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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by retiredat44

  1. this thread is dead on.. the san diego regional office treats you terribly, like a bad criminals.. they wil give you a tongue lashing and tell you off in a nasty way if you don't go through the screening process in a way that pleases them,, they are nazis..
  2. when I had my dro hearing, last year, they never asked for documents, they just said if we had any more to add send them in asap... they basically wanted testimony, of course you can take short stacks, with items highlighted, but it is not the place that wanted any boxes of records.... but it's always good to have everything with you just in case,,, since my vso was with me, she at least had the experience of how and when to submit and talk about issues... I baiscally used it as a chance t tell my story. It is very apparent that they cannot get the story out of just medical records, they appear to want and need you tell tell them your life story in less than 40 minutes. 20 minutes of the 1 hour alloted was them reading and telling me stuff, and asking me questions,,, of which I answered, and told my story from the time I entered the service until the latest medical issues... covering 25 years... I made it a point to let them know that every injury I suffered was from my duty, was from my job under orders... and was from the negligence of the commmanders who made me work under conditions that caused injury and illness of which my medical records back up 100%. while my wife also did a short testimony, she backed up my case because we have been married and lived together 30 years. still waiting for the decisions from the decemember 8, 2010 hearing.
  3. I gotta keep a cool head,, these people only see a person angry as a raving mental patient... I have to wait for the process to proceed normally, even if I die first,, as they wil only help once you get deeper into the process and at the bva level.. if I start trying to get politicians into this is may screw things up... I have to hang on... one reason why I do not get my congressman involved at this point is from past experience,, I had bad experiences and was treated like a mental patient when I begged for help.. and left me with a a relaly bad attitude about the politicians, and the governmnet offices... I must see if my request for the case to be moved up for terminal disease gets approved.. I must give that at least one more month... One time I tried to get help fo rmy ssdi and thye claled the polic eon me and they took me to the county mental health,, the congressmans office lied about what I said... I spent a few months in contact witht he congressmans office,, and the very last time I called during an appeal, they sent th epolice to my home... I was treated very badly.... this is not my first rodea with the pricks running government agencies.. I was reading up on what happens with request for a claim docket to be advanced for terminal illness and they usally resond in just a few short weeks.. right now it has been about 3 weeks since my vso at the American legion told me they were going to file the paperwork requesting my claim be advanced... so far not a word... but since they mpove so slow I better give it a little more time.. the va doesn't answer to anyone and they don't give a crap... but at least my requests are on record... The DRO left me hanging in the breeze... 3 of my biggest claim issues were never addressed with an SOC after the DRO hearing (the other 3 were still denied and I got an soc and ssoc for those)...,, so I suspect the DRO just put it away and is dicking around refusing to approve it.. as they have not denied those 3 issues .. I just don't understand why they denied 3, and never gave anything for the other 3,, they could have spent a few minutes and finsished it.. there is nothing left to do, my hearing was taped, they have every frakkin record... maybe I am paranoid, but I truly believe they enjoy watching people suffer while they dick around.. sadisitic they are.. My VSO officer hasn't told me how the request went.... I have no clue if they just sent my letter or there is a special form.. --------------------------- I got the info and idea from this website on using this request: from handbook, VA, 'how do I appeal' http://www.bva.va.gov/docs/Pamphlets/010202A.pdf 9.Can I request that my appeal be advanced on BVA’s docket so it willbe decided faster? Yes.You may submit a request that BVA decide your appeal faster, and BVAhas the authority to grant such a request in limited circumstances,to include if you are of advanced age (75 years or older), havefinancial hardship or a serious illness, or for other sufficientcause. See38 C.F.R. § 20.900©. If you want to make a request to advance yourcase, you (or your representative, if you have one) must do so inwriting, and you must include the following information: (1) identifythe specific reason(s) why you seek advancement; (2) the name of theVeteran; (3) the name of the appellant, if other than the Veteran(i.e.,a Veteran’s survivor, guardian, or fiduciary); and (4) theapplicable VA file number. You (or your representative, if any) mustsend your written request to: Director, Management, Planning andAnalysis (014), Board of Veterans’ Appeals, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW,Washington, DC 20420. ========================= look up necrotizing pancreatitis on the Internet,,, it is a terminal disease without complications,, in my case I have more complications.. from what I found ont he Internet DRO's can wait as long as they like, as usual, they answer to no one and there is no time limit in which they must make a decision... but out of decency and respect for disabled vterans, you would think they would not treat us so damned badly..
