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Everything posted by john999

  1. Tell them you can't pay. You are a totally disabled vet and you are broke. You may be able to get free legal representation to fight the case. I was able to get Free Legal in Florida even though I have assets beyond poverty. I could not believe it myself. If I had known earlier there are tons of people I would have sued even myself. Somehow I qualified because I was getting ready to due a contractor for work done on my house. Because I am disabled and retired the powers were going to take mercy on me. I love to sue people especially when I don't have to pay legal fees. Even states like Texas and Florida have groups that will sue on your behalf because you are disabled and a senior citizen. You tax dollars finally at work for you.
  2. I think you contact the people at the VA who handle claims for non-VA authorized expenses. Every VAMC has such an office that does these sorts of claims. Expect to wait for months for them to pay if they pay at all. Do you have "other insurance" as in medicare or private insurance? If so they will probably try not to pay and you will have to fight to get these costs covered. I have the same problem since my wife cannot take me to the VA due to her eye problems and it involves I-275 driving. I don't even bother except when the VA owed me money for dental work I had to have done while waiting for my TDIU claim to be approved. They did pay that bill but it took 6 months and they threw it away at one point just because one of the employees did not want to do it. I know you are supposed to contact the VA within 48 hours to get approval. It seems like you got approval verbally, but then the VA added the zinger about VA not Responsible. Are these bills above and beyond what your own insurance paid? If I had insurance I would tell the hospital to bill them. Otherwise, you will be fighting with the VA for 6 months to get them to pay these bills. This is why I kept my private insurance from my postal job after I retired.
  3. We who have worked all our lives all have the "pride" issue. However, the VA has the "money" issue which means they don't want to pay you one more dime than they have to pay. If it has taken you five years to get an A&A degree and you have not worked since 2013 I think it is time for you to drop the happy thoughts and apply for both SSDI and TDIU in a serious way. It may take a couple of years to get SSDI and you may even have to hire a lawyer to get it. If you get SSDI for SC condition's then getting TDIU will be much easier. Since you were in initial invasion of Iraq in 2003 and your condition has not resolved in almost 14 years it is probably permanent. This is the nature of PTSD and TBI. My father-in-law got a severe TBI during WW11. He had fits of insanity for the rest of his life and ended up serving more than one prison term due to that TBI. He did not apply for a VA disability for years after the war because of his pride and the shame he and his family felt over his mental illness. His and his family got screwed to the wall because during a fit of insanity he set fire to their house and all his records went up in smoke and then the VA claimed his records were burned in 1973 fire in St. Louis. So he died as a welfare case and left his family nothing but debts. What I am saying is that you have your records and you are mentally sound enough to press your claims now. So press them and that includes SSDI. If your condition has not improved in 14 years I doubt it will improve in the next 14 years and will probably get worse for you and your family. You don't have to give up but you cannot wait for "one of these days" because political conditions change. Getting SSDI is becoming harder due to waiting list for hearings etc. The waiting list for VA appeals to BVA is 3-4 years. I have never had a claim I did not have to appeal to get my full benefit. Even today 46 years after the fact I am thinking of filing a claim for an increase. This is because as you age all these conditions tend to get worse and blend into each other. The VA uses this to say your emerging secondary conditions are just from aging. So make up your mind and get busy as to what you intend to do is my advice! Even your well documented claims
  4. Apply for SSDI! If you think you can bounce between TDIU and work you are probably going to lose both. If your goal is to go back to work TDIU or SSDI is not for you. You need to make up your mind if you are going back to work because of your pride, or are you going to take care of your family by getting SSDI and TDIU P&T. Being in and out of work while fooling around with Voc. Rehab just makes your claim more confusing and gives the VA and SSDI and everyone else plenty of ammo to shoot down your future claims. You still seem to believe that if you admit the degree of your disability that you will lose your pride. You lose your pride when you get evicted or lose your children because you cannot support them. I have been P&T for 16 years. I don't like it. However, I can pay my bills and I don't lay awake at night wondering how I am going to pay the bills. My wife did not leave me because I had no job and no income. Since I have TDIU and SSDI I have a decent income with just those two income streams. You just can't have your cake and eat it too. You are disabled or you are not disabled from work. This is how the VA and SSDI sees it. It is black and white. This may not be decent or humane but this is the system IMO. You also could really use an IMO to say "the vet cannot do any work at all solely due to his PTSD". This is what the VA and SSDI wants to see. If you want to go back to work then go but don't play games with this system since you are cutting your throat. The people at the SSA and VARO already think every vet or person who applied for disability is a lazy, goldbrick. Because you see they are working and they look down their nose at you because you are not. Let them as long as you get the money.
