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Sgt. Wilky

Chief Petty Officers
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Everything posted by Sgt. Wilky

  1. Brokensoldier244th, I was hoping you would respond, and thank you for doing so. My current Undiagnosed Illness ratings are based on symptoms that I had and currently do have. My VSO is all for rocking the boat, although one of the VSOs I was talking to (in another county in CO) used that very phrase, "Don't rock the boat." I thought to myself, "Sheesh, I AM rocking the boat, cuz' I got problems!". However, my current VSO is concerned that if I go to the VA and asking for IU because of the Undiagnosed Illnesses getting worse, and now that they will have my current diagnoses in hand of osteoarthritis and RA, that the VA will say "O, he has a diagnoses now, we should remove these ratings". IU will be another very fun, opened front and I'm just now starting my research into that. Semper Fi, Sgt. Wilky
  2. Good evening, My VSO believes I should apply for IU. I had to quit my job a year ago due to the pain and the inability to remain seated, to remain standing of any consistent length of time. Anyway, I was granted in 2015 for "Undiagnosed Illness" in the upper and lower back, legs, and knees at 10% each (along with other ratings) for a combined rating of 80%; effective to 2008. My VSO is concerned however, that my diagnoses of arthritis in the spine, along with Rheumatoid Arthritis could upset these grants, due to the fact that there is now a diagnoses. I was diagnosed in 2017(?) with these conditions. She is concerned the VA will drop my ratings to 0% (the ten year rule would prevent severing the SC, but not from the VA dropping the ratings to 0%--lovely). Has anyone ran into this? Since these issues began in service, would not the VA "transfer" (I know, not the right wording here) the undiagnosed illness rating to maybe the RA and osteoarthritis? I fought for my ratings for 8 years, and now that I'm no longer able to work, I'm suddenly in jeopardy of losing my entire ratings? This makes no sense. I'm thinking maybe I drop the IU claim altogether. Thanks, Sgt. Wilky
  3. Okay, thanks for letting me (sorta) hijack the thread for a minute. Thank you all for the humor and the clarification! Sgt. Wilky
  4. I gotta ask this, and I know it's going to sound incredibly stupid to some of you, but I really don't know...who the heck is Peggy? I've seen this 10,000 times and I assumed it was the IRIS number, but apparently, it isn't... Sgt. Wilky
  5. I'm a big advocate of honesty. It would seem to me that if your C&P examiner is examining you for a mental health claim, prescribed medications from other mental health doctors would seem to help your claim. When the VA asks for other medical records and they end up getting them, they will see you were prescribed those meds anyway. There is no reason to withhold that information. Sgt. Wilky
  6. You're right, I'm just blowing steam. I'm still wrapping my head around why they will still use it to judge a vet, but (it seems to me) that any evidence a vet submits will be carefully scrutinized to deny the vet their claim. I have two binders stacked full of paperwork from the VA. The BVA judge looked at me and my wife and VSO in July of 2015 and apologized to me and said I never should have waited over 8 years for my claim to be approved. Of course this was before DBQs I believe. I remember when DBQs came out and how everyone was happy to have an equal playing field when it came to submitting evidence. I know it didn't turn out that way brokensoldier244th. I guess I'm still just a little twerked about it and life moves on!
  7. For the VA to claim that fraud (I really have no doubt it happens on occasion) is the reason why they're discontinuing the availability of DBQs is a severe case of cognitive dissonance and is the height of hypocrisy. Just my humble opinion though. Sgt. Wilky
  8. I reluctantly have to agree with what Berta has stated. I remember coming here in latter end of 2008 because the VA had denied my claim and it seemed my VSO at the time was just kind of okay with the decision (she wasn't but to Berta's point, they are overworked and stressed out). I realized that I was going to have to learn a lot of the system myself, and I have still yet to touch the hem of the garment of information needed. In order my own future claims to succeed, I'm probably going to have to go at it alone. My own VSO has not responded to my email I sent three weeks ago and my claim is complicated. Short of hiring an attorney, I need to be the one to start and see it through. People (and myself included) are too willing to let others do the work but as we all know with the VA and many other aspects of life, your best advocate is yourself. Thank you for the pep talk Berta and Alltheway. I guess you'll all be getting to know me a little more, lol. Semper Fi, Sgt. Wilky
