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Everything posted by GBArmy

  1. Hi Max No, you won't get retro back to the 70's because you were treated but you never submitted a claim (and were denied). If you had, then yes you could submit and possibly get the EED. One other thing, I've been following HTN and A.O. presumptive closely over the years and since 2014 it's been deny, deny, deny. I do think it will be approved eventually, but it will impact the VA's budget so much that they won't include it until the very last. We won't see any comp this year IMHO. Maybe next!
  2. If you don't use a VSO, lawyer or claims agent you can also submit a FOIA your codesheet. It will take time to get it back however.
  3. Joey Sorry but I don't know anything that you want to hear. Seems your choices are 1) continue to wait, 2)tell them to proceed with what they have 3)submit an IRIS inquiry and see if they will provide more info as to what they are looking for, or 4) ask a VSO or lawyer to look in VBMS and see if there is info there as to why. Not very time efficient or likely good options to be sure. I personally would not do #2; possibly #3 is what I'd try next myself.Maybe others have a better alternative.
  4. Joey I'm a little confused as to what you are asking. At HLR you can't submit any NEW evidence, just what was considered with the original claim that was denied or now being appealed. What is the VA waiting for in of records; it should already be in your file and the basis for your original claim?
  5. Pacmanx1 Of course; I never thought about amputations. Can't get more permanent than that!
  6. Faithfulone Welcome to Hadit. You can't get much out of "Peggy" (800-827-1000). The reps on the calls are limited as to what they can and can't see on open claims. It's by design. You have to wait to see if you have any decisions by seeing your decision letter, which does take 7-10 days normally. If you don't receive then call Peggy again and request. If you go to VA.gov and get to the "letters" section, you may see if your rating has changed. Or, check on your recent payments, they can also show a new payment for say back pay from your new rating. As for the decision, it may result in HLR requiring more development which can mean you going to another C&P, etc. Like I said, its useless to speculate; wait for your letter.
  7. P&T is two things. Permanent means your conditions, no matter how many you have, are all rated static, that is they have been determined by the VA that there is no chance of improvement. Total means 100%; anything that has a combined rating of less than 100 can't be total by definition. So, a veteran can have a a dozen individual ratings and has a combined rating (using VA math) of 90%. It isn't permanent because it isn't 100%. The disabilities are static. To get P&T you have to be rated for all of your disabilities as static and they must be calculated to be 100%. Most common way is having 100% but one or more of your disabilities are rated not as static but scheduled for a "Future" exam. Veterans have a right to request a reevaluation for the non-static to be considered permanent and if successful, you can be reevaluated to P&T. TDIU is covered here many times but basically the same. Because it has been determined that you can't work, you are given a temporary rating of 100%; your condition(s) are not static, and the VA will and does give you periodical re-evals to see if any improvement. To get to P&T, the veteran has to show after several re-evals that their disabilities have not gotten better and ask to be made P&T.
  8. If you got your rating letter go to VA.gov and "letters" You can down load a letter that states what your new combined rating is. There are several good rating calculator sites to use, here on Hadit and elsewhere to confirm if your new rating is accurate. If you are a Vietnam veteran, which it sounds like you may be, hypothyroidism is one of 3 "new" presumptive AO presumptive diseases recently added to the VA list. But they have not released any new criteria about how the VA will be adjudicating the three, so you may have fallen outside some new criteria that is to be determined. You're rated as 0%; you can appeal if you think you were short changed, but you have a year (at least) so I would wait a few months until the VA publishes their new criteria to appeal if I were you. It's up to you. As for Canada, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. I disagree.
  9. Maybe. You must not have any current disabilities that have a comment about future exams pending. In effect, all have to be rated static to end up with P&T. Your "new" disability also has to be rated as static; no indication/expectation that it will ever improve. As a side note you should be using a calculator and plugging in your new anticipated rating for the new one. Understand the concept of "VA math." You may have to go back and request that your "new" rating be re-evaluated at a later date for the purpose of getting it classified as static.
  10. Buck Don't be scared. You have every right to be concerned about your surgery. Not wanting inexperienced students doing it isn't something I would sign up for on any surgery. I always ask the surgeon "are you the one who will be doing the cutting or will it be someone else?" I go from there. Going into Community Care , you are in control. It's your body, not someone else's; make the correct decision for YOU. And, best of luck to you too. Buck Getting an expert opinion is never a bad idea. But just because the doc said it was rare, etc., doesn't mean that he was wrong. Just get confirmation and finding out your options on how to proceed is what you're doing and is what you should be doing. I'm thinking this is going to turn out ok in the long run for you my friend.
  11. Buck Don't be scared. You have every right to be concerned about your surgery. Not wanting inexperienced students doing it isn't something I would sign up for on any surgery. I always ask the surgeon "are you the one who will be doing the cutting or will it be someone else?" I go from there. Going into Community Care , you are in control. It's your body, not someone else's; make the correct decision for YOU. And, best of luck to you too.
