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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. DM-1 is juvenile onset diabetes, generally starting before age 16. They usually start insulin when the oral meds no longer work. He could apply for peripheral neuropathy for any extremities that have numbess in them. I get 10% for each of my legs. Better for him, to me, would be to try and control the DM-II, as eventually it can lead to blindness, amputations and death. jmo pr
  2. That was her opinion of how you were that day. GAF's are updated at each appt. pr
  3. The exam I had was the most extensive exam I have ever received anywhere. It's up to you, if you take it, but if it were me I would. I doubt not taking it will reflect on any of your claims, as it is separate from claims or C&P exams. jmo pr
  4. Ya know if you lose them they'll replace them w/the latest model. I lost one and had a new one within 2 wks, at no cost to me. Just sayin . . . pr
  5. I agree w/you guys. Why would I trust the VA, or any government body, w/any info!!! I haven't gotten anything on it, yet, but that may be because I don't do service polls/studies. jmo pr
  6. Yes, at 55yo they are not supposed to have you take anymore C&P's, for re-evaluation, so they should not bother you. pr
  7. The VA will generally pickup on any NSC disability and claim that's why you can't work and then deny TDIU. What you need to do, if that happens, is appeal, appeal and appeal. You may need an IMO from an MD but it would be worth the money to win. I'd wait and see what the VA does, first. jmo pr
  8. trat8 - it looks like SSDI made a mistake in your disability onset date. You should send them a letter stating that you disagree w/the date they awarded and that the correct date should be 1/1/2010, not 1/1/2011. If they correct it you could get some retro, which makes it worthwhile. jmo I was stationed at Benning, in '65 and late '67 and was at a reunion there a couple of yrs ago. Boy, how Columbus has changed! pr
  9. Sorry you're leaving, but that would be your choice. Best wishes for you, whatever you decide! pr
  10. Sergeant G - I used B&M for my housebound claim, at the CAVC and was very pleased w/them! The Sec/VA and B&M agreed it should be remanded, prior to having an actual hearing and it was sent back. Cost me nothing. They'll get paid by the EAJA funding. I should have some results by the end of the current decade, should I live that long. ;-) pr
  11. Yup, I can, but only because "I" have a sense of humor. It was said in jest and not meant to make you look foolish or be laughed at, as I'm sure most here understood. Just to be safe, I think it best I not respond to any of your posts, for fear of upsetting you. I am sorry if I offended you and I raise my same finger, in salute to you, as another VN veteran. May the force be w/you. pr So much for your statement "All comments appreciated." ;-)
  12. Snookster - Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! That was really funny!!! No they don't, but they do try to reduce you, if they can! jmo pr
  13. No they don't. I filed my claim in '89 having never filed a claim for PTSD, nor been treated for PTSD. Just always be truthful and you should be okay. jmo pr
  14. To me, Medicare is so cheap that, I feel, it's foolish not to purchase it. In addition, I purchased a Humana suppliment for meds, should I want or need drugs outside the VA. I have one med I get outside the VA that was costing me about $3 a day that now costs about $1 a day, including, not plus, the cost of the plan. jmo pr
  15. J - to hear them talk, I didn't know federal employees made over the threshold, except those "rich" USPS employees. ;-) pr
  16. J - no offense but, just to clarify, you can get TDIU and still be working but you need to be earning less than marginal employment wages or be in what would be considered a sheltered workshop or family business. I wanted to add, also, that I was able to get a claimant TDIU, effective back to the date he medically retired, because he'd lost a great deal of time, over the previous two yrs, due to his PTSD. The claim was ongoing to before he medically retired. Just sayin' . . . pr
  17. I'm not absolutely positive but I think most insurances require that you purchase Medicare. You should call Humana, just to be sure. pr
  18. A GAF of 50-55 should get you at least 50% but the VA will probably give ya 30%, based on the way they lowball vets. Wait for your decision and then come back and we'll have a better idea of what you'll need to do. Who knows, they could give you 70% . . . not likely, but possible. Also, you only need one stressor. Ratings are based on your condition today and tomorrow and not how much you saw or went thru back then. jmo pr
  19. trat8 - welcome! I think you have a good chance, if you continue to pursue your claim. Too bad you missed filing a NOD on the earlier award. You might want to check, your c-file, for errors, which would allow for the earlier award date. It may be a struggle at times but never, ever, give up!!! jmo pr I was first awarded 30% for PTSD, back in '89 and appealed, appealed and appealed until I finally won 100%, for PTSD, in '99. In the process I learned a great deal.
