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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I believe if you stay at 70% for PTSD and if combined scheduler equals 100% your ok to try, but I'm not that much of an expert on this I'd wait until one of the elders on here tel you it's ok...
  2. And it pre existed before my TBI. My ptsd diagnosed was just through into my TBI residuals and not rated seperately it continued my TBI rated at 70 even when they combined it with ptsd. My doctor isn't calling or ADHD they said it's just Adjustment disorder, which doesn't matter my coexisting TBI/ptsd is not a seperate rating anyways. In my exam 8/9/2016 the psychiatrist just doing th bare minimum before on the exam now has to look at when my AD started which she said was before my TBI. I now know I was arrested twice on my return home acting reckless and keeping myself away and turning on family prior to my TBI. I had to do all this searching because I do not remember anytime really from Sept. 2006 to roughly March 2007 and even the months afterwards are foggy which is due to my TBI. I know my TBI has definitely made my adjustment disorder more chronic but it definitely wasn't the start of it. In fact I can show the doctor it caused me to be in the car that night I may not have caused the crash of my car because of the defect but what happens if I can show had I not been suffering an AD my TBI would never had happen that night? I know that it would have happened later anyways and I may have died like the other 125 paid off by GM but this is what drives me crazy with speculation so many things I would have gotten the recall 2 months after my TBI. Maybe I would have gotten it fixed my thick jar head probably wouldn't have but it's all a guess now as my coworkers tell my lawyers I'm damaged goods... so I guess I am trying to figure out what if my AD wasn't secondary to my TBI just made it chronic? If it began before my TBI how is it possible to be lumped in as a residual to my TBI having possibly been a cause to it? #asknod #buck52
  3. I've been having issues figuring out when it started and meet with my psychiatrist this week. Hopefully to discuss when it began I was diagnosed with depressive disorder in 2014 due to watching my friend die and again when it was filmed on Baghdad ER. When that happened I was dx right before my sTBI that I was acting reckless in behavior and shutting my family off from my life. Then my sTBI occurred and exacerbated it to the point where I've made very bad impulsive decisions to this day and I have no short term memory. My TBI is already rated with PTSD lumped in there but if my AD began before my TBI is this something they will lump in with that? VES has contracted my psych exam with the same doctor who lumped my ptsd with my TBI and she missed several issues with the ptsd exam I'm sure to bring up... but if she sees her mistakes is to late to amend her report to the VA I mean she said I had ptsd but couldn't speculate which symptoms were the TBI or PTSD?Maybe I should call VES to see if they can send me to a Neurologist/psychiatrist one with better abilities to differentiate?
  4. Make sure your using an AMD FX-8300. Mid-Range.processor on your home computer hardrive by far superior than anything else pentium or Celeron dirt....
  5. Can you do me a favor and call the office of case management no one from the 1800 will ever truely help you unless you like smoke blown up ur a$$. (202) 530-9470 call in the morning from 9-1030 they'll pick up usually quick. Please post what you find they will send inquiries and or get the ball moving please post your findings.
  6. Devil: hey there Marine you can't handle the storm I'm a brewing 

    Marine: excuse me devil I am that storm nice try

  7. Does anyone have an idea of how quick a decision will be made with the VLJ presently? With an advance of the docket...
  8. I'm not P and T but now I am fighting for permanent my attorney is filing to appeal my recent denial. I am already recieving SMC S. I like you said am just fighting to get my issues SC that's it. That's a big enough fight as is ... Rated Disabilities Disability Rating Decision Related To Effective Date residuals of traumatic brain injury with cognitive disorder, short term memory losses/lapses, difficulty sleeping, problem solving with PTSD (to include cerebral contusion with diffuse axonal injury to bilateral frontal and temporal lobes) 70% Service Connected 07/12/2010 dizziness and lightheadedness 30% Service Connected 05/25/2016 Tinnitus 10% Service Connected 07/12/2010 headaches 0% Service Connected 07/12/2010 scar tracheostomy due to ventilator dependence 30% Service Connected 07/12/2010 Right foot strain (claimed as right foot contusion) 10% Service Connected 07/12/2010 trochanteric pain syndrome including trochanter if bursitis, s/p right pelvic fracture 10% Service Connected 05/07/2016 Skull fracture and deep vein thrombosis (claimed as blood clots in left leg) Appealed with vlj left shoulder impingement syndrome with supraspinatus tendinitis (claimed as dislocation of left shoulder with popping) 20% Service Connected 07/12/2010 residual of avulsion fracture left index finger 0% Service Connected 07/12/2010
  9. I understand completely and I'm not working but I got the Voc assement to help with my SSDI since they say I don't have enough Vocational history even though I meet the work requirements. I guess Ive never really Ebert thought about being stopped as I was improvement as a kid. But I'm taking your advice the AD is a now dx and don't need a reason for them to deny me if the doctors stopped diagnosing and giving me drugs when I was 12. This new Dx got me a new psych exam for my FDC claim in 1 week after I filed. But i guess what's the point if they can't give me a separate rating or make me 100 is it possible to be a threat to others or myself by my impulsive actions and be rated 100%?
  10. They already made me 100 IU for my TBI/ptsd/memory lapses/ sleep disturbances/ bilateral temporal lobes/ cognitive disorder. My guess is AD is the next on the list. I think it's impossible to be 100 scheduler for a MH issues. The doctor who dx me as having ptsd due to my TBI is doing the another exam for my AD. I Is it possible to have a secondary MH issue like AD with its own rating if it was due to my childhood ADHD which was in remission all of high and my first 3 years of active duty and I can show evidence to the doctor with school records and awards prior if it being dormant and my childhood dx of when prescribed Ritalin for it when I was 11-13 which until the age of 31 back on it again.
