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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by retiredat44

  1. 2012 makes 3 years,, btw, one of the issues was denied in 1997. I opened it again, in 2009 (please don't ask why I waited so long... stupid me.. and the vso's).
  2. I was stupid and thought that if you were injured on active duty and were treated by military doctors, and have records to show all... and further I continued getting sick and continued treatment when I left the military. Also, the only reason why I left the military is because I lost 2 jobs due to illness.. on active duty,, was enough to show why I am entitled to the disability benefits.... apparently, you have to force feed the info to the morons who can't read at the VA... it appears they purposely setup a charade to make people give up or die in the last 20 years or so, because before then, they didn't deny, deny, until you die... my father, was in the USN, during Korea, he never saw a doctor in his life, as a civilian, yet when he applied, he got his benefits with only one c&p and no appeals... he died of copd many years ago..
  3. those that are filing for a claim with these chemicals, what illnesses are you suffering from that are possible cause from contact with chemicals? I am not asking what chemicals, I am asking what diseases you have that are connected to the chemicals? thanx...
  4. I had a DRO hearing Dec 8, 2010, still no decision on 6 issues (only an SOC on 3 issues was typed and mailed to me one month later). you are not alone... they can't seem to be able to say ' hey, this will take years to do' , instead, they just stay silent... welcome to the stack of files at the bottom of the Grand Canyon..
  5. yeah, I noticed they have a huge rubber stamp that just stamps everything 'no evidence' they probably stamp their toilet paper no evidence too... how they get away with that act is criminal.. abusive.. and a pre-meditated lie..
  6. when I was in the line for filing, , while awaiting for a comp exam,,, I took the waiting time to ask about some forms for gettings some smr copies,,, they left me there for 10 minutes without anyone in front of me... as I twisted in pain trying to stand with my cane... I finally went up to the desk because I thpought they had motioned to me, it turned out they were waving their hand at soemone sitting behind me... I went back to the red line, and waited some more, they were about 6 people behind that desk chatting,, and they all looked at me like I was some POS trying to make them actually work... I was treated so bad I am so angry to this day,, and the gestapo tactics by the gaurds at the front door of the building are sickening... they insulted me and my wife when I had goe to the DRO hearing, because we brought my records in boxes on a wheeled dolly... and they demanded we put eveyrhting inthe x-ray mahcine and chastized us for not nowing how to be searched... whoever runs the VA needs to be fired for the bad behavior of so many scumbags at these claims center.. really bad attitudes.. nasy nasy places to go to,, and to get the rubber stamp by people who hate their jobs, but love their high pay... and dispise the vets who are crippled crawling in to fill out claims... abusive as hell they are..
  7. That is one of the chemicals that made me sick on duty which I had to work with long after the doctors removed me from working with petroleum chmicals.. after being taken out of one job and getting very sick... I was forced to work witht his chemical and got very sick again... it's al in my SMR's and active duty records... that is why I am fighting the denials with appeals.. I suffer from not only pancreas disease, but many neurological disorders and take meds for those diseases too.. They gasoline and jet fuels made me very sick over a long period of time, then the Trico made me sick.. we used it to clean printing presses... and rollers.. I wa sick for 2 years on active duty.. it causes swellling, rashes, headaches, and neurological problems..
  8. for those that know higher math, add a few suck exponents to how many mangers that suck at their job... for every claim that gets denied and then takes many years for it to be reversed and given to the sick disabled vet, the va manager should get money taken, away... so they have an incentive to actually read the documents and get the claim right the first time,,, how about they sign a document that says 'I read all lthe evidence, under penalty of prosecution, being fired, etc..' they have no clue the suffering they could prevent if they actually did their jobs correctly. and read the evidence... it sickens me to think the screwups actually get bonuses on top of being paid to be stupid...
