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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. I'm running into problems myself, but I have a few cases going on between the VA and workers comp. my hands and immune system from work as a fuel mechanic, then my VA disabilities play a part in my difficulties. I'm trying and been trying to keep the injuries separate and within the responsible agencies but there is so much crap and buerocracy that you can get lost fairly easily. It doesn't help that there are no local reps to deal with this, other than the person you submit the application to. The rest goes to AFPC.
  2. Yes they will require a SS application but you just need to show you applied. Turn in the disapproval that you got turned down by SS. Curious did you have any issues with just getting the application turned in? They switched my supervisor and gave me the run around for about a week now, until finally I made some calls above management and I have an appointment next week to turn in my packet.
  3. I can't seem to attach the file no matter what format I try. Hmm, moderators is there special permission that I need to attach files on here other than trying the tools on the toolbar?
  4. Ranger did you have your entrance hearing exam records and when you left the military hearing exam records. tinnitus is hard to disprove if you have the MOS and been around aircraft, guns, artillery even a light cart or Diesel engine you would have a good case to prove. You need the exposure and documentation. I don't see how they denied with an 11B MOS. did you ever appeal? If not a IME/ IMO is going to be needed. There's also the CUe option, but that is a lot harder for a Vet. JMO
  5. I got denied the same day I applied. But I am still employed. Barely employed, but I am having issues at work and it was necessary for disability retirement to have an application in for SSDI? Typically, it can take around 4 months or so, but a lot of factors can make that shorter and unfortunately longer, however, I will say they are a hell of lot more efficient than other agencies, at my first go, I got to speak to a live person and look them in the eye. Much different than the VA and Workers Comp. Have you inferred a TDIU claim. If you have one rating at 60% or combination of ratings that equal to 70% or more you should have gotten and application for TDIU with your decision. Do you recall if there was one?
  6. Diver I don't know if this might be useful but this is what I have done to prepare for my cases. In order to file for disability retirement if you are still working. You are going to need an application submitted to SS office. Whether you get the claim approved or denied is irrelevant for your application for disability retirement you have to have an SSDI/SSI application in the works. I filed mine in anticipation for the evidence that the DOL, VA, and AFPC was ignoring. These agencies will require those records in order to process your application. With that high of a rating you should be on the more positive side of getting approved, however, I can tell you from experience, you think the VA is scandalous, you haven't seen nothing yet. I've seen some of your posts but I don't recall if you are working? Are you still employed?
  7. Wow this sounds all too familiar. Almost down to the last detail. First thank you for your service. Truly. You seem to have a lot of classic symptoms. The fact is traumatic experiences affect us all differently. I use to think the same. I wasn't infantry. I didn't help take a hill, but I've been shot at and had mortars and rockets come in. We all react differently to stressors so don't be ashamed or feel guilty. The key is to realize that you have some problems. Which is okay. We all have them. Learning to deal and cope with them are a whole different ball game. The key is to seek help. Whether by VA or privately. From experience the VA does have some good tools and programs. JMO you should try to utilize them. You're not a lone bud. Hang in there.
  8. Here goes on this part. There is the decision that got pushed after the DRO. This was a initial decision on my last claim. Sorry about the late post. I am still dealing with Department of Labors shenanigans. That and it seems it is a lot harder to file for disability retirement when they change your supervisor in mid stream. I don't fit all the criteria in the 70% mental rating but I do have a few of those. A couple of suicide attempts don't count for suicidal ideations. Hmm. I wonder if I had succeeded if it would have counted. Oh yeah I wouldn't be around silly. Go figure. But I won't get into that. Evidence will clear that right up. I will challenge those with records and evidence. The zeroes I'm definitely appealing. Just from physical exam and loud patellar popping and instability I meet the criteria for the higher rating at least at the 10% level. The left little finger strain is funny. It is not a strain, as the little finger is ankylosed. Permanently crooked. But sure. A picture will take care of that. Ah a picture of the finger,...nah I better not. Anyways I was kind of late posting the results but there it is folks. Oh odd thing. There is not supposed to be a rating for adjustment disorder, however, since it is accompanied by anxiety and depression, I guess those are the magic words for the rating. That is the weird thing about that though, an adjustment disorder. Seems I recall a mental health professional telling me that diagnosis doesn't carry a compensable rating. Hmm. I guess the sounds and games of war have had some effect on my noggin. Well I don't mean to be ungrateful. My sarcasm is just how I deal with things. At least the VA is acknowledging that I am less than normal after service. This was a win in my book and is a good foundation from which to work from. All I am after, is what the rules, regulations, and laws state I am entitled to, according to ALL the evidence. No more. No less.
  9. WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT. This is a disgrace and makes me sick. Wow. These are the people that make things so difficult for people who actually need help, who deserve help and relief. Stone em I say. Nah just kidding. Well maybe. People like this should be made an example of.
  10. I have to maintain composure and see whether the DRO statements will hold water. She said to ignore the first SOC as this is automatically generated, the decision to go off of is the second one. Well I realize some processes are automatic but the hamster wheel is starting to make a lot of sense. So I'm wondering if the automated system isn't some DOS based program or maybe even an ENIAC system that they've been using to deny all these years. Antiquated and old but designed for one purpose. Deny. Hmm I'm being sarcastic in a very small way but hmm makes you think and wonder.
  11. This is a very touching account of an honorable Veteran and his devoted family. I wish them well. It's gives strength to us all. Good fortune and good journey to us all. "Fight til your last breath".
  12. Fair enough. There only so many setbacks a person can tolerate. But yeah as long as it working for some and eventually will work for all.
  13. Likewise. It's like giving someone a weapon without the firing pin. Useless. I have tried utilizing this system and it has more road blocks than Filing a successful claim and winning what you're legally entitled. JMHO
  14. I kind of like it, but you have to navigate a bit and get used to the new interphase. So far it has gotten all the info I normally look at without freezing. So far so good.
  15. I'll be darned. This last decision I got 13 months of VRE. Hmm

