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Everything posted by john999

  1. The DIC form is also a form for widows pension. If a spouse is only claiming DIC does she have to provide all that income and asset information? I see request for information about the claimants former spouses asking for dates of marriage, divorce, death etc. I guess that is all necessary. I am going to try and fill this thing out for my wife in advance. I did not think DIC had anything to do with the income of the surviving spouse? The form I downloaded is 12 pages long and confusing. My wife would need help from someone with expert knowledge. She would take one look at it on her own and just give up. That is bad because she has to apply for my civil service pension as well. What do you do with people that just don't want to face reality? John
  2. john999

    Champva And Survivors

    My wife should get $1473 because I have been P&T for 13 consecutive years and we have been married at least 8 years before prospective "dirt nap" is she out lives me. She will get about 40% of what I get now for the both of us. Now this is chickenfeed. Fortunately, she also gets survivor benefit from SSA and from my Civil Service job (30 years credit). Many surviving spouses get much less and if they have debts such as a mortgage it will be hard. I think DIC should at least provide 70% of what vet was getting. Not many can easily take 60% pay cut and pay their bills. Having some experience in financial planning I suggest vets who have any assets to buy an annuity for their wives that the wife can draw on if vet croaks. The thing is the system we have goes the whole nine yards for people with assets, and craps on people who don't have assets. IRA's and 401-K's can be converted to annuities that will pay forever. First, of course, you have to have an IRA or 401-K. Only small percentage of Americans have significant retirement assets besides their house which they have to live in unless they want to live in a cardboard box and rent or sell their house. If you have something in vicinity of high six figure assets besides your home you can pretty easily generate $40 grand a year just in dividends. You get special tax rates and it does not count against your VA compensation. Your SSA will get taxed but since that is also chickenfeed it does not really matter. The thing is you must start investing very early or get very lucky if you are average American who does not make $250,000 a year. I did consult with money manager recently. He found preferred stocks safer than bonds that yield over 6% whose dividends get special tax treatment. All this is out there but few people know about it. If you actual tax rate is 15% or below you don't even have to pay capital gain tax when you sell stocks, real estate or other assets. This is hidden from the public because the public is constantly in a panic about this or that. Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than a long haul truck driver. Teach your kids and grandchildren to save and invest. The best gift you can give them. Off topic a little but on topic when you consider many single, and older spouses have to work until they keel over because their only money comes from SSA. DIC is the gift that keeps on giving." Pensions??? We don't need no stinking pensions" John
  3. Get lots of second opinions before you consider surgery. One of my surgeons was ready to start cutting right in the office, and the other said I did not need surgery for my stenosis. They were reading the same MRI. I am thinking of getting another opinion from a neurologist to see if some medication could help. I don't really trust any of these doctors unless they suffer from stenosis themselves. They would not be doing surgery if they did, of course. John
  4. You got your lawyer so stick with him/her. Getting a lawyer does not mean you will win, but it does usually give you a better chance especially if you have to appeal because a good lawyer is always thinking ahead to appeals. I went to a Vet Center where the bona fide VA counselor DX'ed me with severe PTSD. However, the VA rated me 70% TDIU for schizophrenia. I did not have a lawyer back in those days .........2002. If a vet has a 70% rating and can show by being on SSDI or by evidence of Rehabilitation Counselor that he can't work then TDIU is pretty much in the bag. An IME from a doctor/specialist who says you cannot work is also a big help and worth the money. If you are rated 70% for PTSD by the VA and you have an IME psychiatrist that says you cannot work then you are there.
  5. In my CUE the VA clearly excluded my doctor's evidence. So far I am losing because before 1990 something the VA had the assumption that they read and considered all evidence of record even if it wasn't mentioned one time in the rating. There are more mines in a CUE than IED's in Iraq.
  6. If doctor accepts assignment of medicare or champVA that cannot demand you to pay the difference. I have never paid the difference. However, if the provider sends you a notice in advance that they believe Medicare won't pay for certain items and you agree to get those services then they can demand payment, but you can appeal to medicare. I am in such a boat having had new type of surgery for OSA where medicare has not handled many of these claims.
  7. When you turn your claim over to a VSO these are the kinds of things that can happen. You lose control of it to some extent. Well, to a great extent. I stopped using them after I got TDIU and I have file half a dozen claims since then and won 90% of them.
  8. Bronco I pay for BC/BS for family coverage. BC is primary for my wife and secondary for me. When she hits the age she will get medicare and then I will get "self only" BC/BS which is about half of what it is now. We will both have Medicare and secondary insurance which means no co-pays or deductibles at all. That is worth it. I have this other insurance so that when I need surgery I don't have to use the VA. I want to live a little bit longer. The VA should be paying for it all but I know what kind of care I get from them. Yes, it is an earned benefit, but try and collect.
