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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. Who knows? I think there are way to many old military types working at the VA! Hurry up and wait!! I am sure you remember that. Also I would like some more clarification if this site is for claims that are new and have not been filed yet? When it does get up and running we all know there are going to be some BUGS!!
  2. Can't say I have had this problem but just in case I would send them a letter or fax it to them to make sure you have made them aware of it. Also keep a copy for yourself. Having things in writing are the ONLY way to deal with them!
  3. The link below will take you to the law. Enjoy! http://law.justia.com/us/cfr/title38/38-
  4. As jB says you will qualify for SMC-s and if you are like me SMC-K for ED that is what I was granted after my heart went to 100% I actually have a 50% + 20% + 4 10"s so I am well over the 60% required as you will be also!! Good Luck to you!
  5. I would first find at what it is and what it is attributed to. Then find out if it is a compensation condition. I have had some spots on my face removed by the VA but like you have not filed.
  6. I am a member of a group of graphic designers and they are always looking for some place to recycle their old macs and some PC. If you have a website or some message and contact you would like me to relay to them please send me a PM and I will post it to the group.
  7. It is very strange with the cardio information in the file that the RO, or the BVA have not addressed why in their denials in the past why they feel they can not SC? Did they ever say anything about this in the past?
  8. These will help because the ones making a determination on our claims are not doctors. Lets hope they can at least read and comprehend what our doctors put down?? I wonder if these will be used by VA doctors also?? Thanks for posting!
  9. Yeah they almost killed me! Last time I listen to their docs! They already killed my brother with a liver operation and then he got infected at the hell hole of a medical center!!
  10. John I have had the cath test done by my private cardio doc twice each time I had stents laced because of blockages. I have not ever heard of a CnP being a request for a cath but I do know a few vets that have had it done for treatment after a CnP showed there was the need. I think we all need to remember a CnP is not for treatment but just to check your conditons for compensation. I personally feel this is why we have to fight our claims with private IOMs and special testing. The VA ain't going to do it!'
  11. In order to give an accurate opinion post what the cardiologist said from the 2000 incident? You in your original post referred only to PCP.
  12. Thank you Berta I do like to help our vets stay on top of these issues as much as possible. I also just posted a link to another new website that is coming to help with these 3 conditions. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how your perspective is. The web and many veterans are becoming more and more comfortable dealing with issues and our government. Sites like VA Watch dog and yes even Hadit may take a look at what they bring to the table and if there is still a need. it seems this happens more and more in our society replacing our I think needed helping each other and replaced by a generic help all site!
  13. From another board this is way cool if it works! http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/AO/fasttrack.htm You are supposed to be able to check your claims for the 3 new presumptive but you can not sign up until Oct. 29th which is Friday I think so not that big of a wait. Mods meant to put this in the Agent Orange forum and posted in general first. Please delete from there if you do not want it twice!
  14. IF the SSA makes an error and it is proofed it goes all the way back to the date of claim but If they do not grant based on the evidence supplied and grant after additional evidence is supplied then it can ONLY go back a max of 12 months is that correct?
  15. With only having a PCP (general practitioner's notes and DX I personal do not see the BVA granting this) My question again IS why is there no cardiologist's notes or recommendations? If there are why are they not being used to support this claim? I would suggest that the poster have an evaluation by a board certified cardiologist and get their comments to support the comments made by the PCP. Without that all I see is an general doctor making statements with NO rationale or credentials to stand on. I certainly hope this is what you were looking for. By the way I am 100% for my heart by the VA and I have suffered with angina and high cholesterol,diabetes 2 and hypertension. All service connected. My heart disease is secondary to my Diabetes 2. I am also a Vietnam boots on ground veteran with a son born with a congenital heart condition which was corrected at 18 months finally after 6 operations (our second son died in the womb after 6 months with no known cause. In 2008 our son was to have a valve replaced due to leaking, by a pigs valve but when the doctors went in they found his last operation the surgeon had left enough that they could fix it rather than REPLACE!! Now that was great news! He now works at a prestigious university hospital in the ER and children's ward as a respiratory technician and is doing very well. Just wanted to give you some back ground on where I am coming from.
  16. This form is for private cardio doctors to fill out. It helps them provide the information that the VA is looking for to support a claim for IHD. Of course the doctors notes and DX will still be a part of your official medical records but this was created by the VA to help the doctors and vets relay the requirements that the VA in particular is looking for. Nothing more nothing less. If you have private care I would make this part of your package. If you have already filed and your claim is deemed ready to rate then depending on your decision I would use this for a reconsideration if denied and a higher rating if you are low balled by the VA.
