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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. Seems my ratings pursuits don't match my rainmaker's

  2. Heh hang in there. It happens. If its of any help, on my 4th claim Im in the same boat. The VA has proposed service connection for 4 of my injuries and I know what ratings are proposed, this from my rain maker. It's been almost a month and then back to gathering evidence. It's a crap shoot. Wait for the BBE then you will know, heck it might show up in your account before you receive the mail. Best of luck. JMO
  3. I don't diagree with most of the above. It boils down to money and politics and I despise it. You shouldn't have to jump through hell and hoops and get some consolation prize of a disability benefit. I mean don't get me wrong, money is good, unfortunately money is a tool we need to get through life for necessities and a way of surviving, but I would gladly trade it for my health back, keep the money, promise me that, change all my broken parts and stop the pain. Oh you can't do that? Well afford me what I've earned, provide what was promised and let me live out the rest of what's left of my life in peace and somewhat of a normal life after being broken and injured. This VA broken machine will never be fixed, too many people with loose their Bentley's. God forbid a Veteran and their dependents get what they rightly deserve when they deserve it. The hell with the rules, the hell with regs and laws, evidence what evidence. This is where you get fed up. Zero your weapons. Aquire your targets and eliminate your targets using the law and evidence and shoot them down. Poof red mist. End of story. The snake rears its head, then red dot the SOB and squeeze that trigger. Playtime is over, War is what it is. MHO. Ill go take a happy pill now. Damn the VA, damn the DOL. I'll get off my soapbox. Apologies.
  4. Congrats especially on an initial claim, wow. Just make sure you go over the decision carefully. Very rarely to the rate according to what you really qualify for. None the less this is a great win and it put a smile on my face that I really needed. Take care.
  5. Great news. Congrats to you and your husband. Make sure you take advantage of all that is afforded to you guys now. I know that different states offer some benefits at different percentages. I know its been a long fight, take it easy and enjoy. My only advice is just to research at your leisure to see what all benefits you guys qualify for. Good luck and again congrats.
  6. Not feeling too hot. Trying to gather attack plans and records for DRO Hearing on the 19th

  7. Im glad you got some relief. I myself have been trying for years and I have learned not to put my eggs in one basket. I tried the acupuncture and it worked for a while not going to deny that. I'm a way far gone to be able to use just one method. I had 5 trigger point injections last visit with the VA acupuncture, a chiropractor visit last week and a medial branch block in the thoracic area of my spine today t5-t9, I think was todays attack. I can't say I'm feeling all that hot. My next approach is a rhizotomy in the thoracic areas of pain. But with the VA this past year or so I have tried Healing Touch, VA physical therapy, VA Acupuncture, and VA trigger point injections. They help some but it is short lived in my case. They still are lallygagging on the Spine Hospital in Houston.
  8. We are discussing the VA. I am not sure that we as claimants will not run into the same problems that we do with regular standard mail. I think the electronic method will be a two edged sword. I would like to see something as simple as returned receipt or like when you send an e-mail through a government system, how you get a notification that the intended recipient has received and opened the e-mail. That would be some heavy unbeatable evidence.
  9. DOL is taking lessons from the VA. Different name same GAME!

