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Should I cancel one of the claims I need advice quick..thanks

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Okay quick question and I hope I get some quick advice before its too late.  Okay so I put in for an increase in my husband's ihd, and his lungs because he's had terrible residuals since he had radiation for lung cancer.  We applied for the caregiver program and was approved but the lady told me that his 100% for his lungs was temporary (which I knew) and that I should be trying to get him increased or made P&T so that his overall average would never go below 70%.  So I put it in.  Well the rep at the VA went in and said that he was Permanent and Total...yay.  So I thought they were done because I saw the notice saying a decision letter was being mailed.  However, today a lady calls and says she will be scheduling him for a c&p for his lungs.  Well as it stands he has 100% for his lungs.  They have not set the appointment yet...should I go in and request this cancelled?  THere is nothing to gain and I'm thinking the wrong doc could certainly give something to lose especially since she said they will be using a community doctor.  It's a moot issue right now right?   If they haven't made a decision which obviously they haven't can I cancel or is it too late?


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I accidently listed a disability I did not want considered for an increase.  I was wanting just increase for DMII.  I wrote letter to VA saying to cancel my claim for the other condition because I actually can't get more for it.   I sort of regret it but I have maximum compensation right now and I don't really want to mess with it except to document my getting worse.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

John999 I would call Peggy, 800-827-1000 and ask the rep if they received the letter pulling the claim back. It should be in your file. If it isn't, ask him/her what is the proper way to pull it back, like what form, where does it go, etc. It probably gets routed to the claims intake center in Wisconsin, my guess. But yes, you want to get that out of there. If you are at the top of the rating for that disability they can and will pull your file and quite possibly have you in for a new C&P, and who know where that will lead. I'd jump on this first thing Monday if I were you.

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Okay so here is what happened.  I called the regional guy that is at our local VA.  I explained and he looked up my husbands file.  He said okay it looks like they switched out the lung cancer 100% to zero percent!  Then they took his heart percentage up to 100% permanent and total!  Yay!   He told me to have my husband call the 800 number and cancel the claim for his lungs because he is set.  I asked why they took the lung one down to zero and he said they often manipulate the numbers and that was  best because theorectically lung cancer can potentially be cured at which point he could lose his 100% because it is always put in as temporary unless the docs state terminal.  If his cancer comes back I just need to put it in and they will move it up tho it won't make any difference on his status.

So we cancelled the one claim and within two days had the notice for his 100% P&T.

Thanks every one for you help!

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