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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. I would just like to add I think every time the government tries to help a situation it seems that they F it up. Young women and men that are sexually assaulted in the military and do not report it are going to be at an extreme disadvantage, when this bill is passed that they come forward. There is a very % of both men/women that don't report either for the stigma or the fear or for what ever reason. I personally believe if someone has served and the VA shrink say they suffer from PTSD then they should be comped and end of story! I know going through with writing down my stressors was very hard and took me quite a while. I then had anxiety/panic attacks even worse having to talk about them. when I applied for SSDI the shrink just asked me if I had any stressors and I said yes but then he stopped me and said I do not want to hear them! I was awarded SSDI in less than 4 months. That to me is the way it should be!
  2. I am with you John I am about 100% certain that I will do the cath next time. Did a little bit more of exercising yesterday but little sore today so I will probably cool it for today. One of the worst things my doc said I could do would be to just jump into it whole hog. Need to pace myself!
  3. hey I am a Member of an EMPIRE! Cool!
  4. J is right on here! They are one of the better ones from what I have heard! Is your claim a single conditions or what? That will also factor in?
  5. Just as I thought just wanted to sit down and talk about my condition! Whew my anxiety is really a trip sometimes! Got cleared to do some exercises and play golf as long as I ride a cart! I hope this helps me drop the weight I have put on need to get rid of 20/30 and exercise will do it since I really am not eating much. I have pretty much decided on a cath in 6 months because the echo is showing some area around where the stents were place. The cath is better than the echo anyhow. Hope all have a Great St. Paddy's day! Everyone is Irish today!!
  6. Well I did the stress at my last C&P and failed so they ordered me the chemical and I was leaning that way this time with my private doc but I decided to push myself this time and let the chips fall where they may. I have a few activities I would like to get cleared by him to do so I could possible calm down my anxiety and get my depression under control!! Now I have to wait until this Wed. (2 days) before I can see him and I feel really like loosing it more a more each day. I have played through my head many things and what I think is wrong but.... hopping for the best and getting ready for the worst is a bitch!
  7. Whenever I have sent a fax in the past I always follow up with a phone call later to make sure it was received and or call the 800# to find out. It is 100% confirmed me for every item I have sent.
  8. Pr, I posted that because I did not want any vet thinking that you have to be over a certain % to get ER care as your post could have been construed.
  9. i have used this a couple of times with my PCP works pretty good. But I would keep it quiet for now or they will figure out how to ruin it!!:))
  10. I thought that no matter the % if a vet has an emergency of a SC then it will be covered?
  11. 1. Sometimes the VA will delay your claims if another one is filed while one is in the works. If you can stand the wait go a head if not wait until one is awarded. The only problem is you lose out on a few months pay if it is granted. 2.? 3.I have private doctors and the VA will follow their scrips to a point. They often times only give the generic or even a substitute. Some have been able to get the name brands but it dose take a doc stipulating you have to have it.
  12. Well had my annual stress test at my private cardio doc on Monday and today they called and want me to come back in. Not quite sure what this is about but I was able to walk this time and did OK but who knows? I recommend that anyone especially Vietnam veterans to get their hearts checked if they have any type of the so called markers for heart disease hypertension, shortness of breath, chest pain or just plain fatigue! Good luck to all!
  13. Went to a Tax Relief work shop put on by the local Fairfax county today. Found out that the 100% disability exemption is just waiting for the governors signature and will be retro to Jan. 1,2011 that is a given. She also told me that the county will notify the holder of the veterans mortgage and tell them that the veteran will not be billed in July so they will not need to send the county the payment. I have been trying since Nov. 10 when the amendment was passed to get my lender to return my escrow and they keep saying they need a form from the county. Well the lady from Fairfax county tax relief told me that she will be talking to the head of the tax office and see if they can put out a letter sooner and tell the bank that this will occur and they need not expect a bill from the county. Not sure if this will work or not with my lender Wells Fargo but they are being real asses over this though I have sent them the laws and my qualifying letter they still insist I have to pay it! This is quite a bit of money that I could be using instead of them making interest on it. If you are 100% disability in Virginia a recommend going to the work shops to see what kind of help you can get! Good luck to you all!
