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Everything posted by john999

  1. What you have to do is get a shrink to say that you are more disabled than 30% which is moderate level. I went from 30% to 70% when I retired on disability and got some IMO's to back up a higher rating. For mental health claims the biggest factor is are you able to work. I am not advising you to quit work, but that is probably the only way to get a much higher rating. Of course, your back will hurt if you are working or not working. Try to get the highest rating possible before you retire on disability.
  2. I guess being 89 years old he did not think he could wait. I don't know the details but I bet there are other WWII vets out in the cold.
  3. You should probably file for chronic pain disorder and/or depression if your pain is a major factor. I have not met many people who have severe back pain who do not take drugs that can cause depression. As far as your back goes it is not the number of conditions you have, but how severe is the disability from even one SC condition. If you can't work due to your back that is severe even if for DDD only.
  4. The guy here who has his finger on the VA's pulse is Pete53. He really understands their mindset. I take lessons from him. My feeling is that if you always take the most cynical view of what the VA intends you will usually be right. Look at the quality of the people who run the VA. Most are hacks and political types who get control of the VA as a payoff for service rendered to current administration. You know the hidden agenda of the VA is always to control costs, regardless of the health and welfare of vets.
  5. If you think the stress of work is making your condition worse then I would apply for IU. All they can do is say "no". The thing is that if you are applying for IU you should also put in for disability retirement from your job. You can't be holding down a full time job and get IU. At least I don't think you can. Are you service connected for the neck and PTSD? John
  6. The VA at its finest! I am surprised this does not happen more often. I am surprised some poor vet does not go into a VAMC and start shooting to die by cop. I have thought many times that some suicidal and homicidal vet is going to start shooting at my VAMC. I have seen them turn away guys in wheelchairs who have no money and no place to go while waiting for some operation.
  7. I guess your EX did not believe in "In sickness and in health" part of marriage. This speaks about your EX'es insecurities. If you were working and she was home with the kids what would be the difference as long as the money is there.
  8. It sounds to me that someone who has suffered a mental breakdown is totally disabled. What is your rating? If I was you I would be asking for an increase if my rating is for a mental disorder. If you can't work then you should apply for IU.
  9. With the VA it is always about the money. Evidence vs money the VA always looks at potential liability first. The average Vietnam vet is in his 60's. If the VA stalls for another decade or two most will be dead if AO is significant factor in their health picture.
  10. The VA has a training letter on DMII. The list of secondary conditions is as long as my right arm. The VBM has a list of secondary conditions. Google DmII secondary conditions. That should give you plenty.
  11. File now to protect your effective date. It takes the VA months to develope your claim. You should have the evidence by then. The sooner you file the better.
  12. The DAV sent me an email asking me if the VA charged me for SC conditions when I went for treatment. They must know about the problem. I don't know what they plan to do about it. Let's all write our congressmen about it. I have in the past. They don't seem to think it is a big deal. I think cost shifting to my insurance is a big deal since my family BC/BS plan through the federal government is going up by 12% next year. I think we are going to have a rough time if health care reform goes through or not. Our premiums will continue to rise. We can easily be priced right out of our private insurance. Medicare has a 20% deductible or co-pay. This will drive even more vets to the VA system. I can see vets being squeezed if they are not SC'ed if they are not at least 50%. There was discussion about charging even SC vets for care at the VA, but it got shot down this time. I hope the powers that be don't look to those of us on fixed incomes to pay the debt for wars and financial meltdowns of the last few years.
  13. You don't need to separate them since both are considered psychological conditions. The question is did you get a high enough % rating for this depression secondary to SC condition.
  14. Bergie What are your service connected injuries and are they the ones that have forced you onto morphine 3 times a day? I have taken the VA morphine and it made me sick every time I took it. Not just the "throw up" sickness from narcotics but a belly ache. I was worthless for the whole day after taking it. I no longer take it, but if you have very serious pain what are the alternatives except methadone which was easier on my system.
  15. You need an opinion from a private pain management doctor or psychiatrist on the chronic pain syndrome. Do you have private insurance? If you can get your percentages bumped up it will be easier to retire from your job on disability and then get IU. You don't want to be in the situation I was in where your cannot work any more, and only have a 30% rating. In that case you have to show you are IU from your SC condition and the VA has to believe it enough to bump you up to 60-70% so you can get the IU. Get your ratings near 70% while you are still able to work.
  16. I think you can't make the doctor sign for this and it may upset him. He may think you are trying to get over. You could print out your symptoms and tell him you did this just to refer to because you have a bad memory. You don't want things to look too prepared or he may think you got it out of a book. You want the doctor to believe he has discovered all these symptoms via his outstanding talents.
  17. When dealing with the VA you have to have a game plan. I mean you have to lay the ground work for a higher rating. It sounds like you have to plan your disability but you almost have to do this. You should be able to just go and get a fair deal from the VA and an unbiased C&P, but that is the exception. If you are going to get a decent rating you gotta think long term and plan to hang in the VA system for the rest of your days. Stay in treatment and stay current with changes in the law. If you have to get IMO's then lay money aside for this expense when you win a claim and get retro. Plan for the next round with the VA.
  18. rdn Chronic pain and depression can get you 100% if it is severe enough. They may start with a low rating but if it incapacitates you then the % can go up all the way. Consider what the drugs you take for chronic pain and depression do to your ability to concentrate, drive a car, be productive. All this can go into a rating. I take dope for chronic pain and it makes it very hard for me to concentrate and think clearly. It seems to me the VA has to have a source for the chronic pain and that would be your back in order to get SC for the chronic pain. The pain must come from a SC condition. What rating % did they give you for the pain and depression?
  19. Bill They might want to determine if you are P&T.
  20. If you are 80% and and retired on RR disability pension for PTSD you should file for IU. I retired from federal government on disability pension and I got IU. Do you qualify for SSD? You should file for SSD if you do.
  21. RDN Now you know why many vets continue to file claims. They get sick and tired of being denied so they just decide if the VA is going to play that game I will file for everything and anything. I would do same thing. You should also file for depression if your chronic pain disorder is granted.
  22. I have heard VA voc rehab is the Cadillac of rehab plans. I would sure use that as opposed to the G.I. Bill.
  23. I think you should get more evidence for those conditions to show a higher level of disability, and to state that the headaches are secondary. The VA won't connect dots for secondary conditions. You have to have medical evidence that spells it out to them. If you are going to the trouble of appealing it is good to get more evidence so you don't wait two years for another low ball or denial. I would appeal the conditions you are speaking about because the VA low balls and ignores or denies valid disabilites all the time.
  24. Berta Simmons......the VA's worst nightmare!
  25. If you have the CAR then your stressor is presumbed to be verified. Those tapes you discuss regarding the mines are icing on the cake. I think you have a good shot at a PTSD claim.
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