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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. Tramadol right Vync. Yeah at least you get some help from it. It just made me sleepy.
  2. You would think so. I mean I'm into technology but I like the old school approach. With what I've learned here and from the VA these past few years, yeah watch your six. I didn't llike the way my law dog sent the forms 9 and last NOD. I specifically told them I do not want to waste my time at the regional office and his aide asked for traditional appeal but wrote DRO as well. Makes no sense. Anyways, the whole new FOIA requests process is going to cause problems. Adding more gears to machine doesn't make things easier when they're not placed correctly. Rrrrr
  3. Wow, I will count my blessings then, most times for me its been 45-60 minutes. Once a month to about 45 days. I will give you some advice and take it with a grain of salt. You decide what is best for you. Obviously alcohol can and will make matters worse, it's a depressant, and I mean I don't have to tell you, alcohol related injuries, hurting yourself and/or others. Plus the mixture of meds and alcohol will tear your liver and kidneys something fierce. This is just me. I gave up the bottle. It's was hard but do able. Its makes a huge difference to have a good support structure. Try multiple things. Im strong willed but for some people hypnosis can work and help. Meditation is a good avenue to try. The holding back, I have to agree with the above and the rest of folks don't hold back, let it out. I don't trust the VA at all, maybe as far as I can throw them, but use some of the tools they talk about and build up to where you feel comfortable. Be honest then there is less of a chance of it biting you later. Share what you feel you need to in order to make things easier for you. Recently my VA provider wrote a positive opinion and notes in my records, changed the diagnosis or rather just reiterated what my private PCP's have diagnosed and observed, because he actually spoke to me and read records. Totally threw me off guard. Of course I kind of had a panic attack and depressive storm right there in his office. It was a very bad day. I'm aware of what triggers me, and makes things worse, what I should do and what I shouldn't do, at times when things are bad you regress and although you know what to do to make things better you lack the conviction, energy, and motivation to do so. Unfortunately I think that is normal. Once you start to understand the triggers and the mechanisms of the condition is makes it somewhat easier to deal with, to live with, and eventually to control the crazy ups and down. Like I said I'm no expert but those of some of the things I have learned. It can't rain all the time sir even though it feels like it. One day at a time. JMHO. Take and use what you can and need. The VA is all about being skitzo and paranoid about some meds. I was fortunate I guess, I just spoke to my provider and told him what worked, the anxiety medication is just to get you over the hump of sorts, but self talk, breathing techniques and focus exercises are a must for me. I only use the meds when I get bad. I told the doc that, and he gave me the rx medication. He adjusts it as needed and I only use it when I get bad. Of course this is with the purpose of getting off the medication and eventually tapering off. It can be done even with addictive ones like Xanax and Ambien and such. Oh and I told him how long I have had a bottle last me. He verified and well I guess he understood. Anyways I hope some of this helps. Good luck. You have more control than you realize.
  4. I agree with the rest of the folks, wait for the decision letter and the deposit. For what it is worth though congrats. I'm sure once you get the decision letter you can dissect it and see what and how they goofed. Still awesome though. Congrats.
  5. Tired coastie it's almost a must. I didn't want to hear the excuse that they didn't get my NOD on time. I sent three copies. One snail mail, one faxed, and one Green carded, guess what, when I got my c file only one was there, when my law dog sent me a copy of what they sent him when he did the FOIA, only one, but they had both versions of my NOD, mine and my attorneys. Personally green card it every time. Always mention in your correspondence what you sent, how many pages it was, and an enclosure list. Overkill, yeah probably so, but mistakes on their part seem to happen a lot. Conveniently.
  6. I don't believe these are the same thing. unless you're talking about something along the lines of a metabolife line type of product.