  4. With all these years of terminal illness, with no exact date of the end of my life... there are many times I question if I can hold a little sanity together... the claims process is deny, deny, until I die.. I have no idea when my illness will eithe rkill me outright, or just send me back into the hospital for help, or the end of my life... My necrotizing pancreatitits has many complications which can kill me at any time... and quickly..... last time was 6 months of fighting fo rmy life.. I spoke to my doctors and surgeons for what's next. They told me if I get one more fever, one more infection of my pancreas.. one more blood pressure drop (splenic vein thrombosis,,, liver, ect..) they will remove my pancreas... but then what happens is my lungs collapse when the cavities surrounding them fill with water, and they must be drainded with long needles pushed betwen my ribs,, no food for months on end, not even a drink of water, more than a sip. only tube feeding... I have gone ot mental health many, many times.. I just waiting for my claim and appeal to get through the process but they just stuff it into some metal box and it never goes anywhere.. I put in for the advancmen tof my claim due to terminal illness one month ago.. I had form 9 put in a couple years ago.. I had a dro hearing last year.. and I jsut wait and wait.. out of 6 issues, they only gave me an SSOC for 3 out of 6 issues,, which leads me to believe they may approve 3 issues in my claim and the bVA may be getting or already have the other 3. I don't know. They refuse to communicate with vets while file claims.. they never send update letters.. The American Legion is handling my claim and representing me.. they don't know what's going on either.. I have days that make me question both my sanity and whether or not I have to get to the emrgency room when I feel bad.. currently, without being graphic ..I have some symptoms that feel like internal bleeding... I have been through this before.. I have many cysts on my pancreas,, the last big cyst was 5 inches with was surgically removed, but they are unable to remove al the cysts,, they are full of poisionous liquid bodily stuff..l they are called psuedocysts.. I live on morphine and take an enzyme to digest food, to keep the pancreas from working too hard and starting an inffection.. I just don't know much longer I can go through this hell... I know the day is coming soon when I get very sick ago, terminally ill.. but the date can be any day.. I just need them to finally stop the BS, approve my claim and let me live, give my family the benefits... stop the lies, deceit, and games.. they ahve everything they need, all documents, they have my dro hearing on tape and transcripts.. and the years are ticking by,,, the va is evil to sick disabled vets.. I made a great case with proof of abuse that caused my illnesses.. 20 years sick in bed suffering... and they continue to see who long they can piss me off.. the VA is evil... I have no idea ifd they undersatand how evil they are.. if they sleep wel at night or wake up knowing the people they screw suffer..
  5. Many years ago my va doctor gave me a stethascope/blood pressure gauge/collar and documents to record my blood pressure several times a day for many months and I had to bring them back to my appointments showing what my numbers were at home over a long period of time. I was treated for hypertension on active duty. Then the VA treated me for hypertension. I was given medication to srop the pressure. Then, with pancreas disease I suffered from too low of blood pressure and was hospitalized for low blood pressure... I had the heart stress test before a surgery also. This all happened in my 20's. 30's and up.. I am now in my 50's.Of course the VA has me going through the appeals process for claims and everything...