  16. I would keep it in the bank. If there is an error and when they realize there is an error, they will be quick to point and shoot and collect. JMO, if it were me, I would suggest going through the decision and the dates and make an educated guess as to what you should have gotten and then go with that. Anything in excess, keep it in a separate account. Contact the VA and make sure you make reasonable, traceable attempts to correct the mistake. If they fail to contact you, look up to see if there are any statute of limitations. Heck the IRS can go back 10 years on back taxes. I don't think the VA is any different.
  17. If I may, craziness, I don't think so. I believe, conspiracy theorist that I am, this program is doing exactly what it is supposed to. Take the eye of the real problem in the VA. You can make your educated guesses as to what is really the problem.
  18. Another one of those nights, even after pain meds and sleep rx

  19. I am still waiting on the decision to be mailed. I know I won the MDD claim but I am so damn curious about how they rated it and their explanation as to service connection. The funny part now is that they "ACCIDENTALLY" removed my attorneys access to the my records. So he is blind sort of speaking. However, before losing access he saw the proposed decision in the works. I know they service connected all the issues on my claim. A 50% for one and zero's for the others. What I want and need is the decision. Also the DRO must have decided against my appeal because now Ebennies states that an SOC was mailed. Anyways off point. With any mental condition or set of mental conditions if they cannot be separated then they are rated with the most predominant illness, however, that doesn't mean that suddenly the others don't exist or go away. PTSD and depression and anxiety are closely related. In itself PTSD in an anxious state due to a traumatic event or series of events. JMO but I would like to meet an individual that suffers from PTSD and does not have anxiety or depression issues. I am not sure that would be possible. JMO but I believe those go hand in hand. Per the regs if they can't separate them, then it is combined and the most prominent condition becomes the basis for service connection and ratting. Again this is just from my experience and reading of the regulations that relate to this. If anyone else has a take on this please chime in. Because I am getting ready to dig in and fight this before I even get the hardcopy decision back. I already started on my NOD and looking over how to file the form 9 and waiver of review. I am not doing a DRO review again. AskNod is right on point with the DRO review. It is a waste of time IMO as well. Try it once and don't go back to it again. Head straight to BVA if your evidence and case is strong. Save back at least one peace of evidence or strong IME/IMO. I believe that is the strongest attack. Anyways of point again. With mental conditions that are intertwined like this. I still believe you have to approach treating the conditions from a multi faceted attack plan. Bite my tongue, the VA does have some excellent resources, and once you get the Doctors on board, you can get quality treatment. For those that are tech savvy the PTSD app is a good resource. Meditation and breathing exercises help me quite a bit. Also get a hobby, the distraction, even if brief, does so much. Most importantly have a support structure, whether it be a spouse or significant other. My last point talk or chat with people that have gone and are going through what your facing. It makes me closer to being normal when I do some of these things. JMO
  20. That what the logical person would think. We are talking about some of the BOZOs that are just trying to deny right of the bat. It's much like what I have noticed in some of my claims. I have gotten connected for a couple of AO conditions from SW Asia. So per that fact I should not have to prove that I was in country for any other claims relating to SW Asia. Never mind that the VA has already verified this as the VA has service connected me for it. Because I filed a new claim I now have the burden of proof again to prove that I was there. So, my suggestions and only my suggestion here, in a situation when you have entered more than one AO claim, and have one on record that has been service connected and won, file the new AO entered claim with your evidence, DD214 and the decision that states and addresses the AO disabilities already confirmed. These stall tactics are ridiculous and if you have knowledge of them before and nip it in the butt as the saying goes, then you will speed up the claim. Of course I have to add these tactics have been around since this damn game of getting benefits has been around. As in combat you use your enemies tactics and predictable patterns against them. Make no mistake this is not a game. It is your life. Fight till your last breath.
  21. Slow mail. RRRR. I want the written decision to see the lies. I want the SOC to head to DC.

  22. Thanks Mark. Thanks to all for service to this great Nation and for the camaraderie of Veterans helping each other through this wicked web that is the VA claims process. My fight isn't over. I think it is just beginning. Stay true the course. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Poof red mist. Target down.
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