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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. I am very leery of anything I let this VAMC do! My brother died there after an operation that was deemed successful!
  2. I agree! Even though I am 100% I do not use the VA cardio. My wife bless he, is still working and gets insurance for me! I use private now for all my heart treatments! I complained to my VA PCP last check up and she (without my knowing) put me in for a cardio appointment at the VAMC) When I found out I told her I wasn't going and why! Also the RO put on my denial that my % and payment per month would stay the same! So they did not trying and lower me!
  3. Well got the letter today from VA in a small white envelope and it said denied for an earlier effective date based on all the evidence in my folder.... While I agree that the tests the VA and C&P ran in 2003 and 2005 did not show heart disease I believe it was because of the sub-standard testing preformed at the 2 C&P's. I am at 100% P&T with SMC-s so I guess I should be grateful and just walk away from this now before it really does kill me! I guess I might. Then again I may contact a lawyer and get some advise on how to precede. Berta always said that I might have a better chance at a FTCA claim or a 1151 but I just don't know now. How the VA can say that a vet that comes to them with angina and hyperlipdemia should not be tested appropriately by echo or angio is just beyond me. My blockages of 100%/90% and 50% THAT DAMAGED 40% OF MY HEART DID NOT JUST OCCUR ON OCT.05!! They were there and nobody detected them and it almost killed me!! Sorry I am running on and yes ranting... I need to clam down. Let me know what you all think. Happy Holidays!
  4. I was in combat (periodically while on patrol and tower guard) plus twice going to other bases one of which was over run. None of those really effected me that much as far as my nightmares and bad dreams. I am not sure but I put it to my training as far as being able to handle the combat. In my case my I guess you could say my non combat stresses cause the brunt of my conditions and are with me almost everyday!
  5. looks great to me TBird and I don't like changes at all!9most of the time)Must be my PTSD!?
  6. I would think based on the write up that you will be awarded PTSD by the rater. The % maybe tricky between 30-50% but if you don't get what you feel is fair you can always NOD. I take it you are getting treatment so that should help you enjoy the rest of your life a little better. Welcome to Hadit!
  7. Congratulations and one more claim settled! Great news just before Christmas great timing!
  8. I too had a lousy time dealing with a counselor and ended up getting another lousy one and blowing my stack at her and into MH. Since then I have been awarded 100PnT and Smc-s, sent her an email a couple of times asking about the ILP and has never answered me back. I feel it is luck of the draw if we vets get any help at all from this program!
  9. Nope Ft. Belvoir,VA Vietnam training at AP Hill.
  10. Well I got the Iris back on the 22nd and to date have heard nothing on my claim for an earlier effective date for my IHD. One thing after rereading the response from them. As usual it has double talk! in the first line it says a decision has been made and then in the second paragraph it says we will not know until a Final Decision has been made?!? Anyone know the difference between decision and final decision??? What a bunch of BS!!!
  11. I went across the country with a friends family in 69. We lived in Williamsburg, VA at the time and his dad was getting transferred to White Sands, Missile range in NM. It was a cool trip and I had it fixed so I could report in El Paso for induction. Well talk about HOT here you have a little east coast young man at 19 set to take basic in the desert Ft Bliss Texas where on bivouac we went out a couple days before and shot jack rabbits and strung them up to protect the water. Man that place was hot as Hell June-August for boot and I feel passing that was exactly what got me ready to survive in Nam. That and a feisty drill Sgt. who was back from his third or second tour and made sure we were ready!!
  12. Thanks John I guess this stuff just is standard SOP as Carly said for SSDI. I just question how they are going about this with someone in my condition and what they call advanced age 61 1/2. I certainly don't want them to think I am a freeloader I am just taking care of my interest. With my conditions there really is next to know chance that I could make it many more years. That is the main reason I am applying now to at least enjoy a few of what I have left.
  13. very good post John and I totally agree. I had an suicide my first week in company and really snuffed my butt for a while. Did it give me PTSD not sure but I have and still do get upset when I think of it. What a way to start your tour of duty! As far as relatives go I have a few that I feel are totally nuts and they probably think the same of me!
  14. Have you ever applied and been denied for DM2? Berta points out many good places for you to search your SMR's to see if there is anything that might help. If you have them that is a great place to start. If not you should get a copy as soon as you can. I would also ask your doctor you are seeing now if the DM2 could have started while you were in service and if he/she agrees ask them for a letter.
  15. Now they are saying they want a more recent hearing test! I just don't get this? I am a 100% for IHD and SMC=s for my other conditions and they want a a damn hearing test? While I am deaf in one ear and wear an aid in the other if I do not wear my aid I am deaf! But with everything else wrong with me I should not be made to work! It is too much on me and will certainly lead to an early demise! Guess that is what they all want!
  16. Form 8 sent to RO for hearing loss and tinnitus on June of 09 to be certified to the BVA still waiting.
  17. There has and probably will not ever be a change for the "boots on ground " lingo unless congress passes something that changes it.
  18. I am rated 50% for PTSD by the VA back to 2008. I recently (July 20th) applied for SSDI and yesterday I got a call from them and they asked if I would agree to be examined by one of their doctors for my PTSD. I agreed because I have nothing to hide but I do question why this is being done? Anyone have this happen to them too?
  19. I filed back in 05 for heart disease secondary to DM2 and was granted CAD secondary to my DM2. This is a pretty simple one to get connected IF you have the DM2 first!
  20. I filed mine in Oct.09 and it was for an earlier effective date for my SC cad/IHD. They originally only gave the actual date of my heart attack an operation and I had applied before and been denied. I guess I will see soon how they see this? Dear Mr XXXXX: Thank you for your reply to the Department of Veterans Affairs dated November 19, 2010 regarding the status of your claim. A decision has been made on your claim. Your file will go to the staff that reviews the decision for accuracy and approves the decision, which is usually the final step. This stage should be completed on most claims between 10 and 40 days. Please be advised that a claim may take longer in this phase based on the specifics of your claim. Generally, if benefits are payable, you may be entitled to a retroactive payment; however, we will not know until we make a final decision. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work our way through the claims processing procedures. You will receive notification via U.S. mail once your claim has been finalized. Your notification letter will explain our decision in detail. Thank you for contacting us. If you have questions or need additional help with the information in our reply, please respond to this message or see our other contact information below. Sincerely yours, E. J. Kruse National IRIS Response Center Manager ogm How to Contact VA: On line:
  21. Yes and you need to get it checked out ASAP. QTC sent me one of those and that is how I was DXed anemic!
  22. Tell them how you feel and make it through the day and let them decide where your PTSD effects you. As J said be honest and take some time out for yourself afterwards to relax! Good Luck!
  23. Get your doctor to write a letter if you can and then NOD it. In my case the VA double talked and said in one paragraph that I would not get any better and in another at the end said I would?!
  24. We here on Hadit always make vets aware that ANYTIME a vet files they are subject to a review by the VA of ALL their conditions! I personally have seen this mentioned by all the elders and members from way back when. This will happen whenever you put in for an increase too. Good luck to you!
  25. If you do find out where the claim is you can ask the 800# for the fax number at your RO and send them the question by fax. This has worked for me in the past and gets an answer direct from the RO! Not the call center.
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