  6. I go to a VA neuro doctor a few times per year... my next appointment is September.. they gave me a couple of diagnosis, but are still not sure... one is Myotonic Dystrophy, th other is just essential tremors... in the service on active duty the doctors diagnosed me with essential tremors. The jerking, twisting, and other problems developed as time went on... they don't seem to understand what is going on,, my main problem was chemical exposure and illnesses caused by that... I had that problem where int he heel and toe walking wher emy left sides gives the bat wing response while trying to walk... at one time I was stuck in a wheel (for one year) chair unable to move by myself because of muscle wasting because of pancreas disease... but have been walking with a cane,, I also have degenerative disc disease.. my issues are on appeal...
  7. Mine are violent jerking motions, of the hands, flingers, limbs, twisting muscles,,, the toes can twist into knots in directions they ar enot suppose to twist.. my leggs can kick out hard... they mostly do it when I am at rest but can happen at any time.. when it happens in my feet the bones in my feet dislocate. Clonazepam seems to work the best... and I haven't even gotten into my tremors and shaking... i had shaking and tremors on active duty... and it's in my medical records..
  8. this is not like mine, but similar in the fact I followed orders when my command forced me to continue woking with chemicals that made me very, very sick.. so sick they could see some of the physical proof from 50 feet away of the effects on my body... yet, the #### lowlife's at the VA fight me over the proof and deny, deny until I die.. they have some pure evil people working in high places in the VA... I was soaked in chmicals, and they know it, it wasn't some mist blowing in the wind,, a light spray... it was lot's of liquid soaking my body for many hours at a time, up to 16 hours at a time I was soaked and my clothing... those same people are probably right now laying back in some lounge chair or in a boat relaxing, while I lay here sick and dying... and being denied my full benefits.. Now my VSO is requesting since I suffer from a terminal illness... asked if the doctors gave me a date that I will die because of the illness... because when I apply for a speed up of my case to be heard by the BVA appeals.. a condition is the illness must be terminal.. but I don't know whether i have 2 weeks or 10 years.. I wonder if the burn pits that 'may have' contributed to any illnesses which the troops may have or develop, or the Agent Orange victims get more justice than someone like me was actually soaked in chmicals and was hospitalized and treated on active duty,, yet they deny me , and the will move on to the troops that may have been sprayed or they breathed some vapors in the air that may or may not have actually been in the air.. I want (demand) the same justice, if they get justice I want mine, if I get justice, I expect them to get justice also... I want all those that are part of the issues with those that served in the gulf and Ahfghanistan, and that got sick from chemicals, to know that there are other vets out here that are in a fight witht he VA over illness from chemicals, who have already been in the battle with the VA for justice... Do not create groups of Disabled sick Vets in categories above other Vets in the war for benfits and moving the lines, putting people in front of others, or using the same proof of illness and cause differently,, treat us al the same, if we as diabled vets have the proof,, give us the same treatment and benefits we legally deserve.. do not, once again,. create different classes of disabled vets... it is uncounsciounable and disgusting the way sick disabled vets are treated that get sick and disabled, and terminally ill and disabled for following orders. Then, be pushed aside for another group... for politics... I see this coming and it only makes me angrier.
