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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by retiredat44

  1. I have stone cold proof of everything I applied for,, yet I have been denied 1,0000 times and in appeals, how the flying frak did he get approved? maybe he should have tought us how to win! This guy could be making a fortune..., he totally blew it! I would say more but , suffice to say he should be in jail doing just that..
  2. placing a bag full of crap on their doorstep and lighting on fire and ringing the doorbell would probably get their attention faster than a petition.. seriously... I think that the bastages only understand cash bribes,, errr..I mean donations.. update: sorry, out of frustration, I didn't have any useful answer... I just feel that unless a petition is done really good, it probably won't do much... but it maybe better than nothing... wish I could do it right.. I would hate to ruin a good chance at it..
  3. I think the flu vaccine got me sick this year, my wife said I got sick last year but, my minds foggy from being so damned sick... the day after I got the flu shot I had a fever and chills.. 3 days later I ended up in the emrgency room,, I now have another disease in my intestines on top of all the other diseases... It looks like I will not be getting flu shots again,, I thought they didn't get people sick,, but since I have an auto immune disease, it looks like they can get me sick..
  4. I take morphine and get shots in my lower back every 3 months... it helps a lot but I am still crippled in pain... not much else one can do... it took a lot of complaining and lots of visitis and begging before the shots started,, in fact it took a lot of visits and bbegging for the meds 20 years ago, nothing came easy.. it was a fight all the way... and I had to put my back pain problem on hold when my pancreas disease took over my life.. then came back to it when I got the chance.. I don't think there there is a treatment of any kind that fixes a back that gets real bad... if there is no one ever showed me the way... sooner or later I will end up back in a frakkin wheel chair of some type... but get help if you can,, they just don't offer it, you have to beg..
  5. my father was a disabled navy vet who died of copd. He apprently served during korea, but not in korea... and had been hospitalized for asthma at least one time on active duty in the 1950's.. he smoked cigs for 40 years, and quit smoking 10 years before his death at 62. he never ever went to any doctor as long as I knew him, since I was born until his death... they ok'd his claim without any questions, just one c&p exam. I wasn't there at home when he was approved I was serving overseas in the usaf. myself, I spent lots of time hospitalized on active duty for illness, chemical exposure phumonia, tbi from assault, and more,,, I Lost two jobs fom chemical exposure,, curently 50% , but they are fighting me over everythiing now, and fighting me since my claims started 15 years ago. In appeals process for 3 years now. I have terminal illnesss. pancreas disease. I have been under doctor care for 20 years for illnesses.
  6. I was with my neuro doctor again, he put me through lots of tests, all over again, after taking some new meds,, it wore me out... cloneazepam helps a bunch, proponolo (inderal) has limited success, but he is changing dose amounts, and I will find out what the new doses do... I still have not gotten a firm diagnoses. I am hoping an updated diagnoses comes before any more appeal stages. I feel I have enough evidence, but having a solid diagnosis would definitely help.
  7. These are just a few of the many reasons why it is so painfully stressful: (IMHO) 1)You know you are right, they are wrong 2)They overlook clear evidence that is already in your SMR's, put in by military during active duty 3)They treat people badly, like they have no heart, no soul (a number) 4)They make you feel like you are fighting a criminal conviction 5)The VA is so slow, many people are scared they wil die before their case goes through 6)The VA is setup so it takes a minimum of 2 years to actually speak tto someone face-2-face to explain your case in your own words 7)It appears a Disabled Veterans needs training in both medical and legal just to file papers and speak V.A., B.S. 8)If the Veteran does get legal help, often the help isn't as helpful as hoped or needed. 9)The rules seem to be encrypted, hard to find, hard to understand, even to the educated in such matters as Disability Law, etc. 10)If the Vet has suffered in pain, from a little to unbearable, the VA adds much greater stress. 11)The financial hardship, especially if the Vet is unable to work, destroys quality of life, family. This usually is forever. Even if corrected by appeals. 12)Most the time one must go through years of appeals. 13)If one does win appeals, the phsycological damage is there forever, even after the win. 14)Some VA letters Vets receive from the VA, can be devastating, and cause Disabled Vets extreme greif. 15)The sick, disabled (or both) Vet usually has to find a specialist doctor on the outside, to write an IMO. These can be extremely expensive. As, most the time, the VA doctors will not write IMO's. 16)The disabled Vet finds out they could have done something better, missed soem step that would have made the process much much better, and gets screwed out of many years of medical help, financial help, family benefits, and a very long list of items and benefits which the Vet legally should have gotten a long while back, and will most liely never recover what could have been the whole time. (and the VA knew damned well the Vet was legally entitled but never told the Vet). more coming..
  8. waiting for my DRO hearing decision, on at least 3 out of 6 issues... I think at least 3 were no dendied at the dro hearing, the other three maybe going to BVA.. but need verification some frakkin day whent he VA DRO actually gives a decison ont he three that never got an SOC... one year ago was that hearing..

