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HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by GBArmy

  1. Did you go SF180, to your RO, or to Janesville? How did yo request?
  2. Prettypantha First and foremost, we certainly extend our condolences to you for your losses. A tough thing to go thru; take it one day at a time. Your decision letter sure seems to be good news for you though. The BVA has found that the VA failed on several fronts regarding a duty to assist. The didn't get your records or attempt to obtain and so it goes back to them to get records from SSA for your headaches. You have to be eval for radiculopathy . They said you should be getting a disability in excess of 10% prior to 6-19-17 and a 30% after that date on headaches. And because they missed the boat on your headaches claim, they failed to eval you for TDIU eligibility. So you can expect C&P's for that as well. The RO will be asking you (eventually) for new exams for these. I think you should also be aware that with your hearing and other potential increases for radiculopathy, you may be able to reach 100% P&T WITHOUT going the TDIU route. You should eval that path carefully. You aren't done yet, but this is favorable news for you.
  3. Same as Buck's comments. I went to forums, then latest posts and was able to review. It is a difficult for folks to get to what most of them want to go to.
  4. Good luck, Vync. If you aren't happy with your doc, get an outside eval. Heart issues are not anything to mess with.
  5. Checking on status for your claim on Va.gov is pretty much a waste of time. They just aren't going to provide any insight as to what's happening. To improve upon the info available would be, in the VA's point of view, counterproductive. The more insight provided, the more questions that will be asked by the veterans. So, they aren't saying anything. I have one currently in HLR; the very nature of that type of claim should result in a fairly quick decision. I mean, you don't provide anymore new evidence. Just review it! It is possible that some will require an addition C&P because current info is outdated or missing, but not all cases. It's more than likely going to take around 100 days, not 125 for most so they show improvement on their goals, but HLR is definitely one lane that could improve turn around time.
  6. Buck If you're 100% P&T, or been rated 100% for 10 years, I guess it wouldn't matter much for your wife to pick up DIC. But if not in those categories, you really should look into it. And another reason is that with a CPAC, you could be rated at 50%, which could possibly help out for SMC's down the road (hopefully not needed.) And a last reason I can think of why you should file is it is another learning piece for you which could help share with some veterans down the road. I didn't even count that it is a chance to WIN against the big, bad VA-that's worth doing just cause it feels good!
  7. Buck so your saying when he got s-c for PTSD is a key element relative to his weight gain. Hadn't considered that, but it make sense the VA would use that logic to deny. Good point!
  8. Rexlan One way to connect SA or OSA is secondary to PTSD by way of weight gain. If you are overweight or obese, and you take PTSD meds that tend to make you put on weight, you might have a case. Look up the side effects of your prescribed VA meds and see if they do. Look up obesity charts and see if you are classified as over weight or obese based on your height, called BMI. If this matches up, it may work for you. I assume you never asked medical help on sleep problems while in the service, so direct disability is going to be a tough nut to crack.
  9. Everett M Shanklin You are tagging onto a very old string. I suggest you just start a new question so people don't get confused. Just start a new subject.
  10. Welcome stxhyme97 Sorry that you are having these medical issues AND the VA is giving you the run a round. Shrek is right on here; don't even bring up "Free Ride." You served. The government is now responsible for your service disabilities. The issue at hand is it isn't a slam dunk, so the VA is on auto pilot- deny. So, you have show them the evidence. If you went to the hospital while in service, you need evidence you can present. There is a good likelihood there are additional medical notes/records in your c-file. I suggest you request it and hopefully find more evidence for your claim. You can find out on how to order it here , as well as on the internet. Try Tbird's blog for example. It will take months to get but it may be critical for your claim. Need your redacted decision letter for us to help.
  11. Hamslice Thanks for the posting. First I have heard where a veteran physically allowed to VAMC for an exam/procedure. And, work on that glucose number, man. Do what you gotta do!
  12. Hi ErinNick1 My understanding is that it is rare that a person will win SSD on the first attempt. You're on the right track. In addition, although SS and the VA are both huge agencies, they have different criteria on disabilities and how to determine someone being awarded. Definately a good idea to try for the TDIU now. If you win one before the other, it is evidence that isn't negative. There are others here who have gone for and received both. Hopefully, they will chime in also. Good Luck.