  9. only thing you can do is keep going for help,,, IBS is a catch all for 'we have no clue what's wrong' they might a more difinite cause, but soemtimes, they never find a real cause... in the future be very careful with any surgeries,,, once a part is messed with there is no going back... watch diet.. stress, physical labor... if you end up taking pain meds,, and you keep needing stronger meds, addiction (dependance) is just around the corner. your lifestyle might end up taking a huge chage in activities,, holding jobs,,, finanaces, and relationships.. just depends on how the dise progresses. if you are lucky, it's a passing thing,, something might get fixed ,, there is always that possibility... it usually helps to find others you can personnaly communicate with that have the same symptoms,, being alone with a problem is hard on some people... keeping notes is a very good idea... again, diet,,, see what works and what does not... usually people with intestinal issues map out a course, wherever they go, of where bathrooms are... some people that have intestinal problems need bathrooms very often.. so make a kit for your car.... even a chage of clothing.. if you don't need such stuff, count your blessings.. IMHO
  10. after 20 years of suffering in HELL, in severe agony, while my intestines rotted away with a 5 inch cyst on my pancreas leaking poisonous fluids and sacs.. which broke and leaking all ove rmy guts in the operating room... for 2x in one weeks if he wanted to know, less than one year before the exam I was in a va hospital bed fighting for my life.. he could have easuly ordered more copies of my medical records (seriously, there are boxes and reams of extremely rdetailed records of of breathe I took... for that whoe year.. while I fought for my life int he hospital bed while doctors and surgeons, and every frakkin nurse ont he 3rd floor worked on keeping me alive... he could have spent one year reading the records..... I sent the VA claims my records... plus they can probably get them on dvd.... to make reading them easier... by keyword.. every frakkin day for those 56 months, eveyr morningt between 4 and 6:30 am, the doctors and surgeons and hundreds of interns from the va dn uscsd would feel my stomach, because I suffered from sepsis and infection of my intestines and pancreas, it was swollen like a backetball.. and they poked it eveyr morning,, and had to find out if the necrosis and lack of food had destroyed the intestines.. they had to feel and listen to find out if they had stopped working... I was either screaming for my morphine or Dlaudid, begging for pain relief, and also had a pain pump to squeeze the trigger... the 12 bags of iv's with infection fighting drugs, food, and many drugs I am not sure what was in every bag.., hanging over my bed, the food running through a tube into my intestines,, PIC lines, (my viens no longer worked and the only way to access my blood and body was through valves implated into my vein/arteries..as I could not even drink more than a table spoon of water.. I could not hold objects, not reach down to touch my leggs.. or pul the blankets up if I got cold,, or move from one gurney to the next for each cat scan or x-ray I had at least 2 pet day... i was a rag doll, and my head bobbled around like it was on a spring when I was wheeled around... and this clown wanted to press all lover my stomach to see what a disease dying person felt like a few months later after I miraculously '[sARCASM MODE] = ON' got well enough to go home and have nurses visit me daily to get me walking, talking and eating again... I walked into their offices sick, and waiting,, I get called, I go to the exam room, and the doctor looks at my folder,, and basically says, and what's your problem... didn't these a-holes even read my file? where do I start.. l
  11. I Ihave Necrotizing pancreas disease (and several other diseases) and the c&p exam doctor, unbeleivably had me lay down, while he pressed all over my stomach area.... can't believe how freaking stupid they are at the exams.. really really pathetic..
  12. My VSO seemed genuinely invested in bringing the claim into getting it moved up... and not just saying so to appease me... as sometimes I have felt that way, not because of peoppe not caring, but because they are overworked, overwhelmed and in a losing system that beats up everying.. I feel confident in moving forward.. and that I have a strong case of getting the docket moved up... I could have just stopped and said no more in the forums, but I would like to say while tired, and digging deep trying t o find the proper words for how this situation and getting this legal procedure done, the VSO feeels confident I have a strong case for being sick enough to be in this category. My VSO said soemthing about her going to speak to her 'advisor' (I guess she has someone higher up who pulls more strings that has more pull and understanding in the workings of the legalities and getting procedures done that take higher experience and knowledge). I decided that instead of trying to say what I have and how it relates to being terminal, and how long i have to live, or how long people with my condition(s), it is better people that are interested look up the info on medical sites. I am unable to repeat what the surgeons and doctors told me over a long period of time during my long term care while an inpatient and outpatient al these years. Some people may find me to be a drama queen, but I sincerely an telling people up fron't at time I have been very close to death many times. Thank you guys for listening. I appreciate being able to share info here and receive info.
