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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. Thanks, Berta! She'll be eligible for the DIC, w/over 10 yrs, since he was 100% and they were married those 10 yrs. He has some pending stuff and my have some Nehmer issues, too. He doesn't have long and still smokes 3-4 packs a day. Of course at this point what's quitting gonna do for him, anyway. Sad, but were all gonna die. Best thing to do, now, is to try and live a long healthy life! jmo pr
  2. Berta, that was me. Nice to hear "you correcting me!" I wasn't aware of Bonny v Principi, or if I was, don't remember. Again, thanks for the correction!! This news will help my ex, when she loses her current spouse, who is on borrowed time now. pr
  3. I believe the vet's claim dies w/the vet, however they do allow the spouse to file a claim for the veteran's accrued benefits but I believe they only allow 2 yrs of accrued benefits, as the maximum. Berta probably knows beter than I do. pr
  4. Had my C&P exam for A&A/HB, last week. The doc was really quite helpful, pointing out that I should show them my worst day. I stated I would but "I will not lie." I expressed that she should state whether my SC condition (PTSD) would keep me from leaving the home, to work, as specifically asked by the BVA and CAVC. She stated that it was a mental issue and I needed a mental doctor to make that opinion. She's requesting I get another C&P exam, by a psych doc, for that opinion. We'll see what happens. pr
  5. deanbrt - I'm sorry you didn't like my response! "To me," you sound as tho a "boots on the ground Vietnam combat veteran" should be treated differently, from any other veteran. I don't make those distinctions. To me, a vet, is a vet, is a vet. I'm saddened by his health problems but all I have is "your" statements, to go on. Somewhere along the line he should be responsible for his actions/care. The following are statements of fact, as I know them. The VA will always avoid paying. Hospitals inflate their bills. I'm not ashamed of my response, nor should I be. I have only what you've stated and past experience to go on. I wish your friend and you well! jmo pr
  6. No sweat, guy! Good luck!! Sure sounds, to me, like you need more evidence but you just keep blaming someone else, as I did, if you want. There are none so blind as those who will not see. I certainly hope you win and was just offering my case to support you. Shame on me! jmo pr
  7. This post troubles me. When does a 100% SC veteran take responsibility for his actions???? He should know his responsibilities. I get the feeling we're/you're getting only half the story and therefore feel responding would be a waste of my/our time. jmo pr
  8. TANKERJOE0 - let's start with your statement "this hardly seems fair." Since when is life or the VA, for that matter, fair???!!! (just sayin') The C&P doctor reports the facts, as he/she sees them. The decision is made by rater. They are supposed to look at your complete record. Maybe you need more evidence? I was awarded 30%, for PTSD, back in 1989 and I appealed, and appealed and appealed, finally winning 100%, in 1999, retro to 1989. Along the way I learned VA law, and what I needed to win. Get more evidence and be prepared for the possibility of a long battle, tho hopefully, you won't need it. Never give up!!! jmo pr
  9. It could be the doctors name. Call and find out. jmo pr
  10. Sounds great, for the younger vets!!! As for me, an old timer, 66yo, the only app I want to see young folks using is an app for a J O B!!! Sorry, but I don't text, tweet, app, or any other BS. In fact, while driving today I was almost run off the road by a "texter." Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I strongly feel that our country is going down the sh*tter due to the cell phone. Better learn Chinese, as it's our future national language. Forget Spanish. jmo pr
  11. I try to rarely jump in these days, as I try to allow the newbies to answer the simpler questions. I generally only answer when it is more complicated or an error, in my opinion, is being made. pr
  12. Medicare will probably take half of the SS raise but not the VA's increase. It still breaks down to over $100 monthly, for a VA increase, which I'm sure I can find a use for, even if I just use it to help support others, not so fortunate. pr
  13. I sincerely doubt it! pr
  14. It should. I believe there are different rules for those 55 and over. pr
  15. They waived mine back in 1999, which were about $29k. Sweet!!! pr
  16. They basically put you in a room w/a dvd player and some XXX rated movies, just like they would a sperm donor. If that doesn't work, they have a patch/electrode that they stick on your testicles and another on your penis and they give you a couple of very low voltage electrical shocks, to see if they can get it to rise. If that doesn't work you get the SMC "k" award. It's really quite painless. Okay, now seriously, they check your diagnoses and blood work, for other causes and if there are none they take your word for it. No movies, no shocks!!! Sorry! pr
  17. The VA should probably pay but they are really s l o w. VA will never be the 2nd payor. They either pay the full bill(at their rate) or they pay nothing. Because the VA is so slow hospitals will routinely bill your insurance and then bill you the copay. If that happens you need the hospital to either absorb/waive the copay or return the payment to the insurance company. VA will never pay the copay. pr
  18. Yup, that's basically it. I believe the requirement has always been that you must bleed and as I see it, they are changing it. What about the psychological wounds of PTSD??? Oh well, who cares. Still gonna cost ya $3-$4 for a Starbucks, PH or not! jmo pr
  19. Yes, I have but won't. I don't like the attention. I'll win eventually. pr
  20. Never, ever, ever, ever, give up. You'll win! Did I mention never give up? Yup, I remember when there was no Hadit. I think I've read every claims book published, by now. I like the VBM best, but learned something from each. Hang in there! pr
  21. I've had diagnosed PTSD for 22 yrs (rated 100%, solely for ptsd) and have only taken meds twice, for it, each time for about 3 months. I believe if the meds aren't for something critical, don't take them. These days I worry about kidneys and liver. No problems, yet, but why chance it. The VA doesn't really care about us and uses meds as an easy treatment. jmo pr
  22. usmcman001 - hey, that was good! Aren't marines really just sailors in funny looking uniforms?? The nice thing about the Corps, these days, is that marines are now able to get their GED's, while serving and learning to read can really help them later in life LOL!!! Someone once told me the marines are the men's dept of the Navy but I corrected them that it was in fact the Seals. I wish you well in your claim and hope you know this is all just kidding. You should request a complete copy of your c-file, asap, so that you can see what they actually have on that earlier filing. pr
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