  7. Easy to give advice, harder to apply to your own situation.

  8. yeah I kind of get treated like that from the VAMC. I've been lucky as so far as getting my meds from the VA. I guess maybe because I've learned so much from this site as well as researched my conditions. For me I am aware of what's going on when I get attacks most times self talk helps and talking or chatting with people you trust and/or who share and can relate to your experiences. I'm not going to kid you I'm on a bunch of meds, I research like crazy and I hate being on so many but they help. You have to be assertive and realize that the meds are kind of like a cushion tool to stabilize you of sorts or rather keep the extreme ups and downs down to a minimum. It's not a for sure cure but a means to adapt and overcome. I'm not going to get rid of this but learning what the triggers are and the combination of treatments and support can help you manage. For me self talk, meds, treatment from VA Psych, Civilian Psych and the help of other Vets, and family support keep the demons at bay most of the time. I'm highly suspicious and don't trust the VA, still don't, heck I'm even apprehensive about people when they try to help, but I utilize them how I need to in order to learn how manage and cope. I'm no expert and I can give you all the pointers and things that have worked for me and others, but I'm still learning every day and what's been working for me isn't guaranteed to work for you. It's hard to find a balance. But as long as you keep learning and trying to move forward you will be better off. I've only been at it for 8 years and although I've had some success I don't consider it a complete win. Take heed and listen to people that are serving your best health,well being in mind, and best interests. with VA it is what it is, know that it's a two edge sword while there to help it can hurt you as well. Talk and chat with folks that have been living with this for a long time I'm a newbie of sorts, and use the tools they offer that work in your situation. Adapt and overcome. JMHO. The VA views PTSD as curable, I personally don't agree, what it is, is something you learn to live with and realize when you need some help or a push to get you over the next hump. Anyways treatment, medical records, family and medical support, use these to help keep your ratings
  9. Not trying to sound ungrateful, these are excellent posts with grand research. In my case, I've had more exposure being a tank rat with my Air Force federal employee career. However, in Iraq I and others were breathing in that burn pit smoke for at least 9 months. Trying to find a doc to put it in medical terms with the bridge to tie it to service has been an insanely difficult task. In my particular case I believe it's a combination of both, however, skin exposure to jet fuel I totally feel and believe that would be more likely to be related to my time as a kc135 tank rat. Unfortunately in DOL there is no benefit of doubt. I will defend definitely look at those. Both my hand and ITP claims are headed to DC. Might be fun, and maybe it will time out to be in DC for both my appeals. VA and DOL. Haven't seen the White House in quite a few years.
  10. ArNG11

    My Protest

    I don't know about a slogan, but maybe involve a local radio or local tv station that is veteran friendly. And lot of water and a few bottles of gatorade. Good luck Sir. Beef jerkey for sustenance
  11. Looked up the sources you quoted. Informative and interesting. Good research. Thanks for the extra sources. I'm not a doc so I can't say either way what's causing it. or which medium caused more issues, beside Iraq and all the gulf war issues, I've been a Kc135 tank rat for most of my Air Force career. Perhaps it's all the combination of things along with the mental issues, however, what I can state for a fact is that many of these conditions I did not have before the desert box. Then towards the end of my tour I started having health issues that I did not suffer from before. You can judge. If you do know the answers then please let me and the thousands of other Veterans that suffer right along side me know. The VA health system hasn't given any definite answers.
  12. This is just me and my one experience with the DRO. I say can it. It will add time to an already long process. However, I must state It would be a good idea IF you decided to do the DRO that you go formal and get it on record. That way when they send the denial and later on the SOC there is no wiggle room for the VA, mind you, you we held accountable as to your testimony, but if you're telling the truth all the time then there is no worry, at least for the claimant. How much you want to bet, if that were the case, that the recording equipment in the nice new rooms would suddenly start failing? I bet a Mocca Loca Monster that those stats would rise!
  13. Dang it man, right behind the belt buckle. That would have been genius. I have to say though, for it to be admissible in court all parties must be made aware that they are being recorded. But I like that. Hmm. Let me reiterate I LOVE that.
  14. "§4.19 Age in service-connected claims. Age may not be considered as a factor in evaluating service-connected disability; and unemployability, in service-connected claims, associated with advancing age or intercurrent disability, may not be used as a basis for a total disability rating. Age, as such, is a factor only in evaluations of disability not resulting from service, i.e., for the purposes of pension. [29 FR 6718, May 22, 1964, as amended at 43 FR 45349, Oct. 2, 1978]" "§4.22 Rating of disabilities aggravated by active service. In cases involving aggravation by active service, the rating will reflect only the degree of disability over and above the degree existing at the time of entrance into the active service, whether the particular condition was noted at the time of entrance into the active service, or it is determined upon the evidence of record to have existed at that time. It is necessary therefore, in all cases of this character to deduct from the present degree of disability the degree, if ascertainable, of the disability existing at the time of entrance into active service, in terms of the rating schedule, except that if the disability is total (100 percent) no deduction will be made. The resulting difference will be recorded on the rating sheet. If the degree of disability at the time of entrance into the service is not ascertainable in terms of the schedule, no deduction will be made." Am I reading this wrong? Sorry just trying to help.
