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VSO uses VA email Address!

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I noticed that VSOs use @va.gov VA email addresses. This includes many from VVA, MOPH, and AMVETS.

This means the VA has access to the messages between the claimant and the so-called "advocate." This is how close the VSO and the VA work. The owner of an email system owns all messages on that system. So the VA can read all the correspondence the veteran sends. These VSOs are puppets. The VSO is creature of the VA.


VSO's are trained and accredited by the US Department of Veterans Affairs to provide assistance to veterans




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I would probably agree.  I also think they work in the same buildings, etc.

I use the VFW as mine.  So far so good.  However, I have never sent or recieved an email from my VSO.  So I am not too sure what he/she does for me.

I do email my CVSO (County Veterans Service Officer) and she does respond quite rapidly.

I do wonder, if the VFW has a file on me, can I get a copy or see it?





“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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This is another great example as to why you may not want to use a "free" representative paid for by your opponent.  VA "justifies" this by saying this is a "non adversarial" claimant friendly system.  This is like your opponent telling you, "he's got your back".  

Its a fundamental problem to use your neighbors attorney when your neighbor is suing you.  Do not forget that your VSO is probably getting "free rent" in his office at the VAMC or VARO, and there is no such thing as free rent.  

Why does your VAMC, who is supposed to help homeless Vets, not turn the VSO office into a room for homeless Vets?  Oh, wait, the homeless Vet isnt paying rent, but the VSO will.  How will the VSO pay rent?  Let's start by letting them read your mail to your VSO.    Next, your VSO can help VA "loose" your critical documents, just in case VA really does have "controls in place" to prevent the destruction of your critical evidence.  

Is it a coincidence whenever your VSO looses your evidence and they get free rent from VA?  Maybe.  

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Thats like saying that your public defender has it in for you just because their office is in the City County building, and just about as absurd. Most of the time there is good information here. This isn't one of them. 

The Earth is degenerating these days. Bribery and corruption abound.Children no longer mind their parents, every man wants to write a book,and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching. --17 different possible sources, all lacking verifiable attribution.

B.S. Doane College, Mgt Info Systems/Systems Analysis 2008

M.S.Ed. Purdue University, Instructional Development and Technology, Feb. 2021

M.S. Purdue University Information Technology/InfoSec, Dec 2022

100% P/T




Sleep Apnea

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B.S. Info Systems Mgt/Systems Analysis-Doane College 2008
M.S. Instructional Technology and Design- Purdue University 2021


(I AM NOT A RATER- I work the claims BEFORE they are rated, annotating medical evidence in your records, VA and Legal documents,  and DA/DD forms- basically a paralegal/vso/etc except that I also evaluate your records based on Caluza and try to justify and schedule the exams that you go to based on whether or not your records have enough in them to warrant those)

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broken soldier posted:

"Thats like saying that your public defender has it in for you just because their office is in the City County building'"

You might have a point there.  There is an organization that helps innocent victims in prison proove their innocence.  

The public defender may just be a little to "chummy" with the prosecutors, too.  

Sure, I know you can go on and on calling me a "conspiracy theorist".  I was just like you.  I figured every Vet got what he deserved, and if he did not get benefits, it was his own fault.  That was when I was naive about 14 years ago, before the VA shredded my evidence on multiple occassions.  

I used to think the "profit motive" also disappeared whenever someone agreed to work for the US Government, that there was absolutely "no connection" to how much/many benefits were paid to Veterans...that a Vet got his benefits based purely on his needs/evidence, and it did not matter if the government agency was behind on budget that particular quarter or month, and their bosses were pressuring them to meet budget goals.  

However, if this were true, why is there a 4 year backlog on appeals at the BVA?  Worse, why is it that about 2/3 of the claims which do make it to the BVA are remaded or awarded?  Why dont they just approve benefits the first time, and there would be no need for appeals?    About 80-90 percent of first time claimants are denied.  Does this mean that 90% of Veterans are theives trying to con VA out of benefits they dont deserve?  The culture at the VA would say yes.    I say there is very little difference in morality between Veterans and VA employees.  Both have bad apples.   

I recalled on the occassions when I worked for the government.  Did my government service trigger something in me that automatically made it want to me to forego all my selfish motives and devote my life to service of America's citizens?  Not really.  If "government service" changed you and made you less selfish, then more power to you.  For some, they have used "government service" to enhance their own wealth, and, sometimes, carry out evil desires.  

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Unfortunately im not going to go down this road with you, Bronc. Unless you have cites for your stats, and the reasons why they were denied, they are meaningless.Not every one wins, or deserves to win their first go around. There are like, 900,000 veterans in this country, and some of them persistently file claims and appeals because they feel owed benefits yet they have no evidence to back up their claims. Others don't know the proper procedures- they can be helped. Some dont have the evidence 'right now'- they can usually be helped too. Its not a popular opinion but its also one that I refuse to relinquish. I want to win the lottery, I DESERVE to win the lottery, but I don't. Must be the lottery's fault, right? 


You had a bad go. It happens. Im sorry for that. That doesn't make your opinion of the VA having a vested interest in causing Vets to lose any less confirmation bias than mine that is based on supplying good evidence and a well constructed claim that you will usually win, albeit sometimes after an appeal. 



The Earth is degenerating these days. Bribery and corruption abound.Children no longer mind their parents, every man wants to write a book,and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching. --17 different possible sources, all lacking verifiable attribution.

B.S. Doane College, Mgt Info Systems/Systems Analysis 2008

M.S.Ed. Purdue University, Instructional Development and Technology, Feb. 2021

M.S. Purdue University Information Technology/InfoSec, Dec 2022

100% P/T




Sleep Apnea

Some other stuff

B.S. Info Systems Mgt/Systems Analysis-Doane College 2008
M.S. Instructional Technology and Design- Purdue University 2021


(I AM NOT A RATER- I work the claims BEFORE they are rated, annotating medical evidence in your records, VA and Legal documents,  and DA/DD forms- basically a paralegal/vso/etc except that I also evaluate your records based on Caluza and try to justify and schedule the exams that you go to based on whether or not your records have enough in them to warrant those)

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 VA owns their servers where email is handled and saved. Emails become their property. VA has an IT department.

Blind email carbon copy (cc)  is also a reality. A VSO can send you an email from the VA server and cc the rater too. You won't know. If your VSO and the VA raters work in the same building and see one another everyday, it's only reasonable that they would get to know one another. They work together.

You don't have a binding relationship with a VSO like you'd have with an attorney.

I don't think anyone rightfully claiming eligibility to VA benefits has to worry about getting caught filing a fraudulent claim. You are eligible and qualify for a benefit or you don't. If you are a Veteran, you have a right to apply for benefits from VA.









Edited by sunnyh
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