend, You can file formal charges against them for Hippa Violation. They are not supposed to have your medical info after they have been fired.

You can also sue a VSO. Hadit members have done it in the past.


A Veteran is a person who served this country. Treat them with respect.

A Disabled Veteran is a person who served this country and bears the scars of that service regardless of when or where they served.

Treat them with the upmost respect. I do. Rejection is not a sign of failure. Failure is not an option, Medical opinions and evidence wins claims. Trust in others is a virtue but you take the T out of Trust and you are left with Rust so be wise about who you are dealing with.

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