  9. The VFW lodged a formal complaint and is screaming about it (I'm not a member and they're not my VSO).
  10. I saw this on military.com the other day. Wow, the VA is batting 1.000 with the awesome new decisions coming down; clearly on the side of the vet (eyeroll). I certainly intend to write my congressman and two senators regarding these changes. To me, this is taking a 20 year leap backwards. Very disappointed and disheartened by these changes. Sgt. Wilky
  11. Hello All, I am attaching sample nexus letters I received from my VSO. This information may have been posted before, but if it helps someone out, then so be it! Sgt. Wilky NEXUS SAMPLE.PDF NEXUS SAMPLE #2.pdf
  12. Okay, so I have some learnin' to do...I need to understand the difference between 100% schedular and TDIU. As of now, my opinion and the opinion of my wife (will be visiting with my doctors about this in March and April) is that as of right now, I'm not able to continue employment at my current job. I would be fine with just 100%. I don't believe that I'm permanently unemployable; but as of right now, I am. I certainly appreciate everyone's response. I think I'm going to be on here a lot more bugging the snot of you all. Thank you so much in advance! Sgt. Wilky
  13. Thank you Brokensoldier, That is one of the biggest issues...I don't have hardly any memos of deficiency, or disciplinary actions. I largely work independently, and my issues of pain and fatigue were always pushed through for several reasons. I rarely see a supervisor. I suppose that I could the one I know the most to write a letter stating that he knew of my pain and fatigue, that he knew I soldiered through it, and that he knows I'm in a lot of straits with it. I do plan to take FMLA over it and then quit. I can get a coworker to help me with a letter too. I definitely didn't "follow the rules and regulations" purely because of the issues that I have. For example, we're supposed to wear bullet-proof vests. I rarely wear mine, as my back can't stand the extra weight. I'll definitely use your advice, although I may have to come at it from a slightly different direction. I will be seeing my neurologist and rheumatologist and discussing this issue with them at length!
  14. Hello All, I am looking for guidance, experience, opinions, and any information on having to quit because of my disabilities. I'm 80% combined service-connected, but I'm so tired of the pain and chronic fatigue that I cannot continue on with my work anymore. My wife and sons are suffering because of my grumpiness and tiredness, I can't attend a lot of their functions and spending quality time with them is difficult. I have worked as a security guard on Homeland Security contracts since 2004, after getting back from Iraq, and it's all I've ever known or done. I can't hardly walk the beat anymore and the simplest of tasks is becoming more and more difficult. My intention is to file for an increase in the three separate 10% for "undiagnosed gulf war illness". My VSO and my potential VSO thinks I'm making a mistake by "bringing attention to myself" (well, no kidding) from the VA and will endure years of hassle (can you imagine my VSO saying this?). I have been under the care of a Rheumatologist, a Neurologist, and now a Pulmonologist. for over 3 years now. My Rheumatologist has filled out DBQ for me when I was being hassled before. I have had other people tell me I should be 100% TDIU, but getting there is very difficult, but I'm willing to fight for it. Anyway, my last day at work is May 1st so that we have some time to change our budget. My plan is to completely flip my life around as best as possible and spend time concentrating on me and my family. Any information on the fight, the paperwork, whatever (yes, I'll search through the forums too) I'm willing to absorb. Thank you! Sgt. Wilky
  15. Whatever you do, don't give up! If it takes 20 years, don't give up! Sgt. Wilky
  16. The VA sure loves to keep this as quiet as possible. I have three types of arthritis, lupus, Reynaud's, and most recently, a diagnoses of Bronchiectasis. All of these stem from the VA's acknowledgement and grant in a 2015 decision granting me for "unknown Gulf War disease" but my VSO won't help me touch it! Sgt. Wilky
  17. I've found that the more time I spend here, the easier it is to learn how to navigate it. The improvements they've been able to make in the last few years are great. They've put a lot of time, effort, and money into making it a much better website. Thank you all again for all the efforts so many of you have put in to making the information available! Semper Fi, Sgt. Wilky
  18. That's awesome! I'm glad for you! There are a lot of great people on this site. Sgt. Wilky
  19. Thank you Tbird, and everyone who has contributed to help vets out! Sgt. Wilky
  20. Hello! I'm also curious as to what ratings others may have on the RA, PSA, or Lupus, especially with the stupid meds I'm on, and whether or not the type of meds have an affect on the ratings. 50% PTSD 20% 6- 10% (I can't remember them all, lol it's 3:00 am here) Sgt. Wilky
  21. Hello All, A two part (but related) question: I have been diagnosed with PSA, RA, Crystalline Arthritis, and Lupus by private neurologist and rheumatologist. I am now on several (about 9) drugs for these conditions. My RA Doctor opined in a DBQ that this was a most likely than not related to military service. My question is, if you have been rated for this or these conditions, what is your experience with being rated? Are you rated more for being on meds? My case is much more complicated than I can put down right now, but I'm looking at filing for at least an increase. I'm 80% (combined) and I've gone down to two days a week at work because I just don't have the energy to do this anymore. I am rated with 3 10% "undiagnosed illness" conditions that cover my lower extremities, lower back, and upper back. It's the RA and other arthritis and lupus that would be the diagnoses for these 3 conditions. Is it worth filing the increase? Would it reset my timeline (I've had my current rating for over 11 years now)? I'm tired of fighting the VA but I feel like I need to pick up the pen (which I truly hope is mightier than the sword) and start another fight with them. Anyway, I'm also reaching out to my VSO to see what they think. I'm willing to provide you all with any info that you might deem helpful if I can. Thanks, Sgt. Wilky
  22. Very nice! I printed some off! Thank you! Sgt. Wilky
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