  5. Dr. Bash says he can connect my OSA to DMII. Just send him $2000 and my records. What do you think?
  6. Remember that the VA will use the 2002 regulations if you are filing a CUE on a 2002 decision. The VA did have a duty to make a good faith effort to get your service medical records and personnel records. I had sort of the same problem but I had to use 1973 rules and I lost. I would file the CUE and if it is denied hire a lawyer because you will be over your head in about 60 seconds. When you file a CUE all the rules you rely on to give you any benefit of doubt go out the window. If there is a shadow of doubt or any question what reasonable minds would have done you will probably lose. I would file anyway because It sounds like to me you could win if they did not get your records and those records existed. The VA will still claim that you had your chance to file a NOD and did not do it. So you must prove the VA had your records when they denied your claim, did not have your records, or that they did have your records and did not consider them. The proof in all on you in a CUE. If it were me I think I would use the old fashioned way of filing the CUE. Chances are good you will be automatically denied at the VARO since they claim they considered your records while you know they did not. You say that the VA says in their rating decision that they based the rating on a review of your records. You have to disprove this, and I ask you if you can prove that they did not have your records when they made the 2002 decision? If you can prove it then I think you may have a good CUE. After my experience I would never say it is a sure thing. If there is any question of "judgement" in your CUE you will lose. If the VA denied your claim saying you never served and you have a DD214 that is the kind of error that results in a CUE approved by the VARO IMO. Ask AskNod about CUE's and Berta, of course. I won a CUE and it was the sort of error that you could "See from the moon" to quote AskNod.
  7. I had a lawyer in my recent CUE claim. What lawyers do is argue the law. So your lawyer will set up a face to face hearing at the BVA and probably give them a brief that the judge won't read right away. Then VA lawyers will read your lawyer's brief and if it does not open up a can of worms for a class of veterans they may remand it back to the VARO. If your claim does affect a class of vets they will probably deny it and you can then go to the Court of Vet Appeals. Now all bets are off and you will be dealing with a hostile and totally adversarial VA. Now your claim is out of your hands and it is up to the VA lawyers and your lawyer to argue the case in front of a VA appeals court. From the start of my CUE at the RO until I was finally denied at the Federal court took 7 years. Lawyers cannot change facts and after the BVA they cannot add any new evidence. Now I was doing a CUE and I learned just what a long shot many of these claims are even when it would appear to anyone with any sense of justice that you have a valid issue. If you cannot win on the facts and evidence of your claim you cannot win with a lawyer. However, if the facts and evidence of the claim have not been argued well then the lawyer can do that if he/she is a decent lawyer. I say that if you are going to the BVA get a lawyer. The lawyer should shape your claim for possible appeal to the Court. You need to get all the evidence "in" at the BVA because beyond that point no new evidence can be brought into the case. That does not mean the VA won't try. Beyond the BVA the VA really fights dirty. My claim was based on the undisputed fact that the VA did not include my IMO from 1973 in their rating opinion. However, since the law at that time assumed that the VA included and considered every fact of a claim at the VARO level I lost because I could not prove that the VA did not consider my IMO even though they admitted at the BVA that they did not include it. They still denied it. Then the VA argued in front of the Court that I could not prove the VA did not consider my IMO. How do you prove a negative? I could not prove by the 1973 regulations that the VA did or did not consider my IMO even though they did not mention it one time in my rating decision. At that time they did not even have to list the evidence they used to make rating decisions. With all this I would still hire a lawyer ( very experienced) if I were going to the BVA. If the lawyer does not think they will win they won't take the case. My lawyer believed and still believes we should have won the claim. I believe it. The VA believed it, but it would have made benefits available to an entire class of vets so they denied it. John