  9. I was thinking the dro would be faster.. at the present time I have no evdience they are faster or are any better... my one year wait since my dro hearing starts december... it wil be then one year without a decision... so, as far as it being faster... no proof yet,,, the bva maybe slower but, if it is, it isn't much slower, and the decisions between the two might or might not be different... I was stupid and thought the dro would be fast and reasonable, so far, it's the same ole hurry up and wait, and hoping the can actually read... whent he day comes, I will will have an opinion on which is faster and which can read, and which is a waste of time and effort.. I stilt hink it was worth trying the dro, at least it provided the opportunity to present my story,, up untilt he no one would let me see anyonein person and presetn anything... so at least a two year wait got me int he door to actually speak to alive person... just wish they were honest and told me it would take at least one year... or more.. instead they purposely decided to not say anything about timelines..... (which I find mean, especially when sick people are at the end of their ropes..).
  10. MY problem is that waiting is bringing closer to death... there is no cure, they told me the next time I get an infection they will remove my pancreas, but since i have complications, it pretty much means a lot of misery!, then shortly after, a horrible death... so, that adice of just suck it up and wait doesn't work with me.. and yes, I have already seen the head doctors and they know... the va is evil when it comes to people who are very sick... they just round file you and if you die first, well, it's F-U! but there is one question I have not asked, or if I have I forgot, or not got an good answer.. Does anyone that is powerful read these forums? I mean people who can actually push VA buttons? Powerful means they are more equal than the rest of us and make bad people do the right thing?
  11. pictures most of my medical records.. they didn't even bother to look at my records until I forced them to recognize I have many records... if they had I would not be going through the hell they put me through.. I posted my photos before, but instead of looking up the post, here is a photo
  12. If the VA had gone through my evidence I would not have had to wait all these years and force them to a DRO hearing... I produced hundreds of pounds of evdience they totally ignored, and had it put into evidence... It was not hidden, it was all in their records at the VA, they just refused to look at it... now they cannot ignore it, it's on transcripts, in records, on paper, in computer, on audio tape,,,, and it's all in my favor... it was outragous and disgusting vets have to go through this charade... they think by not reading it, it will stay hidden... now they are dragging their feet before they actually give me my long overdue benefits,, but, at least the hearing shined a bright light on the truth... a year has almost passed since the DRO hearing,,, just letting my life slip away while I await for them to get to the damned decisions...
  13. I was in the VA hsopistal for 5 months, and was dischacarged... but was stlil very sick on my appointment to my local va clinic for a checkup 3 weeks after I was out of the hospital. The nurses at the va clinic called 911 because my blood pressure was so low they thought I would die if I was not taken immediately.. the ambulance scooped me up and took me to the local hospital (non-va). I guess the va could not send an ambulance. I spent 3 days at the local hospital before the va had a hospital bed open for me. I ended up with al the bills sent to me. VA Fee Basis would only pay for 2 days, I had to explain that The third day wasn't my fault because there was no room until the fourth day (3rd night) at the va hospital, at which time they va transferred me back to the va hsopital when a bed oepened up... The bills from the local hospital took at least one year to be paid by VA Fee Basis. They va took so long bill collectors were sending me al the bills.. I had to make many phone calls and fax many bills, and mail them also. It was hell, because I was extremely sick... but if I let them aly there I would have been stuck with huge bills and bill collectors ruining my life. I did not volunteeer to go to the local civilian hospital, the va sent me there driectly from the va clinic by ambulance. I wil always avoiv outside civilian hospitalis because of the hell I went through to get the bills taken care of.
  14. I have been taking narcotics for pain for 20 years.. and have even been on pain pumps... and cant definitely say, every pain pill is knock-down drag out fight,, getting a pain pill 3 days earlyis a nock-down drag out fight.. I have had to go to the enrgencyu room in withdrawls several times of the years when I was shorted or ran out with stuff eithye rnot order, lost in the mail.. in a corner in a dark room crying in pain in withdrawls waiting for the meds.. just a couple weeks ago, I was short one of my pain meds and had an infection in my intestines... I called and begged my doctor to get them to me on time, and told them I was shorted a couple months backs which finally caught up.. they refused to mail them to me this week, and I have to drive one hour hext week to pick them up so I don't run out while they are in the mail. Theywil not budge one or 2 days on pain meds,, it's insnae the way people are treated on pain meds, like criminals.. I have not had an an increas ein my pain meds in many many years, and though my tolerance has gone way up, I must live with what they give me.. I was once taking morhine by pump, and then I had injections and pump with Dilaudid... then went back to hourly injectionsof morhin and a pump, then back to pill for several times a day... I get no increase... necrotizing pancreatitis, degenerative disc disease.. nerv diseases... etc.. just live on both immediate release and srt morphine.. which enables me to eat and function... until the day I die..