  9. I got dental evaluation outside the VA. I already paid about $7500 bucks this year on my teeth which VA would not cover. I don't have a choice card. I got my outside referral by just complaining to everyone I could think of including congressman. When I use the VA system I get the creeps. I read stuff they write about me and I see lies and more lies. Every time I cancel an appointment it comes out as "Vet Missed Appointment". I should have got that card by now. I think it is all BS and just more public relations to hide the fact that most of us are getting substandard care or no care. I am lucky I have other insurance. Dealing with the VA is like getting your fingers stuck in something and you just can't shake it off. I am also lucky I made some good investments many years ago. VA is just a criminal organization to make a bunch of draft dodgers rich. The VA is a welfare program for VA employees.
  10. I complained to patient advocate, my PCP and to "Bob" and my congressman about being denied PT at the VA. I also asked for an OT and slip and fall consult. I was trying to get a grant to get my bathroom modified among other things. The reason I want the grant is obvious. Now the VA is calling me both night and day trying to BS me in to shutting up with dumb ideas. I tried to get PT from outside source rather than the VA and the PT guy would not even consider my needing PT because I did not have acute injury. I am sorry I even asked for anything from these jerks because they continue to make dumb suggestions. I resent be just dismissed by some clerk when I ask for medical treatment, so I complain in the only way I know how which is to write and call people who might have a bigger hammer than me. When are we supposed to get this card to get services outside the VA. I already have dental outside the VA due to my gripping to my congressman. I know the VA can bend the rules any time they wish. I am supposed to get vision care outside the VA as well. The card thing I do not understand and I don't think anyone does. Every time I ask for something it means a 20 mile trip to PCA at Hidden River and I am sick of it. I am getting the runaround I know. The VA is asking to DX myself and prove that I need this or that instead of evaluating me. This reminds me of that program that was supposed to improve the quality of life of p&t vets. The VA runs you around and then denies your request. John
  11. You get what you pay for in the USA. If I had ChampVA card I could drop BC/BS and instead of my paying $6000 a year of Medicare and Blue Cross family plan I could just pay for Medicare and my wife could pay for medicare and I would never have to set foot in the VA again. I only go there for pills. My dental has been outsourced to community and so has vision care. When my wife gets medicare I will drop family plan for BC. $460 a month as secondary payer is too much.
  12. The VA are scumbags and only care about CYA. Like all big organizations. I drove a Honda for ten years with an airbag that could have killed me and my wife. I just found out about it a few weeks ago. No apology, just waited 2 hours to have the bags replaced. GM covered up the ignition that killed and then they pretend they know nothing. It is everywhere.
  13. I I have cervical spinal stenosis which can just give me a fit at times. I have had shots which did not work for me. The idea that stenosis is hereditary is absurd. I got mine from my work at the post office. I worked in cramped position which stressed out my neck and shoulders. The only thing left for me is probably surgery that would be something major like fusion of a few discs in my neck. I resist that option for as long as possible. I am almost 65 so I am trying to live with it. If I was 30-40 I would do something about it. I spent years trying to get a DX that explained the pain at the base of my neck that radiated down my shoulder. I had had a shoulder surgery and that helped with my shoulder problem but not the other problem that flew under the radar. I had doctor's tell me they just had no idea what was wrong with me. Finally a few years ago something showed up on my MRI indicating stenosis in cervical spine. You can go online and see the procedure being done. They cut into your throat and remove the offending disc and then put in some hardware and fuse the joints. You wear a neck brace for a month and maybe the pain stops. John
  14. I got 10% off at Publix and Starbucks and even Big Lots. You have to ask. My wife does not ask and she has a military ID. Too shy but not me. There are discounts for almost everything especially hotels and travel stuff. John
  15. I was on TDIU for one year and I claimed P&T as soon as I got my TDIU because I knew it would take at least a year to review my P&T claim. I would not wait a day longer to claim P&T.
  16. That not wanting to look whimpy has cost many vets thousands of bucks. If you have a MH condition caused by service you must shout it from the rooftops. I was low balled for years because I just did not get proper IME/IMO evidence and let the VA roll over me. I did not understand how lazy the exam doctor's were when they just looked at previous exam and copied it. If you don't get proper rating get an IME/IMO. That is what got me TDIU after many denials and low balls. John
  17. I got my house on a VA loan as well back in 1987. Buying a house is still a great deal, and wonderful way of forced savings for young vets. A few years later I refinanced it at a much lower rate using conventional loan. It was good when I first got it since no down payment, and just points and I moved in for the same I was paying rent. If you have not used up all your benefit under G.I. Loan you can use it again. I might if I decide to downscale or up scale since my house is a cracker box in an upscale area where they are knocking down older houses and building McMansions. John
  18. My PCP referred me for PT evaluation a few days ago. I went to walk-in PT clinic out there at PCA on Hidden River Road in Tampa. I was denied PT. The jerk said PT was just for those recovering from acute injuries and not for guys like me with bad back, bad feet and shoulder and neck pain. He told me to join YMCA and to just not worry about my feet since I have PN and soon my feet will be numb and I won't feel pain. I emailed "Bob" and told him I thought I was treated like a dog. I also sent form to my congressman reminding her of the New VA where disabled vets are treated with respect and not brushed off like pesky flies. The more I deal with the VA the more I hate them. I was referred to "slip and fall" clinic as well. I bet I get brush off or dumb advice there as well. If I could use YMCA I could use gym provided almost free by the city. No indoor pools here either. John
  19. john999