  8. If your condition has been static for at least a year you can get P&T. I know it because I did it. My IMO did not hurt. I see vets here waiting 5-10 years to get P&T and that is just a waste since with P&T your spouse gets insurance and your kids can get education. Also, in my state it means no property tax which saves me about $2000 a year. I have enough expenses and taxes as it is. You know if you make a few bucks over what you might get in SSA or SSDI you will end up having to pay tax on that as well. My pension (29 Years federal service) and my SSA are taxed as regular income just because I make a few bucks in dividends. So get every dime and benefit from the VA you can get because you will need it. John
  9. I had a BVA Hearing with a judge while accompanied by my lawyer on a CUE claim. I found the BVA judge to be just a person who gathered minimal information and accepted my lawyer's brief. Nothing was decided at the Hearing. I got a denial about 4 months later where the BVA could gather their lying lawyers and judges to write statement that would force me into going to Court of Vet Appeals. The best thing I ever did was to get my claims decided and won at the RO level. Once claims get beyond the RO it becomes more and more difficult to add evidence and get face-to-face with actual deciders. If a claim you file is going to impact a whole class of claimants besides yourself then beware because the VA and their lawyers and so-called judges will do everything in the world to deny that claim IMO. If I had won my CUE it would have been precedent for all the vets who had claims that were made before the 1990's. The VA was not going to allow that liability. The Court judges have so much lee way on claims like CUE claims that unless it is black and white with not the slightest measure of doubt it won't fly.
  10. Back in 1973 I got 10% rated for schizophrenia. Now all these years and many claims later I am P&T plus SMC "S". This is because the VA did not have a DX of PTSD at that time. Since that time VA has changed DX'es on me many times to include bipolar, MDD, anxiety disorder, back to schizophrenia so the actual DX means nothing once you are connected for a mental health issue. Chronic pain disorder is a mental health DX. If vet's records list any treatment for mental health issues or if he has stressors for PTSD he can claim PTSD or any other mental health issue that is backed by evidence of service connection. I got "some" good advice and I claimed my mental health issues within one year of discharge. For PTSD you can wait 60 years and still claim it if you have symptoms that persist and you have verifiable stressors such as CIB or PH. If the vet has an 80% rating and one rating is at least 40% he can claim TDIU and should do this immediately if not sooner. If it were me I would be claiming the PTSD and TDIU for the AO conditions. There are WW11 and Korean War vets who have claimed PTSD successfully in recent years. There is no way your brother should go another 18 months without either 100% scheduler or TDIU P&T. Once you get a MH service connection you can then use IME's to bump it up to 70%-100%. The VA is playing a shell game with making themselves the only ones who can DX PTSD. This is completely absurd since PTSD is diagnosed in the general public among crime victims, accident victims and law enforcement often and the VA is not there. One of our posters had his PTSD claim denied because VA said he did not claim it while he was recovering from extensive wounds and then discharged. This is why they call it Post Traumatic Stress because it is after the event (maybe years after) that the stress is finally recognized or become symptomatic. Because I can claim only one MH disability for compensation there is no use in me reclaiming PTSD now. I already get 70% for MH.
  11. Does anyone think Dr. Bash would or could write an IMO to connect OSA as secondary to DMII and CAD? I know that my OSA is aggravating my SC CAD since if I stop breathing at night this sends my BP up and puts a strain on my heart. So if OSA aggravates my CAD to the point my heart stops beating what is cause of death?
