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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. Not sure what you are asking? If you just want to know your time line that is not possible to know with all the variables the VA uses for each different claim. Good luck to you! If I missed a question please post it as a question and someone will try and help.
  2. Pete I had one of these back in April I think. It was for a QTC for my heart rating. I ask the doc at the time if I could get a print out of the test for my private cardio doc and he said sure and gave it to me before I left. He even put down my request for a copy of the total report and got it a couple of weeks later. Glad yours was a good one.
  3. You should be getting an award letter soon for your IHD. Stay on top of that and hold off on appealing the IU. You may get the numbers you need from the IU + you should see a real good retro if you had claimed before and been denied. If you appeal the IU it now it may slow down everything! Good Luck on your claim!
  4. My voc rehab is eligible for 12 years.
  5. If you are a veteran of the Iraq or Afghanistan wars the VA should be handling your claims at the front of the lines. Again check with the Vet center nearest you or call and they will have everything you need including all the wounded warrior info.
  6. Well that is good news! I hope you are wrong on stopping claims by written statements. I put in for a claim of acid reflux and anemia and after getting the paper work decided I really did not want to get back in the rat race with them so soon. Plus they were holding up an appeal I wanted finished. I faxed them a letter telling them that I wanted the claim withdrawn at this time. I have heard nothing back and will probably check at the end of the week but that should be all that is needed. A signed and sealed letter should be enough to take care of any problem with the VA! Just make sure you do it in writing!!
  7. I would like to add that with all the issues you have claimed it is going to take a bit longer for the VA to award. Get a hold of your VFW vso if you can and tell him your financial situation and he may have some advise and help for you. Also check with them to make sure you are being considered under the wounded veteran program if you qualify. If your mortgage is a problem pickup the phone and call your bank. No one should have to lose anything while waiting for the VA to act! Good luck on your claim and welcome to Hadit. By the way also check with a vet center if it is close by and see what they can do.
  8. Whatever you due get yourself under control before you go there. Going off at the RO is not I repeat not a good idea. They will win every time if you go in there shouting and being loud! You will be out on your ear and would have done no good for your case and probably hurt it!! My first question is why are you going to the RO were you asked to meet someone there or what?? If you are going on your own terms make sure you keep it that way and do not get asked or forced to leave!
  9. While I am not asking the VA rater to look at the old evidence per se I am stating that an award of 60% should have been granted based on 38cfr. Is that not a CUE if there is evidence of record per their rules and they do not grant a rating??
  10. Any time the RO takes ANY action on a claim by themselves and not ordered by the BVA it is because the RO wanted it. Another way to know is if your claim has not been certified to the BVA then ALL action on it is still based by the RO. Case in point a veteran files a claim and gets denied by the RO the veteran then files for either a reconsideration or a NOD. The claim is still being handled by the RO, when the veteran files a form 9 to have the claim appealed to the BVA the RO STILL has to either certify the claim to BVA OR order additional testing or C&P in an effort to keep the claim at the RO and grant it for the veteran. If the new evidence or the C&P as in this case still does not justify a higher rating the veteran will be notified and the claim is closer to going to the BVA. Hope this helps you understand a little bit better. To me in your case it looks like the RO IS trying to see your way!! Good Luck!
  11. While I am waiting for the VA to grant my IHD eed claim under Nehmer I was thinking if there actually was a chance that they may just CUE themselves. Here are my thoughts of why I feel this way. My claim of 2003 for heart disease was primarily based on angina. While the VA denied the heart disease claim they did grant hypertension and DM2. At the time the VA had in their possession and noted in the evidence a electrocardiogram that showed a LVE of 50% dated 2002. In the rules for cardio it states that a LVE from 30-50% warrants a 60% rating. In there denial they noted that their walking stress tests showed no heart disease with a mets of 12 but that was all. They never addressed the 50% noted on the cardiogram. I would like opinions on if this is possible for a CUE claim? Thanks to all!
  12. You Rock Durock looks like the 800# was right on for once!! I have now heard of two vets who have gotten award letters and both state payments to start in NOV. One has quite a long Nehmer too!! Wishing all the vets a great time!!
  13. A poster on another board has posted that he has received an award letter and it was favorable which also had a payment start date of Nov.1, 2010 Trying to get this clarified now!
  14. Wish I could help but this ebenefits stuff is still Greek to me. While I use and am authenticated by My Health evet I have not been able to get that set up on the ebenefits site.
  15. Retired, as I said before take a look at this link to a little publication by the BVA http://www.bva.va.gov/docs/Pamphlets/010202A.pdf it is an illustrated little booklet that is very simple of the claim/appeal process. It will help you understand clearly what is happening and will happen with your appeal. Good Luck to you!
