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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. It's been intermittent here in OK. At times I'll get past the login screen, however, when I do, it locks up or displays a server error message. Excellent piece of software. NOT.
  2. Loosing steam. VA and Worker's Comp. I hate the shenanigans they put you through. Especially when all the evidence is right there.

  3. I feel your pain Sierra, but understand this is the process that they use to weed out potential problems. Most likely they well realize that you have a valid claim otherwise they wouldn't throw all these roadblocks up. Don't loose you're focus. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. The center mass shot will present itself soon enough and with patience you'll get to see the red puff cloud when they make their big mistake and poof the head shot presents itself. Hang in there. You're moment will come.
  4. When you re talking about surgeries like that, he'll yeah I would get 2nd and 3rd opinions. Hopefully you have a good doc but I would make sure that surgery is the last resort. Although technology and medicine has come a long way, spine injuries and surgeries are exceedingly difficult and complex, and don't always yield the results we're looking for. JMO. Good luck.
  5. I would have to agree. Those indicators are really just a tease I think. The system is notoriously slow and inaccurate at times. Also only as reliable as the person entering the information . The only two indicators I watch for are the receipt of the claim and the final decision sent. Distract yourself with getting ready to fight a long fight. This whole process is nothing if not snail speed all the way. Keep at it though and make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's. You'll get things accomplished.
  6. Another update for this condition that I came down with. A little over 3 months and my counts have been great. I dropped to 225k from 400k on platelette counts, however, that is still way up in the green. My doc has cleared me for the condition, however, she strongly suggested that I keep watchful eyes for the symptoms and not wait so long to go see a primary care doc. In fact, she stated that I go straight to the ER if I have the early symptoms come up.
  7. I must agree with 63Sierra. This "deal" can come bite you in the rear later. I would ask for those specifics in writing and/or ask for a clause for no more future exams.
  8. Win win always good to read about. Congrats.
  9. Congrats. Don't give up. Keep the pressure on. Dot you i's and cross your t's.
  10. Feeling some relief after deciding to fight fire with fire against the VA's wrongdoing.

  11. Losing steam, but, might be lawyering up and that still puts a smile on my face.

  12. Although I am kind of down, at least the weather is great. Might be a sunny weekend. Enjoy the holiday's folks.

  13. ArNG11


    Always good to read about wins. Congrats.
  14. Guys I really don't know where this is going to go but I will keep you guys posted. I just wanted to post what direction the VA is going with on my claims and maybe warn members here to keep an extra watchful eye on the shannanagans the VA is pulling.
  15. So in an interesting turn of events, the VA has got me curious. Long story short. I filed a back claim some time ago and I managed to get service connected. Ofcourse, I got lowballed and I requested an increase and claimed some secondary issues in this instance my hips. C&P exam done, osteoarthritis of hips acknowledged, but denied as no relationship to secondary injury from IVDS and deformity of L1 disk. Got an increase of 10% as if to offer me some cheese. Back to the no relationship... Well ofcourse not, my back injury was from being ejected from a HUMMV and falling on my back and left hip, that would be a primary cause of trauma but ok. So I filed a new claim specifically asking for service connection to my injury from falling out and landing on my hip and back. I didn't claim the back as I am service connected for that and have an appeal on the bogus rating. I specifically filed a new claim for my hips and knees and left finger. I know I don't want to get on the bandwaggon of what ebennefits states however, I chuckled. My status on ebennies is now a claim for reopen on the hips. Well I never filed an initail claim on the hips, i filed as a secondary issue, and I was denied as the marvelous C&P doc opinied that osteoarthritis of the hips is not caused by IVDS of L1 but of old age or traumatic injury. Well I'm only 39. That doesn't sound right. Hmmm you mean like a traumatic injury such as being ejected from a moving vehicle, say it isn 't so. Really, wow, I would have never made that connection. Ah this will blow up in there faces or possibly mine but nope I don't think so, I much rather this grenade blows up in their hands. Anyways no surprise. I am really astonished in a sense but not really . I mean if they want to give an earlier effective date then sure I'll take that, however, this ploy has me ever so curious. But I am sure this is a funny ploy to deny the injury to the hips again. The claim states that it is a reopen for the hips and a new claim for injuries to my knees and the finger. Finger. Ah how I would like to give them the finger right about now. Nah I think I am going to recite the regulations and CFR but sure I can play this game as well. If I specifically file a claim for my hips and knees without asking for a reopen of secondaries why would the VA do it now? Games. Stupid games. How many times I wonder if these shannanagans weren't allowed and nipped in the posterior, how effective and timely would claims be processed. Hell you might even seem some deserved justice for veterans and dependants that get denied benefits.
  16. VA claim examiners are predicatable

  17. I have read a few articles on this and there seems to be a corelation to mitochondrial damage to the cells. A few studies have indicated that there is a corelation to gulf war and SW asia theather vets. There are also studies regarding how service members of these theaters have seen changes in the way there bodies respond to pain. Interesting reads to say the least.
  18. It seems that it is always down when you need to look at something. It has been intermittent at best this last week.
  19. Options and patience

  20. I'll have to agree with john, 63sierra, it's the same tune as usual. Look at it this way, you know the drill by now with the way claims go. As long as its' sevice connected and/or residual to your service connected conditions then you have already won a great deal. Just fight for everything else that you are entilted to by the regs and your treatment records. It seems that an IME/IMO is frequently needed to combat the VA bs. In any case now the waiting game begins and you have to wait for the brown envelope. Best of luck. Keep fighting.
  21. congrats on your win. Take advantage of all that is available to you now and take care.
  22. Heh it's not like the VA has a good track record for doing things right. Take in the victory and breathe for a little bit. Enjoy it. Patience. I know that is a hard word to swallow but enjoy what you've managed to accomplish. It's not a good fight if it's not a long one. : ) congrats.
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