  12. This is all just in time for the coming war with Iran. If all the 20 million vets knew how badly they were being screwed they would fly, drive, run, walk or crawl to Washington D. C. and burn down the capitol and cut off the heads off all those criminals who rule our society. Of course as soon as the masses converged the criminals running the nation would call out the same military we served to gas, burn, shoot and crush us. Thomas Jefferson said that "The Tree of Liberty Needs to be Watered with the Blood of Patriots" from time to time. Now is the time before the next war. I don't believe for one moment that things are going to change by themselves. The current vets of today will soon be forgotten by the next crop of vets from the next war that is brewing as we speak. Who besides some people in their late 60's and 70's even remembers the War in Vietnam today? Does anyone remember that there was a war in Korea that cost 35,000 lives? I am not saying Dems or Republicans are the guilty parties in this fiasco. There is no difference. They are different sides of the same crooked coin. We have been at war since the end of WW11. The military-industrial-financial complex is good at one thing ......producing disabled vets. They are terrible at taking care of them after they come home. The servants (Us) are just a small cost of doing business for the our corporate Masters (.001%).
  13. If you get rated TDIU or 100% scheduler I advise every vet to claim P&T if you are denied Chapter 35 in your decision. When I got TDIU I was denied Chapter 35. I appealed via a NOD immediately. By the time my claim for Chapter 35 was reviewed a year had passed and since there was no change the VA granted Chapter 35 which is P&T. I also had an IMO saying I was P&T. So I have been P&T since August 2001 when my original claim for TDIU was made. I did not win the appeal until 2002 but it was retro back to August 2001. If I have a serious claim I also try and get an IMO to go along with it. The only claims I have not had IMO for were for Agent Orange claims. For secondary claims I always get a medical opinion saying the SC primary disability is the cause of the secondary condition. If you want to get your claim approved without years of appeals this is a good way to do it. To trust only on a VA C&P exam is like playing craps in Las Vegas. The house usually wins.
  14. Autopsy is most necessary and I am told that in Florida even if you are an organ donor the docs just take the donated organs and don't do an autopsy which will cost some 3-4 thousand bucks. Unless the death certificate says something like " drug overdose secondary to PTSD" I think you may have difficulty.
  15. I would not let grass grow under my feet on the TDIU or 100% VA claim. Getting SSDI for your VA service -connected disability is a huge help in getting TDIU or even 100% rating. I would be thinking TDIU, P&T, and then SMC "S". It is a wonder to me that our government believes it possible for an adult to live on SSDI. Even if you got the maximum amount that is not enough to support an adult in my neighborhood. If you get the SSDI and TDIU/100% then that is a different equation. With my SSDI and VA I could live on that even though I have a couple of other income streams. It does not get cheaper to live the older you get. It gets more expensive in my case. You know after you get SSDI you have to wait 2 years for Medicare. Us vets who are over 50% are lucky since we do not have co-pays. That is a goal to work on that really pays off.
  16. I think you need a couple of IMO/IME friendly doctor reports saying you are unable to do any sort of work solely due to your PTSD. I noticed how you said the exam doctors were professional etc. Yes, they are professional at helping the VA deny TDIU claims. Did you have an IMO in your record when you applied for TDIU? I hope you did not rely just on the C&P exam and VA vocational rehab reports. I think you need a report from your private psychiatrist to say you are totally disabled solely due to your PTSD. If you don't have that then you are just wasting your time. You put all that effort into schooling and now it bites you in the azz. That is not the way to go after TDIU. Can you or do you mind revealing your age? Age is a big factor I think in SSDI and TDIU claims even though it is not supposed to be a factor. If you are over 50 all the vocational rehab in the world will not make you employable in this economy. What you want is to get permanent and total disability before you get another year older. I think TDIU may be one of the weak spots for vets so you should be thinking 100% rating if possible. When you get TDIU or 100% the 20 year clock starts to tick. That 20 year rating time makes it impossible under existing law for the VA to reduce you. The 20 year mark is the only real permanent and total rating that exists because even after 19 years at TDIU or 100% the VA can cook something up to reduce you. Not too likely but possible. If we get some real reactionary people in office they may very well look at TDIU and say " Hey, this person is already getting SSDI or a disability pension. They should not be entitled to another disability rating for the same conditions. Why don't we just make them choose between SSDI and TDIU"? I have about 4 years to go on my 20 year TDIU rating. I am 90% plus SMC "S" and I still don't rate `100% scheduler with VA. Our government is creating huge debts and they will look to cut all the so-called entitlement programs like SSDI and VA compensation. You want to be grandfathered in because I think the government will make it harder for people to get SSI, SSDI, VA compensation and VA NSC pensions.