  16. I am aslo rated for CAD secondary to my DM2 and have filed under the new IHD rule. But I am trying to get an EED that is why I filed. I am now 100% for my heart disease so I feel comfortable doing this and hope to win. If I were in your shoes would I do it hmmm not sure. It certainly will not hurt anything but where is the benefit?
  17. I agree! If they adjourn on Oct. 8th then there is not going to be any vote on it and the VA SHOULD use that for the start date of paying these! I just talked to senator Webb's DC office and they tried to sell me a bunch of crock that it was not the senator's plan to delay payments for these 3 presumptives! Of course if you believe that I also have some ocean front property to sell in AZ. But knowing government as we do if the congress critters are out of town the VA will probably just make us wait until Oct. 30th!! Jerks! Take out the trash day is Nov.2nd do not forget!
  18. I have seen and heard that there are 830 some thousand left of those that served in country boots on ground during the Vietnam War. There is also a number floating around that we are dieing at a pace of 390 a day!
  19. I agree with John to a point on submitting a claim to get your EED. But again if time is maximum and you want to get it done speedier I would wait. It is a damn shame the VA can not chew gum and walk!
  20. I received the Iris response below yesterday: We also show your October 19, 2009, claim for increase seeking an earlier effective date for cardiac arterial disease open at the Roanoke RO. VA must hold all claims regarding B cell leukemias, Parkinson’s disease, and ischemic heart disease until final regulations are accepted, published, and the final review process is completed. The final regulation (38 CFR 3.309(e)) was published August 31, 2010. The regulation is now under a 60-day period where Congress is able to review the regulation and decide whether to grant final approval to the regulation. Until final regulations have been approved, VA cannot grant benefits. Once the regulations are final, VA will process the claims on a priority basis, but we cannot determine the exact length of time the review will take. No claims regarding these new Agent Orange presumptive conditions have been completed. So if we are to believe that then no they are not going through YET. I also checked the VA website and while they do show the claims going through as of today for the gulf war issues there is nothing for the Vietnam vets on Agent Orange yet. But it is coming!
  21. I wonder if they are taking into account the death factor in the veterans? Vietnam in country vet numbers are dropping and have dropped at an alarming rate and I personally feel these veterans of today with their multiple deployments and just the factors of fighting in such a desolate place will face even higher death rates. While I certainly hope not we are already seeing a higher suicide rate. These kids need help and fast. The money is not all the country should worry about! They should take preventive measures NOW!
  22. The 800# is and has always been a waste of time. Time frames by a government agency are to be taken with a grain of salt.
  23. The question has been asked many times on Hadit and other boards as to how RO handle multi claims. This Iris response addresses this question fairly well. IRIS RESPONSE: We also show your October 19, 2009, claim for increase seeking an earlier effective date for cardiac arterial disease open at the Roanoke RO. VA must hold all claims regarding B cell leukemias, Parkinson’s disease, and ischemic heart disease until final regulations are accepted, published, and the final review process is completed. The final regulation (38 CFR 3.309(e)) was published August 31, 2010. The regulation is now under a 60-day period where Congress is able to review the regulation and decide whether to grant final approval to the regulation. Until final regulations have been approved, VA cannot grant benefits. Once the regulations are final, VA will process the claims on a priority basis, but we cannot determine the exact length of time the review will take. No claims regarding these new Agent Orange presumptive conditions have been completed. You will be notified by letter when your claim is completed. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to work our way through the legal requirements in processing your claim. You will receive notification via U.S. mail once your claim has been finalized. Your notification letter will explain our decision in detail. We also show your August 30, 2010, claim for increase regarding acid reflux and anemia, both secondary to diabetes mellitus type II open and in the early stages of processing at the RO. The RO is in the process of gathering information regarding this claim. It is very difficult to process an appeal and a claim at the same time. The file has to transfer between the appeals team and the pre-determination team. Often times claims are delayed due to an open appeal. Please be assured that VA is working as quickly as possible to make fair determinations on your appeal and your current claims. You may consult or hire an attorney at any stage in the claims or appeals process. Please note, VA processes claims and appeals in date order. Thank you for your honorable service to our country. The above pretty much shows that having an appeal and a claim at the same time is not good for a speedy resolution. In conclusion it is always better to finish with a claim and then do an appeal rather than pile on two or three different scenarios at one time. I would recommend that all vets WAIT until one is finished before filing another especially if time is a factor. I understand the vet may lose a few months of comp but if time is of the essence I would recommend to wait. Good Luck to all for your claims!
  24. I feel so sad that the soldiers even with their better training and weapons are still facing the isolation issues that I faced over 40 some years ago. This is one of the main reasons that the recruits do not reenlist for more time or make the military their career. Facing deployment after deployment and getting no help from the government can be draining on the mind and make for the feeling of no way out... God Bless our young troops!
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