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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. I will not get quite as much as you in the way of benefit for this but every bit will help veterans that are 100% and P&T!
  2. AS Berta posted the VA press release says they are paying for the 3 new conditions now! But I have not been able to find anywhere on different sites where veterans are saying they have been paid?? The VA website is now showing the same article as the headliner to their site. I wonder as has been the case in the past. If they are going off half cocked and really have not paid but plan to soon!
  3. OK from your screen shot it has not been applied to your clinic/hospital yet. As I mentioned before I had problems with calling the advice line and getting my meds and messages to my PCP. Working with my PCP she had me FAX anything I wanted to get to her whether it be meds or just a note to her at the clinic. This worked very good until the emessages was available. My point is that working with your PCP over these issues can be corrected and enhanced on better communication. Sit down with your PCP and discuss the problem and I think you will find it will be fixed. One way or another!!
  4. OK do this: Sign in In the band near the top right is the SECURE MESSAGING headline (click) It will open to another screen telling you about it (click) on the more. If your clinic or hospital is set up for it a message screen will open up. CLICK on New Message top left and it should open with your PCP name and send her/him a message! Good luck hope this helps you!
  5. John I take 2 a day for pain and the VA wants me to take 3 a day but I get real nervous with that. It is a nice cocktail for a 61 year old with all my problems and seems to really help me feel better through the day. When I take 3 it is kind of over kill and I tens to loose contact a little. But with all the meds I take for inflammation/BP/Heart and DM2 I feel I am pretty protected! Now if they only had a pill for hearing! Hell I would probably still be working?!
  6. Are you sure he was not saying send in your new evidence and ask for a reconsideration? As John says that is the best way you, keep your date and you could get it corrected in a couple of months. I have done this before and actually got mine increased in less than a month.
  7. send all the medical evidence you have that supports your claim! As others have said let the rater do the rating and the dr. do the evaluation! Sit back and wait with the rest of us sounds like your claim is well on its way to being granted SC.
  8. You are more than likely correct. In a PTSD claim if a C&P is ordered it usually is a good thing!
  9. Thanks Berta as usual the left does not know what the right is doing!! Iris and 800# are both worthless!!
  10. Well this is fine and dandy!! At least it is better than the response I got from Iris today! I believe just like you mentioned a couple of months ago about your answer from NVSLP. This is going to take a while months maybe years! Who the hell knows? Meanwhile more veterans will be dying and the VA can be proud of themselves for saving the country a few bucks! This should have been given priority back in Oct. of 09! If it had not been for webb I wonder where we would have been by now?? I am just as pissed for those that now have to wait as can be!!
  11. To answer your question yes! You new guys that are getting out also get 5 years healthcare I believe and also if you can get a consult into dental you get some care there. Good luck to you and thank you for your service!!
  12. Here is the answer to my Iris I posted to the VA this morning: Thank you for your inquiry to the Department of Veterans Affairs dated November 1, 2010 regarding the status of your claim. Claims for the three new presumptive conditions of exposure to Agent Orange will be given priority when the Congressional review of the regulation that will be used to rate these claims has been completed. As of this date there has been no official word regarding this review. Information should be forthcoming soon. I was under the opinion this was all over and done with!! Why are they STALLING MORE! Anyone hearing anything else???
  13. Go to my health evet and sign in we can now get messages my email straight to our PCP. Don't use this for an emergency. Also if I need to get something to her right away I send her a fax and most times she takes care of it right away.
  14. Thanks Dat for some the wait will be over soon! As you stated it appears this site is ONLY for those who have not filed a claim for the 3 conditions prior to this site becoming active. To all the vets that have not applied for IHD, PD or Hairy cell or for that matter any of the Agent Orange diseases I would recommend they now start here. Lets all do our best to get the word out to our remaining 800,000 (In country) Vietnam Vets and see if we can help all stick around a few years longer!!
  15. I agree with John the only support at this point would be to find a private doc and get an independent opinion. Of course you could notify the BVA and send a statement that the RO sent you back to the same doctor to handle their remand and you find his exam as bias!
