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    Navy4life reacted to green in letter from doctor for NOD - thoughts?   
    Very impressive, wish all VA doc's were as helpful.  Agree, should be a very positive addition to your case file.
  2. Like
    Navy4life reacted to toddt in letter from doctor for NOD - thoughts?   
    My unprofessional opinion is that you've got it made with that letter.
  3. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Question about Kidney issues   
    I have an MRI scheduled for 2/24/16. They expedited me. Yes blood work was done when they did the CT Scan. 
    I agree about the pain issue. For me I have always thought the belly pain is due to my IBS. Now I'm thinking it's quite possible it could be this kidney issue. I remember being hospitalized back in 93 for this very bad infection. Upon further reading my SMR's I think the PID caused the kidney infection. As we all know the military usually gets us back to par so we can get back to work. Not sure if they ever treated me properly. I hope this MRI result is nothing serious but I am worried. 
  4. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Vync in Question about Kidney issues   
    Hey Navy,
    The stomach pain thing could be referred pain. That's when the source of pain is in one spot, but it is felt elsewhere in one or more locations.
    Have they done any labs yet? Often those will help to steer them in a particular direction.
    How long until they can get you into the MRI? The last time my VAMC scheduled one, it was for about about 4 months later. I filed some complaints and they get me in a the next evening after hours.
  5. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Help with compensation estimates & back pay   
    Here is the email Flores97 was referring to:
    I would also suggest you email your local congressman!
  6. Like
    Navy4life reacted to pacmanx1 in PCP Writing Bad Notes in Medical Records   
    The crazy one here, the next time you go to one of your PCP appointments ask her for a consult or a referral to PT (Physical Therapy) and or Nuero Surgery to take a look at your back condition, be insistent but be polite, get a medical opinion. You can ask your PCP for any and all referrals that you feel that you need.  IMHO, don't worry about the bad comment just get medical evidence to prove your conditions.  Many years ago, I had a doctor write a similar negative comment in my records and it caused me some problems with my claims until I had a few specialist review my medical records and give their opinion and everything changed.  It was like dominoes after that, my claims went through without much of a fuss.
    Hope the best
  7. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in PCP Writing Bad Notes in Medical Records   
    Take copies to your PCP and before you ask about it, ask her what you guys talked about the last time you were there on this date...see what she says first   and if she don't mention the things in her report  of myHealthVet  then whip them out and ask her kindly   well If that's all we talked about   then why did you write this?   and ask her  this is your report correct?
    Then ask her in a nice way to amend these statements...I don't think they can take them out of the Notes but they can amend them.
    its better to try to get this solve with your PCP other than just get a new PCP  solve this issue first and then request another PCP.
    They will want to know why...this is your chance to let them know how well the healthcare is at your VAMC.
    I did this with one of PCP RN 's
    I wish you the best.
  8. Like
    Navy4life reacted to ArNG11 in PCP Writing Bad Notes in Medical Records   
    Agreed.  This is not by accident and not something new.  VA and VAMC and personnel a like are trying to overcome how much information is out there for Veterans and dependents to protect themselves.  
    The only way things are going to change is if we challenge them and bring them out in the open.  
    If it is not resolved at the VAMC, do not hesitate to go up the chain.  Eventually someone with authority will get the point and this situation won't repeat again.
  9. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in Help with compensation estimates & back pay   
    Usocrazy, RO is Regional Office, the main VA Benefits office for your state. BVA stands for Board of Veterans Appeals, the next level up from the RO(where the appeals go). JMR is, i believe Joint Motion to Remand, that happens when the BVA denies your appeal, you then appeal to the United States Court of Veterans Appeals, or USCAVC, and that court remands the claim back to BVA, giving you the chance to submit more evidence. Hope that helps, and i always recommend going to your Regional Office personally, i have a very similar situation with two of my children in college, and another child, age 15, that they still have not started benefits on. Going in person MIGHT motivate them, if not, i would email the secretary of VA Bob Mcdonald. I forget his email but i will try to find it and repost, hopefully spmeone can post it here.Good Luck!
  10. Like
    Navy4life reacted to green in Question about Kidney issues   
    I had a CT scan a number of months ago regarding my issue with diabetic autonomic neuropathy (symptoms similar to IBS).  When I read the report they were able to determine several things which surprised me.  They noted that I had broken my lower back at some point (news to me), had tissue issues with my lungs they likened to COPD (never smoked), enlarged heart (since debunked by a private cardiologist), and several enlarged lymph nodes in my groin.  They also called for a more detailed MRI as a result of this test
    The cardiologist told me that radiologists read things that may or may not be the complete story.  I tell you this so that you wait until the MRI is complete and they have more information before you get overly (possibly) concerned.
  11. Like
    Navy4life reacted to allan1351 in NOD-did vso do the right thing?   
    Thanks......Navy and broncovet...........Yep...you guys are suppose to watch over us Marines....lol....Allan
    I will now take on my mission and complete.....
  12. Like
    Navy4life reacted to USemperMC in Award letter lists of evidence is not mine????   
    N4L I would think that perhaps they just had a clinician in that branch review the findings. But I am not certain a good question for the rep. Hope you get it figured out.