  15. So curiosity then, don't chew my head off for this one. What medical evidence and argument is the VA using to claim this. Are they saying that military service did not aggravate a previously existing injury? Injury, specifically traumatic injuries to bones and cartilage will cause these components and material to wear and erode at a much faster pace than that of normal progression of old age. I can attest to this and so can many of us. If you had a previous injury or not it has to be noted on your entrance examination, clean bill of health? No problems good to go. If not good to go and there is a previous injury and it is annotated there has to be a clear definable base line and reference point as well a strong medical opinion to state that the further damage is due to age and/or not due natural progression of an existing injury. That's impossible. How can any doctor or specialist for that matter state the an injury got worse or not just because of progression, compared to what aging would happen to the body part had there been no trauma and no injury to begin with. Here's a comparison start a fire, fire represents a previous injury, now add exposure, repetitive stress that would not normally be there by another accident or a documented injury, you just added fuel to that fire, fire accelerates and burns at a faster pace, how can you possibly come to a conclusion that the additional fuel, in this example, military service and injury, not increase a previously existing condition? BS there's no way.
  16. Inquiry was your exam done at the VAMC, if so do you have copies of this exam? Have you read through it? If it was done at a QTC, VES or some other hired medical manipulators, have you done a FOIA? ( Freedom of Information Act) request?
  17. Well thats good. No news is good news. I am sure that I am in need of a recheck. Heh on the good note for the VA I got a barium swallow done. My next appointment in SEP! I am trying to get my private gastro doc to order up a new endoscopy and colonoscopy. He's a specialist and actually did part of his clinicals at the VA. However, I must add though, he has shied away from seeing me here as of late. His NP is who sees me most of the time. That's my fault though, I asked him bluntly if he saw conditions similar to mine when he was there at the VA. I think I might have spooked him. None the less I am paranoid when it comes to worrying about worst case scenarios, but my paranoia has saved my tail more than once. With all the stomach and digestive issues I have had, I am not taking any chances. One note here, typically if your under 40 you don't have to rush to get a colonoscopy, unless you have issues and have a family history of these conditions. However, I must caution that over time inflamed tissue gone untreated and unchecked can have risks. Not trying to spread my paranoia. Just make sure you keep your providers in the loop. JMO.
  18. Another win for the good guys. Rock on. AskNod what is your slap count up to now a days? Make sure you switch hands often as not to get tired. Kudos to Mark. Well played.
  19. Oh. The two that I have had done I was out cold. But they did do and endoscopy of the throat as well. Two for the price of one I guess. I saw the places where they took the biopsies and the pics afterwards, but luckily they all have been checked out ok. Question? At what point did any polyps start appearing? And if there was thrush and inflammation what treatments did they suggest and try?
  20. I would say the same, if I could even get on there, Ebennefits is down again. Crappers.
  21. Congrats. Mornings are seemingly brighter these days on here. Great news. Take care and good luck.
  22. I should be exhausted on 4 hours sleep but wide awake. Blah.

  23. Doesn't sound like you'll need it, with the great advice given above. If they try to weasel their way out of service connection, give a copy of your entrance exam like asknod stated.And get a docs nexus statement. What I am not understanding is how they can blow off SSA opinion. Does the opinion from SSA say anything about the injury being related to the military. In any case get a doc, specifically a doctor who specializes in back disorders to write an opinion. IME/IMO. Don't take that crap. They've done the same BS to me in my case. Stating that my left hip has had no trauma, but my back has. I injured my back and hip at the same time when I had my accident, osteoarthritis can be genetic yes, but osteoarthirits from a fall like the one I had is trauma to both body segments.. And active duty made it worse. Shenanigans. Refute that opinion. Eh Im cranky. 3am and it's another one of those nights. Apologies. Great advice given above.
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