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AO and Hypertension?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Has the VA made a service connected and compensable link between exposure to AO and high blood pressure.  I got the AO Registry letter today and I can't decide what they are saying except it sounds like a time delaying hedge.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I  understand John999,

I recommend to any Vietnam Vet if he thinks he has  any type condition caused from A.O.   definitely file that claim.

so what if denied  the way the VA is about taking there  sweet time, anything is possible and your correct about starting the EED.

When a new conditions Arieses and makes it to the A.O. presumption list.

you will have your claim in. just keep it in appeals if need be , if they are trying to wait us out then bring it on.


I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I agree with ya John999  not that many of us Nam vets left, I do all I can to keep my health up/try to anyway...

I struggle with my weight and  I was never over weight while in military never smoked while in military/stll a non-smoker, my entire family are all non-smokers  and I am thankful for that...

It was after I became disabled/less physical I started putting on the weight   which is probably true for most of us Nam veterans/or any veteran really.

I could stand to lose a good 75/90 lbs to maybe live a little longer!

but as we get older its harder to lose the weight  its like its cemented to us...eh!

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Nehmer Ruling will take care of any Staged Retro related to an improbable future addition of Hypertension to the AO Presumptive List. If you were Denied pre-12/2017 for AO related Hypertension, just have to see how this plays out for you and/or your Heirs. A new HBP 10% SC won't present any financial gain for a 70%+ SC Vet.  Risk verses Reward?

If a Nam Vet, say around 72 yrs of age with an IU Rating based on 70% PTSD less than 5 years old were to file a New AO Hypertension Claim, that IU Rating would be open for Review.

That just happened (09/17) to a Local Nam Vet that was just trying to get his 26 yr old daughter on an AO associated Learning Disability List in the event her condition was ever added to the AO Presumptives List.

Both he and his VSR thought that it was a good idea to file the Claim, right up until he got the PTSD C & P followed by an FDC Denial and Rating Dept notification that his 21/2 yr PTSD Rating was being substantially reduced and consequently he was loosing the IU T & P No Future Exam Rating. He's Appealing the Reduction but from talking to him, he really regrets filing the New Claim.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I have been P&T since 2001 and am almost 68 years old ,  so I am not too concerned about reductions.  I worry that HBP could cause a stroke or even more severe heart disease.  I have been taking blood pressure from the VA for about 7 years.  My BP is still high on occasion and they just upped my medication for it.   I have always believed that it is wise to file for anything that might kill you even if you only get 10%.  If I can make it a few more years I will have 20 years with a rating of P&T TDIU.  I hope after this point according to the regulations that I will be home free from any reductions.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I read in VA Law M-1(some where)

When a Veteran has been service connected ten (10) years or more  when he dies  as long as it was in-part of his s.c. disability  that CASUSED HIS DEATH  his spouse is still eligible for DIC.  or  Under special cirumstances  when it could have been something  other than his S.C. Disability..if he was s.c. for diabetes & dies from heartfailure or any other type  of condition   the VA will look at the cause of death and will decide if his spouse in entitled to DIC 

Edited by Buck52

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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John, could you post a redacted copy of the recent AO Registry Letter? Was it sent by the VA?

Buck, it's been awhile since I read about the "10 Year" SC Rating Period but I believe you're correct. The Spouse is only eligible for DIC during the 10 Yrs after the initial SC Award if the Vet Dies of an SC condition. After the 10 Yr mark is reached, regardless of cause of the Vet's death, she's DIC eligible.

I believe there is one additional qualify for pre and post 10 Yr eligibility, she has to have been married to the Vet for something like 10 months, no last minute sign on.

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