  13. I probably should not be repetative here, but i sai dthis in another thread, but the answer fits here too.. my VSO told me, the regional offices are still busy with Agent Orange claims... and they might be done around October 2011. I could rant about it, but it won't do any good.. I am just passing on what i heard today from my vso... and why the regional offices are so frakkin slow..
  14. Ok, I talked to my VSO, she says she is going to look into submitting my case for advancing the docket, because I suffer from a terminal illness (there is no cure and has a high mortality rate).. Most cases that are considered terminal are when a doctor says you only have a certain amount of time to live. My doctors were unable to give me a date, but I demonstrated that I do indeed suffer from a terminal illness and the medical records reflect so. That I what I wanted to know, what type of medical conditions will get your case moved up on the docket. In other words cases in which the patient has a high chance of dying or becoming incapacitated before the case is heard at the BVA appeal level. Yes, I will be put into another line, but my time is limited... I am in deep crap as far as health goes... I have been taken away and put into icu too many times, I have lied on the floor without the ability to ask for help... I don't have the time to wait and wait.. btw, my vso says the the agent orange cases are farmed otu to other regional offices, and are supposed to be finsished around October.. I already read that in these forums, but my vso told me, without solicitation, that many disability cases have been on hold.
  15. am I supposed to get some type of recognition that I applied for my docket to be moved up? Any more info on the type of info and when? Am I going to have to ahrass people to get answers about my request? (I mean inquire, harass, they make it seem like you are harassing htem whenver you make some legal request, as if I am making their life hard by actually requesting help. That is the feeling I get whenever I try to get help from the VA in the claims process. I really thought i would wait at least a week then ask if they actually did what I asked.. or do I need to jump right in and say,hey' did this get filed? I only sent a letter for my vso to submit to the proper BVA place.. I have no clue if there are official forms... it would be nice if soemone has actually doen what I am doing and tel me what id going on.. thanx..
  16. are there statistics for people who use these forums? like: amount of people who files claims amount of people who win type of injury, illness? branch of service? length of time in claims (broken down in easy wins, long wins, appeals) all voluntary of course.. etc??
  17. you have the same questions I have,, when there is no soc for claim issues, what does it mean,,,... and when you find out, or I find out, then maybe we can figure it out... I have the same experience, gettings soc's for some and not for others...
  18. I have a VSO, and rely on her to make sure no deadlines pass and often contact her... I still don't know why I only got an SOC for 3 and not the other 3, no one knows.. and since the dro isn't telling anyone anything.. there isn't much I can do.. 8 months has gone by.. in another thread I posted that I sent a letter requesting my case docket be moved up due to life threatening chronic illness. Let's see if that helps.. but of course finding out might take a while longer... everyoneis dragging their ass... I could rant here, but won't help you guys any..
  19. I have been going for cronic pain meetings through hospitals for 20 years... only go dhting is you get to share the stories of hell with other surviors, those that haven't kileld themselves, and doctors that listen, gather data... still have to take my narcotics to kill pain... after all telling everyone you know and strangers you are in severe pain and don't want to go places gets old with them, no one wants to hear about others being sick.. not many places and people to go to.. wether they actually give you a diagnosis for depression, and if theat gets you some type of rating for pain, I have no clue.. forst they have to find a reason for pain, if they cannot get some positive medical diagnosis for pain, they think you are a nut.. a drug seeker... but I think they do better with chronic pain patients than they did a while back... maybe more sick people? maybe they teach the doctors to understand pain more? Each docotro is different. Then comes the problems of the bad guys ont he street taking drugs and giving gthe really sick people a very hard time getting legal pain killers because the doctors were running scared becase the DEA were chasing the doctors for giving out pain meds.. what a frakkin mess! The poor sick people in pain get screwed..