  17. I must have a different type of cardio doc and QTC exam. I was told NOT to take my meds every time I have had my private doc do my stress test. They first put in have the nuclear stuff wnd no meds and then do the pictures and then I have to wait a prescribed time and I am allowed to drink water and take my meds and then given the walking treadmill and during the walking I am given the rest of the nuclear by IV and right after another set of pictures. This way my doc says they get a clear view of how my heart reacts without and meds and after and with exercise and without. I have a damaged heart with some dead muscle after 2 heart attacks so mine may be a little different. When QTC asked for just a walking treadmill I like you just went in and walked no picture and I took my meds. I failed and the VA then requested an ECHO chemical without exercise. Took picture before without meds and then took meds and was given some sort of chemical to simulate exercise and hooked up to a machine. After that I was back in the tube and taking more pictures. This test is then sent to a cardio doc to read and write a report. I again failed the test and my heart was deemed 100%. I had been 60% since 05. Not sure if this will help your case that much but I wanted to show you that there are options and better ways to evaluate better. If you do not have a private doc or insurance you are at the mercy of the VA. I original filed in 03 and was denied after a walking test. I appealed and was denied again in 05. 30 days after the VA gave me a walking test I had 2 heart attacks with emergency stents!!
  18. I am pretty sure even if you are awarded that they would only go back a max of 12 months from what I have heard and seen. If I am not correct I am sure someone will correct me. My claim has been in since July and I do was forced to retire but in April. I did not file like I said until July but I am hoping for a start date of April. If they do approve me and I get a different date I plan to appeal. Good luck to you!
  19. Attack if you feel like it but I believe the original poster did ask for opinions! I don't believe this will help her claim and could certainly be the basis for a denial. I don't believe in denying healthcare to individuals in their situations at all BUT I do believe that once a doctor has made you aware of what you need to fight the disease and get better. It is in the patient's best interest to do ALL they can to help. For Teac I will ask you why continue to operate on someone who continues not to follow the doctors advise? I am not making this statement lightly, my brother recently passed away of liver cancer mainly because he did not heed the advice of the doctors and continued to drink.
  20. While the veteran exemption is new in the county where I live (Fairfax) they actually do offer tax relief but it is based not only on disability and age but also earnings it is a nice comfort to know. Of Friday I spent the day getting my refund in the works since I am 100% P&T I am eligible for a prorated portion from 2009 of 2 months since being rated and I also will get a % based on earnings of 2009 for this year 2010 and that is a good chunk of change. If and when the new law is passed we all P%T in Virginia will be looking at NO real estate and some personal property tax to be exempted. This will help many veterans who have a reduced earning capacity keep their homes. By the way those that are like me and pay their taxes in their monthly payment and run an escrow with their banks. Don't forget to let them know and get the refund of that too!!
  21. Mother n law has colon cancer and has had cancer operation and got as much as they could. She would not take radiation or chemo after operation AND continued to SMOKE! Cancer has come back and yet again she is going to have another cancer operation in Jan. This time she is doing the radiation but not the chemo yet she continues to smoke! Now it is my opinion that she IS just killing herself and does not give a darn. Most people when they are presented with an opportunity to save a life will take the advise of a doctor and change their life style to their advantage and go from there. To those that don't, why should our healthcare and benefits be offered to those that will not adjust??
  22. Well passed the 3 month mark and have heard nothing. Should I be getting ready my appeal? Not sure how the SS could deny me for SSDI when the VA has me at 100% PnT and housebound but I guess I will see. I sure hope I hear something by next week or I might have to call and ask.
  23. I think the only way you are going to get the VA to pay for this is if you followed the procedure they have developed for ER treatment. I have used the ER in a couple of situations involving my heart. Because I have private insurance like you I have tried to get them to pay co-pay with out success. Each time I was told about how it works. I hope I get this right but this is what I was told. If you have an emergency you call the 911 or if you are driving yourself the VA ER in any case you have to have VA PERMISSION to a. use the private hospital and b. approval to be admitted. When you arrive at the ER and they have made you stable you are to tell them you are a disabled veteran and give them the information for the closet VA hospital. The private hospital has to call and the two hospitals will decide what is best for your care. If the VA agrees and you are admitted to the private hospital they will direct them how to bill and your care will all be paid by the VA as a fee basis. If the VA talks to the private hospital and they feel you can be transported to the VA hospital you will either be transported by the private hospital or the VA will send someone to pick you up and transfer you. The private hospital will bill the VA for all cost incurred and you will be taken care of at the VA. In both instances you have to let the VA make the call as to where you are treated. You can try and get the VA to cover the co-pays under your private plan but they from what I understand are not liable for them. Glad you are feeling better that is the MAIN thing!
  24. John you did nothing wrong! This is my thread and while I am not a mod I do not appreciate this guy suds starting a pig willy on it. Suds I suggest you play nice or you will be going by by. This board is here to help veterans and ALL veterans are friends!
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