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Everything posted by john999

  1. My cue claim is sort of similar to yours Papa. I got a 10% rating in 1973 for nerves. I never got appeal rights, C&P, or any of that jazz. I did find that the VA did not consider my evidence from my doctor. They just used what there doctor said. I filed a CUE based on this exclusion of my evidence. You might find something like this in your decision. I have a lawyer working on this CUE. My original decision was just 2 pages. In 1973 there were two schedules for mental disorders: One for neurotic disorders and one for psychotic disorders. If they used the wrong schedule to deny you that would be a CUE, for instance. This is the kind of stuff you need to find in your denial.
  2. I think you can get verified at the Tampa VAMC.
  3. All the Taliban in Afghanistan are not worth one of those U.S. troops.
  4. I don't think anyone will cut benefits to current retiree generation because they will instantly lose votes. They will try and reduce future benefits for younger citizens. They budget hawks have already convinced many under 40 that they will not get SSA or medicare. This is the use of propaganda in that if you say it often enough and loud enough it will be believed.
  5. Employees at my VA got 500,000 in bonus payments for screwing money out of vets on copays etc. Some of that 500K could have been used to pay for a crown on my tooth and to do the implant I had to pay for since the VA would not do it due to cost.
  6. I agree with what Cooter is saying about getting a MD to do an IMO.
  7. They take you over the hurdles but you finally win in the end.
  8. Are you seeing a psychiatrist for the depression? If you want to really document your pain disorder then use the VA pain clinic. You can pile up mountains of pain documentation. This is what the VA feeds on is paper. I use a VA shrink and the VA pain clinic. I am SC for chronic pain disorder and five or six other mental health conditions but only get compensation for one.
  9. When it comes to pain pills forgetting how many you have taken can be fatal. Same goes with drugs like valium and all the other sedatives. Ambien can cause amnesia which can lead to overdose. Ambien gave me amnesia before so I don't take it at all.
  10. You may need a lawyer who does probate if it is a family matter of a will or argument over inheritance. You should specify the details of what your problem is for us. Probate can be the mother of all legal fights. I been there with that. I was executor of a few estates.
  11. Sue the VSO! I think you sue them for malpractice in state court. Berta knows the answer to this question. You won't get an EED, but you might recover something from the VSO.
  12. I would file the claim if I were you. You have nothing to lose. If you are denied on the CUE at the VARO then appeal it. You can always hire a lawyer later if you are denied and take it all the way. SMC K for 41 years is a lot of retro if you can get it. You can have a very good claim for CUE, and if there are forty years of retro the VA may deny it. This is why there is an appeals system.
  13. Are you currently getting treatment for your PTSD and/or your back? You may have to get independent medical opinions. You can request an increase in your ratings but you will start a new effective date if you win the increases. You do need medical evidence that your problems are getting worse. Are you working? It is probably too late for an appeal unless you filed a NOD.
  14. If you feel that this is just too much you can hire a lawyer who does VA claims. They get 20% of your retro payments, but at least they have an interest in your winning your claim as opposed to overworked DAV VSO.
  15. Regular opiates are usually cheap and that is why the VA prescribes things like morphine and methadone. Years ago I asked for celebrex and the VA gave me morhphine instead.....price!
  16. It seems the VA was prescribing anti-psychotic meds for PTSD. All that group of meds have very powerful side effects. I know how bad it cam be with these side effects. Some side effects can become permanent. Since VA psychiatry is basically pill pushing all psychotherapy has gone out the window. I get 20 minutes every three months.
  17. I think I would wait and see if they send me the TDIU form. If they schedule your for an exam for TDIU I think you are getting close to an award. The thing about TDIU is that it must be solely for your SC disabilites, so you want all your evidence to show that you are unemployable due to solely to your back and your depression.
  18. Your friend should get into AA and get psychiatric couseling at the VA. I bet she suffers from depression due to chronic pain. She should see about getting some kind of DX from the VA. If she gets into AA that will help with court as well. Multiple DWI's can turn into felony charges. Then there is the factor of her hurting someone while driving drunk. That is a felony. Alcoholism is a disease. The VA is good at drying people out, but there must be follow-up to stay sober.
  19. Have you filed the official TDIU form? It sounds like the VA is considering TDIU for you regardless of your rating of 60%. If you cannot work due to SC disability you are entitled to TDIU even if your rating is 10%. If the VA decides you are TDIU they will bump up your rating to fit the profile. This is how they often get around the percentage requirement. I would keep an eye on the NOD one year rule.
  20. Coburn should be boiled alive in a big vat of agent orange. I wonder how much time he spent on the ground in a combat zone? He spent his time getting rich and now he wants to take away what we have.
  21. When I first posted on Hadit about ten years ago I did not know what TDIU was, and one year later I had it. In all the years I used the DAV they never mentioned it once even when I was on SSD. Hadit is a big help to get ideas and support. The VA is pretty slick, but information and knowledge can defeat them. The VA offers benefits to veterans and then sets up barriors to getting them. When the VA should be doing outreach they are making things mysterious. For instance, SMC is a concept few understand and the VA does not help.
  22. I got mine today as well. Now let the clowns play their games until SSD day anyway.
  23. Send Tbird a donation to Hadit. Put the money some place safe. Great award but not great having DMII and IHD due to AO. I think you are at the 20 year mark for permanent disability rating plus your spouse will get DIC.
  24. If seniors don't get there SSA checks on the third this old world is going to rock. If they raise debt limit over the weekend there will be major buying on Wall Street on Monday. Otherwise there will be selling like mad. Critical times offer danger and opportunity.
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