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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. While I think we all can agree this is way over due. I personally wonder if this will actually do any good or has already been implemented?? I called the 800# the other day and seemed worse to me. Any how here is an article that says it will get better! http://fcw.com/Articles/2010/09/22/VA-improving-call-centers-website-in-customer-service-effort.aspx
  2. Take look at this link provided by BVA to make vets aware of the appeal process: http://www.bva.va.gov/docs/Pamphlets/010202A.pdf It should help you understand where you are now in the process.
  3. Berta answered your question. They should follow the same procedure as last time. If there is back pay from this change?
  4. I agree with Pete if any one thing can cause the veteran not to be able to work then VA is/should be obligated to grant IU. As far as the SMC are you asking a question or just making a statement?
  5. Congats!! I know the feeling well, but enjoy it while you still can. Also make sure and check your states benefits too!
  6. Do as I suggested in my last post. Let us know how it goes with the arguement on the date. You should be able to win that out. Good luck on your claim!
  7. Well waiting to the last day to do something is not always good and this proofs it. Although you do it seems have evidence that at least something was delivered there on the 18th. I would send them a letter with the form and tell them what you state here that you did send it in on time. Call the 800# and get the fax number to the RO if you do not have it and send it in. Still not sure if the VA will acknowledge and let your NOD stand but you have a chance it would seem.
  8. Spreading the word to all veterans is a very good thing! Always makes me feel good to help another vet get his/hers deserved benefits!! Pat yourself on the back and thank you!
  9. Well that is great they are honoring your hardship at the BVA and deciding in your favor there. Lets hope they continue honoring it and get your husband's comped due him right away. Again I wish there was an easy answer for you but I would recommend that you stay on them as much as possible and I would even contact the BVA if you feel the RO is moving to slow. See if you can get some kind of direct contact to your RO from the BVA (phone # or Fax#) that might help. Unfortunately I have read bad stories in the past as to RO's dragging their feet when making payments but I do wish you the best!!
  10. You should get help and evaluated before even thinking of filing a claim. Go to the VA or a vet center and tell them your problem. They should set you up for an appointment and you will be on your way. If as you noted in your post you feel you are suicidal call the hot line right now and they will help you! Worry about your health now and the dollars later!
  11. JR is correct your question would require a guess at most. The BVA basically decided your case and now a C&P will have to be done to decide the rate of compensation, and of course how it effects his daily life. I would like to tell you this will be done yesterday but in reality this will take time. How long have you been waiting for the BVA decision? I am with you on why doesn't the BVA rate claims but I have seen in the past some they do and some they don't. It appears to me that when the veterans specifically appeals to the BVA on the basis of the wrong rating then in those cases the BVA does order the RO what rate to use based on the information they have with the file. If you want to just try and guess go to the rate tables and read the qualifications for skeletal injuries and you will see how daunting a task it is. You won the award and that is the best step!!
  12. The only thing I am finding is the cola for this year which as many know has already been passed.
  13. The mind is a very interesting and intriguing organ. IF this did in fact cause the sensation of or result in his PTSD then he of course should be compensated. As far as 10% to 100% he will be evaluated as to how it effects him today.
  14. I have noticed this for a while and wanted to kind of post my feelings on this. Some seem to feel a little bit or animosity toward vets that did file for IHD in the past and stand to reap a large sum of money. Money does not and will never replace my health or my feelings toward my fellow brothers of the Vietnam war! We all know what we went through over there and of course when we got back. To those that suffered and filed and are going to get a rather large retro I say good for you! To those that suffered and did not file either because you did not know or did not want to I say I am sorry and wish things were different. We all know suffering from heart disease that is why I feel blessed that it did not really hit me until 03 and in 05 I survived my first heart attack. Now I like a lot of those suffer from the can'ts or should I say don't dos. My wife babys me and almost anything I do that causes stress or exertion I have to limit/watch myself. Not a good way to live but I am alive. Before the heart disease there was really not a task or anything I would not do or at least try. Talk about a life change!
  15. Thanks Donna, I guess that is for the guys who were denied in the past and never connected after that denial? I was denied in 03 and appealled and denied again in 04. Had heart attack in 05 and granted SC secondary to DM2 but date was set as only the date of heart attack. My claim is specific in it is for an earlier effective date based on Nehmer and IHd being added to the Agent Orange list. being SC already and just moved to 100% mine has been I am told at the raters. I am hoping for a start date of at least 04 but 03 would be great and in my eyes correct. My attack occurred at age 55 but in 02 I was told to take it easy and had a LVE of 50% at age 51yrs.
  16. Well I am glad for you guys getting the packets and just waiting on my end. Guess it will happen when it happens. Anyone want to share what might these sold called packets hold. Also I sure hope those that get them are making copies to keep before sending back?