  13. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from rwskitch in NOD-did vso do the right thing?   
    I would file the NOD and specifically ask in the NOD that you want a DRO review hearing.  For the PTSD put what you think you should be, 70% and then briefly explain why.  Unless you request the hearing, the DRO can review w/o you ever being present.
    Secondly, I would file the paperwork to revoke your POA with your current VSO.  This VSO did not do you justices.
    Good luck!
  14. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in QTC/IMA Exams   
    I would suggest you "secure message" your MH doctor because those messages are apart of your medical records.  In the message state your anxiety is through the roof and you need to be seen.
    Also, I agree with the other poster about your "lack of treatment" over a year didn't help.  You suffer from PTSD as many of us do and the whole reason for the VA compensating us is because we have the issue but more importantly the medical help is what you need more than ever.
    I go to therapy weekly and there are times I don't want to go but I do it and 9/10 times I feel better after having the therapy session.
    QTC is a contracted facility for the VA and since you are 70% they probably want to see if you have gotten better, or worse, or stayed the same.  Stay calm!!!
  15. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ShuMan in C&P Exam Results - Need Help Deciphering   
    Based on PTSD wording, that is 50%
  16. Like
    Navy4life reacted to TALON II FE in QTC/IMA Exams   
    I feel the same, rarely leave the house, can't go anywhere without 'issues'.  I wish I was a better example and could give good advice for getting out of this rut, but I am stuck right here with you, lol.
    I did not mention the VA needing to diagnose bc you already have an award.  I do not know if a new DBQ is required for an increase or if you can go thru the FDC process.  I think Toddt may have hit on something, though, since you "went off the range" and haven't been attending regular counseling. 
    My advice would be to immediately schedule an appointment with your VA Psych Doc.  Explain to them how stressed this is making you, why you stopped going to treatment, etc.  They will annotate it in your record and it should help you as well as get 'your side of the story' into the pertinent records that will be used to adjust (or not) your rating.  Are you taking meds or going 'au natural'?
  17. Like
    Navy4life reacted to TALON II FE in QTC/IMA Exams   
    I think it is likely a review DBQ.  With a year gap in treatment, they like to infer that you miraculously got better. I know this is not what you want to hear, but that is what it appears to be, imo. Make sure to go the appointment. I wish I could offer some good advice for the stress.
  18. Like
    Navy4life reacted to broncovet in NOD-did vso do the right thing?   
    Wow!   I wish it was as easy to unsay stuff as it is to unpost it!  
  19. Like
    Navy4life reacted to broncovet in NOD-did vso do the right thing?   
    My apologies, I have deleted the post.  
  20. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in BVA denies EVERYTHING   
    Broncovet, I am sorry for the denials from BVA. I am equally certain that you WILL prevail. It is sometimes possible to receive a six figure retro payment from BVA, as mine was after waiting for right about six years. As you said, I doubt that happens very often, and I was somewhat shocked as I had expected them to do staged ratings for the whole period. As Navy said earlier, you and the other elders have far more knowledge so I won't try to offer any advice, just support for whenever you need it!! Go Broncos!!(j/k Panthers fan, lol!) Go, Broncovet!! 
  21. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in BVA denies EVERYTHING   
    I am very sorry to hear this....I know it was not what you expected nor what you wanted.  It frustrates me to see Veteran's fighting for what should be a "no fight" issue.  I know there are so many experts on here and I can't even begin to give you solid advice.  I am going to follow your case and I am going to hope you get your just deserve!
  22. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Question - VA Evaluation of Medical Records   
    I feel your pain...I just submitted online through the National Archives to provide me with an update on both my requests for records I submitted to no avail...Thank God I save everything so I could request online for an update!
  23. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Question - VA Evaluation of Medical Records   
    When was the FDC filed?
    C&P exams sound favorable! 
    Do you believe all evidence is before the VA?  if so you click, decide my claim on Ebeenie's.  I did that and had an answer within 3 weeks.
  24. Like
    Navy4life reacted to broncovet in Award letter lists of evidence is not mine????   
    You need to lay your hands on ALL your records (cfile), and those SMR's that went AWOL, too.  
    After you do that, you can decide what to do.  If you have been to a board decision there should be a RBA (Record Before Agency), which you should also get your hands on.  
    I got my RBA in 2012, (on DVD) after being represented by the NVLSP, so I now know exactly whats in my file at least up till 2012.  I dont have newer stuff, but, for me, its less applicable as I am mostly seeking past due benefits, and I have pretty good records of my own after 2012.  (I started scanning my own stuff in).  
    Yes, I do think you should, as gastone suggests, request an "Informal evidence conference" to straighten out what is/is not in your cfile, due to the likeliness of it being conflated with another Veteran.  
  25. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Berta in Award letter lists of evidence is not mine????   
    Since the opinion was done at a VAMC, if I were you, I would request a copy of it.
    The VA has been farming stuff out now for years to other VAMCs because of the claims backlog they themselves (VA)have caused.
    For VA or former VA employees,who also are claimants,  this is not unusual for them to ask for a C & P from a VAMC different than the one you work(worked) at.
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