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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. In 2010 I forgot to claim an issue since I was fighting to get service connection for 6 years. Now I won my appeal so I'm September the doctor opinioned that it was due to my in service trauma will that back date when I got out? Or only until I filed since last year?
  2. Call the office of case management (202) 530-9470 they will be able to get ahold of the reason why maybe even send out an inquiry. Call in the morning but still be a ten minute hold or not.
  3. I had a problem of submitting all this evidence which I'm not doing so I can get my appeal that has a hardship flagged my claim just closed as well I was serviced for 10% for my hip fracture. This is good for me since I can use this along with my 26 day coma. As proof that this is what caused my DVT secondary to being confined to the bed which is a major cause of Deep Vein Thrombosis.
  4. I hope this is a good sign for me I'm in need of something to sustain my newborn coming in May. I filed in January and have meet with the DDS officer working my case I live 10 minutes from the SSA office so I've been in with my wife and have delivered all medical evidence needed she said but she still needs to send for a mental RFC luckily 9 days before I am getting a neuropsych from the VA for my treatment plan. What are my odds if I ask the VA doctor he could forward it to the neurologist and maybe see that and also I'm getting a shot of some pain killers in the head to help with my headaches? I'm getting anxious because everything is happening all together.
  5. Do you normally get a SSOC again after I had an appeal pending since August with a hardship flagged on my claim and appeal? I had the denial which stated the reason on the denial which is why my attorney filed my appeal. I know they argued they say evidence that for months the doctors were all wrong and I had no neck fracture or skull fracture as they called it with my 6 months i the hospital. But then they denied my DVT in my legs that clearly was there and was on narcotics until I was made able to walk again and made weight bearing. My claim is in the Prep for a decision were the doctor opined that my hip fractures were service connected yet another piece which confined me to the bed causing the DVT that and being asleep 26 days. I was supposed to be awaiting a video hearing is this normal I am going nuts?
  6. I have movement in both my claim and appeal so I guess I'm happy all the worrying about delays not that it's much but I had my Appeal now send out a Supplemental Statement of the case I haven't really done much research on the name just a STatement of the case but im still waiting for my hip to be service connected so I can say if my DVT wasn't caused by my prolong coma from my TBI my hip fracture keep me in the bed for another month until made weight bearing. So what is my next step with my appeal? The person on the phone said I had to read it she couldn't tell me I said ok and that my claim is in the Prep for a decision both are flagged for hardship so the dates don't matter they said.
  7. Well even so if I refile for a secondary will I keep the appeal to show my effectivety date.
  8. That would make to much sense for the VA
  9. Sorry I was serviced connected for the TBI in 2010. My hip fracture I just recently claimed was granted service connected 2017. I for some reason filed my DVT with my TBI and was denied it. I did some research and found that I was bed ridden for 2 months because of my broken Hip which caused my DVT. I have an open appeal for the DVT my ? Is now service connected for the hip should I open a new claim up claim my DVT secondary to my broken hip? Or ask my attorney to submit this into my appeal and have my request for a hearing removed?
  10. So my intial claim i somehow forgot to claim my two hip fractures but I claimed my Deep Vein Thrombosis caused from being confined to a bed for a couple months because of my hip fracture but the VA denied my claim for DVT causing me to appeal it. 2016 I paging through my medical record and see why exactly I was confined to a bed well the reason why I never put anything together is because I was in a coma for those two months my hip was broken and then a short time after that until I was made weight bearing. Basically the 1 cause of DVT is being confined to a bed and I was just serviced connected for the broken hip. With my appeal still not even certified should I opt out of a hearing and have my attorney write another statement with my evidence I have in my corner now I fee like a hearing would be a waste of time ? There's already a hardship flagged on it and says ready for a decision I just am awaiting a video trial. But if my attorney writes and sites my evidence any judge would be ok this should be connected a judge has already service connected everything else seems trivial unless they come back later down the road causing me pain other then my infrequent legs given out when I'm walking.
  11. Did you have anything along the lines of a concussion in your time in service? I ask because I'm am service connected for all of those things but they are all secondary to my TBI?
  12. Please. All these guys at (202) 530-9470 they will give more information then 1800 no clue ever will. They will tell you A why it is and B submit in an inquiry for you immediately asking.
  13. Agreed when I called the gentlemen said the same thing after a month of calling everyday he gave me my docket said if they had it yet Or waiting on the regional office and even said how to do expedite it. Hence why my atttorney opted out of the hearing and submitted a written case into the judge. As I don't recommend this to others I agreed and won my claim because I had so much evidence on my side along with my service departments LOD in my favor that when the judge reviewed this he also saw they never actually denied me in 2011 and no SOC.
  14. My guess in my case is that the date changed daily move back then up the. Back I don't give a rats about that date I see where it's at look on the morning workload see my average time and that's what I usually do. At the same time I literally call case management and the tweets on the 1800 number just to hear there different response never the same. I'll ask for the suspense date if it's over a month to know when I'm looking at any movement that date means nothing Ebenefits. They give it to you if you ask sincerely enough to the right one not all and might require several calls a day sometimes 3. If after that date has passed call Case Management ask them to put in an inquiry as to why it's sitting the. Usually you have movement after a few days. Don't let it sit Bullshit about the workload they can offload to another place to work your claim. My current claim has entered the Prep for a decision because they sent my case to another work center. Any questions ask if numbers you need ask that too?
  15. Well it's been 30 days since I pushed it and now it's in Prep for a decision. Also I noticed that I had two claims open and now how been consolidated one was for an increase and the other is for a broken hip which my C&P shows limited range of motion. I also requested in writing for my TBI residuals be made P&T since it's now been 10 years since the injury and going on 7 since service connected which has always been at 70% for the TBI. I also asked for another C&P exam for my PTSD since at my TBI review he said I didn't have anything related to PTSD related to my TBI at my 3 review. But they had lumped it in with my TBI about one year ago since the psychologist couldn't tell the difference. I am positive this would all be to quick. This must just be for the Hip and migraine increase and it's only in a Prep for a decision I was told someone else is working my claim due to my hardship still being flagged and Phillys pending workload. Does anyone have a guess on the wait to the next phase? Yesterday was gathering today Prep I can be hopeful but I'm done hoping for the best it's like trying to hit center mass with Bird shot
  16. Sometimes I've gotten lucky checked the historical claims tab and shows a partial decision and also clicking on the disability tab that shows all issues under compensation menu will show what's pending or deferred.
  17. It maybe you just have to change your internet security to accept all cookies from the website or just turn down the security level
  18. Yes that's happen to me a few times were they give you a partial rating then kick it back into gathering of evidence for your other C&Ps
  19. So if you know the rating and it hasnt been updated on the list yet go to file a new claim and when it shows and asks you about your disabilities it should be on that list and another thought is if you had anything else claimed it could awaiting those before claim is finished.
  20. Everyone has been sending l mail I have emailed both Ted Ebert, McDonald, iris, and office of case management. I don't always get a response right away but the last time Mr. Mcdonald he emailed me saying he has spoken to my Regional office and magic happened things were going quickly like a fire was lite. All there emails are on the website if you search their names I recently emailed the new secretary as well. Just wanted to see if he responds like the others did.
  21. Well you can call the BVA number for status update and ask for docket number if there is one.
  22. Dizziness light headedness migraines scars and PTSD are what I have although my ptsd TBI lumped together
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