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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. I'm looking for others to post their experience with the VA's handling of their OSA care. I was diagnosed 2 yrs ago. The VA gave me a CPAP. I was eventually able to adapt to a nose pillow type facial apparatus. Took about a yr. Since then they've given me a new machine but I'm still having problems w/it. Last wk I had a private OSA specialist order me a new sleep study. I believe I will be switched to a BPAP shortly, which should help. Part of my problem is that the VA never set my new machine to my specs but just left the factory specs set for me. Needless to say I'm still having problems. My private Dr reset the CPAP for me, which helped, but will probably need the BPAP. Part of my problem is getting the VA to replace my nasal pillows?? My VA does absolutely no follow-up. Anyone caring to add their experience, it would be appreciated, so please do. Thanks! pr
  2. Pete - my VA travel office knows there are vets doing this and will eventually catch them. The travel guys tells me there are guys getting another $2k+, just in travel, in fact using it like a part-time job. They'll lose in the end and could end up losing their comp. Pretty greedy & s t u p i d!! jmo pr
  3. Chuck - my shortage is based on the fact that I live beyond the PO, which is the zip they use. I know why they do it and it makes sense. If I were in business and could get away w/it, I'd do it too. It makes good business sense and more bonuses for VA employees! pr
  4. Bronco - the original claim is for the inferred issue, when I was awarded 100% and they denied it, even tho my two counselors found me and stated I was HB. Since then, 2 yrs ago I met the 100+60, using ordinary addition and that's under appeal. The first issue is the one being remanded. pr Carlie - don't know Beverly, unless she's a storm? pr
  5. Stretch - why don't you skip the line waiting and mail in your claim, especially when it's only $3.13. Wait a minute, $3.13 for a 60 mile round trip??? If you have the time and don't need the $3.13 per trip, I would appeal the mileage all the way to the CAVC. You could win! jmo pr
  6. Okay, received a letter, today, from my Attorney(s) that they've secured a preliminary agreement, w/the VA, to remand my claim of entitlement to SMC, from the CAVC to the BVA for reconsideration. Now I just have to wait and see what happens. I'm pretty sure it'll be awarded, just don't know how much or how long. pr
  7. I think we can count on the VA continuing it's pursuit of travel pay criminals. Just a warning: The VA considers it theft if you carpool and each occupant claims mileage. You are required to either travel alone or pay for some type of travel in order to get travel pay. They may video record your entry when you drive on the VA property and could easily use facial recognition software to check on us. It's sad but we are now the enemy. jmo . Chuck75 is correct that the VA uses a zip code to zip code system to pay travel. It shorts me about $4.50 a trip. pr
  8. I suggest contacting http://nosscr.org/ for a referral in your area. pr
  9. Good!!!! Lets give them all a fair trial and then hang 'em!!! jmo pr
  10. I agree, you probably will, provided your PTSD is raised to 70%. pr
  11. You don't state your age but if you're 55yo or older they shouldn't be doing a re-exam, unless you're pursuing another claim. Either way they shouldn't be doing a re-exam. I would contact the old RO and check on this re-exam, as it may be an error. If they do admit it's an error be sure to follow it up w/a letter confirming the error to protect yourself. jmo pr
  12. Since today is the 10th, I would either drop off my NOD in person, Tuesday morning, at the VARO, or mail it certified mail return receipt requested/with delivery confirmation. The NOD need not be lengthy and can just be a statement that you disagree w/their decision and why. You can amend it later, if needed. If you go in person "do not" allow them to turn your NOD away saying it's too late. Your date of the 10th probably doesn't allow for the time it took the decision to reach you, nor the fact that today Nov 10, is a Saturday, and should probably be the 13th. Whatever you do don't allow the deadline to pass!!!! pr
  13. bronco - Ya got me! I have no idea. Since my HB claim goes back to 1989 and HB is assumed to be permanent, I'm guessing they might award about 10-12 earlier years and then take it away. I think I can still win it all. According to my atty the combined ratings table is arbitrary, with no law behind it. I kinda disagree but we'll where it goes and meanwhile I'll see what I can do to provide additional evidence. jmo pr
  14. My atty(I wasn't needed) had the staff conference, Monday. They, the CAVC court clerk, the VA atty and my atty agreed that I probably had a case for an EED on my diabetes claim (w/no cash payment change) and better evidence of HB back in the late 1990's, which my atty feels, at minimum, rates a staged rating for an SMC "s" award, back then. So now I'll just wait until the case is heard. I'm guessing I'll win a remand and a decision by late 2015 or 2016, if I'm still alive. Anyway, I'll be installing a new flagpole to fly my American flag, upside down, for the next 4 yrs!!! And life goes on . . . jmo pr
  15. John999 - sorry but I seem to remember my roommate, then, who was 100%, back then, getting somewhere between $500 - $800 a month. In fact it seems to me it was more like $395 a month but I can't be sure. Those old rates were really low, but then so were the costs of most things. I think I was paying about $75 a month for a 5 rm apt, w/heat included, in Springfield, MA. Hope ya win anyway!!! pr
  16. I doubt VA will do your dental work, unless you are service connected for dental/jaw damage, or are 100% P&T, or are receiving Voc Ed services and your dental problems interfere w/your training. You may not have to be P&T but you definitely need to be 100%, as 80% doesn't cut it. Sorry! Others will probably jump in as they wake up. pr
  17. First off, your VSO is an A--hole!!! By him telling you not to submit any other claims means he's lazy and is in the VA's pocket. For yrs VSO's have scared claimants into not pursuing additional claims by threatening that they might lose what they have. That's BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They can review your claim at any time but can only reduce it if you have improved, they made an error in the award or fraud. As for the aid, they are probably talking about getting someone to come to your house to assist, not a claim for A&A. jmo pr
  18. CCC - in your case once you're 60%, they take 10% of the remaining 40%, which is 4% and it's added to the 60%, which now makes you 64%, then they take 10% of the remaining 36%, which is 3.6%, which they round to 4% and add it to the 64% and that totals 68%. Now the last 10% is taken from the remaining 32%, which is 3.2%, rounded down to 3%, which is added to the 68% for a grand total of 71%, which is then rounded down to 70% . . . and there you have it. Simple, huh! pr
  19. CCC - if you click on the link, in my first post on this subject, you'll see the combined ratings table(tbird also has a link on the Hadit home page) whcih explains how the VA figures the total. They don't use standard addition but base it on the "whole person" concept and once a claimant has a disability, they are no longer whole, or 100%. The table explains it thoroughly and if you search here you'll find many posts explaining how it works. pr
  20. CCC - I just ran the numbers again and if he was 30+10+10+10 and receiving 60%, either he was being paid 60% in error, or there is another number that's missing that's called the bilateral factor. 30+10+10+10 should be 49 which would round up to 50%, but that doesn't include any bilateral factor award. As for the 60+10+10+10, I just checked the combined ratings table again and it totals 71%, which is then rounded down to 70%. Check his original award letter for the bilateral factor. pr
  21. I was just stating fact, that's all. And I've seen 4, of which 3 were here, at Hadit. jmo pr
  22. I believe you generally have 4 yrs to appeal an SSDI denial. If it's been less than 4 yrs, I'd do an appeal rather than start a new claim but that also depends on your VA disability award date. pr
  23. No, 60+10+10+10 = 71%, which is rounded down to 70%. There may be a bi-lateral rating factor for the two knees. See 38 CFR 4.25, the ratings table. http://cfr.vlex.com/vid/4-25-combined-ratings-table-19774341 pr
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