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HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by john999

  1. The BVA is just telling the RO to get your personnel records from St. Louis it seems to me since that is where they are. Why do they need your personnel file? Are you trying to show a stressor? The idiots stopped my IU claim in its tracks a few years ago because they said they did not have my DD214. What the ......! Do you have copies of your personnel file you could provide? The VA could drive a Bishop to kick out a stain glass window.
  2. I had the steroid shots where they use the florescope. I received very little help. I have arthritus in my spine and the steroids do nothing for me to tell you the truth. They do help my pain doctor pay for his boat. For some people they work great. I would try it because you will probably be sore for a few days and then the steroids start to work. Watch out for mood changes and increase appetite. If you have chronic pain you have to just experiment, but if they get that knife out watch yourself. Conditions can be made worse like my damn shoulder which is much worse after the rotator cuff repair. The surgery was a success but now it hurts worse.
  3. If I could have kept working I would have done it. I am 90% and IU. You don't live high on the hog on IU, so it is not like you can become a jet setter. Most of us who could work would have kept at it if we could because being disabled is no dream. I am 70%,60%, and five 10%'s. I will never to get to 100% schedular and now I don't care since there is no benefit for me. If you do go for IU be sure and go for SSD also and any disability pension your job might allow.
  4. I do have a psychology degree, ha, ha. Some of the thinking is that PTSD actually rewires your brain because of adrenline overload. Like chronic pain sort of burns you out, and leads to depression. It is probably a combination of many factors. Each of us is an individual with predispositions to certains things. When events, genetics and possible chemical changes converge then...bingo...you have the problems. Sort of like a regular physical illness. What brings it on at a certain age? No one knows for sure. You know people in continual combat break down at a known rate. During WWI and WWII the troops had to be brought out of combat to rest.
  5. you can get tired because VA abuse just goes on and on to every new batch of vets. Even Berta, has IMO's ignored for years and you wonder what is it all for when the VA laughs in your face. But we need to go down swinging if we go down!
  6. Some of these anger things are chemical. I know that for sure. When I get steroid injections I always get edgy. When I take certain pain killers I get angry for no reason except what the chemical is doing to me. I know this and I can predict it like clockwork. I take my some pain meds and meds to calm me down and I get depressed. This is not my thinking. This is those chemicals soaking into my brain and firing up my anger responses. Contact with other people is the best way to cope with depression. I don't mean hacking into them but talk like in psychotherapy. I was in a group for about 30 years and it saved my life. I felt safe for the first time in my life.
  7. My problems back in the day were psychological. I filed a claim within one year of discharge. I was granted service connection back to the day after I was discharged. That is how it works if you file a claim within one year of discharge. My other problems have been due to agent orange which could not be back dated. Strange, I was poisoned during service but only when disease becomes manifest can you file on those AO things.
  8. Rip her throat out with your teeth! It is messy and bloody, but effective. Are you bigger than her? I would not want you to get bashed unless you can really bite through main arteries in her neck. I suggest you watch the movie "Let the Right One In" to see how it is done even by a 12 year old.
  9. I got 10% for each limb for PN secondary to DMII. I could still feel my feet and am able to walk, but I have the pain.
  10. I agree with what Phil said on this. I waited one year for a C&P after BVA remand. No telling what the C&P doctor will opine. Get doctors ready to rebut the new C&P because you may be at it again soon in a battle with your RO.
  11. Just realize in your heart and head that the government you served does not give a shit about you. You have to fight for everything you get. It is more like a long distance run than a sprint. You just fight til you win or die.
  12. Yulooking Don't get mad. Get a lawyer! People go nuts with CUE claims because the VA denies them and throws every monkey wrench into them they can find. If there are any defects in your CUE reasoning when you get to BVA they will throw it back to start over. This is why I say get a lawyer to go forward to get your retro. This is complicated legal crap. It is beyond what most can advise on a internet board. Everyone of these claims is unique. If you were accused of a felony would you go to court without a lawyer. It is almost the same with trying to win retro with a CUE. No matter how clear it may appeat to you it may not be so clear to a bunch of BVA judges.
  13. I have been reading Howard Zinn. He flew bomber missions in WWII but rebelled against all he had learned and became a civil rights activists when he was a college professor. He got fired, but fought on anyway. He wrote "The People's History of the United States". I learned 1% of the people own 30-40% of the nation's assests. The rest of us guard it for them.
  14. 1,000,000 claims backlog just means quicker denials in hopes the vets will just quit and go away. They probably have the janitors doing claims in their spare time. The newspaper release says appeals take an average of 16 months.....what? How about 16 years. Deny til they die.
  15. You should file especially if you retirement was for your knees. I got OPM disability and then TDIU. I got SSD along the way. File out the TDIU form and send it in pronto. Your last day at work could be your effective date for TDIU. It was for me because I went directly from work to the VA nuthouse. They gave me a GAF of 40 because I told them I was going to kill myself. That is how you get admitted. My employer had just thrown me out on the curb, literally.
  16. Purple Do you have any other insurance that would pay for in-patient stay at a mental ward for a few days? The VA is negligent. If you want to go in as an in-patient go to your congressman's office and tell you are so depressed you want to kill yourself, and you don't trust yourself to drive get home. I bet you are admitted that day. Let the waterworks flow! The VA is being negligent and they need to be spanked.
  17. If you have a plan they have a room for you. If you do have a plan then you need to be inside. Suicidal ideation is one thing, but having a plan is something else. Same with homocidal ideation and having a plan to kill someone. Big difference.
  18. I had a bad day. I am going to have to try and sue an insurance company. I hate these people. It spills over and I begin to hate everyone except Hadit. I took pills to sleep and I can't. I took pills to relax and I can't. Plus my back hurts.
  19. If you can get SC'ed for chronic pain disorder then depression comes next and you have evidence to back it up.
  20. The VA has every motivation to keep on denying your CUE. That is why I say hire a lawyer to jam it up their ^^%$. The lawyer will write a brief for you that unless you are a lawyer you won't understand, but the VA lawyers will get it.
  21. Please, God, let me live long enough to see some of these wrongs be made right, and for the people who hurt vets to pay the ultimate price. We walk through a minefield to get what we deserve. The enemies of vets are here at home and not on some foreign battlefield.
  22. Hire a lawyer before you make a mistake you can't fix. CUE is like shoveling smoke. I have one and the VA denied it even with my lawyer at the DRO. Now we go to BVA. The wording will kill you if you don't get it right.
  23. The trash that runs the VA and appropriates money for the VA needs to hire more help to get these claims done. A lot of these people should be hanging at our local VAMC's from a tree limb. I am really not kidding. There is a revolution of sorts going on in Iran. We need one here! . Really, vets bend over and take this shot up the %$#, and what gets done? We ought to surround local VARO's and burn them down, hypothetically speaking, so I don't get on the watch list again.
  24. If you get a small loan from your credit union and pay if off quick that will establish you. Actually, the goal of credit cards, car finance, mortgages is to get you to be a slave to some bank as crooked as Citigroup or Bank of America. A gas card is all you need and pay it every month no exceptions. No buying stuff on credit and keeping a balance. It is financial suicide in the long run. Familiy members have had to declare bankrupcy from credit card mania. I would chop their hand off now if it happened again. Debt is a insatiable monster that will drive you out of doors in a hurry. If you don't need a big house and a new car don't get it. You will be a slave to it.
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