  9. waiting for my DRO hearing decision, on at least 3 out of 6 issues... I think at least 3 were no dendied at the dro hearing, the other three maybe going to BVA.. but need verification some frakkin day whent he VA DRO actually gives a decison ont he three that never got an SOC... one year ago was that hearing..

  10. still waiting for a frakkin decision, sent a letter 2x to my vso asking her to find outif I qualify for my case to be advanced due to illness, no reply... from anyone..

  11. still waiting for a frakkin decision, sent a letter 2x to my vso asking her to find outif I qualify for my case to be advanced due to illness, no reply... from anyone..

  12. Diverticulitis is my latest diagnosis, adding to my already long list of misery...

  13. Diverticulitis is my latest diagnosis, adding to my already long list of misery...

  14. I just got done writing a pain drug rant on another thread for social issues... in these forums.... I didn't look here first or else I would have added to it,, just went through several days of hell because my meds never got here... and I have been on them for 20 years... needless to say withdrawls and pain with pancreas disease should not be inflicted on a vet.. I finally got a note back from my doctor saying she is sending a script to the pahrmacy,, I get a car later today and drive one frakkin hour.. each way!
  15. I am sorry if I cannot answer your question, but I had a veters service officer (VSO, tell me that it didn't matter if I missed a deadline on something I am going ot file for.. that you just go ahead and file when you need to, that you can always get around dealines.. (paraphrasing..).
  16. I just wanted to praise the DAV travel... DAV travel gives rides to vets and (disabled veterans) to and from their appointments... They are volunteers and get up early and come home late.. they drive long distances, and help many people. They do not get paid. They do it to serve the veteran community. I have no several great drivers who volunteered up to 2 or more days per week, as sometimes they were short of drivers. The drivers must go through a hard physical. Sometimes one or more will pick up slack whent here are not enough drivers. They may do this exra work for weeks and months at a time... I wanted to give a shout out for al those that have done all the halp in bring my carcass back and forth to my appointments and drive with up to nine passengers in a VA DAV van (not always full, but often). They put up with mostly good people but not all are nice. They help people in and out , in all weather,, soemtimes starting at 4:30 a.m. and getting home around 2 p.m. other times not as many hours. They can use GPS, the computer, or just know the streets. They sometimes put in up to 10 years, even more. Thank your DAV travel office staff..
  17. I sent my VSO a letter requesting she request my case be moved up because of my bad health. I asked her two months ago to ask the VA if I qualified to have my case advanced under 38 C.F.R. § 20.900 . She never gave me a response, so I do not know if she had done what I requested on my behalf as my VSO for the American Legion. So, I faxed her again asking if she did what I asked, and what was the response if any. Here is some of what I sent here (again). Isent (Faxed) a request to you to send a request to the VA to requestmy case be moved up, because I believe I qualify for my case to bemoved up, due to serious health issues. My disease is an Auto-Immunedisease (Necrotizing Pancreatitis, with complications (PancreaticPsuedocysts, Splenic Vein Thrombosis, and many more serious healthissues.). I am asking if I fall under 38C.F.R. § 20.900 ==================== MY random thoughts while lying here sick pissed off... I just don't understand why communication is so bad with so many offices, with anyone having to do with the VA... a simple yes or no is better than nothing.. I relalize I am among many thousands of Veterans asking for help... but a simple answer,, is that too much to ask... I relalize that some people are sicker than others, but I doubt that most are not as in as bad of condition... maybe a lot are, but percantage wise, No. If these condtions don't qualify me just say so... stop jerking me off.. Who is watching the VA???
  18. in month 10 of waiting for the DRO to make a decsion on my DRO hearing from Dec. 8, 2010. Just how long does it frakkin take to make a decision? wtf are they doing at the San Diego Region Office?