  11. I don't know how their record keeping is at VES. But it's been over a year since I was at the doctor who diagnosed me with PTSD but she lumped it in with my TBI. Unsure of how my adjustment disorder will change my rating don't know if it possible? I'm unsure of how AD will be rated as a general mental health issue other than PTSD? Just can't believe they are sending me back to the doctor who did my PTSD exam is that not a conflict?
  12. Yes because what your claiming wasn't diagnosed so they don't do the work for you and file for it... It would save allot of time and frustration if they did.
  13. MH diagnosed is my sTBI residuals and my PTSD. My Neurologist opined that my sTBI also exacerbated my ADD to the point were I can no longer do my job . My psychiatrist called it an AD due to my sTBI/PTSD. So is it possible to have AD with all my all SC PTSD ties in with my residuals of my sTBI rated currently at 70%?
  14. This useless diagnosis is apparently a catch all for nothing dx. It's limited to being dx for 6 months after the stressor my sTBi was over ten years ago. How can you say I have an AD with my sTBI. If my residuals are still manifested is that still technically an ongoing stressor for my AD? Does anyone have any experience with this I know I've already been dx for having PTSD and a sTBI, how is that possible to have a AD with those two already service connected? Makes my damn head shake pardon my French...
  15. Dr bash wanted 9k Dr valette wanted 2.5k orginally for my IU claim luckily i was still granted IU with just the VA examinations. Now for my adjustment disorder I filed last week FDC with my primary doctors dx at the VA saying i have it so now I have a VES C &P coming this month. What DBQ will they use?
  16. Will my 70% for my residuals of traumatic brain injury with cognitive disorder, short term memory losses/lapses, difficulty sleeping, problem solving with PTSD (to include cerebral contusion with diffuse axonal injury to bilateral frontal and temporal lobes) be finally raised to 100% scheduler with also adding adjustment disorder? I'm 100 IU now for the TBI before the adjustment disorder and this new dx would explain allot of my difficulties I wish I had money for a IMO.
  17. I filed 3 and was denied so then I filed just the one of the denied and now I'm going in for a C&P...luckily I have had a neuropsych test in 2007 2010 and now 2017 that all say my sTBI exacerbated my adjustment disorder and now requires Ritalin after straterra failed...Trial and error lab rat right here I don't think this is something they can get wrong now but i can't even fathom to guess anymore they do whatever the hell is. Backwards here's my VA doctors dx TBI with memory/cognitive deficits/ ptsd Adjustment Disorder this was at my scheduled appointment after my neuropsych test
  18. The intial review has been completed with the evidence I've sent in now the 2 request is this <VA Medical Facility>? Is this a DBQ?
  19. So back in 2013 I was diagnosed with Major depressive disorder.. 2014 denied SC for PTSD. 2016 service connected for sTBI with PTSD. 2017 dx with having an adjustment disorder due to my sTBI exacerbating my childhood ADHD. I was Marine of the quarter and honor grad right before my sTBI so my childhood ADHD showed no signs prior to my sTBI. I know that's their way of denying most claims but it was dx when I was 11 and stopped meds for it when I was 12. No problems with academics and a 79 on my ASVAB in 2004. But ever since 2007 after my sTBI doctors have opined my ADD may have been effected in my TBI worsening my conditions not to mention at the VA in 2017 they called it an adjustment disorder and prescribed me Ritalin raising it up to 20mg a day. So I filed for ADHD denied in two weeks and I said ok how did the doctor word it three weeks ago, she called it an adjustment disorder. So refiled last week and no denial yet but now I'm being scheduled for a C&P. Is this even compensatable? I'm already 70% for my residuals of traumatic brain injury with cognitive disorder, short term memory losses/lapses, difficulty sleeping, problem solving with PTSD (to include cerebral contusion with diffuse axonal injury to bilateral frontal and temporal lobes). I have now been diagnosed with an adjustment disorder and now prescribed Ritalin. I've read all i can find but most are being denied PTSD and or The TBI. I've already been service connected for both and now I'm being dx as having an adjustment disorder. Could this be rated as secondary since it is opined that my TBI exacerbated my childhood symptoms? How many things can they seriously lump together.... I had filed for ADHD and was denied in two weeks saying not a disability the va pays for so the next day filed for adjustment disorder and now I'm being scheduled for a C&P? What gives am I being scheduled just to lump in with My TBI even though i filed as a secondary? I don't even know how it's rated for adjustment disorder?
  20. How long were they requesting these things? As it says it's no longer needed in my case it was they actually had other records they could use to rate the issue instead of the requested one. I don't know how long you've been waiting or what issues they are?
  21. If that fails try filing a new claim and when you get to the spot when you add or reopen disabilities check that list to see if it's been updated just leave the claim I submitted so you don't delay your open claim
  22. Call (202) 530-9470 wait call either between 9-11 or 1-330. They'll tell what's up
  23. Depends on the case and the amount of retro that it due in my case it was a triple digit retro. Care to explain what's on the DRO appeal? My DRO hearing did however certify my appeal to the board that month so I wouldn't waste anytime. From what I've heard it takes some years to be certified to the board. After my DRO hearin she actually tried batting for me she asked general counsel if she could grant it at her level they said no so she submitted my appeal to the board with my attorney. To get ready for my hearing I also met with the DRO at the RO to discuss anything she wanted to talk about and she asked a lot of pre questions but I don't know if that's allowed or proper but it did benefit me I believe.
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