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    Stickman reacted to broncovet in Caregiver Program Not Avail To All   
    The Wasted Wampum Program(WWP), as you can see, does much more than squander dollars donated for Veterans on overly generous salaries for execs. It also starts "class wars" by favoring Iraq/Afghanastan Vets over Vietnam era Vets. These "class wars" divide Veterans groups so that VA can conquer them, because if all 28 million or so Veterans voted together, then VA would have to clean up its act and give real accountability. These class wars have been going on for a long time, and, finally, the VFW/DAV are "recoginizing" Vietnam Vets. (It was all about the money, when the VSO's realized that there are many, many more Vietnmam Vets alive now than WW2, and they could not afford to "dis" the Vietnam Vets)

    The VSO's used to "hate" Vn Vets because it wasn't a "declared" war like WW2. Its obviously Veterans fault for not getting the Vietnam misunderstanding to be declared as a war. Never mind that some 58,220 Vets lost their lives in Vietnam War, as opposed to around 6106 deaths in Iraq, with another 1850 or so in Afghanastan. Once, while I was traveling in the airport in uniform, people yelled "Booo" at me for serving my country in Vietnam Era.

    On the other hand, when my son was in uniform while traveling to/from Iraq in the airports, he got many handshakes and "thank you for your service". I was shocked.

    If any Vets deserve the wampum for caregivers it would be the Vietnam Era's. Has no one heard of "respect your elders"? I wont be sending any of my wampum to the Wasted Wampum Project..ever.
  2. Like
    Stickman reacted to broncovet in The Pushed Out Vet Friend.. Allison Hickey   
    Allison Hickey was pushed out because she let underlings manipulate her, and got her to do things like award them big moving expense checks when relocating, and even made the relocation happen to generate the checks.  She made a good customer service rep, but not so good of a real leader who fixes problems like that.  She should have gotten those employees fired who asked her to arrange for a big moving expense check.   By allowing or even assisting with that, she deserved firing. 
    Andy Griffith once led by example, when he said, "Gee, I hope you are not trying to bribe a police officer.  Put that money back in your pocket, because it looks real bad." 
    Allison should have taken a page out of Andy Griffith's playbook.  "Gee, I hope you are not asking me to fire the Phoenix RO director so you can move there and generate moving expense checks, as I dont go there.  If your responsibilities are too much, then you can request a transfer, but dont ask Veterans to pay for your move". 
    Allison Hickey was already in trouble before she did the "email Allison" thing.  She had become a kind of self appointed media spokesperson, and did not handle that well.  She was not that familiar with the VA, and made statements that were inaccurate and was called to the carpet for those. 
  3. Like
    Stickman reacted to Gastone in Spn Codes On Dd214 Used Between 1964 - 1973 Resources And Information   
    Never gave SPN codes a thought, till today. Inlisted 02/68 on 2yr guarantee of Nam. Did 1 tour RVN. 2 mos on Okinawa, declined offer to ship-over and discharged 11/69. Just glad to be back in "Round EYE" Heaven. 24 month contract completed with early out after 20 months. Never gave option of active USMC Reserves a second or for that matter 1st thought. 2yr deal was 1 tour Nam and out, inactive reserves till final discharge. Stateside duty with lifers, definitely not for me. Lifers minded their manners in Nam. I know, not all lifers were bad but all it takes is 1 or 2 to make you dislike them all.

    I think most mature American adults, of all political persuasions, know the US Congress and Senate is a potential highway to wealth. I don't have the stats but think most who serve (?), leave wealthier than when 1st elected. You can't say all, but I believe most start out well intentioned. Does the system corrupt or is it just the temptation to take advantage of their position and lobbyist $$. I think if we look at both sides of the HOUSE, we see a possible minority of good honorable public servants. The rest appear to be either Pigs or Hogs when it comes to self-enrichment. Some have spent most of their working life as Congressman or Senators. Wouldn't you or I for that matter, Like to be paid $160K (?) a year and become multimillionaires using our insider information and contacts to enrich our families and ourselves. Not to mention the Retirement and Pension package.

    Why should I rag on them. Given the opportunity to serve as a Senator or Congressman, I can only hope I would have been an Honorable Public Servant. But, Like most men, you don't know till you know. Everyone says what they "Would or Could Do," it's not till your tested that your true character surfaces. It's the "life or death" moments or when nobody is looking that we find out what we're really made of.

    Semper Fi

  4. Like
    Stickman reacted to Buck52 in PTSD/Depression?claim questions?   
    Thanks Ms berta
    I understand what your saying and I'll take your Advice,
    and Thank you Navy04   I appreciate everything you have said to  and to everyone else.
    I'll shut up about this and get my claim filed asap.
    Thanks Everyone!
  5. Like
    Stickman reacted to john999 in AGENT ORANGE   
    You have to file a claim for an AO disease.  The AO Registry means nothing.  I see what AskNod is saying.   If you file for an AO disease it may not be presumptive but in five years it may and you could get EED all the way back to the day you filed the original claim.  If we live long enough all of us Nam vets will die from an AO disease because everything will be presumptive for AO.  Everything is presumptive for AO and the VA has just not admitted it yet.  Dioxin is so dangerous why do they need a study that takes 20 years to presume it causes all cancers?  They know it is like kryptonite for human beings.   They are just stalling for us to die off and they can avoid paying.  I have thought in the past that RVN vets should file AO claims on any dangerous disease they acquire.  It will be presumptive one day.
  6. Like
    Stickman reacted to john999 in Va Choice Cards   
    I see many things to fight about. Why are only post 9/11 caregivers compensated. Are we Vietnam Era vets and First Gulf War vets crap on the VA's shoe? All vets should have choice about where they get care. I am sick to death of driving 25 miles to see some yoyo about PT. I only get to see my shrink once every ten weeks. I get no actual therapy just drugs. This is not psychiatric care on any acceptable level. Both dental and vision care I only got once every two years, so I was outsourced for at least the dental. I got an exam, but that is it so far. Soon I will have to drive to the VA 4 times a year just to get pain meds. I met some idiot old guy who had brain surgery at the VA. Who in their right mind would have brain surgery at the VA? This guy had insurance, and since he did not want to pay anything he let those ghouls operate on his tiny brain.
    The VA should do a study on the sex lives of vets since they have been &^%$##$ them for decades.