  19. in month 10 of waiting for the DRO to make a decsion on my DRO hearing from Dec. 8, 2010. Just how long does it frakkin take to make a decision? wtf are they doing at the San Diego Region Office?

  20. sorry, I shouldn't post stupid questions, just that my whole life is so screwed up, even if they just told me how many months it would help a lot,, because then I could determine what I should and should to do when things need work around the house.. or making living decisions,, or even health decisions,, right now I have to make decisions which cause me great pain physically, fianancially,... there are things falling apart and i have to decide whther I can wait, or they need immediate attention... or if my landlord decides to sell the house or we get kicked out,,, I need to know when things will change so I don 't have to suffer any more than I do.. I may need more surgeries,, I will find out soon... the VA just strings people along without realizing the hell they cause people... either that or they get off on causing people hell.. they can't be that ruthless, uncaring, rotten, cold calculating meanness just not to give people estimates... my latest news is the glaucoma on top of the necrotizing panceas disease,, with severe complications, I have all these (pseudocysts) cysts growing all over the pancreas these are known to cause cancer (I already had sepsis) (also I have thrombosis of the splenic vein)... all I need is to go blind, and have cancer while they continue the BS...... All I need is the decision from the dro hearing,,, it's coming up on one year in december... (6 issues) the SSOC denied 3 issues, and left 3 issues with no decision at all... the 3 with no decisions were the most important,, which means they were not denied.... just left hanging in limbo... I told me VSO I ( I typed out a letter ) to send in a request (to the BVA) to have my case moved up because I believe I fall in the category for moving my case forward for humanitarian reasons because of having an Auto-Immune disease which can kill me at any time (one infection can kill me).. I never got a response back from the VA. like others have said, they are Evil Evil Evil..
  21. What do you do when you start going crazy with waiting and anger with the VA? The never ending circle? Waiting for any answers... time going by.. escially for people like me knowing when the day is coming that that bad day turns out to be the day I must go back into the hosptial, with possibly the news that I will not leave alive.. last time I left alive.. but I live everyda knowing that in FACT I wil die from my disease.. I just don't know if it is in a few hours, a feweeks, a few months ofr a couple of years.. as most people with my condition don't live longer than 5 years... While I wait for the VA DRO at the regional office to make a decision on the 3 most important claim issues that I explained in my DRO hearing... and they never gave me an SOC for those 3 issues.. which leads me to believe they are going ot make a decisions, but waiting a year from December 8, 2010. Till now... and everyday.. I go crazy, soem days I feel like rolling into a ball and going to their metal health ward and saying I am going insane... what the hell do people do when they are fed up with being jerked around? All i wanted was honesty, what is the answer, where is my decision, why can't they tel me how long it takes? Is that so hard for these so called people who supposedly ar 'Non'Advesarial' (toal BS! They are toally adevesarial, that's a lie the, claiming that rubbish, if thye wer enon-advearial, they would not make you feel like you are criminal on trial... Why the hell can't they just tell the poor vets, they havce tpo wait 6 monts, 12 months, 2 years? I say they are mean and cruel... they must know that they are, how can they not know they are so cruel?? Maybe they are used to some people without life threating diseases trying to get claims through,, but there are sone of us poor SOB's who have terminal diseases, and they just magnify the suffering we endure...
  22. any news on what San Diego regional office is doing timewise with claims? How long are they taking to do reveiws, claims, hearings...? 10 months on my DRO hearing still no decision on 3 issues... is San Diego a slow office?
  23. well, I stil got confused because, I thought it was supposed to be a BVA video hearing (as requested by me and my VSO on my form 9),, so if they just give them my audio tapes, there will not be a video. I asked my vso and said the video will not longer be necessary, they will just use the audio.... that is what confused me.. still nor ock solid answer.. as long as I win,,, I am frakkin tired and worried about dying anyways.... and possibly dying before they quit jerking me..
  24. They just brought up this conversation on the radio show.. just sayin' I wish I had more to add.. but I don't know anything more than I am told and learn from this forum, my vso, my experiences at the VA and the radio show..
  25. does the bva or someone at the VA actually notify a vet when their case goes before the BVA? Or do you just get notified when decisions are made? Does your VSO also get notified,? if so at the same time as you, before after, any more info on events?? thanx..
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