  13. Sounds like the normal procedure based on what the VA has for record on your legal agreement.
  14. I agree, and I can't think on anyone else who comments that wouldn't agree with Buck's comment. WE ALL HAVE EACH AND EVERY VETERAN PROBLEM AS IMPORTANT AND WORTHY OF ARE TRYING TO PROVIDE GOOD ADVISE. I have no idea what Pacmanx1 is saying.
  15. Ms Tbird I would if I used Facebook, but I don't. Never have and I don't need to go down that rabbit hole. And more email traffic; I don't need either. I know, many people do; more power to them. Not for me.
  16. Doesn't sound correct; post your letter as Shreknsuggests.
  17. You are already getting comp for tinnitus and hearing, so Diagnostic code 6205, in addition to those, a rating for peripheral vestibular disorder (DC 6204) is still on the table. Occasional dizziness is rated at 10%.Your VA doc wants to connect it as a symptom of tinnitus. Since you already have the disability, no additional rating (pyramiding). You need a good IMO from a hearing specialist that says it is separate from tinnitus and attributable to PVD. You don't have headaches with all this going on? If you do, that would be rated separately also. As for TDIU, it might be easier to obtain, and the lawyers may want to go that route, but if you can get by scheduler, it still may be preferable. You can go for the TDIU if it doesn't work out, but you'll not be able to work. I'm hoping, and you are too, that someday you may improve enough to go back to gainful employment. Just trying to point out options for you.
  18. Perfect explanation by Hamslice. You don't want to break it down too much for the VA, because you are narrowing the choices the VA can make. Secondary to your left knee; if you didn't have the knee problem, you wouldn't have the other stuff service connected.
  19. MKAH Hey brother, if you are actually at 94 rounded down to 90%, I would try really, really hard to find one more disability. Just one more 10% might push you to 95 therefore 100 scheduler. Obviously much better , and you could still work no problem. Google your disabilities and find out if you may have symptoms that might result in a secondary. For example, GERD can be secondary to many meds taken to help with PTSD. Look up the symptoms of GERD and see if you have any issues with swallowing, acid reflux, etc. See https://cck-law.com/blog/va-disability-benefits-for-gerd/ (diagnostic code 7346). This is just an example. Maybe you have something else you can connect secondary. Note that you need the symptoms current diagnosis, the med has to be on record for causing the distress, AND you have a nexus from a doc that says it caused your GERD. I'd go this route first before the TDIU path.
  20. Rexlan If you are a Vietnam veteran and kinda new to this, take a look at the listing of presumptive diseases for AO here https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/conditions/index.asp Hopefully you are healthy and none of this applies to you. but this listing has expanded quite a bit over the last 10 years or so. Don't forget that if you have any of these conditions, they often result in SECONDARY conditions that can also be disabilities. For example, type II diabetes often leads to hbp and eye problems tthat on the surface most people wouldn't connect. Keep on reading and learning on Hadit and ask questions when you need to.
  21. MKAH Conrats! That's super. Yes; it can take a while to get your back pay. The higher amounts take more time because more hoops in the signature circuit. And each one is a little different, but sometimes it is in a couple of spaced out deposits. If you get a big chunk of $ like that; pay some bills and just sit on it a while. It is a lot easier to spend it than to get it.
  22. Rexlan There are somethings that are consistent and then there are some that , well, not so much. This is what I would do: I would send a secure message to your primary doc. Tell him pretty much what happened. Ask him if he could intervene. And, here's the kicker, tell him because of those couple days without a working CPAP, tell him you aren't feeling well and request ANOTHER sleep study! The VA doesn't like spending $ on medical procedures especially if they are earlier than they should be scheduled. I don't know if you have any MH disabilities, like depression or anxiety, but tell him you are Really nervous about the situation happening again. My guess is you will get some action.
  23. ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I'll bet that s a better plan than a lot of us have. If you have a spouse, you have to have a plan that can be followed. Put a "to do" list in the Folder.
  24. It would be extremely difficult for the VA to establish an initial baseline for the aggravation. So, he would get the disability anyway, I should think.
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