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Everything posted by GBArmy

  1. If your asthma is also s-c, ask the C&P examiner if your meds for that as well as for PTSD, many of which make you put on weight, also cause weight gain. Weight gain can definatetly be connected to OSA. Look up the cautions on your prescriptions and show them if they say no. If yes, ask them to include it in their exam notes.
  2. glashutte You can appeal by HLR, where you don't have additional evidence. You also could appeal to the BVA and chose the no additional evidence lane as well. If you can convince the DRO that the evidence is there and s-c is the reason why you were denied, the HLR might be your quickest option. Other than time, you don't have anything more to lose.
  3. Hi Taylor; welcome to Hadit. EED's can be totally confusing. You can be denied, receive an amended amount on appeal and yet still have an incorrect amount awarded, etc. Some my disagree, but with your complex situation and with all the variables, I would talk to a good lawyer who specializes in that part of law. IMO. It might cost you 20%, but 80% to you can be a lot more than you trying and getting short changed again. IMO.
  4. Hi Bee at Home Welcome to Hadit. You state he is at 130% and also he is rated at 80%. I think the first thing you should do is provide a copy of his decision letter listing his percentages. Redact any personal info like name, ssn, etc. Just because he may be rated for PTSD, it doesn't necessarily mean they will take his guns away. It depends upon whether he is a threat to himself or others. That would come out in his eval. If he can't work/hold down a job he should have been eval for TDIU, which pays at 100% rate. Do you have anything from the VA addressing that? There are several members here that have much more knowledge about his condition and will jump in. You will have to provide more info on specifics of his symptoms.
  5. People are strange. And some really are jealous. I worked for defense company and had 25 years in when I retired, so I get a pension. It's not as much as from SS but it's good. A "friend" said to me that I was lucky that I get 2 retirement checks. I just said "lucky" had nothing to do with it; it was a choice I made. You had the same choice, but didn't do it. The response was yea, well I wouldn't work for a Defense Contractor. All I said was, yes ,that was your choice, and just walked away. Whatever benefit a veteran choices to receive is his or hers alone; it is a VETERAN's benefit. No other class of citizen can receive a VETERAN benefit. It was earned. You earn benefits. When some starts down that path and they are retired, ask them if they receive SS benefits. They say of course. Ask them why; shouldn't you leave that for someone else who "really" needs it? It's the same; someone who collects SS has earned the benefit by putting taxes into it their whole life. They have EARNED it. We veterans have earned our (inadequate) benefits by putting ourselves on the line. People are strange. And some are jealous.
  6. Hi JohnReid Concerning your question on headaches, go to the same site and for diagnostic code 8100 Migraines you find the symptoms and their ratings. For headaches, a 10% rating would result if you had a least one prostrating event every two months. Less than that would result in 0% possibly. If you have a log of when you have had headaches daily, their duration and frequency and whether they were prostrating, down load it into ebenefits before you go to the C&P. Bring a copy and ask the examiner if they have seen it in your record; if no, ask if they would like a copy. If the say no and you happen to be denied, you can appeal because they didn't address your evidence.
  7. WomanMarine Pay-it-forward is a great concept. I really try to not dwell on our misfortunes, healthwise. If you have your eyes open, it is so easy to see someone every day who is so much worse off than you. If you convert that "whoa-is-me" stuff into trying to make this guy feel a little better today, not only does he have a better day, but you do to. If more people tried this, the world would be a better place. Sounds corny, I know, but that's just how I role.
  8. Adonis Chan Shrek is right on, it is dependent upon a lot of different things. Under the new law, we are seeing better turn arounds on time than we used to because the VA has some metrics they are trying to achieve. 125 days give or take is about what they are doing on AVERAGE. You probably will need to do another C&P with a VA doc (or contractor). If your doc's dbq has a finding that they don't, they have to address that in your decision, which could possibly result in more testing if they didn't catch it the first time. Check on ebenefits once in a while but just try and chill out , really. You can't make the process go any faster unless they ask you for something (like another exam.) It will go pretty quickly if you don't check on it every day. Good luck.
  9. WomanMarine I wish you good luck on your quest for a VA grant for your "Dude Ranch." Why not go for it. Asknod may have some advise on applying for the grant; message him.
  10. Wendy See what you can find out and help other veterans by reporting what you find out. If you have symptoms of other disabilities you may be eligible for compensation, ask questions. Since you are service-connected (s-c) at 10%, I would suggest you request your claims file (c-file). Takes months to get but you might have some issues in there you forgot about. Welcome to Hadit.