  10. For people that have to deal with pain on a constant basis there is no one perfect solution. I've found at least in my experience and case a multifaceted approach makes my quality of life better. It's not perfect by no means and I have my good and bad days but it helps.
  11. I have to say that I know most of us have waited months, years, and some even decades for fair and just benefits and care. It is an atrocity that one of the most powerful nations in the world whom most other nations turn to and rely on can't or sometimes won't take care of their military servicemen and women, take care of their own. But alas that is the society we unfortunately live in. I think eventually we as a nation will wake up and do what it right and just for our own people. The unfortunate truth is that it probably will take years to repair the damage and change people's perspective on the right thing to do for Veterans and their families. Rome was not built in one day. Hopefully sweet justice and retribution will be swift in the coming years and from now on. I don't like it any more than you do but we just are going to have to wait to see the progress unfold before us. At least now there has been my movement to n the right direction and the word is getting out. Actions are starting to replace empty words and promises. I believe the Honorable Secretary will try to change the mindset in this large organization for the better, I think he and most do care for Veterans and this may be the turning point for the VA. We will just have to wait and see how everything unfolds. JMHO.
  12. I have to say, I e-mailed the old chap. The Honorable Secretary is true to his word. Personalized response. He responded to me in 3 hours. I think that the man is definitely trying. I will see how things go on when we start getting higher than the regional office. I'm curious now. I honestly would like to meet him. Even if to discuss the changes from going from a product driven company to an organization such as the VA.
  13. Thats what I read as well so I don't understand how it would be pyramiding. Except the description here is Irritable Colon Syndrome. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is really just another name for the disease. The kicker is with my case is that they are calling 6-8 times a day mild. I can assure you it is not mild. Of course I know that they are not going to reference my private medical records. It states it there both in 2010-2014. The reason they are calling it mild is because there are notations in my SMR of having diarrhea. Never mind that a Gastro-entronnologist opinions and records should far outweigh a Gynecologists' opinion. Ahh that is the funny part. I actually have a log with pictures that I will be bringing with me to the DRO hearing. I'm still debating it, yes it is gross, but another hadit member had a good result with that tactic so I may just give it a try. On a good day 6 times is normal for me. Ahh the things we must do. I've seriously thought about having the VA pay for my toilet paper. I don't think I would get very far but I would love to see the raters face on that one. : ) Here's mud in your eye"
  14. Thats kind of funny though. VA has done FUBAR'ed trying to protect Veteran's information. In my case they have done it twice that I know of. It is a pain, however, these days I think it is necessary. I don't mind going down to the VA to get my records but that is because the VA in OKC is not far from me. I can see how it would be a problem if you lived too far away or were housebound. The eVet website is a good alternative though. The only thing that I don't like is that if you want copy of films or say mRi's that you really have to visit the location in person. But I don't see how your VA clinic could not have access to your records. I'd press the issue for the simple fact that they are YOUR records. Anyways just my two cents. Good luck Sierra.
  15. I don't have a gall bladder either. I had mine removed when it nearly ruptured. That was back in 1998. I've been dealing with a modified diet since then. I was fine until, I guess about mid tour in Iraq. I knew I should have stayed away from food from Iraq. Oh well things happen. There's a lot of co existing factors. Diet, stress, medications, and so on. You kind of have to experiment with different things. For me diet changes helped, they still help. I just got tired of the high cost meds and fiery throat. After so long you have to go for more aggressive treatments. Anyways, I would just like to find a clear cut references in the CFR's that refers to these conditions.
  16. Im not positive on the whole 50 % thing to get fee based. It fall into similar constraints of the Choice program sort of. It you can't get timely care then they can and there are programs available to use providers in the local community. However, like always, most VA personnel play dumb, at least in my case they have. I call them out on everything now. I am just tired of the BS. They are there to work for me and take care of my medical needs. Don't forget that. They have a responsibility to meet your health care needs. Sometimes you just really have to be informed and do some legwork but it is possible.
  17. I agree whole heartedly. If I'm not mistaken aren't they in violation of the paper reduction act. Everything on disk, no more problems getting information for a claim. No more delays. Complete and accurate.
  18. I'm not trying to be ungrateful here but I am having a hard time understanding how these two would be considered that. By physical locations they have to do with two different ends. GERD has to do with the esophagus and hiatus. The dyspepsia (diarrhea) has to do with the bowels, the lower intestines and anus. So if there are two independent systems how is it considered pyramiding ? Yes it is part of the whole digestive tract however, and I misreading the regs. As of right now it has been proposed to raise the GERD up to 10% and IBS remain at 0%, even though from reading the CFR and matching my symptoms, regardless of the recent surgery, the GERD could arguably have warranted a 30% with the hiatal hernia, dyspaghia, medication,vomiting, no arm pain though and at current be a proposed 10%. The IBS, chronic runs 6-10 times a day with a raw butt and chronic abdominal distress should net a 10% on its own but will return a 0% due to pyramiding. No decisions yet, but this is the information that my rainmaker has given me. Am I missing something?
  19. I hope that this "Truth" brings some much needed change from all agencies. It's dispicable that this type of obstruction of justice is just allowed to happen from all fronts. Not only allowed but in most respects encouraged. Things need to change. We really need to fight for these changes. JMHO.
  20. Wow NK that is pretty notorious as your profile name implies. I agree with you though. So far in my experience Unions, some mind you, are as bad if not worse than the agency you're trying to fight. I've learned this the hard way both by VSOs and AFGE. From my experience and observations they are just part of the problem. Same old same old. Ask yourself " are you really gonna bite the hand that feeds you". Some people, some agencies won't do that, not when their own bread and butter is on the line.
  21. If they want the public trust back, the trust of the people they are meant to serve and eliminate all doubt, my vote is to let an independent group do an internal review. This investigating authority must not have any ties or potential gain or loses due to a factual assessment of the VA's internal workings. Then report those findings directly to the a panel or individual and filter out all the trash that has been breaking the law and regulations for so many decades. The inherent problem is this, when it all comes out from facts and true numbers can they hang themselves? Will they hang themselves? Will things finally change? JUST MY MORBID OPINION.
  22. I'm still learning but I just don't have the right temperament not to off in the deep end.
  23. Too much. Back to gathering evidence and more threats from agencies. Anyone game for an RC flight?

  24. Man you guys are having better luck than I am. My claim was in prep for decision for a week and it went back to gathering evidence today. Ebennies is the devil. I knew better but I was getting hopeful with the DRO Coming up here in 24 days On my first appeal. Dang it man. Patience paddawon learner is all I keep telling myself. Good luck guys.
  25. I still vote for the aircraft, but I am biased, I love being in the air. : ) The car would still be fun though, but skies have no limits.
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