  15. I have been through pain clinics both at private hospitals (since 1989), and the VA. The VA pain clinic program took about 2 years to get into (when I started getting the referals from my primary)... I had to wait until my pancreas disease stabilized before I could go in sooner... so I had to wait a long time... I currently not only take morphine for lots of pain all over, in and out, but also get shots in my back.. one of the requirements to get these injections, is that I cannot be taking anti-biotics, nor have an infection... (The stuff they injuect can carry these problems into the spine and really destroy your body..) I have degenerative disc disease, arhtritis, etc... have had a back operation many years ago to remove a broken disc (L-4)... I get an injection every 90 days.. it wears off with time.. I would never stop the treatments, because it takes a long time to get into these programs... a few minutes of these injections in a surgical procedure is a small price to pay for moderate relief... better than crawling and crying...
  16. retiredat44


    One of my degrees is in electronic engineering, and from the experience I got many years ago, stopped working 20 years ago myself.. the companies get cheap labor from the kids who get schooling, certifacates, degreees, and technicians.. they work for crappy wages and are always under the gun for performance and pinks slips... losing jobs, cutbacks, cheap labor... temp work... it's cut throat, low pay, finger poiting when things go wrong..... often, you ar not used for technical skills, but to do crap work... if you do get to stay at a company,, and don't get layed off, and find a good place... and can stay and get a retirement... good for you, but it's really not a job that want's older people, you must be very phsycial to crawl around computers, rooms stuffed with computers, sometimes they are not clean, and you must crawl around floors, in cabinets... other places are clean,,, if you do field work, people don't give a crap about you and you do the work and don't chat with too many people, if they have a bad day they can have you fired for looking sideways... like I said, the comapnies want kids who do the work cheap, and there are plenty of kids with the technical training and knowledge and will do the job cheaply... the software writers have it a little better, are treated better.. and you really need a higher level degree anmd you need to entwork with lots of technical people.. you must always train and take classes to keep up... your life will revolve around your job... the best jobs are government jobs, if you can get into any government job, you get a retirement earlier, and cannot be layed off so easy... the benefits are many times more, private companies can screw you and make life hard... unless you are very gifted in these areas... are very healthy, and love the technical jcomputer stuff, don't bother.. there are to many young geeks that will do it cheaper and better..... plus they usually don't have the pressure of kids, families, homes.. It's very high stress and not a good place to start late in life, in computer fields.. My other degrees are in business, real estate, and general studies..
  17. when someone finds out, let us know (sarcasm, not meant for anyone... just babbbling..)...... been waiting one year since DRO hearing,, Dec 2010.
  18. necrotizing pancreatitits, and several complication inlcuding many cysts surrounding the pancreas full of liquid (psuedocysts) also have splenic vein thrombsosis... (spent 6 months in a va hospital bed fighting for my l ife...). Was also hsopitalizized with gastritis on active duty.. the pancreas is between the spine and the stomach,, the psduedocysts and can rupure and you can die if a cyst breaks open and the fluid leaks out... sepsis sets in.. a Cat scan and or ultra sound is the only method to see the disease without surgery.. I know, been there done that, the last thing that a person should do is apply undue pressure... looks up the disease and complications,,it eventfully leads to death, there is no cure... morphine is the usual drug for pain control help.. if a doctor is that stupid to push on it to see if a person hurts, they should never work with people nor have a medical license..
  19. I keep hearing that calling them, and bugging people, asking for inquiries only worsens the situation.. so I will not call for investigations... call me parnanoid, but I blieve that people at the va will reatliate and throw your file away or lose it if you rock the boat... I am hoping that other vets who hear things or know things will speak up... I am in a bad situation, and don't know how long I have to live.. having an evil rotten disease like I have (I have many bad diseases), I can get very sick and die quickly... I am not exagerrating... I suffer greatly.. I just want justice before things can get any worse.. Other vets can help other vets just by passing on any info on what's going on at some offices.. if there was staight honesty I would most likely never have gotten so sick to begin with... the system is broken and full of bad people... I need the decent people to only say anonymously if the offices in question are processing what years... or whatever else.. I truly believe most people qwould be unable to deal with the suffering I go through.. most people have no clue what real suffering is.. I know there are some excepetions with people who have less to live for... but I try to keep my sanity and push on.. but feel that some people in power either don't give a sh*t.. or are stupid... they get way with this ... I just want fairnesss... too much to ask... Even though I report most injuries on active duty I never reported all, I screwed that up.. but I still have more than enough evidence to win.,. I just need honesty from the va..