  11. Vync I am not surprised at all. It is such a easy fix that if they wanted to they could have fixed this misinformation years ago. So why don't they fix it, you may ask? Benjamin's! $$$ The only reason. If veterans who have earned significant benefits are not informed of what they have coming, or, if not telling them it will delay or eliminate a financial benefit, the VA saves money. It should be standard boiler plate for veterans earing 100%. IMO
  12. Hey Sgt. Quick response is go to http://www.militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com/vadisabilityrating.html Research your issues and note that the ratings are based on the extent of the symptoms that you have. Regarding TDIU, you have one hurdle taken care of, your 50% for PTSD. On the same site it talks more about pyramiding. Be sure you are not double dipping.
  13. Wendy I don't know but to me it sounds more like a DOD rater than a VA problem. Can you go to your personnel dept. on base and see what the process is?
  14. 1stfastmarine22 I believe you are P&T; your letter said your dependents have chapter 35 education benefits. I would call Peggy 1-800-827-1000 and ask them to clarify. You can also initiate an IRIS request on ebenifits under "contact us" tab. It is puzzling you didn't get anything on VAChamp but you did get Chapter 35? Get your response in writing.
  15. Hi Sgt. Wilkey I can't speak to your specific disabilities as fortunately, I don't have what you do. But many here will offer that if you have a disability that is s-c and you haven't submitted yet, to do so. Same advise for an increase if your conditions/symptoms have worsened for an already rated s-c disability. You may be close on going for TDIU; working only 2 days a week is most likely got you on the next lay off list. Not many employers can keep someone on working only 2 out of 5. What is your breakdown on your combined rating? Do you have 1 disability rated at 60%, or one rated at 40%? You also have to see if your new disabilities won't duplicate what you already are collecting for your 3 undiagnosed conditions. You have to avoid pyramiding; the VA will undoubtedly try to say, for example that lypis is arthritis, etc. You need a strong IMO/dbq which counters that argument. And, if you have been at the same ratings for 11 years, if your conditions have truly gotten worse from your symptoms that got you your ratings originally, you should not worry. Do your homework and go for it.
  16. Ronc531 You are right about going to ebenefits to see what your status is; it is a tool that many of us use as a source of information. However, it is at times very inaccurate in showing where your claim is or actually can show incorrect status. That is why we say so often you have to wait to see your actual situation in writing in your decision letter. You may not have personally experienced what I am saying, but the longer you are on this VA disability hampster wheel, the more likely that you will see how inaccurate they can be. IMO.
  17. Congrats! Sounds good. Hope the confirming paperwork matches up favorably for you!
  18. Buck52 and Vync Couple good tips for CPAP users from you. On cleaning, I use 3 steps: 1) really hot soapy water and white vinegar. 2) rinse ot to get the vinegar out but with hot soapy water again, then 3) rinse with tap water. Do that to the mask parts and hose and reservoir. Only use distilled water lick Buck said. You don't want those germs to get together and multiply because you didn't clean it well.
  19. Buck52 OSA is serious; it means you are stopping to breath. Not a good situation; I learned very early in life that breathing is a good thing. Unfortunately, many veterans and people in general can't stand wearing the mask and just quit wearing it. Several of my friend have done so. It is a hasel and it is uncomfortable. But having a heart attack or stroke is uncomfortable too because you stopped breathing. I'll bet you had a hard time getting used to it; I sure did. Still don't like it, but as the saying goes: it beats the alternative.IMO
  20. steven13081 As you probably know Brucellosis can be quite serious and cause a lot of health problems. I would see a specialist; a blood doctor, Hematologist/Oncologist, who can make a definate diagnosis which you would need for a claim. (It's b/s that the VA can't test for it; there is a diagnostic code on it-6316.) Don't wait around; find out right away. I found this for finding doc's; you might find helpful. https://doctor.webmd.com/find-a-doctor/specialty/hematologyoncology Get an appointment today!
  21. Vync I don't know now. I just checked what I got today and it is the same brand, ResMed. That was the same as before. I really hope they changed the manufacturing process on the seals. I won't know until I give them a try.
  22. I asked for a longer hose pretty early and got it no problem. I do think the worse thing is getting the mask to fit properly and be comfortable. I was told that the type that just fits over your nose is the most comfortable, but I have to have the full face mask. I can't breath thru my nose very well. I must admit my tech has always been willing to help. Just like anything else at the VA: you either get a good one or a bozo. I think the majority are in the middle. Just don't be stupid and give them a hard time; what goes round comes around.
  23. I asked for a longer hose pretty early and got it no problem. I do think the worse thing is getting the mask to fit properly and be comfortable. I was told that the type that just fits over your nose is the most comfortable, but I have to have the full face mask. I can't breath thru my nose very well. I must admit my tech has always been willing to help. Just like anything else at the VA: you either get a good one or a bozo. I think the majority are in the middle. Just don't be stupid and give them a hard time; what goes round comes around.
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