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Veterans "gaming" the system for PTSD claims?

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Hi Everyone, I wanted to share with you a article that I read on military.com in which a Bruce (whatever his last name is) testified to a group on how the veterans are "gaming" the system, and getting PTSD claims approved.  First of all, I would like to meet this guy face-to-face and tell him what an idiot he is. (I would like to do more, but restraint  would be necessary).  First of all a V.A. doctor has to determine that you have PTSD, not someone from the outside.  Does this clown think the V.A. doctors are willing to "look the other way" on claims?  Quite the opposite.  Then you have to have a "stressor", that ties the PTSD with an military event related to the PTSD.  It took me four years to get PTSD disability, and the V.A. went thru everything with a fine tooth comb.  Lucky, I c-file confirmed my "stressor", and I had been going to the V.A. mental health facilities, meeting with various doctors, sessions, etc.  I still see them three times a month, and take five different  medications.  This guy, Bruce, based his information on veterans talking to one other about applying, saying it was easy, blah, blah, blah.  I don't know of any vet that has received disability compensation for PTSD, that had an easy road, and I have talked to a lot of them.   It is comments like this, that really anger, me, and gives the false impression, that vets are just "scamming" the system, and a way to give fuel to cut disability benefits.   I would love to here you comments, especially those of you getting PTSD disability benefits.  I am sure you did not have any easy road, the V.A. makes sure of that!

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@Jimmer Nothing about PTSD was easy for me or any one I ran into. Through the years stories like this come up I often think it's lead into to cutting benefits and telling us how grateful we ought to be for it. I just ignore folks like that, I suggest you do to - they ain't worth it.


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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I agree with Tbird.  They make it sound like its simple stuff..you go to the doc, fill out some forms, and in a couple weeks...poof...you are 100 percent PTSD.  Probably 100 vets get lowballed (or "no" balled, that is denied, or delayed forever which often amounst to the same thing) to every one who gets ratings they dont deserve.   While this happens, most of the time it happens is because of corruption on the inside of VA.  

Edited by broncovet
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I finally got my dx for ptsd last month. No info on my claim, though. I was sexually assaulted twice by a male predator, tackled by a drunk female Sailor who then sexually assaulted me as well. I attempted suicide 7 times in 18 months. Spent 3 days in a coma on the floor of my room in the barracks. Even got caught in the act of attempting suicide with a knife. No help offered or ordered. This was all between September '94 and May '96. 

Help was not offered because it did not exist. And male Marines dare not self identify or report being a victim of MST. That was a sure bet way to have your life ended physically or at least emotionally. Those of us of a certain age remember what it was like before Don't Ask Don't Tell. 

My marriage of 18 years is dead. My fault for chosing an abuser. She fulfilled that task quite readily. Then again, I didn't know then that I actually didn't deserve it. 

I know much about nothing. My dx is just verification of what I always knew, but never spoke up about. I would hazard a guess more Vets with honest ptsd keep quiet about it than don't. Same for war stories. Most of you that have them don't tell them. Most of the ones that go on about it are fakes. 

Most of us with MST keep even more quiet than you combat Vets.


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@IMEF-Gunny You are not alone. I've been a few groups over the last 20+ years and it has been my experience that when folks go around the room talk about their experience by the time to get to me I really feel that I've got nothing compared to them I sit there horrified and ashamed of my trauma because everyone seems to have had it so much worse. This is not necessarily true but that is how you feel - you deserve the help that is available the Vet Center was a real God send for me. If you don't want to apply for compensation you don't have to but do get the help, I'm actually having a nice little life now with the help of therapy and family love something that I thought would never be possible.


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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Time Dedicated to HadIt.com Veterans and my brothers and sisters: 65,700 - 109,500 Hours Over Thirty Years



I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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Not getting PTSD as SC'd yet...however it is gathering dust on some evaluator's desk right now

  - and this remark from this "Bruce" person comes across as a slap to the face IMO.

What blundering buffoon thinks it is alright to talk about the shame on our Nation that occurs when society turn their heads away, while our Vets are haunted/tortured by PTSD both Combat/MST like it's "the boy who cried wolf"... :dry::dry::dry::dry:

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice.

You're never out of the fight.

Semper Fidelis

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I did not file for the first time till I was 49 year old and it took about 5 years to get to 70%  between Viet nam and 49 I moved 11 times ,, got married 3 times went to jail 5 times for over 6 months each , smoked crack,, drank,, smoked sherm , once started  a fight in a frigging bank with the security guy because he was staring at me . it was a judge in Oregon who looked over my records and said .. I am confused you seem like a nice family guy but live a life of extremes and seems like your either angry at the world or want someone to remove you from the world. Last year you assaulted a man for following you to close on a public street ?? I am strongly advising you to seek some sort of counseling and I see your a veteran I suggest the VA hospital is the place to start I will postpone sentencing till I see a report from a lic qualified doctor telling me if this behavior is controllable .. Best thing that ever happened to me ...

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