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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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    Navy4life got a reaction from rwskitch in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Thats great to hear Corpsman!  I agree with you on the dang wording and what should be in the Nexus Letter.  I had my doctor simply put "After a review of the pertinent records, it is my professional opinion that it is more than likely that XXXXXX (contention) are a direct result of her numerous falls and accidents during her military service." He also stated XXXXX has no other known risk factors that ma have precipitated her current condition.
    Looks like you got good peeps to help you out too!  
    I just sent my letter and additional document to my DAV rep today via FedEx to have it put into my file so the DRO can review it prior to our hearing in two weeks!
  2. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    Thanks Flores - I have my ammo for that hearing so I hope it all goes well.
    This exam was for my FDC so I hope it gets into the system before my DRO hearing to help my cause!
  3. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    Also be sure to show the DRO proof of where you have repeatedly requested your cfile.
  4. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    Unfortunately no...Oh well all I can do is go with what i have :)
  5. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    That is great news, Navy4life, I hope and pray that the hearing goes totally in your favor!! Any luck with your cfile? 
  6. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    That is what I am thinking!  I would be happy with that and I am still not done since I have my DRO review hearing in two weeks for my other issues!
  7. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in QTC/IMA Exams   
    Good luck, ozwald71, great advice given above, please keep us posted. I know you've been through this before, just remember when you go in to tell the doc about your worse days, again, good luck to you!
  8. Like
    Navy4life reacted to ozwald71 in QTC/IMA Exams   
    Thanks. I will take your advice and secure message my doctor. I do go to group meetings and such. I just feel I get more out of those than anything the VA has ever done. I have small group of vets who get together and we just talk. I agree I should at least tell the VA what I've been up to. Thanks for the advice everyone. Everyone here has helped control my anxiety about this whole situation. 
  9. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in QTC/IMA Exams   
    I would suggest you "secure message" your MH doctor because those messages are apart of your medical records.  In the message state your anxiety is through the roof and you need to be seen.
    Also, I agree with the other poster about your "lack of treatment" over a year didn't help.  You suffer from PTSD as many of us do and the whole reason for the VA compensating us is because we have the issue but more importantly the medical help is what you need more than ever.
    I go to therapy weekly and there are times I don't want to go but I do it and 9/10 times I feel better after having the therapy session.
    QTC is a contracted facility for the VA and since you are 70% they probably want to see if you have gotten better, or worse, or stayed the same.  Stay calm!!!
  10. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    It sounds extremely positive, Navy, I think they will award you at least 20%. I am not too familiar with that rating criteria, but they did note worsening symptoms and, best of all, stated specifically that the exam was consistent with veterans statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over time. Looks very favorable! 
  11. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    Okay so I talked to a lady I know that helps veterans and she was able to read me what the C&P exam over the phone.  She is not able to send me a copy so I will do as Buck advised and go to the VA hospital and get copies of them from the VBA office.
    This is exam was for my L ankle synovitis 10% increase on my FDC claim.
    "Diagnoses from VA originally L ankle synovitis has changed - new and separate diagnoses.  Worsening symptoms of pain with rapid progression since right foot was injured.  Weight and pressure to L since using knee scooter and using L to propel.  Tendonitis & Tendinopathy of Peroneus Brevis." 
    She noted constant pain and swelling - ROM Left dorsiflexion is 0 to 15; Plantar flexation is 0 to 25
    Functional loss YES
    She noted Left instability of station; disturbance of locomotion; and pain/weakness
    If the examination is not being conducted immediately after
               use over time:
               [ ] The examination is medically consistent with the Veteran's
                   statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
               [ ] The examination is medically inconsistent with the Veteran's
                   statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
                   time.  Please explain.
               [X] The examination is neither medically consistent or inconsistent
                   with the Veteran's statements describing functional loss with
                   repetitive use over time.
    She indicated all the way back to 1991 while in the service and reviewed all previous records from service time to current to include, SMR's; DBQ's submitted in 2013 and all my VA medical records with my current podiatrist since 2014 to present.
    She noted - functional impact - regardless of veteran's current employment - effects standing, weight bearing, and walking she checked YES
    The doctor noted unable to do ROM due to Non-weight bearing of the right foot and she noted the scars and measurements as well.  
    She noted that I had multiple injuries to Left ankle
    All C&P exams according to the Ebennies calendar has been acknowledged as received as of today so they are in the VA hands now...
    This all I got from a phone call thoughts????
  12. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    It sounds like they will rate you but probably a low rating?
    if you have medical records dating back to 1991 You need to submit them also. private records and VA,.
    They usually won't take the veterans word when it comes to medical statements but if you have medical records to back up what you say then they have to take those into serious consideration.
    you should go to the VBA  (Veterans Benefit's Administration) and get your C&P Report  I believe you can request more than one report.
    Over all I would say this is a good report in your favor.
  13. Like
    Navy4life reacted to ArNG11 in "Decide My Claim"   
    Well I'll be darned eBennies let me process the request.  I asked for a decision on my claims.  I find it odd that a privacy act request takes so long to approve.  I just wanted a copy of one exam.  Gave them the date, the provider, and all the information necessary to fulfill their legal obligation.  Hmm even gave them their allowed 20 duty days.  Convenient that the copy hasn't shown up yet, nor has a decision been made for my requests.  
    I'm not trying to be smug, please don't take it that way.  But really how difficult is it to get a copy of one exam?  I mean I want the copy so I can have evidence of the foul play but wow. I just wanted it in the written format.  
    I truly wonder if the fact that I recorded the exam already is going to change the outcome of this. More importantly I am wondering whether I'll need to play that card.
    Please don't take this as advice.  Personally I am just tired of the shenanigans and I just want to live out what I have left in peace.  I don't want to spend all this unnecessary time trying to prove the VA's wrongdoing. Same goes for DOL, however, that is neither here nor there.
    I'll keep the hive posted on what happens.  Keep the fight going folks.
  14. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Thats great to hear Corpsman!  I agree with you on the dang wording and what should be in the Nexus Letter.  I had my doctor simply put "After a review of the pertinent records, it is my professional opinion that it is more than likely that XXXXXX (contention) are a direct result of her numerous falls and accidents during her military service." He also stated XXXXX has no other known risk factors that ma have precipitated her current condition.
    Looks like you got good peeps to help you out too!  
    I just sent my letter and additional document to my DAV rep today via FedEx to have it put into my file so the DRO can review it prior to our hearing in two weeks!
  15. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Agree with Gastone 110%!!!  See my Nexus letter 
    NOD doctor letter_Redacted.pdf
    You want the wording "more likely than not" which is the best wording you can have.  The other option is "at least likely than not".
    Get the letter changed b/c the wording "highly probably" won't cut the muster....
  16. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Corpsman8404 in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Thats great to hear Corpsman!  I agree with you on the dang wording and what should be in the Nexus Letter.  I had my doctor simply put "After a review of the pertinent records, it is my professional opinion that it is more than likely that XXXXXX (contention) are a direct result of her numerous falls and accidents during her military service." He also stated XXXXX has no other known risk factors that ma have precipitated her current condition.
    Looks like you got good peeps to help you out too!  
    I just sent my letter and additional document to my DAV rep today via FedEx to have it put into my file so the DRO can review it prior to our hearing in two weeks!
  17. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Corpsman8404 in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Yes Navy4life 

