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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. Glad to help! Nov. 1 is single digits now!!
  2. That is a little bit of over reaction to John's post. I took NO offence to it and you should not either. We are all suffering from this and have other issues too. It is VERY sad that our government did this to us and I am an example of what can and does happen. Unfortunately it is what it is and I am just trying to live life for as long as I can and enjoy it. Lot of us could be gone tomorrow lets not nit pick and fight among ourselves.
  3. Yeah it is back to the chew gum and walk scenario at this RO. If they are close by you could always offer to come in and sort this all out for them or you could say OK I will send you exactly what I want you to use for my reconsideration and you can use JUST that and decide. Of course anyone of those solutions would not help them in their objective of making you wait a year because a VSO or should I say two who have been trained to do this for vets to speed it up have screwed up!! Call the 800# back and get the fax# direct to your RO and offer them either one to come in or the other option IF you are comfortable with that and let us know what they say. Making you wait a year for a reconsideration is total BS!! Just my opinion!
  4. Not sure on the answer about this but if it were me I would go ahead and have the surgery. I guess I would rather feel better than the money.
  5. Of course your RIGHT John but in any case I still would advise wait until he has a DX and IHD claim is done. little less stress always helps me! I have to go to the government county office today and put in for my tax relief because I am now 100% my hands are already sweating and have not even left. My heart is pumping fast I need to settle myself down big time or I am not going!!
  6. If the doctors said you had 4 issues pointing toward PTSD conditions then you might consider asking for a consult to a mental health doc and have a talk with him and see if he diagnoses you with PTSD. Then you might consider treatment or filing a claim. If I were you since it does not seem at this point to be much of a worry to you I would wait until after the IHD award and then see how you feel. I personally did not and do not like the stigma I feel I have placed on my self but I feel I do and did need the help and treatments. Try and see the shrink and see what they say and go from there. Who knows you might need help and don't see it?? Good luck to you!!
  7. Nope talk to your PCP and tell them the side effects. I have noticed in dealing with the VA they seem to like to give us what their textbooks say to use for situations and not stray from those UNLESS there are side effects. Kind of like my mechanic! Anyhow I have been on carvedil ever since my heart attack in 05 and have had no problems with it. I do experience angina during the day and sometimes at night but have not had to use nitro that much. I also take Rosovasatin and a couple of drugs for my BP. ALL of my prescriptions are written by my private cardio doc and I give them to my PCP at the VA to be filled. When the VA wants to substitute I have it approved by my private Cardio doc FIRST. My wife works and I get private coverage along with my VA if I have a real problem I go to the private docs. I realize this might now be available to all BUT I would stress that all vets report any and all side effects from drugs that the VA docs try to give you. Navy if you want to know all the drugs that I take let me know and I will list the proper name and dosages for you. While I am not a doctored I do swear by my cardio doc!!
  8. I have seen a few posts on other sites where some vets are telling vets that 100% is the MAX we can get! This is not true. While 100% for one condition IS the MAX if you have other conditions and they add up to 60% then your compensation will go up based on an SMC benefit awarded. The rate tables for the SMC awards are at the same area as the regular rates just click of the SMC rates on that page and it opens up. IN SMC it is based on severity if you have 60% then it would be SMC-S or housebound there is also rates for missing hands feet and eyes just look at the tables for SMC N M and so on. Now when you have been awarded 100% for your Heart as I have I also was awarded SMC-S housebound because I met the % needed by my other disabilities. Also the figure in the SMC chart is what you will be comped at not adding the other chart to this chart. In my case at 100% + S and SMC-K (for ED) I get a check each month of 3,352.00 I thing. Peace brothers and sisters!
  9. Living in the past is never a good idea. We can not undue what they did and how they treated us in the past but we can use the past to show how wrong it was and adjust based on the past to make the future better not just for the future but also to the benefit of those in the past. This IS a good thing!
  10. In the case above her Dec 1 check looks like it will be $674.00 at least that is how I read it.
  11. I would call the 800# and ask for how your particular RO handles viewing of your C-file. As far as losing or destroying contents of a vets C-file there have been many reports of this occurring over the years. That is another reason a veteran should get a copy of their C-file and also keep any copies of what they send in to keep it current.
  12. What do you consider messing things up?? If you mean slow down your appeal from being finished YES. The VA has told me a few times that they have a very hard time working an appeal and a claim at the same time BUT. If you do not file your claim for the other issue your date will be lost until the appeal is done and that could be months or years! It is a very bad catch 22 for the vet! Many say file when you get the DX for the condition and I have done that myself when I had an appeal in. They will work the new claim and let the appeal sit until the new claim is done.
