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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. Luckily my mother in law terrified of driving on highways and we moved to another state...
  2. Does this help with my chances of getting approved for SSDI?
  3. Thanks I'm rated at 90% scheduler one of them a residuals of a TBI rated at 70%. She gave it to me in hope I no longer get distracted when watching my kids so I don't get them hurt. I really don't feel bad for telling her my wife's concerned now when she goes back to work 9 weeks off maternity leave of what will happen. The Aderral is for an adjustment disorder she calls it Im back to see her on the 7th to see if she doesn't have to call child services my folks are an hour drive and daycare comes out for two kids to what I would could make at a PT job the other thing is my doctor who granted me IU labeled me as a liability to all employers saying a safety hazard due to my memory. And I'm am rated with SMC S if thats house bound then yes. I applied for SSDI and my doctor just filled out an Mental RFC but the issue for me is im not completely impaired but most of my mental from my primary doctor shows that i have some form of TBI depression anxiety PTSD dx was his assessment. Now my physical RFC shows almost no impairment he wrote my dx on that one instead of this one though. This was before my visit to get help yesterday from the psychiatrist.
  4. I finally said enough is enough and I felt concerned and told my doctor my issues Her response I'm calling your wife now and my wife wasn't even mad when I sat down and we talked I said I've been so distracted at times they could have but didn't get harmed. But I'm not trying to luck there way through life and thanks for the words Broncovet
  5. Doctor said I may get to distracted and put kids in jeopardy she kept asking my wife if she needs to supervise me with the kids or if she gets scared when she'goes back to work I knew my sTBI was my downfall but I didn't know how bad it effected my love for my family now it's all in the VAs hands and I doubt like it now I feel like I shouldn't have said my issues kept everything under wraps if my wife has to give up the only jobs she's loved then I've failed as a husband again
  6. I've been trying to figure out how to stop making the same mistakes over and over and to do right for my kids and hopefully improve from my impulsive thoughts. But then the doctor says to me you put me in a tough spot I have to call child services on you and speak with your wife. My wife who just had a baby 9 days was being interviewed by my psychiatrist. She kept asking if you feel like you have to supervise with the kids and she said sometimes and with projects in the house. My wife can't be a fulltime care giver I know that she's going back to work in 9 weeks. I have until the 7th of June my next appts and on Aderral 20mg to hopefully change my ways and make better for my kids. I can't lose my kids I love them. Just thought I'd give an update and hopefully here some ideas of what the xxxx I'm doing right or wrong?ive turned to this website for help always but I think my lucks running out...
  7. Sometimes things do take time it's usually in this phase pending a C&P then takes 10 days for an outsourced one to upload in their system barring no other delays like questions they have with the doctors opinions that's when you call case and ask why is it in this phase I spent a month in this phase because something was uploading to the electric system I called every day for a month until one month past and he submitted an inquiry then it was no longer needed a xxxxxxx month delay that wasn't even needed
  8. One appeal is for two service connections issues that has a hardship flagged on it sknc the 3rd of this month. My attorney filed a NOD for appealing that my sTBI is permanent and total when I called to confirm if this was possible she said now it is. I then asked that since my first appeal had a hardship granted on the third of this month would it be also assumed that my second appeal would have a hardship since the first appeal has yet to be decided. Stone cold no answer she just stuttered you might want to submit the same paperwork you used to grant you hardship on the third I was like that's ridiculous I think an email tomorrow to Ted Ebert is acoming.
  9. Whoever said you couldn't have two open appeals. Well I have two and one claim open. Not bragging still might take awhile but it is possible in case you were wondering....
  10. They will inform you why it's held up and how to speed it up they only open until 430 but call by 315 the latest if they don't answer try again tomorrow you'll get help
  11. I have been there please call now (202) 530-9470 they'll answer when your hardship has been granted or denied
  12. Persistence is your lucks best friend
  13. So listening to everyone on her and searching past appeals ive finally concluded separating my issues from my sTBI are the last thing I should want. But if I am at 70% stand alone with the sTBI, with added PTSD and I was granted IU with just those. If I am connected for the adjustment disorder that by itself is a social and work total impairment as my psychiatrist has said if this is added to my TBI residuals is that enough to bump it up under 8045 to 100%?
  14. It's cool it's Jfrei lol sounds like the hiccup you were searching for glad to have helped why is it they said you need to withdraw the 0%?
  15. That just chaps my ass war is war whether it was WW2 to Afghanistan all the same. Except now a days conditions are far better...
  16. Each covers different sections of you body and how they function. Is it safe to say that the brain is just considered one organ? In my case my dx is bilateral frontal brain injury with diffuse axonal injury. It's my guesss is that it's because most brain injuries are bilateral in a sense and would be to costly....
  17. Try checking your letter generator for the benefits recieving or if you try filing a new claim when you get to the section about claim or reopening denied disabilities it would be on that. List but try letter generator first and if you start the claim do not submit it just keep it unsubmitted
  18. I'm dx adjustment disorder my psychiatrist told me. And I'm have nothing for ptsd just that I have it they combined it with my residuals of a TBI. I was 70 before and 70 after they added residuals of a TBI with PTSD. I'm not rated 100 for anything other then I was granted IU which pays at 100 I'm 90 scheduler. I know this adjustment disorder will be SC just trying to figure out if I had it prior to my TBI which I believe is the case. I just wanted to know if it's possible if it is Dx and is prior to my TBI injury how will they still combine it with my PTSD and TBI residuals say it's secondary or if it's exacerbated by the TBI if it occurred prior to my TBI?
  19. Luckily I have a Psych evaluation from the doctor who said she couldn't speculate the difference between the two. Now I have my TBI review 5 months after her exam by a Neurologist so hopefully she will take his word over mine find out on Friday and I'm an anxious mess with my wife out of a hospital.
  20. And then 5 months after the PTSD dx I'm told I have no mental issues related to my TBI and my review.... and this is why I can't get a proper C&P no can fill out a DBQ properly
  21. Then in 2016 I had PTSD with a TBI and no way to show the difference
  22. This was October of 2014 at my ptsd DBQ found i had depressive disorder no PTSD...
  23. My psychatrist at the VA has already suggested this occurred
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