  17. If you are fortunate enough to have other income like investment income, or any taxable income beyond a pretty low threshold the government will tax part of your SSDI. The VA money is non-taxable. Because my wife and I do have some investment income and I have a post office pension 85% of our SSA is taxed. To me this is double taxation because if I am not wrong I paid tax on the money I contributed both to SSA and Medicare for 40 years. Medicare and SSA contributions were not pre-tax dollars I don't think. Correct me if I am wrong! Us middle class types are just screwed to the wall.
  18. That was just in time for my great, great grandfather who was a confederate vet to die at the VA hospital in Atlanta. He was 87 years old and up until this time he was not considered a military vet by our government. He was disabled from the end of the civil war until his death and finally got a pension from the state of Georgia for $60 a month in 1910. Both of his brothers were also disabled from the war, or were indigent. Even my cousin Dr. Archer Avary got a confederate pension and lived until 1937. He died at the VA hospital in Atlanta as well. You know during the FDR years disability pensions for soldiers of WW1 were cut to the bone. Absolutely nothing was done for returning war vets until WW11 and this was just because the government believed that millions of returning vets would cause a recession if they were not encouraged to use the G.I. Bill for education, buy houses, create families and start spending. The results were good but the motives, as usual, were just in the interest of those in power. john
  19. Yes, the congress that is always praising the sacrifices of veterans is the same congress that makes it so hard to get service connection. It took them and their servants, the VA, 40 years to connect Parkinson's Disease to AO exposure and Heart disease. It is them that invented the BVA and the Court of Veteran appeals that often turns a claim into a ten year battle and the necessity of hiring a lawyer to win a claim. Congress, the President and the federal courts make it so difficult to win claims just to save money. When you are 21 years old and are discharged from the military are you given some sort of real class as to your rights to claim service connection for injuries or illness you have incurred while in your service? Being a Vietnam vet I did not even get a copy of my medical and personnel records when I was discharged. Most of the draftees that ETS'ed right out of Vietnam were actively discouraged in trying to get copies of their records. This is all based on the government which is supposed to be of, for and by the people from having to spend money on returning war veterans and peace vets as well. The very lowest priority the government has had since the years after WW11 is helping disabled veterans. Sweeping them and their problems under the rug has been a high priority since vets are considered by our masters as liabilities and not honored members of their communities. Consider the difficulty in getting a PTSD claim accepted before 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Getting service connected for PTSD or any mental health issue before 9/11 was a most humbling, humiliating and degrading process. I was called a liar and my motives were questioned almost every time I had a C&P exam. I don't know what it is like now but I know just to get a 10% rating for a "nervous condition" I had to go inside the VA's mental health locked ward for a month. This was within one year of discharge. Everything about the VA's treatment of vets lets you know who is the master and who is the servant.
  20. If you complain to the VA that your meds are causing or making your OSA worse they will just tell you to stop taking those meds. No doubt opiates and drugs like Clonazepam make it worse so if you take those drugs the VA will give you fits if you have DX of OSA. This has already been a big problem for me with my various doctors fighting about which drugs I should or should not take. I would say just from my own experience the fatter you get the worse your OSA will get. Now if you are disabled and cannot get around much you are liable to put on weight. This will make your OSA worse. If you have DMII you will probably put on weight. Just having OSA causes weight gain which in turn makes the OSA worse. So it is all a feedback loop ending in our extinction. I remember going nuts because I could not sleep in Vietnam and that is in my records. There were not sleep studies in 1970 as far as I know. I have long history of sleep problems but only found out about OSA about 4 years ago long after I had been DX'ed with DMII and CAD due to AO exposure. We all need to find doctors who will write reports that are acceptable to the VA and provide medical rationale to connect OSA and any other non-presumptive disease to our service. My current pulmonologist will not do that since he believes it does not matter what caused it only what will fix it. The C-Pap failed and Inspire has failed to a substantial degree. I guess I need one of our "hired gun" doctors. Hey, the VA has an army of hired guns that are ready to deny your claims