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Thoughts on change to IU at retirement age??

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3 hours ago, wisconsinwalter said:

I am 90% and IU, also P&T, I will be 52 next month. Is the retirement age 65 or 67?

i also got SSDI through wounded warrior program for SSDI. 

Does anyone believe this will go through with the new VA budget?

Does anyone believe this will go through with the new VA budget?

Sure hope not but we need to push your congressmen's and let our voices be heard that this is 

not what is best for Veterans. With this "goberment "" you never know what to expect  from them.

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I just posted this to my Senators- 

Good morning. I am a retired veteran who voted for you and Mr. Trump.

I am a 100% permanent and total-TDIU-IU veteran. I just read the proposal to cut all of us, over 200,000 members who are receiving this. By doing this, I will lose my AZ property tax exemption deduction, VA dental, and other benifits including over 1200 in pay. I would lose my house and car as that is what I bought when I was approved. My social security wouldn't cover this as I haven't worked in years and so my SS is lower. Some veterans are in there 70,s 80s, 90s. Are you going to kick them out of there house and make them homeless? If you think the suicide rate is high now, you haven't seen anything. I am the founder of 4 veteran groups with over 35,000 members, and belong to over 600 others. I have posted this entire proposal on these groups and I can assure you they are disgusted. If you were to do this, it would have to be grandfathered. This proposal clearly wasn't thought out properly. I thought the President was here to help and support our Veterans. Clearly he is not. Back pedaling and causing even more stress is what he is causing. I know you are a veteran. Surely you don't support this proposal?

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I mentioned this to my Congressman (via phone) and told him about the article.  He told me if he voted for this proposal his "political career is over".  He said any one in Congress who votes for this, is creating "political suicide".  We have to watch the politicians.  They are as sneaky and underhanded is can be.  They would steal food out of a baby's mouth, if they thought they could get away with it.  The main thing is to keep the "heat up", constantly.   For David Shulkin to even consider this idea, I have lost all respect for him.

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It will be a hidden rider bill that we won't see.

I am trying to prepare for this as I already lose $800 when my 12 year old turns 18. 

I guess I have to be prepared to execute my plan to pay down all debt in case this does happen and take care of my vehicles better.

i did use some of the back pay and monthly payments to purchase property that will not have payments when and if this happen  

thanks for the replies

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Well if there going to do this, why not just stop the IU Extra scheduler program that help  veterans that can't work due to there S.C. Disability.

and just leave the other veterans alone that has been awarded these benefits, this is not fair for our future veterans but if they are not awarded these benefits  then maybe it won't be so bad on them  but its a catch 22   were all damned if we do and dammed if we don't.

A 90% S.C. Rating don't make any sense to me anyway  if a veteran is 90% disabled there's not much work he can do  so why not just rate him the 100% especially an uneducated or un-experience veteran for sedentary work.

 If this actually happens to some of us vets,

Were thinking about getting a fairly nice used RV & find a block of land with water & electric  to park it  and occasionally take road trip to visit our son and then when he gets tired of us  then go visit our other son....the problem we ain't figured out yet is we only have two son's   eh!

Maybe President Trump  should propose a budget cut  from the congress salaries..I mean if they just get 10% cut off all congress salaries  just look how much that would be....Most congress people are Millionaires anyway.

but like anything else they all think of them self first.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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I agree with you Buck, in this way....if the vet has SSDi (or even if they dont have it,) they should request 100% P & T right from the git go if they cannot work solely due a MAIN SC disability...Meaning the 100% award has to be solely for ONE SC. There could be SMC down the road too but this proposal is only regarding TDIU.

This would of course depend on their medical evidence and whether VOC Rehab ever turned them down solely to One SC. And they might have to shell out IMO/IMEcash for a strong IMO but that cash might save their comp in the long run, and might be the best investment they ever made.

Dont forget VA has tried BS like this many times, over the years in many ways.

Mil Retirees won CRSC and CRDP by taking years of action. I even wrote for one lawyer suing about that past unfairness, an amicus curie , and paid him enough to file it with the court.

Mil Lifers  are better organized these days than non CRDP////CRSC vets.




GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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