    Champva And Survivors

    I can attest for the need for a health care POA and valid living will. I ended up in court over this when my mother was dying. I was POA and my mother had a Living Will but it was invalid due to changes in Florida law we were unaware of at the time. I do worry because my wife will not address the nuts and bolts of filing for DIC as well as my federal civil service survivor pension. I hope she will log-on here if I pass away before her and get some advice. Her head is so hard about these matters. I think it is just fear. I was personal representative for three relatives and had to do accounting for every single penny in my Aunt and Mother's estate due to sister/lawyer who wanted to be in charge while I did all the work. Being a estate executive is a thankless and stressful chore. One other thing to check is make sure if you have beneficiary statements for any assets including pensions, insurance, bank accounts, IRA's etc. that they are current. A beneficiary statement has more weight than a Will or Trust. Some cop died here recently and he had left his pension and his IRA to his mother. That was nice except he had a wife and kid. His will said "all to the wife and kid" but the beneficiary statements were to his mother. He had forgot to change them and never thought he would die young. His mother is keeping it all and screw the grandchildren. They are in court, but the wife will loose probably. The burden is on her to prove her husband meant the money to go to her and the kids.
  20. I got a rating of 70% and I had SSDI at the time. I had already claimed TDIU. The VA found some reason to deny my TDIU claim even though I was approved for SSDI and for OPM disability. I had to appeal and it took about a year and a couple of IME's to get the TDIU and then another IME to get P&T. There is no sure thing with the VA. When I lost my job I was 30% and I worked on the claim steadily until I got P&T. I appealed every decision and every low ball or denial. If you have money to pay for IME/IMO I would appeal to DRO because it takes about a year to even get to the DRO. Meanwhile your condition can be IME'ed and you can gather evidence to win. When I was turned down for TDIU I got statements from Voc Rehab, Vet Center, various doctors, wife, brother, SSDI file, OPM, workers compensation etc all saying I could not work and was paranoid and crazy. It worked. I am paranoid and crazy plus have TDIU, P&T and "S" eventually.
  21. john999

