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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. Hey John, We actually extended for 2 extra days but Shades did not have any rooms so I called Disney and asked about the Military overflow bookings that is used for this purpose. I got what I thought was a good deal at one of the economy properties that worked out pretty good. Like J says go to the Shades of Green website and check to see what is available first! Have a great time!
  2. Here is the law that the house and senate have both passed and it has been enrolled. This bill is awaiting only the signatures of the two speakers and then will go to the governor for his signature. The general assembly is getting ready to shut down so hope they get this one done today or tomorrow. 2011 SESSION history | hilite | pdf | print version VIRGINIA ACTS OF ASSEMBLY -- CHAPTER An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Chapter 32 of Title 58.1 an article numbered 2.3, consisting of sections numbered 58.1-3219.5 and 58.1-3219.6, relating to property tax exemption for disabled veterans. [s 987] Approved Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Chapter 32 of Title 58.1 an article numbered 2.3, consisting of sections numbered 58.1-3219.5 and 58.1-3219.6, as follows: Article 2.3. Exemption for Disabled Veterans. § 58.1-3219.5. Exemption from taxes on property for disabled veterans. A. Pursuant to Article X, Section 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia, the General Assembly hereby exempts from taxation the real property, including the joint real property of husband and wife, of any veteran who has been rated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor agency pursuant to federal law to have a 100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability, and who occupies the real property as his principal place of residence. B. The surviving spouse of a veteran eligible for the exemption set forth in this article shall also qualify for the exemption, so long as the death of the veteran occurs on or after January 1, 2011, the surviving spouse does not remarry, and the surviving spouse continues to occupy the real property as his principal place of residence. C. A county, city, or town shall provide for the exemption from real property taxes the qualifying dwelling pursuant to this section, and shall provide for the exemption from real property taxes the land, not exceeding one acre, upon which it is situated. However, if a county, city, or town provides for an exemption from or deferral of real property taxes of more than one acre of land pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-3210 et seq.) of this chapter, then the county, city, or town shall also provide an exemption for the same number of acres pursuant to this section. § 58.1-3219.6. Application for exemption. The veteran or surviving spouse claiming the exemption under this article shall file with the commissioner of the revenue of the county, city, or town or such other officer as may be designated by the governing body in which the real property is located, on forms to be supplied by the county, city, or town, an affidavit or written statement (i) setting forth the name of the disabled veteran and the name of the spouse, if any, also occupying the real property, (ii) indicating whether the real property is jointly owned by a husband and wife, and (iii) certifying that the real property is occupied as the veteran's principal place of residence. The veteran shall also provide documentation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor agency indicating that the veteran has a 100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability. The veteran shall be required to refile the information required by this section only if the veteran's principal place of residence changes. In the event of a surviving spouse of a veteran claiming the exemption, the surviving spouse shall also provide documentation that the veteran's death occurred on or after January 1, 2011. 2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.
  3. J , Just wanted to say the Disney deal is a great buy!! Got back this Tuesday with the family and tickets cost half for a 4 day park hopper!! This is a great deal for the military by Disney! Stillhere
  4. I am sorry to hear about your dad! But I would suggest you contact the RO where his claim is by either a Fax or an Iris explaining to them what you have told us here! They will and should pull his claim and put it at the front of the line. Also your mom will be able to get funeral benefits at the time of his passing. Good Luck to you and your dad!
  5. Well good luck to you and remember to appeal if you do not get it this time!!
  6. Well when I first got my letter from the RO for my 100% P/T I made copies of it and took a copy to the base for my card. As J says they will look you up in deers and gave me my card on the spot. I know nothing about any eagle letterhead paper.
  7. stillhere