  16. OK lets look at this logically IF you have been denied twice based on an entrance exam that the VA has, then they MUST have the records or copy of. They CAN NOT deny without having proof. Get a copy of your c-file and see exactly what they are looking at to deny you!! Also in their decision they put what they need from you to SC this condition. Give them what you have a go from there.
  17. Because of the heart attack and the stent placement operation you will be grated a 100% temporary for your heart. Then just like the prostate you will be examined to see how much damage was done to your heart. I would file right away and get this in the works. You do not know what lies ahead for you and your family. If something happens and you die of heart complications your wife would be eligible for benefits. Go to the Agent Orange forum here, there is a new website called Fast track that the VA is starting up just for the 3 new conditions related to herbicide exposure. Sign up there when the site becomes active and you are on your web. Good luck to you!
  18. Not knowing you it is hard to say BUT I would think you will be OK. If the new meds are helping you make it through the day that is a plus but they have not cured you. I have not heard that after 3 exams it becomes P&T but that is a good thing. Stress is a killer for me too and I just have a horrible time with it. The meds I take help me stay closer to normal I think but who really knows. Again not knowing you I still will go out on a limb and say you will be fine!!
  19. Well Monday Nov 1st will bring to an end the wait for the 3 new presumptives CRA required 60 days and the Vets that suffer from these 3 diseases will finally get their deserved compensation. I wish everyone good luck and hope it is what we thought it would be. To all I would hope some would post and let us know how it goes here. To everyone that does not get their's on Monday sit tight I can not imagine the VA will be able to fulfill all of these in one day. lets all work together to get the message out to all the remaining Vietnam Vets that may not know! To all my Vietnam vets WELCOME HOME!
  20. Posts like this are happening more and more! What is wrong with the VA acknowledging the have received the documents. Our mail system is just NOT that bad! The VA really needs to get the mail rooms up to snuff or contract it to China or something to improve it. Post like this are no way to treat a vet. I hand carried my tax forms to the county for just that reason to make sure they got it! I also of late FAX everything and mail to the RO's when the request them. If the VA is getting duplicates of every veteran that files a claim what a energy waste!!
  21. Could be but not sure on that. I would think that you have ED and that is a SMC award K for 96 bucks a month. If you have a VSO give them a call. Also check in the Cancer forum and see what the vets there have done. Oops! I though there was a Cancer forum on this site. I still would do some checking with your VSO. If he handled your Prostate award he missed the ball if he did not get ED for you I would think.
  22. I have not heard that phrase either but I have been told my claim for an EED is a nehmer but it appears to still be at my RO. I wish I had a nickel for every time these folks at VA and SS have lied or BSed us to get us off the phone! Hell I wouldn't need any compensation!!
  23. Tracking claims like a UPS package is a vocation on itself. There are so many variables to each claim that there is no way to tell you honestly how long it will take. If you care to drive yourself nuts by trying you can call the 800# and ask. 1-800=827=1000 I think or you can contact the your RO by sending an Iris (email) I trust them just a smidgen better to tell the truth. If you are a new vet just getting out and you did the BDD program you could be in better shape but who knows?? Just hang in there and enjoy the ride you are among friends and vets here!!
  24. Good for u John! Did they pay interest on it?? Of course not!
  25. I have heard of worse than your story!! Lots of vets have paper work that is lost in the VA maze somewhere. The system the VA uses is broke and everyone including those that work there believe it! Not sure what they are waiting for but I guess they know. If by chance you do get a copy make sure you send them to the RO I keep a copy for yourself. In 03 I sent away for my records and they only sent me a view that had my orders and medals dd-214 and stuff. All my medical records were still at my RO from a claim they denied back in 83!! Thank God they found them! First thing after that I asked for my free copy and have kept a copy and updated it since. I wish in hind sight we had all kept our SMR when we were in but who would have thought we would have to battle an agency that was primarily set up supposedly to HELP veterans?? Good luck to you!!
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