  17. I for one am not sure what you are all worked up about? When did you send in a claim? Most of the replies you have gotten are right on and things you need to be doing but you really need to calm down it seems from your posts. Which RO are you at? almost all of my claims of late and that is claims not appeals have gone through in less than 6 months and that is with money in the bank. Actually my PTSD claim once I filed took only 4 months. Good luck with your claims!!
  18. You have fought the fight and have WON! Not only pat yourself on your back but rest assured your efforts have helped someone you love very much. I do wonder sometimes where I would be with out my wife but that thought is not very comforting I thank each and everyday she puts up with me! By standing by your man you have showed your resolve and commitment to your Vietnam vet! God Bless you and ALL the other ladies out there that have done the same!!
  19. http://veterans.senate.gov/hearings.cfm?action=release.display&release_id=9af00cd4-690e-4645-b90a-e5d78212f08a
  20. stillhere


    Well I personally ended up watching this on the web and did not go to the hearings as I wanted. Mainly because I am TOO DISABLED to make it there! Guess I could have taken a taxi but I DON"T have the cash! So I sit and watch! The hearing as all know got pulled from C-span 3 at the last minute and might be broadcast later. I find it rather daunting that this committee saw fit at all to have the secretary and all the scientist there when if either one of them had taken the time to read the report and looked at the law past on AO back in 94 by CONGRESS that they would have found out that all of the t"s were crossed and the i"s were dotted. There absolute ONLY problem with this was the COST that this is going to cost the Taxpayer!! Not once did I hear anyone state that the veterans had to suffer for 40 long years while the gov played around and did their studies and killed veterans left and right did they FINALLY give in to help at least save the Vietnam veterans we have left!! What is more important to the American people helping care and save their veterans that stood up and fought in a time of war?? The ONLY thing I heard good come out of this was the mention that if something new would come up that the VA healthcare system should not have to wait to care for the veterans and then let them play around again with whether the gov wants to comp it or not. Bitter? You are damn right! A government that sends it's troops to battle and then sprays them with AO and when the victims start dropping like flies turns their back and refuses to accept the responsibility that they did this to us!! As always it comes down to the Vietnam vet being belittled and I felt ridiculed because now we are going to cost money to take care of US! Senator Simpson has already said that, and feels that the Vietnam vet is out to bankrupt the country that we served! What a POS!! I do apologize some what for this rant but I am totally sick and tired of being treated as low life by a country that I feel can not wait for all of us to die!! Welcome Home Vietnam Vets and hold your heads high take your compensation PROUDLY and live to be 100!!
  21. Back in 07 I had to have another stent placed. Only in the hospital for 3 days but put on restrictive no driving for two weeks and then limited light work for two weeks. I put in and was granted 100% for 1 month. Had to send in hospital and doctor's notes. Hope this helps!
  22. Well I got a one page letter telling me who my contact was about 2 weeks ago and nothing else. Trying to stay patient just hope I did not screw this up. I am 100% and housebound rated by the VA for my heart and PTSD among other issues. While I find it truly hard to feel like I can't do things I realize real soon after trying that I am totally out of shape in body and mind and need to regroup and not sure when that will be if ever. My cardio doc says to walk but I get out of breath and start having anxiety and panic attacks and just return to my shell and tell my self hey you tried. I know that is not good but that is where I am at this time. Sure hope it gets better down the road!!
  23. I honestly do not know why we both have not received said Nehmer packets from the VA but I think I will send theses guys you speak of NVSLP and see just what they can find out. I am also told by Iris that this claim for EED is at the rater's and was waiting for the new rules. But they have been posted so it should see some movement of some kind. I asked for 60% based on the LVE reading of 50% but of course my denial said that there was no heart disease and not that it was just not SC. So I am fighting a double edge sword. If they do service connect then there is know doubt that it will go back to 2003 where in there denial they said while I was experiencing angina they have doing just a walking stress test could not say why but that I was being treated and taking meds for hypertension and cholesterol. The simple way and what I am hoping is that they face up to the fact that the testing was insufficient at the time and in fact almost killed me in 2005. I plan on staying with this as long as it takes. I am 100% for my heart now so I am watching my stress level while they play their shenanigans as I would tell all vets waiting them out. If at all possible try and keep control and at ease, do not let them win by killing you! By the way I have heard back from the committee having the hearing on the 3 presumptives and they will not grant me the opportunity to ask a question or make a statement at the hearing. I am weighing if I do want to attend this hearing and have to use the public transportation system and have to walk quite a ways (or taxi) when all I will be able to do is observe. Understand it will be televised so might have to treat it like football games and stay home.I certainly hope for all the Vietnam vets to be able to put this behind us with a win in the next few months!!
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