    Champva And Survivors

    What happens when the ChampVA sponsor dies and before the surviving spouse has their DIC approved? Does ChampVA stop until the survivor gets their DIC claim approved? If my wife were to be on Medicare as primary and ChampVA as the secondary medigap coverage and I croak then what? I know the money from my compensation stops, but do all the other benefits to the spouse stop as well until she/he has DIC approved? My wife is entitled to three survivor pensions so to speak. She would be eligible for my SSA, my Civil Service survivor pension and to DIC. The thing is how long does it take for all this to kick in after she applies? Not many survivors just snap out of it in a week and then claim their life insurance and all their survivor pensions. They have to bury their vet and deal with all that plus they might be in grief for a while. The way I see it the survivor can't afford to grieve if they want to keep paying their bills. Now I have some of this taken care of but the insurance thing worries me. One thing I do know is that the vet and the spouse need an emergency fund that will carry them at least 6 months while all this stuff gets worked out. I have the disabled vet insurance which is enough to bury me, but do undertakers extend credit based on the VA insurance? Even if a vet has the grave and headstone paid for by the VA the service and all the extras can come out to $5000-6000. I did take a course in financial planning but I did not get to that specific section I guess. My wife always avoids my talking about what she will have to do if I leave this world before her. She says " John, you worry too much!" Yeah, I have been dealing with the VA for 40 odd years, so I do worry. I think it would behoove her to get one of those medicare advantage plans so she would not be high and dry if I croak and she has to wait for DIC claim. John
  22. What is wrong with these doctors? Nobody would ask for antipsychotic unless they needed it. All those potential side effects!
  23. I got 25% off an ADT security system which included two security cameras, special lock, windows and doors secured, panic button and smoke detector. I like those cameras since all the film is stored at ADT so they say with dates and times. Almost as good as S&W defense system and actually better since my wife if afraid of firearms. I used AARP membership to get discount,t but I think there is vet discount as well. Now I just need switchblade, permit to carry, Kung Fu cane and eyes in the back of my head to feel safe in Florida where people kill over a parking space. John
  24. I think the VA is scared to death of the DEA. The War on Drugs is a now a War on Vets as well. I won't let them use the pain clinic to push me onto Suboxone unless I want to do that. You know heroin was a cure for morphine addiction back in the day. Methadone was a cure of heroin addiction. I have known people on methadone programs. They are just as doped up as heroin addicts and still searching for a buzz. I have used pain meds via the VA for about 8 years with never a dirty urine test or a test that showed I was not using as prescribed. That may not stop them, however, since the VA is looking for any excuse to kick me out of the program. They keep changing the rules of the game. DAV-72 is right to be suspicious of the VA's motives regarding opiates. All the pain doctors should be suffering from chronic severe pain so they could feel an ounce of compassion for their victims. John
  25. I would claim depression if possible as a reaction to your service connected physical conditions. Forget adjustment disorder. That is what they use when the VA wants to avoid a PTSD claim. I was DX'ed and SC'ed for schizophrenia when I had PTSD and Dissociative Disorder This was back in 1972 and was just due to ignorance of the VA doctors and the fact there was no DX of PTSD. Now most of my MH problems are related to my physical conditions. I was suffering from symptoms of dissociative disorder way back in 1970 when military said I had a personality disorder. I have depression, sleep disorder, anxiety and residuals of PTSD these days. If I was physically well who knows where I would be now. You just can't separate the mental, emotional from the physical. The VA does this for rating purpose. It is a fraud and bad science. John
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