    1)Took the letter back to the private Dr. and had him change the wording. GREAT staff, as well!!!
    "Based on my examination and records reviewed, in my opinion it is highly probably that his sleep apnea is related to his other service related condition PTSD"
    "Based on my examination and records reviewed, in my opinion it is more than likely than not that his sleep apnea is related to and aggravated by his other service related condition PTSD"

    -----So, we shall see. God forbid the raters now get stupid with, "more than likely than not" instead of "AS not"!     Deeeerp!

    2) The private Dr also did a DBQ for me!

    3) On a side note, met with my PCP while at the VA today, and she stated that she would put the "cannot work" info in my progress notes, and for me to bring something of a draft since I explained the EXACT types of words needed "gainful, cannot sustain, any work, et cetera". She said she understood what I needed and would also put in her own info from her time with me, and such. Also spoke with my PTSD counselor (LCSW) who stated she couldn't write that kind of wording but would make a strong case from my treatment/classes time with her for not any work. So not the same as the PCP, but more ammo...
  18. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Corpsman8404 in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Did you get the letter changed?
  19. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Corpsman8404 in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Took it to that sleep private dr this am and having it changed to more likely than not.
    At the VA now and my PCP after a good conversation, agreed to make a statement in notes about IU and I explained the wording needed for that.  
  20. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Corpsman8404 in Sleep Apnea home test   
    Agree with Gastone 110%!!!  See my Nexus letter 
    NOD doctor letter_Redacted.pdf
    You want the wording "more likely than not" which is the best wording you can have.  The other option is "at least likely than not".
    Get the letter changed b/c the wording "highly probably" won't cut the muster....
  21. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ShuMan in C&P Exam Results - Need Help Deciphering   
    Based on PTSD wording, that is 50%
  22. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Vync in Question about Kidney issues   
    Well, that's not too far away. I'm SC for GERD/IBS and can relate to how it can ruin your day. Back in the early 90's, lab results were either on cheap blue/purple carbon paper or a printout. If you still have copies of the results, maybe it would be worth comparing the results from then to the results that you get from your most recent round of testing.
    You are definitely correct about the military goal of getting patients back to duty as soon as possible. I would not doubt that unit commanders frequently are part of the driving force behind that by talking with the doctors and urging them to do just that.
  23. Like
    Navy4life reacted to TALON II FE in Sleep Apnea home test   
    GET THE DBQ!  Mention to him to use the EXACT WORDING on the DBQ and you are golden, brother.  Good Luck!
  24. Like
    Navy4life reacted to FormerMember in Service Nexus   
    VA forbid their own doctors to write them in 2010. If you submit a DBQ with no doctor's letter attached providing a nexus, VA will gin up their own and I guess I don't need to tell you what it will say most of the time. My suggestion is to research it here first and then ask questions.
    You may want to review this document on the subject I created and revised over the years that describes what you need and why. 
  25. Like
    Navy4life reacted to allan1351 in letter from doctor for NOD - thoughts?   
    Great Letter  Navy4life...Allan
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