    Ihd And Claim

    I know you are getting hit with a lot of questions but I am curious. In 1994 was the claim put in by the VSO after an "Agent Orange exam"? If it was they should have given him a copy of it. Get a hold of it and see what the doctor DXed your husband with at that time. I would also recommend you go to the MC if you haven't and get a copy of his medical records from the ROI office. then come back on here and let us know what you found out!
  8. yes his SSDI is more. It is the amount that he would have got if he had worked until his extended retirement age which should be like 66 year+. The quicker he files for the SSDI the better because they will pay retro and adjust his payments accordingly.
  9. He can file for SSDI while he is receiving SSA if he is unable to work!By being disabled.
  10. Once again, this is something NO one has told my husband. He has applied for an increase in his PTSD and had 2 appts. with C & P. He's currently rated for 50% PTSD and 10 % hearing. (This was awarded to him through a Veterans Rep Office in Tulare Ca. in 2002.) He has kept every appointment with the VA in Fresno and under the care of a primary care physician and psychologist since then. In May of 2010 we heard gunshots outside our home. Gary ran toward the gunfire. He saw our neighbor fall from being shot. He turned him on his side so he would not choke on his blood and held pressure on his wounds. When the police arrived, they told him it was not considered a crime scene and to leave the victim alone. Erik, the victim, died. As you can well imagine, the smell of blood and the whole incident has mentally disabled my husband. He is unable to work. We are filing for TDIU next week on Feb 3rd at his next appointment. Gary was NEVER evaluated for his wounds. He was a gunner in Vietnam and shot down 3 times. (Has 3 purple hearts, silver star and bronze star for valor.) He also has shrapnel in his arm and it does give him pain. Is this something he should apply for? Also, I know my next question should be in a different forum....BUT, does it sound like he should apply for CUE as well? If you have any questions please ask....We are Desperate for help for him. Also, please forgive me if I'm not asking correctly about all of this...I am just trying to help my husband and am new to all this VA information. Thank you! 0http://www.hadit.com/forums/public/style_images/master/add.pnghttp://www.hadit.com/forums/public/style_images/master/delete.png Since he is already under VA care for his PTSD he should contact his counselor and get the help he needs for it. They may recommend a stay at the VAMC for a treatment. This has helped many vets. You can of course file a claim anytime you want but sounds to me like he needs help ASAP. You can also take him the VA ER and they could help. The IU claim can be requested if his doctors will say that he can not work, that will help a lot. As far as the wounds go you can apply but I would recommend at some point you get a copy from the RO of his C-file and see if there is anything else there and file. Good luck to you both but again get him help for the PTSD now!
  11. Why don't you copy and paste the above and start your own thread. You will get more advise that way. i do not want to answer your question in Larry's thread but will when you have your own.
  12. I would agree with the rest you will and should be paid back to the 2006 date. I would file to reopen that claim and send them the info for your boots on ground. Your present condition of your PC will come into play as to how you are rated in the past and present. If you had the surgery I am assuming you did not use the VA but private docs? I hope you have all those records and the continues care so the VA can not low ball you! I wish you luck on your claim and wonder why it has not been awarded? how long ago did you file?
  13. Hmm asking when dx I would think no big deal BUT asking details if the incident did not effect my knee or what the doctor was looking at me for I would question that to be out of LINE! Even when SSA sent me to a shrink he point blank did not want to hear my stressors!! I was granted SSDI on my very first try and took after I filed about 6 months but they paid me for 2 of those!
  14. My Form 9 appeal has been sitting at the RO awaiting certification since June of 09!
  15. stillhere


    Are you taking any meds or any treatments now? Does the doctor say you have any residuals from the operation? Usually I have seen a down grade to 60% but to take you down to zero does not seem right. Can you post what the C&P says?
  16. Please explain never acknowledged? Did you file for PTSD or not? If you filed the VA should have records of it and it may have been closed by them. I would start with your VSO I also would recommend you get (if you haven't) signed up for myhealthevet on the VA.gov website and then go in and get verifed at your MC Sign up for ebenefits there you can see what is recorded at VA about your claims. I was DXed with PTSD 40 years after the fact it does not go away and my life on looking back on it could have been a lot better if I had got the help I needed. Keep going to the VA for treatment if you can it will help you cope!!
  17. Did they say anything about cancer? Don't want to scare you but warn you.
  18. I have in the past Faxed my forms direct to the RO's but I have not used a VSO for my claims since I was 40% back in 03 I think. if you fax to the RO you MUST fax to the VSO also or he/she will drop you. Oh and you have to get their approval.
  19. We are ALL (MOST) fellow vets here! I did what you did with a rehab counselor and got escorted out of her office and pretty much blew any chance I had with rehab! You are going to have to get your mind in a happy place and tell these people how this disease is effecting you. Trust me the guys with the "white jackets" are right down the hall and they will use them. So brother one vet to another Stay Cool! good luck on your claim and talk to your docs!
  20. You are right there!! Hell I had to brothers in at the time NAVY so I tried to sign up. took the test but flunked the hearing test so they would not take me. Went on with my life then I got drafted out of the blue so I thought hey no big deal I will take the test and i will be sent home. Hell no they passed me and wanted to put me in special forces! I said wait a minute I can't hear good. they said good enough for US Army!!
  21. Patt I do not understand what you are asking and I am real surprised that the other poster does. I have hearing loss and each ear is evaluated and your hearing loss is based on your overall ability to hear if that is what you mean? In other words I am deaf or (can not test)in my right ear and my left ear is at 45 I think so the VA puts the 2 together to come up with a rating for hearing loss. I can not be rated 100% for my left and say 40% for my right. They combine the two to rate you and an overall hearing loss %. I hope I did not confuse you more. If you want the official jargon i can get it for you. By the way if you have active and profound otis media 9which I had in Nam once) you will be rated totally separate for that.
  22. VA really needs to change their PR firm! This is an annual occurrence for them. Now someone is BS someone? Is it the VA? Nah!
  23. I agree Larry and is probably why he is not answering the phone or calling back. Take it easy and relax we are all in the same boat. It is harder with PTSD but keep getting the help and talk to your counselor about it.
  24. Broncovet, That sounds like a court case. Hope you have a lawyer you should win!
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