until you are rotting in the ground. Anyone know of decent and vet friendly docs who will help a vet? As far as the vet who actually had a sleep study done in the service I think there is a natural progression theory from your first in-service sleep study to current study that says OSA. Once upon a time I had a small army of shrinks that I could call on for help with the VA. They are mostly retired now since I am 67 and they were all older than me when I got P&T. If OSA is going to kill me I want the VA to take responsibility in part. I have certainly gained weight with age and with the peripheral neuropathy which is secondary to DMII (A0) because I just can't walk two blocks without pain and I cannot even do other exercise due to the neuropathies in my hands as well. It seems obvious that the SC conditions are caused by or made worse by the few non-SC conditions I have. 98% of doctors neither understand or want to understand VA rules and regs. in order to write up an IMO/IME. They shrink from making a medical opinion because they believe their future credibility or liability will be called into question. They want to keep their petticoats clean while raking in money for bogus treatments and pushing new expensive drugs from the companies that visit them and always buy lunch. John
  21. My basic question is what are conditions that cause OSA. The OSA is having drastic effects on my service connected conditions and there is probably a feedback loop to the NSC conditions as well. How can you untangle all these conditions and say one is SC and one is not SC? All this on top of my chronic pain that is service connected and I don't know how I have lasted this long. I am thinking for another avenue for connecting OSA to service is as a secondary condition to a accepted SC condition because way too much time has passed since I got out in 1971 and for me to find those lost records of sleep problems. I don't mean to step on your post but there are more than one way to skin a cat. My OSA was so bad at one time I was having 50 events an hour. I was like the living dead. John
  22. If you have service connected DMII, CAD and neuropathy can there be any doubt that OSA is going to aggravate those conditions. I would like to know if depression, anxiety , DMII, CAD and neuropathy could lead to OSA and hypertension. DMII does lead to weight gain and weight gain leads to OSA, but getting a doctor to say that is hard. It is as if OSA just popped out of the sky. I was DX-ed with OSA and hypertension after my DMII DX. I know there are interconnections between all these problems. I want to file for OSA and HB but is there any basis or any doctor who can make such a case for them to be secondary to DMII? Have disease, money and will travel of IMO. John
  23. Adderall is an amphetamine. I don't think your VA doctor will give it to you. I took it but it was prescribed from another doctor. The VA had a fit since I am in the pain management program. What your friend is taking is what used to be called a "speedball" that is mixing speed with a narcotic. The problem I had with the Adderall was that I was taking oxycodone and Fentanyl plus I have sleep apnea. I was out of it, but while the Adderall helped me wake up it made me angry and I just could not control my temper. I did not care about that but my wife sure did. I know there are better pain meds out there than that damn Morphine SR, but the VA just won't prescribe them. OxyContin is better but the VA is so afraid of people abusing it or selling it that unless you have cancer they don't want to prescribe it even though it was invented for those with intractable chronic pain like me and you and your friend. If you have a opiate pain contract with the VA I think they will object. Since I have sleep apnea the VA objects to everything I take. They think I should just gut it out. Speaking of guts it takes a lot of guts to tell a person who is feeling hopeless from depression due to chronic pain to gut it out and live with it. John
  24. You need to get some real doctors. The combo of OSA and COPD is a bad one especially if you have HBP or CAD or anything like that such as enlarged heart. The least of your worries is getting extra disability. You need to worry about your life. I am sort of in the same boat with DMII and CAD, HBP and OSA. I am surprised I wake up every day. I would like to get the OSA and HBP service connected but I don't think I have the strength to go through it. John
  25. Get the IMO! The IMO is the most important factor to you getting 100% or TDIU. I had three doctors who helped me by writing IMO/IME's when I got P&T back in 2002. They resided in Tampa Florida, but since then two have retired. This is the problem with being an old timer. I would not trust a VA doctor as far as I could throw the Empire State Building. I had evidence fro Voc. Rehab., A Vet Center and I was already on SSDI for the SC condition. I still believe the IMO's were what tilted me over the TDIU hump. I had an ex-VA doctor write me an IMO. The VA never gave me anything I did not have to fight tooth and nail to get. No gifts from the heartless bastards. John
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