  7. Like
    Stickman reacted to Stretch in Not Everything In The Va Is Bad. Got A House   
    Congrats ARNG11, as I remember back I sure share your joy. You just keep that smile because you have done good and greatly deserve it. I just love this and I know that your happiness will continue to a ripe old age, as mine has, even though I still fight the good fight.

    I bought my first home in 1975. This was a high interest rate time, but VA got mine a 8.0% interest win no down in a time where this was mostly unheard of. I repaid the loan and recaptured my VA loan. I made an unbelievable profit off the home after 30 years living in it.

    This is not the best benefit that the VA has. Veterans health care is at the top. Other perks with Service Connection are great and show that we have a greatful nation that really cares about Veterans. Most of the nation does not even know about what we go through as Veterans with corruption we face.

    The only objection that most, including myself have, is that there are the politicians and lying SOB's that have infiltrated the VA system with corruption that is beyond control.

    Many politicians have found ways to extract money from Federal union workers that are in the VA system. These polititions are on a gravy train that they have made and protect for themselves, not caring in the least, about Veterans. This part is sickening for me.

    The DEAs latest move is to become the Surgeon General for the VA. This is because they have drug competition from other sources and this is very strange. I don't know who is benefiting from this one, but you can bet there are drug contollers (lords) who could care less about older Veterans pain or conditions.

    I just love this guy Bob, but I think that he does not know what he has gotten into. If he can straighten this out it will be a miricle. He is compassionate,caring, and deeply commited to his fellow Veterans, always keeping himself at the bottom and out of the limelight. Veterans need to get behind this guy as he struggles with this monster. I hope he has a long productive life.
  8. Like
    Stickman reacted to Mikemmlj in Feeling Guilty   
    To alleviate your guilt send all money to me. :)
  9. Like
    Stickman reacted to broncovet in End All Backlog By 2015?   
    The Va is going to elimate Veteran homelessness, eliminate the backlog, no one will lose their insurance,every Veteran will get a doctors appointment in 30 days...and Santa Claus will bring every Veteran a new Lamborghini, as long as you vote for ..... Do you see the pattern here?
  10. Like
    Stickman reacted to john999 in Share Your Va Horror Story   
    I also wonder about the BS the military pulled to get rid of sick soldiers via all those PD, Unsuitability and Failure to adapt discharges the military handed out back in the day. I was kicked out while being treated for a psychiatric condition for "failure to adapt to a military environment" after 28 months of service. I only had 8 months left, and I got kicked out for embarrassing the army. If not for the fact I was admitted to a VA hospital within a year of discharge I am sure I would never have gotten any sort of rating at all. As it was it took me nearly 30 years to get a decent rating. The army and the VA almost ruined my life. I filed so many appeals along the way I have lost count.

    The only reason now that we hear anything is because we have a professional military with no expendable draftees. There is a cabal between the DOD and the VA to undertreat and undercompensate military veterans that really is a crime. The generals and high level civil servants get rich in massive conflicts of interest and the guys who fight the wars get scraps and crumbs.
  11. Like
    Stickman reacted to john999 in Congressman   
    I contribute to my congresswoman's election campaign. I did ask her to inquire about my claim. Is she just gives me standard response she won't get a dime form me in the future, and I will give her a piece of my mind. She probably does not really give a &^%$. I write my representatives all the time telling them that they are whores and liars. I probably will get no wet kisses from them now. Part of their miserable job is to help their constituents with problems like VA claims. If they don't do this they don't deserve your vote. I know what they deserve but I can't say it here.

  12. Like
    Stickman reacted to 63SIERRA in Partial Success!   
    awesome brother, keep on fightin till you get where u want to be. !!!
    AND REMEMBER one system affects another and affects another. follow the rainbow to the pot of compensation. Leave no stone unturned, and never think that if you make a claim it will upset the goons at the va and they will reduce what you already have, they aint giving out nothing they dont have to these days, if they give it, they had to. it wasnt a nicety.
    you are in the right place, and can share your experience to help others. There as you know are folks on this site who have stood up to the va, and got back pay in excess of half a million dollars. Some of the sharpest minds ive ever met were millitary vets. The difference we now have is we can muster, and share and win. LET WIN, LETS ALL WIN.!!!
  13. Like
    Stickman reacted to FormerMember in Prep For Decision   
    And thank T-bird for providing a forum in which to go to school and learn all this.

    clear prop
  14. Like
    Stickman reacted to stillhere in Having Trouble Following Threads Of Late   
    Appears to be once again a lot of high jacking threads. Come on people lets try and stay on topic with the OP original question.

    And for god' s sake don't answer someone else's high jack.

    This gets really confusing and I know I am not the only one.

    Got a question please post a thread.

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