  20. I will fire a letter or phone call off to my VSO in the coming days to get a confirmation about sending my request to have my appeal move-up upon comppassinate grounds for chronic severe life threatening illness. Has anyone else done this request? Have you been successful in getting your docket move up? How much do they move it up? I thought I would give my vso a few days, and need be a prick and demand same day service... but my patience is limited... if everyone kenw or experienced the hell I have been put through they would understand where I am coming from. Not knowing from one second to the next if I am going to die or end up back on life support... screaming in agony for stronger pain control.. and the loss of 60 lbs in days... the ability to walk, eat, move, I could not even pull the blankets up or hold objects... the ability to talk became exhaustive. To be picked up and rolle dover for sponnge baths, or not be able to go outside for sunlight for weeks at a time.. no ability to sip liquids or food for months.. this is what can and will happen,, I just don't know when but this is just what one of my diseases bring. I just ask they move my date up and quit jerking me... When I volunteered to go to mental health meetings for people suffering illness and problems, I met with groups. Some people had maybe aknee of legg gone bad which made them chage their lifestyle , so they could not enjoy gold any longer, or had permanetn back pain, or keck.. but none I have met have spent 20 years sick ina chair or bed, with a couple short walks per day.. and not working in 15 years, Yet when I tried telling y story, some even said that I was arrogant to thinlk my problems were worse than theirs... I just tell them I am sorry If I came across that way but I am not int heir shores and they are not in mine. If you see soemone walking it doe snot mean they are healthy, and they have no clue what others go through. I had a 20 percent chance of living.. and beat the odds. So far. Now, to get fair treratmnet from the VA. Asking htem to move my case up isn't asking much escecially since I have been crippled for a couple decades... and a have been approved 15 years ago, I just need them to approve the rest, that they denied 15 years ago. Please before I get sick and am unable to speak for myself, and rely on others to get what's right. Has anyone else gone through this, and gotten it done? How many people claim a chronic illness and get their cdocket moved up? How many actually deserve it being moved up? Does the VA take this seriously, or do they look at it like I am trying to beat the system and steal benefits? It's very cynical but after what I have been through I find it liely, they could care less... IMHO Hoenst opinions welcome. Every day and nigth I wake up from vivid dreams stuck inside a very sick body wondering whent he next fatal attack wil lofccur. it is absolutelly horrifying when the attack come witht he blood suplly cut short fromt he thrombosis and the pancreas disease.. I wil not get gross ehre, but bathrooms are not made witht he accomadations for what happens with ones body that has al this happen at once.. plus, laying on the floor paralyzed hoping someone will find you, scoop you up, and get you medical help is the scariest thing ever. I have had it happen many time. Most the time, I am alone and have to wait until my body relinquishes control so I can get back up. Anyways, guess I wil call my VSO by the end of the week and see if they forwardeed my request to the BVA, DRO< and al those that are making my life my hell. thanx for listening..
  21. I just fired a letter off to my VSO, for this forum thread: (excuse any mistakes, as, I copied the letter (cut and paste, and the format got screwy, I would have just copied the letter, but changed operating systems and the free stuff I am using sucks..) here is a copy with personal info removed: ======================== 07-24-11 from handbook, VA, 'how do I appeal' http://www.bva.va.gov/docs/Pamphlets/010202A.pdf 9. Can I request that my appeal be advanced on BVA's docket so it will be decided faster? Yes. You may submit a request that BVA decide your appeal faster, and BVA has the authority to grant such a request in limited circumstances, to include if you are of advanced age (75 years or older), have financial hardship or a serious illness, or for other sufficient cause. See 38 C.F.R. § 20.900©. If you want to make a request to advance your case, you (or your representative, if you have one) must do so in writing, and you must include the following information: (1) identify the specific reason(s) why you seek advancement; (2) the name of the Veteran; (3) the name of the appellant, if other than the Veteran (i.e., a Veteran's survivor, guardian, or fiduciary); and (4) the applicable VA file number. You (or your representative, if any) must send your written request to: Director, Management, Planning and Analysis (014), Board