  12. Dan1865 Hi; welcome to Hadit. I think your claim wins the trophy for the VA's delay tactic of the month! It is more than terrible. In any case you must wait for your decision letter in order to appeal, that is, if you need to appeal. It was just last week so check to see if you have received any deposits in your checking account and also see if your combined rating has changed in the " letters" section also. If you don't get a decision in a week, you could put in an IRIS inquiry and/or call your Congressman to get an update, but that isn't the fastest thing usually. You just have to give it a little time but with the run around you've gotten, don't be surprised if you are not satisfied with your decision and want to appeal.
  13. Flow1972 Unfortunately, your experience is not unique. Drives you up the wall when they don't do what they should after telling them what they messed up on.
  14. SPO If you are diagnosed and service connected for a disability and your symptoms do not meet the minimum rating criteria, you would be rated at 0%. But it still is s-c. If you have pain you can get a disability even if it is 0% rating. Others can chime in but I've seen it several times here on Hadit.
  15. John I agree. Sometimes you get out of a C&P exam some amazing twists and turns. Had one and expected maybe a 10%; got a 30% plus an additional 10 for something else. What's the saying of Forest Gump:" life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what to expect. "
  16. goNavy1775 You may want to consider a VA accredited claims agent He is a site to search https://www.va.gov/ogc/apps/accreditation/index.asp
  17. Hamslice 3 1/2 X 2 is a long day. Check to see if LHI will reimburse you also for meals; the VA will. In fact, if you are scheduled later in the day on a long commute, the VA also will pay for an overnight stay, although I'm sure there are some hoops you have to jump thru to do it. But you aught to at least get meal money out of it anyway; it's only fair.
  18. Texasvet I kinda agree with you. You're 100%, and if the eye drops are not expensive, if you are more comfortable with your outside specialist, continue. Be smart though; if there is anyway that your eye problems can get worse AND that it could be service-connected, be sure you are submitting your med records to the VA anyway. Worse case situation is if you were to lose sight and you could s-c it, it might mean SMC's. Certainly hope that doesn't happen of course. In fact, I have the exact same situation you do. I've been going to my eye doc for 30 years and he really knows his stuff. It is the only out-side VA doctor I now use, but I'd consider another outside source if the situation dictated it. So, do what you think is best for you.
  19. I know what you mean about revolving door with VA doctors. I had an excellent one for about 7-8 years; very knowledgeable, knew the system , and was pro-patient and pro-veteran. She moved on because she had enough of an idiot admin superior and move to another location within the VA health system in another state. But to a large extent I think it is a result of the tremendous and rapid change in the Medical profession itself. Doc have 15 mins. to see you and write reports; they have a quota on number of patients to do a day, just like it is now in the private sector. I'm not making any excuses for them; they still have to get the job done right. I just believe that continuing to see a doc for MH issues is a good thing, even if we can't notice the results. It takes little effort on our part (except for anxiety, maybe), especially with video contact now, to continue. I wish you well and hope you continue here on Hadit, learn some stuff for yourself and maybe share a little knowledge that you pick up with your brothers and sister veterans.
  20. Agree with Kanewnut Contact asknod.org. He would be the guy I would want to talk to about these special SMC's and if you wanted to appeal, he would be a great resource IMHO.
  21. I've had a couple where they ask you if I didn't have a problem driving 70 miles. I know that they can also ask if you would travel further than that. I believe you can continue to deny long distances and request it be done at the VA, but with these new Covid restrictions you may have to wait a very long time to get it done at the RO if you do. I had aC&P by LHI, if I remember correctly, in a mobile home in a motel parking lot in N.H. last fall. Sounds a little fishy, but I'm not surprised about any of these facilities we have to go to for these contractors. It worked out fine for me.
  22. texasvet What the gentleman told you is correct. If you are rated 100% P&T, you don't have to continue seeing a doc for your disability, or for any other disability you may have. However, I can think of two good reasons to continue to seek help. First, even though you are at 100% P&T, you may want to pursue SMC's or use the VA for regular healthcare. It is always cleaner if you are an active participant in the VA healthcare system. After 2 years or so, you can be dropped from the active register. If you go back after a breach in activity, you have to get a new PCP again, take physicals and blood work, etc. Secondly, and most importantly, with any disability we have, we should all strive to get better by getting treatment and that would include some setbacks that your doc can jump on if you are under constant treatment. Maybe push your appointments out to every other month or 3 or 4 months. You may feel that they don't help very much but they usually do, even it it is just a little. I hope you continue, at least on a limited basis.
  23. As stated, you have to appeal. The VA makes mistakes all the time. I would go BVA with the request stating that the EED should be "X" because if you win and it is remanded back to the RO, you will get an inaccurate date anyway. If you request the date, perhaps the BVA will instruct on the remand "x" date.
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