  14. That is pretty much the choices I have received in the past. If your aid is older than 2 years ask for a new one at your next appointment. I have done this before and have been able to get the latest/greatest up date one. then make sure you get the one repaired and use that as your backup when you get it back. Working and having an aid go out is a real pain! i would also suggest at your next appt that you discuss with the audio person better ways to prepare for this happening and what can be done for the future. Sorry I don't have more advise but the more prepared you are for the next time (and there will be one) the better off you will be.
  15. Berta said: Right-VCAA violations are not part of any CUE claim.One does not receive a VCAA letter for a CUE claim. The medical evidence must be documented and established. You can only support a CUE claim with legal evidence. I will keep my claims issues to myself from now on. Well I certainly hope it was not post that set you off. But you did ask for opinions?
  16. Unfortunately I agree with the staged and the 60% rate and I will tell you why. I am pretty sure they will use the last echo as the barometer especially if Rod did not complain to his PCP as to heart pain or anything to require a either echo or cath. One of the things I have always noted these past years in dealing with the VA is they will use the paper trail to support their decision on all our diseases. As far as your Nehmer to me it seems they are playing with you because of past dealings. now I don't mean out to get you, but the Cue and the present Nehmer at 7 years is totally unacceptable. I don't know how you do it. My Nehmer claim established in oct. 09 was denied in what November of 2010 and I have not pro sued an appeal yet but I have a stress test for Monday with my private cardio doc and I plan to present it to him. The care that your Rod was getting was sub standard as you know. My cardio doc requires me to have a yearly check up stress test to make sure nothing else has slipped by on me and he WANTS to keep me alive! I also have a damaged heart because of waiting the first time and not going to the ER because I believed the inappropriate test that the VA had used to deny me in the past!
  17. Chuck and everyone is right you really need to jump on this. I was awarded VA P/T without a problem because of my heart and given SMC-s because of my other issues but nowhere did they ask if I felt I could not/or could control my money! Now SSDI which I was just awarded after the VA, did ask if I felt I could handle my money and I said of course I have been doing it all my life and I also said I do most of my bills by computer and automatic each month. They did not mention anything about it when I was awarded! I think again if you jump on this right away you should be fine! Congrat on the Champ US my wife needed that too! So we are truly blessed! Good Luck to you and K!
  18. Very "GOOD" and thought out posts. Thank you all again I will try and take them to heart and continue my journey with my head held high!
  19. Any and I think all BVA decisions show the location as to where they are and when they were filed and granted.
  20. I agree with mustang check with the VA and see if there might be some pro bono architects out there that would help a vet. Good luck to you and your new digs!!
  21. We had this same group I think in Virginia. They were caught and caused all of the legit org to have to refile!!
  22. Thanks guys/dolls I guess I will have to live with it and try and ignore. I need to find something I can do that will help me snap out of this. Even the thought of volunteering gives me fear. I always thought that all would be fine and hunky dory after I reached this level and just needed to take care of myself! I hope spring will bring a better out look on life! Thanks again!
  23. I have been 100% P/T and SMC-s since September of 09. While I don't tell many folks I am SSDI also I do tell a few and I almost always come away with the "well you look great" from most. Kind of makes me feel like I should be working, but I know I can't this tends to add to my PTSD/depression and just wondered if other vets out there get the same thing? I mean I do not walk with a cane or ride a scooter BUT I do have a bad heart and shy away from doing anything to strenuous yet the statement you look great still kind of upsets me. Oh Well i worked for 50 years and I deserve a break I guess.
  24. Great news! The law was signed by the President of the Senate and the speaker of the House on Feb. 24 just waiting on the Governor's signature and it is done!! Thank you Virginia!!
  25. J, For the extra two days we stayed on Disney at the economy property "Pop Century" it was a bare bones property bu it was fine for what we needed. We had already been there for a week at an off site house in Emerald Island Resort that was great! 6 bedrooms!! pool and hot tub for $1,500
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