  13. Just trying to get this service connected is going to be a haul if you ask me. In your particular place if the appeal is denied and you still want to pursue it I would recommend you get a good lawyer. And here is the reason why. Because this occurred so many years ago and there is no paper work or witnesses and from what I read you have no names and for that matter not even the exact location or time. This is asking the government to take your word for an awful lot. I am not trying to dissuade you and if you have come this long I doubt that I could. But put yourself in the governments position. That also will help you in maybe getting this done. Also go back and read your decision somewhere in the decision the government is telling you what you need to do to get this awarded. Post what they feel they need and maybe we can help with that. The main thing that I think comes out of claims like this is the reality that no matter how much you hate it and the horrible thought of this crap happening. Those that do not report it when it happens or soon after have a very hard road to haul. I served in the late 60's-70's and maybe I was just naive to what was going on around me but I served in a war zone and for the life of me don't think I met another American that would have done harm to me. Lucky I guess but when we look at the complexity of military life and the scope (world wide) and with the sexual stuff going on in it nothing will be done until those that are assaulted come forward every single time something like this happens!! Thank you for your service and I too am very sorry for what you had to go through back then and what you having to go through now but I do wish you the BEST and thank you for your service to our country!!
  14. I don't believe so but I would get it looked at by healthcare.
  15. If your two claims are in the same group like both being mental you will only get one award.
  16. I agree with the thought of ChampUS for all. The wife and I were talking about just that the other day. She hates it when I go to the VA and is only working so I have another option. As far as the other condescending posts and slanted comments I only posted this to see if this might be something good for vets the owner of the board and admins/mods might agree! I will crawl back to my hole now but plan on adding the link to all my emails!
  17. I have a question on this bill about the insurance for the disabled veterans at 100% which I just joined. Does this bill mean that now 100% disability vets can buy 30,000 worth of insurance or the government is granting us 30K as no payments?? If so can we buy more?? This is confusing to me because the old way the VA gave us 10K free and we could buy another 10K to bring it up to 20. At least that is how I think it worked. Anyone know??
  18. Not sure on a ratings for all of these but I can tell you with a shopping list like that it may take the RO some time. I would also recommend that on this forum it is always better to start your on topic so you will get more answers directed to your specific question. I do have one question though. How have you been able to do your required duties??
  19. I went to the VA.gov site and was going to my health evet and saw they had posted something new/ Well I oh hum clicked on it and could need believe it?? In my 7 years of dealing with the VA and the way I was bitter (am still am) at the way they handled Vietnam and the Agent Orange issue. I have always said the VA should contact every vet and make them aware of what is out their for them both benefits and health care wise. I almost cried when I went to the link below FINALLY it is there. While these veteran's sites do a GREAT service and not taking anything away from them this link needs to be displayed prominently and referenced to to every vet getting out. I hope Tbird will agree and the rest of the mods/admins!! http://www1.va.gov/opa/myva/index.asp While I may still be bitter at the way we were have been and continue to be treated. I love each and every vet and especially those that have served and are severing NOW! Please go to this site and post some comments of what you all think. I am hoping you will find it as I did a great step in the RIGHT direction and long over due!!
  20. Since we can not start a new new topic in the state benefits forum I wanted to let those vets in Virginia that don't already know, that on the ballot on Nov.2nd will be an amendment to our constitution to allow for tax exempt for real estate tax for 100% disabled veterans!! Now this is something well over due and I hope all vets will vote for it and also all their relatives. Virginia has always been a leader when it comes to the military and our state is made up of many retired veterans, active duty and disabled veterans. Lets show our gratitude to them by voting this change as unanimous as possible!! PLEASE VOTE YES FOR AMENDMENT NO#2!! Thank you!
  21. If there is a question there I don't see it but as far as waiting the whole year to NOD whatever you plan to NOD. Remember the sooner you start your NOD the sooner it may get finished.
  22. I have had this general exam a couple of times and they check everything. But I have never heard it called a 1010? If you are seeing the VA now the RO should have all your info now anyhow.
  23. I have been faxing my stuff for the VA for the past year! Seems to get there quicker and I usually follow up with an Iris a couple of weeks later just to check and see if they got it. No problems at all yet! Knock on wood!
  24. Did QTC say why you needed a stress test? Maybe they found something in your other C&P that caused them to want the stress test but they should have told you why? Do you have a copy of the first stress test? If not might want to get one. Good Luck on your claim!
  25. Sounds like they are moving your claim right along. Make double sure you remind them of your claim of 2000 and it appears you will be all set. Good luck on your claim!
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