of Veterans' Appeals, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20420. To: my Veterans Service Officer: xxxxxx xxxxxxxx From: xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Ca. xxxxx xxxxxxx Since I suffer from Necrotizing Pancreatitis (also several other serious medical conditions), I canget sicker, and die at any time. I have a very long history ofillness and a history of long periods of hospitalizations. I am asking if I can submit my condition as a cause to speed up this extremely long drawn out process. I am appealing to the VA to help me with my case before I die. My family deserves this, because if I die before the case goes through the process justice will not be served,and they may never get the benefits I feel we are due because of injuries and illness that were caused and exacerbated by active duty service injuries and illnesses. I have submitted extensive medical history, many medical exams, surgeries, IMO (independent medicalopinion), and much much more. Years of going through the claims andappeals process. I am under a few doctors ongoing care. My last VA appeal appointment was a DRO hearing at the San Diego, Regional Office, xxxxxxx, 2010. Iappeared with my Veterans Service Officer whom represents me throughthe American Legion. My wife also attended and gave testimony. Please, I appeal to the VA (all officesthat are involved in the claim process) to help me get my legaldecision sooner due to the extreme bad health I suffer from. My family and I thank you andappreciate your consideration in this urgent and important matter. Thank you, Sincerely, xxxxxxxx
  22. there has to be some people that read these forums that are using San Diego VA RO offices for claims... I don't see any people posting for nay California offices... it would be great to hear about wtf is going on around the California offices.. such as, timelines (most important) trends like approvals, denials, screwups... news.. thanx..
  23. I was diagnosed with Glaucoma also, a few months back, in a couple weeks they are going to use a special 3D eye camera, then start treatment... since I have pancreas disease I bet they are related... but already have 6 items on appeals.. I am so angry with the appeal BS they are putting me through I will defintely file for more claims once these get finished, if I live long enough, I will flood the CrAp out of the VA with claims for pizzing me off even more... (my eye diseases: Glaucoma, Cataracts, and Choroidal nevus) Right eye cataract was removed a couple years ago... Nevus is in right eye, Glaucoma and Cataract are in left eye..
  24. Skin issues, swelling, moles, possible cancer. I have been treated on active duty I was also treated for skin issues. I also had issues from chemcicals. But, now, during the last 15 years, I have had not only swelling, edema, but also weird moles,, spots,, discoloration, and biopsies. (when I say possible cancer, I am not saying the doctors say I have cancer, but I have appointments coming to find out what the heck is going on..) I have spots with odd shapes, and several shades of brown, bummps. Some look flat but are actually bumpy when look at and felt. Other spots look like blisters. I have a lot of itching. With pancreas and liver problems, the issues could be some of the problems from the liver and/or pancreas... I have itching.. and if I touch or itch the spots they bleed a long time.. I have appointments with dermatology again, as I do at least once per year. Anyone else have experience with these issues, do they turn out to be cancerous very often? What causes other people's? MY back has had spots for many, many years. My stomach has many brown sopts that appear constantly, like moles.... my leggs has had these spots for at least 5 or more and has gotten much worse since my pancreas disease, with a few liver complications. The spots on my leggs are more raised and are more like blisters. Sorry if I soumd like a hypocondriac. But, the doctors have been worried because I have so many weird spots on my body. Just wondered what others have with these type sopts, causes, conditions, treatments. thanx.. btw, my VA disability claim already has my skin problems listed.
  25. Is there a point in the process at which the claimant no longer receives updates? After one goes through the claims, denials, NOD's, and a DRO hearing.. is there a point at which the claimant no longer receives updates telling the vet what they are doing? Like during the claim process, every few months the VA would send the vet a (generic) letter saying they are working on the claim, or there maybe a delay,, 'blah..blah..blah''). Now, I don't even receive those.. every since I got an SOC (January 2011), the letters stopped... does one get letters when the claim gets moved up the chain to the next step? to the BVA ? before or after they move it... or any letters saying what they are doing? Thanx..
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