  20. my vso (American Legion) would not directly answer my question,, she only said it used to take 8 months... and that answer was about 4 months ago.. and she works in the same buidling as the San Diego regional claims office is located.. I can only extrapolate that she has no clue...
  21. Is the San Diego DRO working on completed 2010 hearings yet? still awaiting a decision,, what year are they currently on?
  22. I loved Idaho Falls for being really beautiful, during my traveling days,,,, but I defintely do not want to live in the desert, as I have lived in and close to desert areas most of my life... like Southern California.. but I don't want it cold and wet all year either.. I want 4 seasons.... but again, I must be near a VA, for my life... (I get fevers often). Oregon is nice, but not much outdoor stuff during the cold wet months... the Eastern parts starts the desert... Nevada is too hot anything South of Reno and Washington state too has the coastal, cool climate, with a desert inland... i would like to be able to enjoy more open roads, not being crammed into a city and wet rainy roads... and enjoy some sporty rides , with hopfully a nice car... (need that money for new car) Our old Toyota Corolla has 400,0000 miles on it and needs to be retired badly..) maybe anew Camaro would be fun to ride in and get some fresh air.. (dreaming) it also has independent rear suspension, Ford Mustang still have one rear axle...unless you buy a speciasl version which costs a huge amount of money.. still have to limit my walking to very small walks, but be able to get out and walk a little.. wish I could have a small log cabin with cable tv and Internet on a very quiet lot with no noise, no people, no lawn mowers allowed.. an 80 mph speed limit for the roads... so I can enjoy driving without cops and cities using tickets to make money for the cities... scams... Mammoth Lakes in California is nice but no VA nearby,, Reno is closest, but then it's back to high cost of living and city life.. I am extremely sick of California politics, laws, crime, illegals.. and since I grew up it went from great to miserable... I bet I sound like I just will not be happy... and you are probably right,, too many bad experiences, very bad poor health,, no cure for my diseases.... Then, no more issue, my wife.. she want's half of everything,,, she wants to be near to her family...
  23. Is there a poll to ask how many are sick and how many are disabled in other ways? examples: sick/diseased: disease with no cure and feel sick.. respiratory (breathing and circulation, heart lungs, etc..), and or intestinal disease. These types of problems usually comes of feeling of completely sickness pain, malaise, disabled: bad leg, arm, back, hearing, eyesight... but not sick, as in do not feel sick.. just have these types of problems without the feeling of extreme illnesss.. another catagory is that a condition of curable with / without meds.. vs conditions that are not curable with meds and or treatment. pain can be with all catgories, but some pain can be helped so that one can function, other pain cannot be helped at all and one suffers with meds, just suffers a little less but is still unable to function at high level of severe pain, and permanent.. Is there sometype of poll with breakdowns of how many files for disability in which categories... thanx..
  24. my 12 months since my dro hearing dec. 8, 2010 is coming up soon,, so fat no decision on 3 of 6 issues... 3 issues got an SSOC anhd SOC. The other 3 issues never got a decison at all. My form 9 has been in for about 18 months.. they sure like to let disabled sick vets go through hell while they take their sweet time... O even asked my case moved up because I suffer from terminal diseases,, so far my vso hasn't respnded with any answer on the requests I made to see if they wil take into account al the terminal diseases I suffer from... the people running the va claims system come accross as evil and uncaring... while waiting, I have 2 new diseases on top of al those I already suffer from... I can die from pancreas disease, possiblity of blindness,going back into the hospital for more operations, going back into a wheel chair from nervous and muscle system diseases, and the list goes on. everyday it is more bad news,, just wait and wait...
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