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Tomorrow is my PTSD C& P NERVOUS!

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Hi everyone! I have not been in here for a while since I have started some classes. I bet I have some catching up to do! Last week I received a phone call from VES to schedule all of my exams ASAP, so tomorrow is my PTSD exam. I have been stressing about it for the past few days, but I know that cannot help. Next week I have to see the dentist on the 25th, a regular general medical doctor on the 27th, and on the 29th I have a bunch of X-rays and an echo-cardiogram scheduled. 

The VA had sent me a letter, dated for the 24th of December 2015, stating that they could not settle my case under the FDC program because they needed to know where all of my aches and pains were located. I was not surprised that they were going to remove my claim from the FDC, but the reasoning was suspect. I had provided all of the pain locations on my claim, and when I go to eBennies and look at my pending claim, I can see all of the places listed. Today I received another VA letter stating that the Dec letter was an error, and that all of my appointments would be scheduled very soon, so my claim would stay in the FDC program after all. yay!

I still do not know where my STRs are! The agencies from which I have requested my records (except for my local VA records) have all sent me letters stating that they do not have them. Argh!

I hope everyone here has had a pleasant holiday season and a good start for the new year!

EDIT: I was going to ask a few questions, and I totally forgot! Here are my most pressing ones:

Should I bring notes with me?

What do they do during the PTSD C&P? I have only answered some survey questions in the past and didn't discuss the actual event. I am very anxious about that!

Edited by pumibel
Forgot to ask my questions!
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Navy4life, that is a great attitude!! I truly think the raters that would do that are a minority. It is good to be as positive as possible, I am the same way. 

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All I can say is that I have yet to have a C&P exam where they went over my STRs with me during the exam.  And that I did speak with the VARO who called me a few weeks ago, only to have ebenefits show the contentions she said would be granted, as denied.

As for giving up...well...after banging your head against the brick wall for so long, either you knock yourself out, or forget what it was you were doing and stop banging just to make the hurting stop.  Banging certainly doesn't quiet the voices inside, either!


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I guess it really depends on the examiner you get.  I got lucky with all my C&P exams so far...I sure hope I am lucky next week.

My PTSD/MST & Eating Disorder Exam went well.  The C&P examiner had read my entire file and if something was missing, I either told her or showed her my proof.

My other C&P Exams for other contentions (some denied) but the ones I was S/C for went good as well.  Tinnitus was a wham bam thank you ma'am - S/C and my IBS C&P Exam, I didn't have to show anything.  Based on what he had he said I would be rated accordingly, and I was...30%!

Don't get me wrong, I am waiting for my NOD hearing next month b/c I did have my other S/C denied which I know darn well they should be S/C.  How do you grant me 10% for my ankle when I have numerous fractures, sprains, sick calls, private doctor notes, DBQ's, MRI's, X-rays to prove AD = S/C??? Oh well right...If I prevail, hello back pay of 3+ years!

I just wish it would go like it should for all of us!

US Navy Desert Storm Veteran
Proudly served my Country!!! :biggrin:

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  • HadIt.com Elder

 Good points Navy4life   I agree

Andymann, I meant the records that they need to review for your (during) C&P because there always something in those they need to ask about and the C&P is the time and place to do it

what those examiners put in their report ''usually'' the raters use that in their decision  or just about have to unless they disagree  with them and raters can't make their own opinion because there simply not Dr's

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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My only issues with my upcoming C&P exams next week, is that they are with QTC and NOT the VA...I am suspect of them.  My initial PTSD award was due to the fact I had a C&P exam with a VA examiner....Ugh..

US Navy Desert Storm Veteran
Proudly served my Country!!! :biggrin:

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Not sure but I had a similar experience to this yesterday. A favorable exam at QTC?   That's twice now, yet my claims still get lowballed or flat out denied.  

I have yet to receive the copies of the exam per my FOIA request.  I want the written records.  One of the exams I have recorded but I don't want to use that card unless I have no alternative. It's a bluff of sorts but if given the right circumstances I will use it to at least provoke  a grant or at the very least a re do.

Funny thing though, I have had appointments with two of the same docs that opined negatively when I had my initial claims back in 2012.  So far my good experiences have been with QTC psych docs that have their own practice as well. The rest no dice.  I won't mention my VAMC experience, that was irritating.  Get treatment from the very same doc that denied and gave a negative opinion on my claim, yeah right, not me, not now, not ever.  

There was one part where the provider kept asking me what I think my treatment should be and where I should get it though.  I found it odd somewhat even after him informing me that he was working on another thesis paper/study for PTSD vets. Been looking into his credentials a bit more.   I'm paranoid and have reason to be, but somethings is off, and it's more than just my issues.

No surprise that the VA didn't send everything to him either.  Almost as bad as the access that the VA  had given to my old attorney.  Hmm.

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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