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LHI? Anyone had any experiences previously?

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I was contacted and sent to LHI for ratings increase on PTSD.  I was of course on edge just because and then going to a unknown contractor bothered me a bit.  But as I read on here they listed the doctors name and credentials which I used to investigate the doctor and liked what I found.  I showed up to the appointment and expected the appointment to last at least half as long as they paperwork called for which was about an hour and a half.  Appointment time was 0800 hrs and I was back out the door and in my car by 0825.  Now to the nitty gritty.  It was not bad at all.  The doctor had reviewed all of my stressors prior to me coming in and we did not speak of them at all not even in passing.  What I would have given to know that he had no interest the previous three days would've kept me from crawling the walls and being even more anxious than normal.  

Primarily it was spent doing a down and dirty DBQ where he asked about changes and I presented my notebook and letters from family and the one friend I have left.  Before I knew it we were at the end and had in my opinion not really delved in deep as I had expected or experienced in my initial PTSD assessment.  I knew it would be somewhat shorter but it was short enough that I was thrown off and even told him "it is in my best interest to go into as much detail as I can with my notes"  and was quickly told that it was not necessary.  This alarmed me and the whole time I was wondering in the back of my head if this wasn't some sort of Hatchet job and now was convinced that we had a problem.  But he reassured me that if I needed to go ahead and talk about the symptoms more then by all means go for it.  I know that I must've had the strangest look on my face maybe even the slightest bit of homicidal maniac....All I kept thinking was something is wrong....wrong wrong and more wrong. BOHICA BOHICA oh no here it comes. Its been barely 20 mins how could this be so quick?  I mean we are going up for 100% from 70% quite a bump and change in status.....

He told me that for what it was worth he was approving or submitting the paper for the increase.  Also said he was not sure why I did not have it already from the first C&P, but we all know why don't we?  Now I figure he could have lied and might have but I don't see the upside really...not that its not possible....either way...  

Now that don't mean nothing and I wont believe that or anything else until I see it when I check my bluebutton records or a brown envelop shows up in my mailbox.  

But what if....Could I finally be done fighting them and maybe get my 100%?  I mean one little NOD and three years later another C&P could I be so lucky not to have to play whack a mole all the way up to DC?  maybe just maybe....

When I was leaving I ran into the guy that was waiting along side me for an 8:00 appointment and he said " this is a new one on me" I agreed, he was there after submitting a NEW PTSD claim down the FDC (fully developed claim) route 3 weeks ago.....Three weeks ago he submitted his stuff and was there same day as me doing a C&P maybe things are picking up speed finally...maybe

Edited by ShilohLee
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  • HadIt.com Elder

Armybob22 If you have been doing the work, you're going to be ok. If you attend meetings twice a week, that info from your doc is going to be in your records. So is your meds. If you had a recent change in meds. make a copy and bring it with you. All that stuff is in your file but it's not a big deal if you bring some of your records to any C&P and offer it to them. Once in a while they will take it, which can do nothing but be of help. What might help if you think you might get a little tight is to write down a few things you want the examiner to know that effected you recently. Did you have road rage last week; did you say or do something in front on others that was inappropriate? Remember, you are talking about how things are for you when they are bad. If it wasn't bad this morning, talk about something that was bad recently. Don't respond to "how you doing today, Armybob?" by saying FINE!!! No, it isn't fine because I couldn't sleep all night (or all week) because I was worried about this and how I was going to screw something up." One thing you could do is ask if you could be considered for TDIU. I wouldn't do that if I were say under the age of 54-55. If you are much younger, don't bother. They won't go there yet.You will be ok.

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  • HadIt.com Elder
7 hours ago, Armybob22 said:

Just received a call from LHI saying that I'm up for my 5 year "PTSD Review", and I should get a telehealth appointment sometime in the next couple weeks with a contract doctor..

I am hoping to receive P&T at this point, but I'm not sure what it takes to get that??

I attend groups at the VA twice a week for the past 5 years, cant work, don't socialize outside of the VA, see a doc regularly at the VA, and take an ungodly amount of VA Psych meds...

I've been hospitalized for suicidal thoughts, I've gone through 3 months of TMS treatments, etc...

Anyone have any suggestions for me?  I'm obviously freaking out about this!!!!  Thanks everyone!

Just be sure you read your medical notes after all these visit  especially the last 6 months or so maybe a year   that's about how far they read back,  but you need to know what the group therapist has said about you or the psychiatrist ?

so you don't say something and its not in your medical records, just be your self and always answer the questions honestly and don't over talk about your symptoms ,  just answer the questions   and what GB Army mention above.

  these examiners are trained to watch out for all this..if you don't know the answer to one of his/her questions just simply say you don't know mam/.sir 

be yourself and you will do ok.  if your anxiety lever goes through the roof be sure and let the examiner know.

Not sure how this will be if your having a tele-health virtual conferences ? or maybe an in person exam?

  just always be honest and read part of your medical notes before the exam. Myhealthvet notes on the blue button.


I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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After you have a C&P exam with LHI, how long does it take to get the C&P exam notes.

Requested them after getting BBE.

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You have to request them from the records department in your local VA hospital. Even if they weren’t done there I believe they be able to print them out as was my experience.

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Ok that's good to know.

Will head to the VA hospital when it reopens.


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