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VA Choice Program is the same o same o

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Please forgive me if I put this in wrong place but I am ashamed to admit new format baffles me.


On August 3rd VAMC Dallas informed me that the earliest Dermatology could see me was Oct 8th at 8 AM. I asked what about the 30 day wait list and getting outside appointment. The operator checked and siad I was eligible and said to call an 800 number in 5 to 10 business days. So I called August 11th Wednesday and they had nothing. I called VA and they said they had nothing so I called Patient Advocate and she said would check. She called me back in a couple of hours and told me that Head of Dermatology had not approved one person but my name would be sent up with a bunch of others.


I called today and nothing had changed so I call Directors Office and complained. By the way this all involver a half of dozen phone calls with long waits to talk to an operator or the clinics. My opinion is the Choice Program is a scam to make America think the wait list problem was fixed but nothing has changed.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

+1 Pete!

I completely agree with you. I bet Allison Hickey or one of the national news networks would love to hear about it.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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The Choice program is being held hostage by the VA.  The program is actually capable of doing what it was designed for, but until the VA providers get on the ball and do their part, its not going to work.


I fought them over this for 2 weeks before they finally conceded and gave me the referral.  If the VA scheduling does not put that referral in, the Choice Program has no clue about what you need. They should be required to submit all appointment data to the Choice Program, and they should automatically trigger the Choice Option immediately upon qualification.  You should not have to wait for some clerk to get some supervisor to get some doctor to authorize it.   


When they do get the referral to the right place, they actively work to get you an outside appointment in your local area with not problems.  That part of the program works.

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I been waiting for more appointment since June even got a

managers  trying to get me approve again. Nothing she was calling me everyday

for about two weeks not I got to call her. My problem is VA doctor cant see me

but he don't want anyone else to either. He say I don't need acupuncture treatment.

but want me to try something else and he has never seen me before. Managers cant

get you in who can? RU

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The "choice" program was like most of the other VA programs:   The money was raided and squandered on "other" projects, this one went to a bothched hospital project in Aurora.  This is widely known, VA even got approval to "divert" choice money to the over budget, over paid contractors for the hospital.    So, the money for Veterans choice is going to lucrative government contracts for the Aurora Hospital.  

If you go to work for one of the "favored" contractors, then you probably wont have to worry about health insurance.  

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Detroit VMC has given me (2) Vet Choice referrals over past 2 weeks. The Vet Choice # 866-606-8198, which I will try 8/17, is supposed to already be notified of my referrals. Be interesting to see how this plays out. The 1 referral is for Acupuncture.


Semper Fi


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Interesting, Gastone.  May I inquire how is it that you know the number one referral is Accupuncture?

Can any one else smell something "fishy"?  

While I have had accupuncture, I know exactly " zero" other Veterans who had it through the VA (I paid for mine).  

This smells like some fraud, where an accupuncturist is collecting big bucks, and not even seeing Vets..you know, like medicare fraud.  Its more lucrative in VA because the VA has control over its Keystone Cops, the VAOIG.  

Edited by broncovet
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