  20. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Yes it's "my opinion," which we are both entitled to have. You can think me an idiot and in our system you are entitled to that opinion. You can even post that and speak it, in public, without fear of recourse. I can also. I'm a life member of the VVA, DAV and VFW. I joined the DAV way early, when I won my first claim, before I learned more about them. As for my statement that they are basically in the VA's pocket, I standby my opinion. Their whole transportation program is, to me, a farce. It gives them wonderful PR and that's all. Last I knew the training for most VSO's follows a training course written & sponsored by the DAV and that course intentially teaches misinformation, so that veterans will lose or be told they don't have a chance. I first dealt w/the DAV back in 1989. The VSO had no idea what 38 CFR or 38 USC was, even tho, he had an old copy of 38 CFR, in his office library. Almost all Vet Orgs have funds to help needy vets. My VVA chapter averages $10k-20k in donations to needy vets & their widows, in addition to actually doing physical work, by the members, on their property/homes, if needed. I commend them all for what the Orgs do, in that respect. I believe those who have bars, sell scratch tickets, do a great disservice to vets. They help them stay alcoholics, by selling them low cost drinks. They help them spend their hard earned money/benefits and keep them in that position. I can't count how many I've seen spend their benefit checks there on the first of the month. Anyway you get my point. The only membership I value, these days, is my VVA membership and they are but a small Org. I still remember how the others "treated us," when we came home from VN!!!! We need a single organization but that'll never happen. It's better for the VA to keep us divided. Again, just my opinion! pr
  21. You currently list your disability at 60%??? Your combined ratings are now 88% rounded up to 90%, correct? If you're unable to work due to your SC disabilities you should be able to get TDIU, which pays at the 100% rate. If that's the case I would apply and I'd ask for P&T, which gives your spouse and minor children ChampVA, medical insurance, if awarded. You could also request an increase in your PTSD rating, which could help you get TDIU or 100%. I think you could get TDIU and maybe should have been already. When you became 70% the VA had a duty to consider TDIU - did they consider it and deny you, or was it never considered? What are the dates of your awards and what's your age? pr
  22. A waste of money. They do nothing for vets and are actually more in the VA's pocket than most. If you feel the need to join you could join one from your era. jmo pr
  23. Good on you and him, Troy!!! Was it actually chloracne??? If so I would pursue a claim back to 1974, since chloracne is on the list. I helped a VN vet, w/a skin condition, w/a max rating of 50%, win a CUE claim, for TDIU, decided by the VA Central Office. They only went back 3.5 ys and I advised him to appeal but he didn't want to chance losing the TDIU rating. Too bad for him, as I am 99.9999% positive he could have won an additional 12 yrs retro. jmo pr pr
  24. A CUE can be filed anytime, after the one yr appeal period has expired and the decision has become final. I don't feel this is a CUE issue but that's just my opinion. pr
  25. That is your choice. Why not see what they offer? If you have something you'd like to do tell them. They test to see what they feel you could do, successfully. On the other hand, you could see what your rating(s) are, when you get them and go from there. You don't have to use VocRehab. In fact, a letter stating that your SC disabilities are so severe that you aren't trainable helps with your claim. I had one of those, as evidence in my PTSD claim. jmo pr
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