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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. Ok so I can't respond to all posts with the same answers and to prevent Me from.missing your post. If your claim is stuck or appeal is stick more then 60 days don't feel like it's the norms. Please listen to that 60 days start asking what will get my claim moving actually call as much as you they can see the trend on their system (202) 530-9470 to get your shit rolling pardon my french. Sometimes things take time but waiting for two months like my last claim Is BS , it says pending a download for two months just to say never mind its not even needed pissed me off. But had I not called every week for two months they wouldn't have sent in an inquiry to see why something was pending. I called the above number sometimes you wait for 17 minutes it disconnects call again and again someone will pick up. Please Vets don't allow your claim to sit I understand the process takes time things take time to due process but to have a wait time on something past it's suspense is not happening to any vets I'll help without an inquiry being submitted by the staffers at the number I provided. If you called daily as I did and if you ask they will give you a date and it's different at times then the one you see on ebenefits. If you get a warning saying something is due on ebenefits call them and they will tell you why it's there and explain it's a VA reminder to start moving your claim. but let them tell you whats moving to prepare for the next step. This number has shaved years off my claims and appeals.
  2. I am sorry I wasn't updated on anything on my posts but to answer yes they will answer anything about either your appeal or claim. Sorry for a late reaponse
  3. This is a copy of my Neurologist exam for my TBI paid for by SSA I talked to the adjudicator at DDS she had me go to this and fill out my RFC. I was in wait for my VA neuropsych test that I hand delivered her today she seemed happy she said she was going to submit her paperwork to the Ssa doctor for finalizing. Hope that's a good sign when I asked for a copy of the exam she was happy to get it for me I said just in case I need a copy to have a third party look at it. She said you'll be fine you will know next week. I can't do any unexpected delays my doctor want to send me to inpatient care for my TBI and my wife's having our baby next month. The va says I don't have to check in for the PTRP program for a year after my child is born so there are at least accommodating my new life in my life.
  4. Your results are alittle confusing to me did you ever get knocked out or had a bump on the head.
  5. Well ok hopefully someone will delete this
  6. I second they are trying to relate it with another health issue in my case they said they are caused by my cognitive impairment from my sTBI rated it at 0 so it would be nice if they give you 50 but my guess is no increase since they related it to your other conditions but hell if I could figure out how they rate I wouldn't still be a 0 having filed an increase twice...
  7. SC 0% guess but I'm no expert just the fact they said no pain is why my guess is 0
  8. Definately need an IMO to review your record but he might opined that it was a moderate concussion if it wasn't stated a mild TBI already
  9. 70% for the TBI
  10. It's seems they had a question with her first exam do you have a copy reread it post it see what it is they are questioning I cannot open if it will be granted until I at least see the first exam. As for time it can take months unless you have a hardship mine took 60 days total with a hardship reading what you posted seems like a good chance
  11. So I had a neuropsych test just two weeks ago diagnosis severe TBI residuals with Exacerbated ADHD this was done at the VA in Coatesville. This has been my third test in ten years I've never filed for ADHD since it was a childhood issues that I thought wasn't there. Is this something I can file for as secondary to my TBI? Or will they lump it together with my TBI even though the VA recognized it when I was a child? Also he diagnosed me with PTA and said he sees why I'm aggravated with them lumping my PTSD when I have no memory of my accident... going through the appeal decisions does this mean b) If so, whether there is clear and unmistakable evidence that any preexisting ADHD disorder was not aggravated (i.e., permanently worsened beyond the natural progress of the disease) by military service. iii) If there is not clear and unmistakable evidence of (a) and (b) above, is at least as likely as not (a probability of 50 percent or greater) that any current ADHD disorder began in or is related to active military service, to include aggravation by any in-service STBI so file for ADHD? Testing results: IMPRESSION: Mild neurocognitive disorder due to TBI ADHD, per history Mr. Frei has a history of severe TBI which has resulted in significant cognitive and functional impairments. He is unable to perform in his usual work as an aircraft mechanic and he has difficulties in his personal and social functioning as well. His severe TBI appears to be the primary factor in his current cognitive and emotional presentation. However, his history of ADHD and current emotional distress likely contributes partly to his cognitive difficulties. I've never filed for ADHD also in 2011 one year after my exit the VA diagnosed with me ADHD and put me on Stattera 40mg and then 20mg so I didn't become over fatigued due to my TBI which then in 2011 my sTBI wasn't service connected. I've never hid the fact about my childhood ADD when I enter in service and since I got a 79 on the Asvab it wasn't an issue.
  12. Agreed appeals take way to long for something like this. If all your looking for is an increase keep the appeal going to save your place in line file an increase. Your increase will be looked at way before your appeal will be certified barring no hardship is filed.
  13. I just Came from my DDS adjudicator SSA office, she gave me the generic answer well I have everything to make a decision she's like so you want me to wait for your neuropsych test you did on the 21st I said you have my TBI review from Dec. neuropsych from 2007 2010 and my PTSD review and thousands of my medical records pertaining to my disabilities, go ahead just do it. Then she explained well if she wasn't able to grant me even after all the things I've submitted that when I appeal to reconsider she could have missed something which made me worry. I'm hoping she said that because we were in the SSA building and isn't legally allowed to hint which way she was leaning she also said after her if it's a grant it goes right to SSA for dispersing..... tried to pry out of her with my daughter whose 2 she was hugging her legs but she wouldn't hint
  14. Try searching 15-37 in the exact phrase and then select the year and only that year and search for starters
  15. How about a TBI due to a PTSD related incident
  16. I'm just mad I just noticed she said my PTSD began before my TBI and my TBI review said I had no mental diagnosis related to my TBI. I've never even said anything to any doctors about how maybe it was the other way around I think I paddled up shit creek to find out the oars had holes in them and I was counter productive.
  17. I know this just came to me had I not been acting reckless maybe I would not have been in the car all I'm saying it's been investigated and the defect caused the crash but what if I had not been acting reckless like she said maybe I would not have crash and got the recall notice I got when I was in the coma. I'm just thinking instead of the TBI causing the ptsd the ptsd is what caused my being in the car that crashed due to the defect which caused my TBI. Makes my head just thinking about it
  18. Reading more into the exam she stated my PTSD began before my TBI.
  19. So reading this when she says there's a great deal of overlap in symptoms and it is likely that one exacerbates the other but she's can't opinioned if it's so not her specialty. That is the reason they denied me a request for a new C&P... I actually read the report and there were sum missed and facts incorrect maybe she could have got it right had she had the facts right?
  20. And please don't downplay your memory if it sucks let them send you to neuropsych test Do not let them give you a MOCA test for your brain it proves nothing and get a current MRI to see residuals..No CAT scans your has had time to heal as mine did my CAT was clean but the MRI picked. Up the 3.25 cm cyst in my brain but not the CAT
  21. Ultimately it didn't even matter she told me I was never even given a SOC in my intial decision so that should have been an easy grant for her but she lacked the authority her words and it had to be decided by the BVA. No upshot :but she did help certify my appeal to the board which is why my appeal only took 5 months to decide and my retro was almost 100k.
  22. I still have to request PT on the correct form this time and am currently waiting my VA wants to send me to inpatient care for my TBI now I've only been SC for 7 years..I didn't know you could get 2 SMC I'm just SMC S
  23. Or they will saw it's currently being uploaded and could sit there for a month. Make sure you don't 1800 they have no clue call the office of case management they will tell you why it's at that phase and if it's pending uploading you NOD
  24. They might also rate you as I am rated for Dizziness and lightheadedness secondary to the ear disease
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